2008-08-16 23:26:59 +08:00
from __future__ import generators
import py
from py.__.test.config import gettopdir
import suptest, setupdata
from py.__.test import event
def getcolitems(config):
return [config.getfsnode(arg) for arg in config.args]
def test_tmpdir():
d1 = py.test.ensuretemp('hello')
d2 = py.test.ensuretemp('hello')
assert d1 == d2
assert d1.check(dir=1)
def test_config_cmdline_options():
o = py.test.ensuretemp('configoptions')
import py
def _callback(option, opt_str, value, parser, *args, **kwargs):
option.tdest = True
Option = py.test.config.Option
option = py.test.config.addoptions("testing group",
Option('-G', '--glong', action="store", default=42,
type="int", dest="gdest", help="g value."),
# XXX note: special case, option without a destination
Option('-T', '--tlong', action="callback", callback=_callback,
help='t value'),
old = o.chdir()
config = py.test.config._reparse(['-G', '17'])
assert config.option.gdest == 17
def test_config_cmdline_options_only_lowercase():
o = py.test.ensuretemp('test_config_cmdline_options_only_lowercase')
import py
Option = py.test.config.Option
options = py.test.config.addoptions("testing group",
Option('-g', '--glong', action="store", default=42,
type="int", dest="gdest", help="g value."),
old = o.chdir()
py.test.raises(ValueError, """
py.test.config._reparse(['-g', '17'])
def test_parsing_again_fails():
dir = py.test.ensuretemp("parsing_again_fails")
config = py.test.config._reparse([str(dir)])
py.test.raises(AssertionError, "config.parse([])")
def test_config_getvalue_honours_conftest():
o = py.test.ensuretemp('testconfigget')
o.ensure("sub", "conftest.py").write("x=2 ; y = 3")
config = py.test.config._reparse([str(o)])
assert config.getvalue("x") == 1
assert config.getvalue("x", o.join('sub')) == 2
py.test.raises(KeyError, "config.getvalue('y')")
config = py.test.config._reparse([str(o.join('sub'))])
assert config.getvalue("x") == 2
assert config.getvalue("y") == 3
assert config.getvalue("x", o) == 1
py.test.raises(KeyError, 'config.getvalue("y", o)')
def test_config_overwrite():
o = py.test.ensuretemp('testconfigget')
config = py.test.config._reparse([str(o)])
assert config.getvalue('x') == 1
config.option.x = 2
assert config.getvalue('x') == 2
config = py.test.config._reparse([str(o)])
assert config.getvalue('x') == 1
def test_gettopdir():
tmp = py.test.ensuretemp("topdir")
assert gettopdir([tmp]) == tmp
topdir =gettopdir([tmp.join("hello"), tmp.join("world")])
assert topdir == tmp
somefile = tmp.ensure("somefile.py")
assert gettopdir([somefile]) == tmp
def test_gettopdir_pypkg():
tmp = py.test.ensuretemp("topdir2")
a = tmp.ensure('a', dir=1)
b = tmp.ensure('a', 'b', '__init__.py')
c = tmp.ensure('a', 'b', 'c.py')
Z = tmp.ensure('Z', dir=1)
assert gettopdir([c]) == a
assert gettopdir([c, Z]) == tmp
def test_config_initafterpickle_some():
tmp = py.test.ensuretemp("test_config_initafterpickle_some")
tmp.ensure("conftest.py").write("x=1 ; y=2")
hello = tmp.ensure("test_hello.py")
config = py.test.config._reparse([hello])
config2 = py.test.config._reparse([tmp.dirpath()])
config2._initialized = False # we have to do that from tests
config2._repr = config._makerepr()
for col1, col2 in zip(getcolitems(config), getcolitems(config2)):
assert col1.fspath == col2.fspath
cols = getcolitems(config2)
assert len(cols) == 1
col = cols[0]
assert col.name == 'test_hello.py'
assert col.parent.name == tmp.basename
assert col.parent.parent is None
def test_config_make_and__mergerepr():
tmp = py.test.ensuretemp("reprconfig1")
config = py.test.config._reparse([tmp])
repr = config._makerepr()
config.option.verbose = 42
repr2 = config._makerepr()
config = py.test.config._reparse([tmp.dirpath()])
py.test.raises(KeyError, "config.getvalue('x')")
assert config.getvalue('x') == 1
assert config.option.verbose == 42
def test_config_rconfig():
tmp = py.test.ensuretemp("rconfigopt")
import py
Option = py.test.config.Option
option = py.test.config.addoptions("testing group",
Option('-G', '--glong', action="store", default=42,
type="int", dest="gdest", help="g value."))
config = py.test.config._reparse([tmp, "-G", "11"])
assert config.option.gdest == 11
repr = config._makerepr()
config = py.test.config._reparse([tmp.dirpath()])
py.test.raises(AttributeError, "config.option.gdest")
option = config.addoptions("testing group",
config.Option('-G', '--glong', action="store", default=42,
type="int", dest="gdest", help="g value."))
assert config.option.gdest == 11
assert option.gdest == 11
class TestSessionAndOptions:
def setup_class(cls):
cls.tmproot = py.test.ensuretemp(cls.__name__)
def setup_method(self, method):
self.tmpdir = self.tmproot.ensure(method.__name__, dir=1)
def test_session_eventlog(self):
eventlog = self.tmpdir.join("test_session_eventlog")
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir,
'--eventlog=%s' % eventlog])
session = config.initsession()
s = eventlog.read()
assert s.find("TestrunStart") != -1
2008-08-22 01:39:34 +08:00
def test_tracedir_tracer(self):
2008-08-23 01:07:04 +08:00
tracedir = self.tmpdir.join("tracedir")
2008-08-22 01:25:48 +08:00
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir,
'--tracedir=%s' % tracedir])
assert config.gettracedir() == tracedir
2008-08-22 01:39:34 +08:00
2008-08-23 01:07:04 +08:00
trace = config.maketrace("trace1.log") # flush=True by default
2008-08-22 01:39:34 +08:00
trace("hello", "world")
class A: pass
p = tracedir.join("trace1.log")
lines = p.readlines(cr=0)
2008-08-23 05:15:56 +08:00
assert lines[0].endswith("hello world")
2008-08-22 01:39:34 +08:00
assert lines[1].find("A") != -1
def test_trace_null(self):
2008-08-22 01:25:48 +08:00
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir])
assert config.gettracedir() is None
2008-08-22 01:39:34 +08:00
trace = config.maketrace("hello", flush=True)
trace("hello", "world")
2008-08-22 01:25:48 +08:00
2008-08-16 23:26:59 +08:00
def test_implied_dsession(self):
for x in 'startserver runbrowser rest'.split():
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir, '--dist', '--%s' % x])
assert config._getsessionname() == 'DSession'
def test_implied_different_sessions(self):
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir])
assert config._getsessionname() == 'Session'
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir, '--dist'])
assert config._getsessionname() == 'DSession'
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir, '-n3'])
assert config._getsessionname() == 'DSession'
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir, '--looponfailing'])
assert config._getsessionname() == 'LooponfailingSession'
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir, '--exec=x'])
assert config._getsessionname() == 'DSession'
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir, '--dist', '--exec=x'])
assert config._getsessionname() == 'DSession'
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir, '-f',
'--dist', '--exec=x'])
assert config._getsessionname() == 'LooponfailingSession'
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir, '-f', '-n3',
'--dist', '--exec=x',
assert config._getsessionname() == 'Session'
def test_sessionname_lookup_custom(self):
from py.__.test.session import Session
class MySession(Session):
config = py.test.config._reparse(["--session=MySession", self.tmpdir])
session = config.initsession()
assert session.__class__.__name__ == 'MySession'
def test_initsession(self):
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir])
session = config.initsession()
assert session.config is config
def test_boxed_option_default(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir.ensure("subdir", dir=1)
config = py.test.config._reparse([tmpdir])
assert not config.option.boxed
config = py.test.config._reparse(['--dist', tmpdir])
assert not config.option.boxed
def test_boxed_option_from_conftest(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir.ensure("subdir", dir=1)
dist_hosts = []
dist_boxed = True
config = py.test.config._reparse(['--dist', tmpdir])
assert config.option.boxed
def test_boxed_option_from_conftest(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
dist_boxed = False
config = py.test.config._reparse([tmpdir, '--box'])
assert config.option.boxed
assert config.option.boxed
def test_getvalue_pathlist(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
somepath = tmpdir.join("x", "y", "z")
p = tmpdir.join("conftest.py")
p.write("pathlist = ['.', %r]" % str(somepath))
config = py.test.config._reparse([p])
assert config.getvalue_pathlist('notexist') is None
pl = config.getvalue_pathlist('pathlist')
print pl
assert len(pl) == 2
assert pl[0] == tmpdir
assert pl[1] == somepath
config.option.mypathlist = [py.path.local()]
pl = config.getvalue_pathlist('mypathlist')
assert pl == [py.path.local()]
def test_config_iocapturing(self):
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir])
assert config.getvalue("conf_iocapture")
tmpdir = self.tmpdir.ensure("sub-with-conftest", dir=1)
conf_iocapture = "no"
config = py.test.config._reparse([tmpdir])
assert config.getvalue("conf_iocapture") == "no"
capture = config._getcapture()
assert isinstance(capture, py.io.StdCapture)
assert not capture._out
assert not capture._err
assert not capture._in
assert isinstance(capture, py.io.StdCapture)
for opt, cls in (("sys", py.io.StdCapture),
("fd", py.io.StdCaptureFD),
config.option.conf_iocapture = opt
capture = config._getcapture()
assert isinstance(capture, cls)
def test_conflict_options(self):
def check_conflict_option(opts):
print "testing if options conflict:", " ".join(opts)
2008-09-02 16:58:14 +08:00
path = setupdata.getexamplefile("file_test.py")
2008-08-16 23:26:59 +08:00
config = py.test.config._reparse(opts + [path])
py.test.raises((ValueError, SystemExit), """
py.test.skip("check on conflict options")
conflict_options = (
'--looponfailing --pdb',
'--dist --pdb',
'--exec=%s --pdb' % (py.std.sys.executable,),
for spec in conflict_options:
opts = spec.split()
yield check_conflict_option, opts
def test_implied_options(self):
def check_implied_option(opts, expr):
2008-09-02 16:58:14 +08:00
path = setupdata.getexamplefile("file_test.py")
2008-08-16 23:26:59 +08:00
config = py.test.config._reparse(opts + [path])
session = config.initsession()
assert eval(expr, session.config.option.__dict__)
implied_options = {
'-v': 'verbose',
'-l': 'showlocals',
#'--runbrowser': 'startserver and runbrowser', XXX starts browser
for key, expr in implied_options.items():
yield check_implied_option, [key], expr
def test_default_session_options(self):
def runfiletest(opts):
sorter = suptest.events_from_cmdline(opts)
passed, skipped, failed = sorter.countoutcomes()
assert failed == 2
assert skipped == passed == 0
2008-09-02 16:58:14 +08:00
path = setupdata.getexamplefile("file_test.py")
2008-08-16 23:26:59 +08:00
for opts in ([], ['-l'], ['-s'], ['--tb=no'], ['--tb=short'],
['--tb=long'], ['--fulltrace'], ['--nomagic'],
['--traceconfig'], ['-v'], ['-v', '-v']):
yield runfiletest, opts + [path]
def test_is_not_boxed_by_default(self):
2008-09-02 16:58:14 +08:00
path = setupdata.getexamplefile("file_test.py")
2008-08-16 23:26:59 +08:00
config = py.test.config._reparse([path])
assert not config.option.boxed
class TestConfigColitems:
def setup_class(cls):
cls.tmproot = py.test.ensuretemp(cls.__name__)
def setup_method(self, method):
self.tmpdir = self.tmproot.mkdir(method.__name__)
def test_getcolitems_onedir(self):
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir])
colitems = getcolitems(config)
assert len(colitems) == 1
col = colitems[0]
assert isinstance(col, py.test.collect.Directory)
for col in col.listchain():
assert col._config is config
def test_getcolitems_twodirs(self):
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir, self.tmpdir])
colitems = getcolitems(config)
assert len(colitems) == 2
col1, col2 = colitems
assert col1.name == col2.name
assert col1.parent == col2.parent
def test_getcolitems_curdir_and_subdir(self):
a = self.tmpdir.ensure("a", dir=1)
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir, a])
colitems = getcolitems(config)
assert len(colitems) == 2
col1, col2 = colitems
assert col1.name == self.tmpdir.basename
assert col2.name == 'a'
for col in colitems:
for subcol in col.listchain():
assert col._config is config
def test__getcol_global_file(self):
x = self.tmpdir.ensure("x.py")
config = py.test.config._reparse([x])
col = config.getfsnode(x)
assert isinstance(col, py.test.collect.Module)
assert col.name == 'x.py'
assert col.parent.name == self.tmpdir.basename
assert col.parent.parent is None
for col in col.listchain():
assert col._config is config
def test__getcol_global_dir(self):
x = self.tmpdir.ensure("a", dir=1)
config = py.test.config._reparse([x])
col = config.getfsnode(x)
assert isinstance(col, py.test.collect.Directory)
print col.listchain()
assert col.name == 'a'
assert col.parent is None
assert col._config is config
def test__getcol_pkgfile(self):
x = self.tmpdir.ensure("x.py")
config = py.test.config._reparse([x])
col = config.getfsnode(x)
assert isinstance(col, py.test.collect.Module)
assert col.name == 'x.py'
assert col.parent.name == x.dirpath().basename
assert col.parent.parent is None
for col in col.listchain():
assert col._config is config
def test_config_picklability(self):
import cPickle
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir])
s = cPickle.dumps(config)
newconfig = cPickle.loads(s)
assert not hasattr(newconfig, "topdir")
assert not newconfig._initialized
assert not hasattr(newconfig, 'args')
assert newconfig.topdir == config.topdir
assert newconfig._initialized
assert newconfig.args == [self.tmpdir]
def test_config_and_collector_pickling_missing_initafter(self):
from cPickle import Pickler, Unpickler
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir])
col = config.getfsnode(config.topdir)
io = py.std.cStringIO.StringIO()
pickler = Pickler(io)
unpickler = Unpickler(io)
newconfig = unpickler.load()
# we don't call _initafterpickle ... so
py.test.raises(ValueError, "unpickler.load()")
def test_config_and_collector_pickling(self):
from cPickle import Pickler, Unpickler
dir1 = self.tmpdir.ensure("somedir", dir=1)
config = py.test.config._reparse([self.tmpdir])
col = config.getfsnode(config.topdir)
col1 = col.join(dir1.basename)
assert col1.parent is col
io = py.std.cStringIO.StringIO()
pickler = Pickler(io)
unpickler = Unpickler(io)
newconfig = unpickler.load()
topdir = self.tmpdir.ensure("newtopdir", dir=1)
topdir.ensure("somedir", dir=1)
newcol = unpickler.load()
newcol2 = unpickler.load()
newcol3 = unpickler.load()
assert newcol2._config is newconfig
assert newcol2.parent == newcol
assert newcol._config is newconfig
assert newconfig.topdir == topdir
assert newcol3 is newcol
assert newcol.fspath == topdir
assert newcol2.fspath.basename == dir1.basename
assert newcol2.fspath.relto(topdir)