
292 lines
8.9 KiB

import hashlib
import os
import json
import sys
import types
import uuid
from abc import ABCMeta
from itertools import product
import importlib
__author__ = 'itamar'
GUID = str(uuid.getnode())
EXTERNAL_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])), 'monkey.bin')
SENSITIVE_FIELDS = ["exploit_password_list", "exploit_user_list"]
class Configuration(object):
def from_kv(self, formatted_data):
# now we won't work at <2.7 for sure
network_import = importlib.import_module('')
exploit_import = importlib.import_module('infection_monkey.exploit')
unknown_items = []
for key, value in list(formatted_data.items()):
if key.startswith('_'):
if key in ["name", "id", "current_server"]:
if self._depth_from_commandline and key == "depth":
# handle in cases
elif key == 'exploiter_classes':
class_objects = [getattr(exploit_import, val) for val in value]
setattr(self, key, class_objects)
if hasattr(self, key):
setattr(self, key, value)
return unknown_items
def from_json(self, json_data):
Gets a json data object, parses it and applies it to the configuration
:param json_data:
formatted_data = json.loads(json_data)
result = self.from_kv(formatted_data)
return result
def hide_sensitive_info(config_dict):
for field in SENSITIVE_FIELDS:
return config_dict
def as_dict(self):
result = {}
for key in dir(Configuration):
if key.startswith('_'):
value = getattr(self, key)
except AttributeError:
val_type = type(value)
if isinstance(val_type, types.FunctionType) or isinstance(val_type, types.MethodType):
if val_type in (type, ABCMeta):
value = value.__name__
elif val_type is tuple or val_type is list:
if len(value) != 0 and type(value[0]) in (type, ABCMeta):
value = val_type([x.__name__ for x in value])
result[key] = value
return result
# Used to keep track of our depth if manually specified
_depth_from_commandline = False
# logging config
use_file_logging = True
dropper_log_path_windows = '%temp%\\~df1562.tmp'
dropper_log_path_linux = '/tmp/user-1562'
monkey_log_path_windows = '%temp%\\~df1563.tmp'
monkey_log_path_linux = '/tmp/user-1563'
send_log_to_server = True
# dropper config
dropper_try_move_first = True
dropper_set_date = True
dropper_date_reference_path_windows = r"%windir%\system32\kernel32.dll"
dropper_date_reference_path_linux = '/bin/sh'
dropper_target_path_win_32 = r"C:\Windows\temp\monkey32.exe"
dropper_target_path_win_64 = r"C:\Windows\temp\monkey64.exe"
dropper_target_path_linux = '/tmp/monkey'
# Kill file
kill_file_path_windows = '%windir%\\monkey.not'
kill_file_path_linux = '/var/run/monkey.not'
# monkey config
# sets whether or not the monkey is alive. if false will stop scanning and exploiting
alive = True
# sets whether or not to self delete the monkey executable when stopped
self_delete_in_cleanup = False
# string of the mutex name for single instance
singleton_mutex_name = "{2384ec59-0df8-4ab9-918c-843740924a28}"
# how long to wait between scan iterations
timeout_between_iterations = 100
# how many scan iterations to perform on each run
max_iterations = 1
finger_classes = []
exploiter_classes = []
# how many victims to look for in a single scan iteration
victims_max_find = 100
# how many victims to exploit before stopping
victims_max_exploit = 15
# depth of propagation
depth = 2
current_server = ""
# Configuration servers to try to connect to, in this order.
command_servers = [
# sets whether or not to locally save the running configuration after finishing
serialize_config = False
# sets whether or not to retry failed hosts on next scan
retry_failed_explotation = True
# addresses of internet servers to ping and check if the monkey has internet acccess.
internet_services = ["", ""]
keep_tunnel_open_time = 60
# Monkey files directory name
monkey_dir_name = 'monkey_dir'
# scanners config
# Auto detect and scan local subnets
local_network_scan = True
subnet_scan_list = []
inaccessible_subnets = []
blocked_ips = []
# TCP Scanner
HTTP_PORTS = [80, 8080, 443,
8008, # HTTP alternate
7001 # Oracle Weblogic default server port
tcp_target_ports = [22,
tcp_scan_timeout = 3000 # 3000 Milliseconds
tcp_scan_interval = 0 # in milliseconds
tcp_scan_get_banner = True
# Ping Scanner
ping_scan_timeout = 1000
# exploiters config
should_exploit = True
skip_exploit_if_file_exist = False
ms08_067_exploit_attempts = 5
user_to_add = "Monkey_IUSER_SUPPORT"
remote_user_pass = "Password1!"
# User and password dictionaries for exploits.
def get_exploit_user_password_pairs(self):
Returns all combinations of the configurations users and passwords
return product(self.exploit_user_list, self.exploit_password_list)
def get_exploit_user_ssh_key_pairs(self):
:return: All combinations of the configurations users and ssh pairs
return product(self.exploit_user_list, self.exploit_ssh_keys)
def get_exploit_user_password_or_hash_product(self):
Returns all combinations of the configurations users and passwords or lm/ntlm hashes
cred_list = []
for cred in product(self.exploit_user_list, self.exploit_password_list, [''], ['']):
for cred in product(self.exploit_user_list, [''], [''], self.exploit_ntlm_hash_list):
for cred in product(self.exploit_user_list, [''], self.exploit_lm_hash_list, ['']):
return cred_list
exploit_user_list = ['Administrator', 'root', 'user']
exploit_password_list = ["Password1!", "1234", "password", "12345678"]
exploit_lm_hash_list = []
exploit_ntlm_hash_list = []
exploit_ssh_keys = []
# smb/wmi exploiter
smb_download_timeout = 300 # timeout in seconds
smb_service_name = "InfectionMonkey"
# Timeout (in seconds) for sambacry's trigger to yield results.
sambacry_trigger_timeout = 5
# Folder paths to guess share lies inside.
sambacry_folder_paths_to_guess = ['/', '/mnt', '/tmp', '/storage', '/export', '/share', '/shares', '/home']
# Shares to not check if they're writable.
sambacry_shares_not_to_check = ["IPC$", "print$"]
# system info collection
collect_system_info = True
should_use_mimikatz = True
# systeminfo config
extract_azure_creds = True
post_breach_actions = []
custom_PBA_linux_cmd = ""
custom_PBA_windows_cmd = ""
PBA_linux_filename = None
PBA_windows_filename = None
def hash_sensitive_data(sensitive_data):
Hash sensitive data (e.g. passwords). Used so the log won't contain sensitive data plain-text, as the log is
saved on client machines plain-text.
:param sensitive_data: the data to hash.
:return: the hashed data.
password_hashed = hashlib.sha512(sensitive_data.encode()).hexdigest()
return password_hashed
WormConfiguration = Configuration()