2019-06-23 06:02:32 +08:00
import os.path
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
import pickle
2018-09-18 07:01:01 +08:00
import sys
2020-06-12 03:47:59 +08:00
import unittest.mock
2020-10-03 23:08:14 +08:00
from pathlib import Path
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
from textwrap import dedent
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Generator
2018-09-18 07:01:01 +08:00
import pytest
2020-12-12 19:49:58 +08:00
from _pytest.monkeypatch import MonkeyPatch
2020-08-04 15:12:27 +08:00
from _pytest.pathlib import bestrelpath
from _pytest.pathlib import commonpath
2020-06-12 03:47:59 +08:00
from _pytest.pathlib import ensure_deletable
2018-10-01 19:44:52 +08:00
from _pytest.pathlib import fnmatch_ex
2020-06-02 19:56:33 +08:00
from _pytest.pathlib import get_extended_length_path_str
2018-10-31 00:31:55 +08:00
from _pytest.pathlib import get_lock_path
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
from _pytest.pathlib import import_path
from _pytest.pathlib import ImportPathMismatchError
2018-10-31 00:31:55 +08:00
from _pytest.pathlib import maybe_delete_a_numbered_dir
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
from _pytest.pathlib import resolve_package_path
2020-10-28 15:27:43 +08:00
from _pytest.pathlib import symlink_or_skip
from _pytest.pathlib import visit
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
from _pytest.tmpdir import TempPathFactory
2018-09-18 07:01:01 +08:00
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
class TestFNMatcherPort:
2021-03-21 03:52:36 +08:00
"""Test our port of py.common.FNMatcher (fnmatch_ex)."""
2018-09-18 07:01:01 +08:00
if sys.platform == "win32":
drv1 = "c:"
drv2 = "d:"
drv1 = "/c"
drv2 = "/d"
"pattern, path",
("*.py", "foo.py"),
("*.py", "bar/foo.py"),
("test_*.py", "foo/test_foo.py"),
("tests/*.py", "tests/foo.py"),
2021-03-21 03:52:36 +08:00
(f"{drv1}/*.py", f"{drv1}/foo.py"),
(f"{drv1}/foo/*.py", f"{drv1}/foo/foo.py"),
2018-09-18 07:01:01 +08:00
("tests/**/test*.py", "tests/foo/test_foo.py"),
("tests/**/doc/test*.py", "tests/foo/bar/doc/test_foo.py"),
("tests/**/doc/**/test*.py", "tests/foo/doc/bar/test_foo.py"),
2021-03-21 03:52:36 +08:00
def test_matching(self, pattern: str, path: str) -> None:
assert fnmatch_ex(pattern, path)
2018-09-18 07:01:01 +08:00
2021-03-21 03:52:36 +08:00
def test_matching_abspath(self) -> None:
2019-06-23 06:02:32 +08:00
abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("tests/foo.py"))
2021-03-21 03:52:36 +08:00
assert fnmatch_ex("tests/foo.py", abspath)
2019-06-23 06:02:32 +08:00
2018-09-18 07:01:01 +08:00
"pattern, path",
("*.py", "foo.pyc"),
("*.py", "foo/foo.pyc"),
("tests/*.py", "foo/foo.py"),
2021-03-21 03:52:36 +08:00
(f"{drv1}/*.py", f"{drv2}/foo.py"),
(f"{drv1}/foo/*.py", f"{drv2}/foo/foo.py"),
2018-09-18 07:01:01 +08:00
("tests/**/test*.py", "tests/foo.py"),
("tests/**/test*.py", "foo/test_foo.py"),
("tests/**/doc/test*.py", "tests/foo/bar/doc/foo.py"),
("tests/**/doc/test*.py", "tests/foo/bar/test_foo.py"),
2021-03-21 03:52:36 +08:00
def test_not_matching(self, pattern: str, path: str) -> None:
assert not fnmatch_ex(pattern, path)
2018-10-31 00:31:55 +08:00
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
class TestImportPath:
Most of the tests here were copied from py lib's tests for "py.local.path.pyimport".
Having our own pyimport-like function is inline with removing py.path dependency in the future.
2020-06-25 19:05:46 +08:00
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def path1(self, tmp_path_factory: TempPathFactory) -> Generator[Path, None, None]:
path = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("path")
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
yield path
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
assert path.joinpath("samplefile").exists()
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def setuptestfs(self, path: Path) -> None:
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
# print "setting up test fs for", repr(path)
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
samplefile = path / "samplefile"
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
execfile = path / "execfile"
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
execfilepy = path / "execfile.py"
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
d = {1: 2, "hello": "world", "answer": 42}
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
path.joinpath("samplepickle").write_bytes(pickle.dumps(d, 1))
sampledir = path / "sampledir"
otherdir = path / "otherdir"
module_a = otherdir / "a.py"
module_a.write_text("from .b import stuff as result\n")
module_b = otherdir / "b.py"
module_b.write_text('stuff="got it"\n')
module_c = otherdir / "c.py"
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
import py;
import otherdir.a
value = otherdir.a.result
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
module_d = otherdir / "d.py"
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
import py;
from otherdir import a
value2 = a.result
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_smoke_test(self, path1: Path) -> None:
obj = import_path(path1 / "execfile.py")
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
assert obj.x == 42 # type: ignore[attr-defined]
assert obj.__name__ == "execfile"
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_renamed_dir_creates_mismatch(
self, tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch
) -> None:
p = tmp_path.joinpath("a", "test_x123.py")
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
with pytest.raises(ImportPathMismatchError):
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
import_path(tmp_path.joinpath("b", "test_x123.py"))
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
# Errors can be ignored.
monkeypatch.setenv("PY_IGNORE_IMPORTMISMATCH", "1")
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
import_path(tmp_path.joinpath("b", "test_x123.py"))
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
# PY_IGNORE_IMPORTMISMATCH=0 does not ignore error.
monkeypatch.setenv("PY_IGNORE_IMPORTMISMATCH", "0")
with pytest.raises(ImportPathMismatchError):
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
import_path(tmp_path.joinpath("b", "test_x123.py"))
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_messy_name(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
# http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/py-trunk/issue/129
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
path = tmp_path / "foo__init__.py"
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
module = import_path(path)
assert module.__name__ == "foo__init__"
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_dir(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
p = tmp_path / "hello_123"
p_init = p / "__init__.py"
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
m = import_path(p)
assert m.__name__ == "hello_123"
m = import_path(p_init)
assert m.__name__ == "hello_123"
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_a(self, path1: Path) -> None:
otherdir = path1 / "otherdir"
mod = import_path(otherdir / "a.py")
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
assert mod.result == "got it" # type: ignore[attr-defined]
assert mod.__name__ == "otherdir.a"
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_b(self, path1: Path) -> None:
otherdir = path1 / "otherdir"
mod = import_path(otherdir / "b.py")
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
assert mod.stuff == "got it" # type: ignore[attr-defined]
assert mod.__name__ == "otherdir.b"
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_c(self, path1: Path) -> None:
otherdir = path1 / "otherdir"
mod = import_path(otherdir / "c.py")
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
assert mod.value == "got it" # type: ignore[attr-defined]
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_d(self, path1: Path) -> None:
otherdir = path1 / "otherdir"
mod = import_path(otherdir / "d.py")
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
assert mod.value2 == "got it" # type: ignore[attr-defined]
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_import_after(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
tmp_path.joinpath("xxxpackage", "__init__.py").touch()
mod1path = tmp_path.joinpath("xxxpackage", "module1.py")
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
mod1 = import_path(mod1path)
assert mod1.__name__ == "xxxpackage.module1"
from xxxpackage import module1
assert module1 is mod1
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_check_filepath_consistency(
self, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, tmp_path: Path
) -> None:
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
name = "pointsback123"
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
p = tmp_path.joinpath(name + ".py")
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
for ending in (".pyc", ".pyo"):
mod = ModuleType(name)
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
pseudopath = tmp_path.joinpath(name + ending)
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
mod.__file__ = str(pseudopath)
monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, name, mod)
newmod = import_path(p)
assert mod == newmod
mod = ModuleType(name)
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
pseudopath = tmp_path.joinpath(name + "123.py")
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
mod.__file__ = str(pseudopath)
monkeypatch.setitem(sys.modules, name, mod)
with pytest.raises(ImportPathMismatchError) as excinfo:
modname, modfile, orig = excinfo.value.args
assert modname == name
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
assert modfile == str(pseudopath)
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
assert orig == p
assert issubclass(ImportPathMismatchError, ImportError)
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_issue131_on__init__(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
# __init__.py files may be namespace packages, and thus the
# __file__ of an imported module may not be ourselves
# see issue
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
p1 = tmp_path.joinpath("proja", "__init__.py")
tmp_path.joinpath("sub", "proja").mkdir(parents=True)
p2 = tmp_path.joinpath("sub", "proja", "__init__.py")
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
m1 = import_path(p1)
m2 = import_path(p2)
assert m1 == m2
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_ensuresyspath_append(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
root1 = tmp_path / "root1"
file1 = root1 / "x123.py"
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
assert str(root1) not in sys.path
import_path(file1, mode="append")
assert str(root1) == sys.path[-1]
assert str(root1) not in sys.path[:-1]
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_invalid_path(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
import_path(tmp_path / "invalid.py")
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def simple_module(self, tmp_path: Path) -> Path:
fn = tmp_path / "mymod.py"
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
def foo(x): return 40 + x
return fn
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_importmode_importlib(self, simple_module: Path) -> None:
2020-07-18 17:35:13 +08:00
"""`importlib` mode does not change sys.path."""
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
module = import_path(simple_module, mode="importlib")
assert module.foo(2) == 42 # type: ignore[attr-defined]
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
assert str(simple_module.parent) not in sys.path
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_importmode_twice_is_different_module(self, simple_module: Path) -> None:
2020-07-18 17:35:13 +08:00
"""`importlib` mode always returns a new module."""
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
module1 = import_path(simple_module, mode="importlib")
module2 = import_path(simple_module, mode="importlib")
assert module1 is not module2
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_no_meta_path_found(
self, simple_module: Path, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch
) -> None:
2020-07-18 17:35:13 +08:00
"""Even without any meta_path should still import module."""
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "meta_path", [])
module = import_path(simple_module, mode="importlib")
assert module.foo(2) == 42 # type: ignore[attr-defined]
# mode='importlib' fails if no spec is found to load the module
import importlib.util
importlib.util, "spec_from_file_location", lambda *args: None
with pytest.raises(ImportError):
import_path(simple_module, mode="importlib")
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_resolve_package_path(tmp_path: Path) -> None:
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
pkg = tmp_path / "pkg1"
(pkg / "__init__.py").touch()
(pkg / "subdir").mkdir()
(pkg / "subdir/__init__.py").touch()
assert resolve_package_path(pkg) == pkg
assert resolve_package_path(pkg.joinpath("subdir", "__init__.py")) == pkg
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_package_unimportable(tmp_path: Path) -> None:
2020-06-13 22:29:01 +08:00
pkg = tmp_path / "pkg1-1"
subdir = pkg.joinpath("subdir")
assert resolve_package_path(subdir) == subdir
xyz = subdir.joinpath("xyz.py")
assert resolve_package_path(xyz) == subdir
assert not resolve_package_path(pkg)
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_access_denied_during_cleanup(tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
2018-10-31 00:31:55 +08:00
"""Ensure that deleting a numbered dir does not fail because of OSErrors (#4262)."""
path = tmp_path / "temp-1"
def renamed_failed(*args):
raise OSError("access denied")
monkeypatch.setattr(Path, "rename", renamed_failed)
lock_path = get_lock_path(path)
assert not lock_path.is_file()
2020-06-02 19:56:33 +08:00
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_long_path_during_cleanup(tmp_path: Path) -> None:
2020-06-02 19:56:33 +08:00
"""Ensure that deleting long path works (particularly on Windows (#6775))."""
path = (tmp_path / ("a" * 250)).resolve()
if sys.platform == "win32":
# make sure that the full path is > 260 characters without any
# component being over 260 characters
assert len(str(path)) > 260
extended_path = "\\\\?\\" + str(path)
extended_path = str(path)
assert os.path.isdir(extended_path)
assert not os.path.isdir(extended_path)
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_get_extended_length_path_str() -> None:
2020-06-02 19:56:33 +08:00
assert get_extended_length_path_str(r"c:\foo") == r"\\?\c:\foo"
assert get_extended_length_path_str(r"\\share\foo") == r"\\?\UNC\share\foo"
assert get_extended_length_path_str(r"\\?\UNC\share\foo") == r"\\?\UNC\share\foo"
assert get_extended_length_path_str(r"\\?\c:\foo") == r"\\?\c:\foo"
2020-06-12 03:47:59 +08:00
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_suppress_error_removing_lock(tmp_path: Path) -> None:
2020-07-15 20:25:17 +08:00
"""ensure_deletable should be resilient if lock file cannot be removed (#5456, #7491)"""
2020-06-12 03:47:59 +08:00
path = tmp_path / "dir"
lock = get_lock_path(path)
mtime = lock.stat().st_mtime
2020-07-15 20:25:17 +08:00
with unittest.mock.patch.object(Path, "unlink", side_effect=OSError) as m:
2020-06-12 03:47:59 +08:00
assert not ensure_deletable(
path, consider_lock_dead_if_created_before=mtime + 30
2020-07-15 20:25:17 +08:00
assert m.call_count == 1
assert lock.is_file()
with unittest.mock.patch.object(Path, "is_file", side_effect=OSError) as m:
assert not ensure_deletable(
path, consider_lock_dead_if_created_before=mtime + 30
assert m.call_count == 1
2020-06-12 03:47:59 +08:00
assert lock.is_file()
# check now that we can remove the lock file in normal circumstances
assert ensure_deletable(path, consider_lock_dead_if_created_before=mtime + 30)
assert not lock.is_file()
2020-08-04 15:12:27 +08:00
def test_bestrelpath() -> None:
curdir = Path("/foo/bar/baz/path")
assert bestrelpath(curdir, curdir) == "."
assert bestrelpath(curdir, curdir / "hello" / "world") == "hello" + os.sep + "world"
assert bestrelpath(curdir, curdir.parent / "sister") == ".." + os.sep + "sister"
assert bestrelpath(curdir, curdir.parent) == ".."
assert bestrelpath(curdir, Path("hello")) == "hello"
def test_commonpath() -> None:
path = Path("/foo/bar/baz/path")
subpath = path / "sampledir"
assert commonpath(path, subpath) == path
assert commonpath(subpath, path) == path
assert commonpath(Path(str(path) + "suffix"), path) == path.parent
assert commonpath(path, path.parent.parent) == path.parent.parent
2020-10-28 15:27:43 +08:00
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
def test_visit_ignores_errors(tmp_path: Path) -> None:
symlink_or_skip("recursive", tmp_path / "recursive")
2020-10-28 15:27:43 +08:00
2020-12-19 21:16:01 +08:00
assert [
entry.name for entry in visit(str(tmp_path), recurse=lambda entry: False)
] == ["bar", "foo"]
2020-12-12 19:49:58 +08:00
@pytest.mark.skipif(not sys.platform.startswith("win"), reason="Windows only")
def test_samefile_false_negatives(tmp_path: Path, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
import_file() should not raise ImportPathMismatchError if the paths are exactly
equal on Windows. It seems directories mounted as UNC paths make os.path.samefile
return False, even when they are clearly equal.
module_path = tmp_path.joinpath("my_module.py")
module_path.write_text("def foo(): return 42")
with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
# Forcibly make os.path.samefile() return False here to ensure we are comparing
# the paths too. Using a context to narrow the patch as much as possible given
# this is an important system function.
mp.setattr(os.path, "samefile", lambda x, y: False)
module = import_path(module_path)
assert getattr(module, "foo")() == 42