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# flasky extensions. flasky pygments style based on tango style
from pygments.style import Style
from pygments.token import Comment
from pygments.token import Error
from pygments.token import Generic
from pygments.token import Keyword
from pygments.token import Literal
from pygments.token import Name
from pygments.token import Number
from pygments.token import Operator
from pygments.token import Other
from pygments.token import Punctuation
from pygments.token import String
from pygments.token import Whitespace
class FlaskyStyle(Style):
background_color = "#f8f8f8"
default_style = ""
styles = {
# No corresponding class for the following:
2018-05-23 22:48:46 +08:00
# Text: "", # class: ''
Whitespace: "underline #f8f8f8", # class: 'w'
Error: "#a40000 border:#ef2929", # class: 'err'
Other: "#000000", # class 'x'
Comment: "italic #8f5902", # class: 'c'
Comment.Preproc: "noitalic", # class: 'cp'
Keyword: "bold #004461", # class: 'k'
Keyword.Constant: "bold #004461", # class: 'kc'
Keyword.Declaration: "bold #004461", # class: 'kd'
Keyword.Namespace: "bold #004461", # class: 'kn'
Keyword.Pseudo: "bold #004461", # class: 'kp'
Keyword.Reserved: "bold #004461", # class: 'kr'
Keyword.Type: "bold #004461", # class: 'kt'
Operator: "#582800", # class: 'o'
Operator.Word: "bold #004461", # class: 'ow' - like keywords
Punctuation: "bold #000000", # class: 'p'
# because special names such as Name.Class, Name.Function, etc.
# are not recognized as such later in the parsing, we choose them
# to look the same as ordinary variables.
2018-05-23 22:48:46 +08:00
Name: "#000000", # class: 'n'
Name.Attribute: "#c4a000", # class: 'na' - to be revised
Name.Builtin: "#004461", # class: 'nb'
Name.Builtin.Pseudo: "#3465a4", # class: 'bp'
Name.Class: "#000000", # class: 'nc' - to be revised
Name.Constant: "#000000", # class: 'no' - to be revised
Name.Decorator: "#888", # class: 'nd' - to be revised
Name.Entity: "#ce5c00", # class: 'ni'
Name.Exception: "bold #cc0000", # class: 'ne'
Name.Function: "#000000", # class: 'nf'
Name.Property: "#000000", # class: 'py'
Name.Label: "#f57900", # class: 'nl'
Name.Namespace: "#000000", # class: 'nn' - to be revised
Name.Other: "#000000", # class: 'nx'
Name.Tag: "bold #004461", # class: 'nt' - like a keyword
Name.Variable: "#000000", # class: 'nv' - to be revised
Name.Variable.Class: "#000000", # class: 'vc' - to be revised
Name.Variable.Global: "#000000", # class: 'vg' - to be revised
Name.Variable.Instance: "#000000", # class: 'vi' - to be revised
Number: "#990000", # class: 'm'
Literal: "#000000", # class: 'l'
Literal.Date: "#000000", # class: 'ld'
String: "#4e9a06", # class: 's'
String.Backtick: "#4e9a06", # class: 'sb'
String.Char: "#4e9a06", # class: 'sc'
String.Doc: "italic #8f5902", # class: 'sd' - like a comment
String.Double: "#4e9a06", # class: 's2'
String.Escape: "#4e9a06", # class: 'se'
String.Heredoc: "#4e9a06", # class: 'sh'
String.Interpol: "#4e9a06", # class: 'si'
String.Other: "#4e9a06", # class: 'sx'
String.Regex: "#4e9a06", # class: 'sr'
String.Single: "#4e9a06", # class: 's1'
String.Symbol: "#4e9a06", # class: 'ss'
Generic: "#000000", # class: 'g'
Generic.Deleted: "#a40000", # class: 'gd'
Generic.Emph: "italic #000000", # class: 'ge'
Generic.Error: "#ef2929", # class: 'gr'
Generic.Heading: "bold #000080", # class: 'gh'
Generic.Inserted: "#00A000", # class: 'gi'
Generic.Output: "#888", # class: 'go'
Generic.Prompt: "#745334", # class: 'gp'
Generic.Strong: "bold #000000", # class: 'gs'
Generic.Subheading: "bold #800080", # class: 'gu'
Generic.Traceback: "bold #a40000", # class: 'gt'