2007-01-24 22:24:01 +08:00
""" functional test for apigen.py
script to build api + source docs from py.test
import py
2007-01-26 23:34:28 +08:00
from py.__.apigen import apigen
2007-01-24 22:24:01 +08:00
def setup_fs_project():
temp = py.test.ensuretemp('apigen_functional')
def func(arg1):
def func_2(arg1, arg2):
return arg1(arg2)
class SomeTestClass(object):
" docstring sometestclass "
def __init__(self, somevar):
self.somevar = somevar
def get_somevar(self):
" get_somevar docstring "
return self.somevar
from sometestclass import SomeTestClass
class SomeTestSubClass(SomeTestClass):
" docstring sometestsubclass "
def get_somevar(self):
return self.somevar + 1
def foo():
return 'bar'
def baz(qux):
return qux
from py.initpkg import initpkg
initpkg(__name__, exportdefs = {
'main.sub.func': ("./func.py", "func"),
'main.func': ("./func.py", "func_2"),
'main.SomeTestClass': ('./sometestclass.py', 'SomeTestClass'),
'main.SomeTestSubClass': ('./sometestsubclass.py',
import py
import pkg
# this mainly exists to provide some data to the tracer
def test_pkg():
s = pkg.main.SomeTestClass(10)
assert s.get_somevar() == 10
s = pkg.main.SomeTestClass('10')
assert s.get_somevar() == '10'
s = pkg.main.SomeTestSubClass(10)
assert s.get_somevar() == 11
s = pkg.main.SomeTestSubClass('10')
py.test.raises(TypeError, 's.get_somevar()')
assert pkg.main.sub.func(10) is None
assert pkg.main.sub.func(20) is None
s = pkg.main.func(pkg.main.SomeTestClass, 10)
assert isinstance(s, pkg.main.SomeTestClass)
return temp, 'pkg'
2007-01-26 23:34:28 +08:00
def test_get_documentable_items():
fs_root, package_name = setup_fs_project()
documentable = apigen.get_documentable_items(fs_root.join(package_name))
assert documentable.__package__.exportdefs.keys() == [
'main.sub.func', 'main.func', 'main.SomeTestSubClass',
2007-01-24 22:24:01 +08:00
def test_apigen_functional():
fs_root, package_name = setup_fs_project()
tempdir = py.test.ensuretemp('test_apigen_functional_results')
2007-01-25 05:16:32 +08:00
pydir = py.magic.autopath().dirpath().dirpath().dirpath()
2007-01-24 22:24:01 +08:00
pkgdir = fs_root.join('pkg')
2007-01-25 20:54:51 +08:00
if py.std.sys.platform == 'win32':
cmd = 'set APIGEN_TARGET=%s && python "%s/bin/py.test"' % (tempdir,
cmd = 'APIGEN_TARGET="%s" "%s/bin/py.test"' % (tempdir, pydir)
2007-01-24 22:24:01 +08:00
2007-01-25 20:54:51 +08:00
output = py.process.cmdexec('%s --apigen="%s/apigen.py" "%s"' % (
cmd, pydir.join('apigen'),
2007-01-25 05:16:32 +08:00
2007-01-24 22:24:01 +08:00
except py.error.Error, e:
print e.out
assert output.lower().find('traceback') == -1
# just some quick content checks
apidir = tempdir.join('api')
assert apidir.check(dir=True)
sometestclass_api = apidir.join('main.SomeTestClass.html')
assert sometestclass_api.check(file=True)
html = sometestclass_api.read()
assert '<a href="main.SomeTestClass.html">SomeTestClass</a>' in html
# XXX not linking to method files anymore
#sometestclass_init_api = apidir.join('main.SomeTestClass.__init__.html')
#assert sometestclass_init_api.check(file=True)
#assert sometestclass_init_api.read().find(
# '<a href="main.SomeTestClass.__init__.html">__init__</a>') > -1
namespace_api = apidir.join('main.html')
assert namespace_api.check(file=True)
html = namespace_api.read()
assert '<a href="main.SomeTestClass.html">SomeTestClass</a>' in html
sourcedir = tempdir.join('source')
assert sourcedir.check(dir=True)
sometestclass_source = sourcedir.join('sometestclass.py.html')
assert sometestclass_source.check(file=True)
html = sometestclass_source.read()
assert '<div class="project_title">sources for sometestclass.py</div>' in html
2007-01-26 21:01:27 +08:00
index = sourcedir.join('index.html')
assert index.check(file=True)
html = index.read()
print html
assert '<a href="test/index.html">test</a>' in html
2007-01-24 22:24:01 +08:00