2008-08-16 23:26:59 +08:00
from py.code import Source
import py
import sys
def test_source_str_function():
x = Source("3")
assert str(x) == "3"
x = Source(" 3")
assert str(x) == "3"
x = Source("""
""", rstrip=False)
assert str(x) == "\n3\n "
x = Source("""
""", rstrip=True)
assert str(x) == "\n3"
def test_unicode():
x = Source(unicode("4"))
assert str(x) == "4"
def test_source_from_function():
source = py.code.Source(test_source_str_function)
assert str(source).startswith('def test_source_str_function():')
def test_source_from_inner_function():
def f():
source = py.code.Source(f, deindent=False)
assert str(source).startswith(' def f():')
source = py.code.Source(f)
assert str(source).startswith('def f():')
def test_source_putaround_simple():
source = Source("raise ValueError")
source = source.putaround(
"try:", """\
except ValueError:
x = 42
x = 23""")
assert str(source)=="""\
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
x = 42
x = 23"""
def test_source_putaround():
source = Source()
source = source.putaround("""
if 1:
assert str(source).strip() == "if 1:\n x=1"
def test_source_strips():
source = Source("")
assert source == Source()
assert str(source) == ''
assert source.strip() == source
def test_source_strip_multiline():
source = Source()
source.lines = ["", " hello", " "]
source2 = source.strip()
assert source2.lines == [" hello"]
def test_syntaxerror_rerepresentation():
ex = py.test.raises(SyntaxError, py.code.compile, 'x x')
assert ex.value.lineno == 1
assert ex.value.offset == 3
assert ex.value.text.strip(), 'x x'
def test_isparseable():
assert Source("hello").isparseable()
assert Source("if 1:\n pass").isparseable()
assert Source(" \nif 1:\n pass").isparseable()
assert not Source("if 1:\n").isparseable()
assert not Source(" \nif 1:\npass").isparseable()
class TestAccesses:
source = Source("""\
def f(x):
def g(x):
def test_getrange(self):
x = self.source[0:2]
assert x.isparseable()
assert len(x.lines) == 2
assert str(x) == "def f(x):\n pass"
def test_getline(self):
x = self.source[0]
assert x == "def f(x):"
def test_len(self):
assert len(self.source) == 4
def test_iter(self):
l = [x for x in self.source]
assert len(l) == 4
class TestSourceParsingAndCompiling:
source = Source("""\
def f(x):
assert (x ==
3 +
def test_compile(self):
co = py.code.compile("x=3")
exec co
assert x == 3
def test_compile_unicode(self):
co = py.code.compile(unicode('u"\xc3\xa5"', 'utf8'), mode='eval')
val = eval(co)
assert isinstance(val, unicode)
def test_compile_and_getsource_simple(self):
co = py.code.compile("x=3")
exec co
source = py.code.Source(co)
assert str(source) == "x=3"
def test_getstatement(self):
#print str(self.source)
ass = str(self.source[1:])
for i in range(1, 4):
#print "trying start in line %r" % self.source[i]
s = self.source.getstatement(i)
#x = s.deindent()
assert str(s) == ass
def test_getstatementrange_within_constructs(self):
source = Source("""\
raise ValueError
except SomeThing:
assert len(source) == 7
assert source.getstatementrange(0) == (0, 7)
assert source.getstatementrange(1) == (1, 5)
assert source.getstatementrange(2) == (2, 3)
assert source.getstatementrange(3) == (1, 5)
assert source.getstatementrange(4) == (4, 5)
assert source.getstatementrange(5) == (0, 7)
assert source.getstatementrange(6) == (6, 7)
def test_getstatementrange_bug(self):
source = Source("""\
x = (
y +
assert len(source) == 6
assert source.getstatementrange(2) == (1, 4)
def test_getstatementrange_bug2(self):
py.test.skip("fix me (issue19)")
source = Source("""\
assert (
b=1, c=2
assert len(source) == 9
assert source.getstatementrange(5) == (0, 9)
def test_compile_and_getsource(self):
co = self.source.compile()
exec co
excinfo = py.test.raises(AssertionError, "f(6)")
frame = excinfo.traceback[-1].frame
stmt = frame.code.fullsource.getstatement(frame.lineno)
#print "block", str(block)
assert str(stmt).strip().startswith('assert')
def test_compilefuncs_and_path_sanity(self):
def check(comp, name):
co = comp(self.source, name)
if not name:
expected = "<codegen %s:%d>" %(mypath, mylineno+2+1)
expected = "<codegen %r %s:%d>" % (name, mypath, mylineno+2+1)
fn = co.co_filename
assert fn == expected
mycode = py.code.Code(self.test_compilefuncs_and_path_sanity)
mylineno = mycode.firstlineno
mypath = mycode.path
for comp in py.code.compile, py.code.Source.compile:
for name in '', None, 'my':
yield check, comp, name
def test_offsetless_synerr(self):
py.test.raises(SyntaxError, py.code.compile, "lambda a,a: 0", mode='eval')
def test_getstartingblock_singleline():
class A:
def __init__(self, *args):
frame = sys._getframe(1)
self.source = py.code.Frame(frame).statement
x = A('x', 'y')
l = [i for i in x.source.lines if i.strip()]
assert len(l) == 1
def test_getstartingblock_multiline():
class A:
def __init__(self, *args):
frame = sys._getframe(1)
self.source = py.code.Frame(frame).statement
x = A('x',
'y' \
l = [i for i in x.source.lines if i.strip()]
assert len(l) == 4
def test_getline_finally():
#py.test.skip("inner statements cannot be located yet.")
def c(): pass
excinfo = py.test.raises(TypeError, """
teardown = None
if teardown:
source = excinfo.traceback[-1].statement
assert str(source).strip() == 'c(1)'
def test_getfuncsource_dynamic():
source = """
def f():
raise ValueError
def g(): pass
co = py.code.compile(source)
exec co
assert str(py.code.Source(f)).strip() == 'def f():\n raise ValueError'
assert str(py.code.Source(g)).strip() == 'def g(): pass'
def test_getfuncsource_with_multine_string():
def f():
c = '''while True:
assert str(py.code.Source(f)).strip() == "def f():\n c = '''while True:\n pass\n'''"
def test_deindent():
from py.__.code.source import deindent as deindent
assert deindent(['\tfoo', '\tbar', ]) == ['foo', 'bar']
def f():
c = '''while True:
import inspect
lines = deindent(inspect.getsource(f).splitlines())
assert lines == ["def f():", " c = '''while True:", " pass", "'''"]
source = """
def f():
def g():
lines = deindent(source.splitlines())
assert lines == ['', 'def f():', ' def g():', ' pass', ' ']
def test_source_of_class_at_eof_without_newline():
py.test.skip("CPython's inspect.getsource is buggy")
# this test fails because the implicit inspect.getsource(A) below
# does not return the "x = 1" last line.
tmpdir = py.test.ensuretemp("source_write_read")
source = py.code.Source('''
class A(object):
def method(self):
x = 1
path = tmpdir.join("a.py")
s2 = py.code.Source(tmpdir.join("a.py").pyimport().A)
assert str(source).strip() == str(s2).strip()
2008-11-26 02:34:47 +08:00
if True:
def x():
def test_getsource_fallback():
from py.__.code.source import getsource
expected = """def x():
src = getsource(x)
assert src == expected
2009-03-18 22:35:51 +08:00
def test_idem_compile_and_getsource():
2008-11-26 02:34:47 +08:00
from py.__.code.source import getsource
2009-03-18 22:35:51 +08:00
expected = "def x(): pass"
co = py.code.compile(expected)
src = getsource(co)
2008-11-26 02:34:47 +08:00
assert src == expected
def test_findsource_fallback():
from py.__.code.source import findsource
src, lineno = findsource(x)
assert 'test_findsource_simple' in str(src)
assert src[lineno] == ' def x():'
def test_findsource___source__():
from py.__.code.source import findsource
2009-03-18 22:35:51 +08:00
co = py.code.compile("""if 1:
2008-11-26 02:34:47 +08:00
def x():
2009-03-18 22:35:51 +08:00
src, lineno = findsource(co)
2008-11-26 02:34:47 +08:00
assert 'if 1:' in str(src)
2009-03-18 22:35:51 +08:00
d = {}
eval(co, d)
src, lineno = findsource(d['x'])
assert 'if 1:' in str(src)
assert src[lineno] == " def x():"
2009-05-12 18:36:43 +08:00
def test_getfslineno():
2009-05-12 21:59:55 +08:00
from py.code import getfslineno
2009-05-12 18:36:43 +08:00
def f(x):
fspath, lineno = getfslineno(f)
2009-05-12 19:21:51 +08:00
fname = __file__
if fname.lower().endswith('.pyc'):
fname = fname[:-1]
assert fspath == py.path.local(fname)
2009-05-12 18:36:43 +08:00
assert lineno == f.func_code.co_firstlineno-1 # see findsource
class A(object):
fspath, lineno = getfslineno(A)
_, A_lineno = py.std.inspect.findsource(A)
2009-05-12 19:21:51 +08:00
assert fspath == py.path.local(fname)
2009-05-12 18:36:43 +08:00
assert lineno == A_lineno