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""" core implementation of testing process: init, session, runtest loop. """
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import functools
import os
import sys
import _pytest
import _pytest._code
import py
from collections import MutableMapping as MappingMixin
except ImportError:
from UserDict import DictMixin as MappingMixin
from _pytest.config import directory_arg, UsageError, hookimpl
from _pytest.runner import collect_one_node, exit
tracebackcutdir = py.path.local(_pytest.__file__).dirpath()
# exitcodes for the command line
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addini("norecursedirs", "directory patterns to avoid for recursion",
type="args", default=['.*', 'build', 'dist', 'CVS', '_darcs', '{arch}', '*.egg', 'venv'])
2015-07-09 09:51:18 +08:00
parser.addini("testpaths", "directories to search for tests when no files or directories are given in the command line.",
type="args", default=[])
# "patterns specifying possible locations of test files",
# type="linelist", default=["**/test_*.txt",
# "**/test_*.py", "**/*_test.py"]
group = parser.getgroup("general", "running and selection options")
group._addoption('-x', '--exitfirst', action="store_const",
dest="maxfail", const=1,
help="exit instantly on first error or failed test."),
group._addoption('--maxfail', metavar="num",
action="store", type=int, dest="maxfail", default=0,
help="exit after first num failures or errors.")
group._addoption('--strict', action="store_true",
help="run pytest in strict mode, warnings become errors.")
group._addoption("-c", metavar="file", type=str, dest="inifilename",
help="load configuration from `file` instead of trying to locate one of the implicit configuration files.")
group._addoption("--continue-on-collection-errors", action="store_true",
default=False, dest="continue_on_collection_errors",
help="Force test execution even if collection errors occur.")
group = parser.getgroup("collect", "collection")
group.addoption('--collectonly', '--collect-only', action="store_true",
help="only collect tests, don't execute them."),
group.addoption('--pyargs', action="store_true",
help="try to interpret all arguments as python packages.")
group.addoption("--ignore", action="append", metavar="path",
help="ignore path during collection (multi-allowed).")
# when changing this to --conf-cut-dir, config.py Conftest.setinitial
# needs upgrading as well
group.addoption('--confcutdir', dest="confcutdir", default=None,
metavar="dir", type=functools.partial(directory_arg, optname="--confcutdir"),
help="only load conftest.py's relative to specified dir.")
2015-06-23 13:53:32 +08:00
group.addoption('--noconftest', action="store_true",
dest="noconftest", default=False,
help="Don't load any conftest.py files.")
group.addoption('--keepduplicates', '--keep-duplicates', action="store_true",
dest="keepduplicates", default=False,
2016-07-26 15:53:12 +08:00
help="Keep duplicate tests.")
group = parser.getgroup("debugconfig",
"test session debugging and configuration")
group.addoption('--basetemp', dest="basetemp", default=None, metavar="dir",
help="base temporary directory for this test run.")
def pytest_namespace():
"""keeping this one works around a deeper startup issue in pytest
i tried to find it for a while but the amount of time turned unsustainable,
so i put a hack in to revisit later
return {}
def pytest_configure(config):
2017-03-17 03:05:22 +08:00
__import__('pytest').config = config # compatibiltiy
def wrap_session(config, doit):
"""Skeleton command line program"""
session = Session(config)
session.exitstatus = EXIT_OK
initstate = 0
initstate = 1
initstate = 2
session.exitstatus = doit(config, session) or 0
except UsageError:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
excinfo = _pytest._code.ExceptionInfo()
if initstate < 2 and isinstance(excinfo.value, exit.Exception):
sys.stderr.write('{0}: {1}\n'.format(
2016-07-25 14:16:32 +08:00
excinfo.typename, excinfo.value.msg))
session.exitstatus = EXIT_INTERRUPTED
excinfo = _pytest._code.ExceptionInfo()
config.notify_exception(excinfo, config.option)
session.exitstatus = EXIT_INTERNALERROR
if excinfo.errisinstance(SystemExit):
sys.stderr.write("mainloop: caught Spurious SystemExit!\n")
excinfo = None # Explicitly break reference cycle.
if initstate >= 2:
return session.exitstatus
def pytest_cmdline_main(config):
return wrap_session(config, _main)
def _main(config, session):
""" default command line protocol for initialization, session,
running tests and reporting. """
if session.testsfailed:
elif session.testscollected == 0:
def pytest_collection(session):
return session.perform_collect()
def pytest_runtestloop(session):
if (session.testsfailed and
not session.config.option.continue_on_collection_errors):
raise session.Interrupted(
"%d errors during collection" % session.testsfailed)
if session.config.option.collectonly:
return True
for i, item in enumerate(session.items):
nextitem = session.items[i+1] if i+1 < len(session.items) else None
item.config.hook.pytest_runtest_protocol(item=item, nextitem=nextitem)
if session.shouldstop:
raise session.Interrupted(session.shouldstop)
return True
def pytest_ignore_collect(path, config):
p = path.dirpath()
ignore_paths = config._getconftest_pathlist("collect_ignore", path=p)
ignore_paths = ignore_paths or []
excludeopt = config.getoption("ignore")
if excludeopt:
ignore_paths.extend([py.path.local(x) for x in excludeopt])
if path in ignore_paths:
return True
# Skip duplicate paths.
keepduplicates = config.getoption("keepduplicates")
duplicate_paths = config.pluginmanager._duplicatepaths
if not keepduplicates:
if path in duplicate_paths:
return True
return False
class FSHookProxy(object):
def __init__(self, fspath, pm, remove_mods):
self.fspath = fspath
self.pm = pm
self.remove_mods = remove_mods
def __getattr__(self, name):
x = self.pm.subset_hook_caller(name, remove_plugins=self.remove_mods)
self.__dict__[name] = x
return x
class _CompatProperty(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __get__(self, obj, owner):
if obj is None:
return self
# TODO: reenable in the features branch
# warnings.warn(
# "usage of {owner!r}.{name} is deprecated, please use pytest.{name} instead".format(
# name=self.name, owner=type(owner).__name__),
# PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return getattr(__import__('pytest'), self.name)
class NodeKeywords(MappingMixin):
def __init__(self, node):
self.node = node
self.parent = node.parent
self._markers = {node.name: True}
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._markers[key]
except KeyError:
if self.parent is None:
return self.parent.keywords[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self._markers[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key):
raise ValueError("cannot delete key in keywords dict")
def __iter__(self):
seen = set(self._markers)
if self.parent is not None:
return iter(seen)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.__iter__())
def keys(self):
return list(self)
def __repr__(self):
return "<NodeKeywords for node %s>" % (self.node, )
class Node(object):
""" base class for Collector and Item the test collection tree.
Collector subclasses have children, Items are terminal nodes."""
def __init__(self, name, parent=None, config=None, session=None):
#: a unique name within the scope of the parent node
self.name = name
#: the parent collector node.
self.parent = parent
#: the pytest config object
self.config = config or parent.config
#: the session this node is part of
self.session = session or parent.session
#: filesystem path where this node was collected from (can be None)
self.fspath = getattr(parent, 'fspath', None)
#: keywords/markers collected from all scopes
self.keywords = NodeKeywords(self)
#: allow adding of extra keywords to use for matching
self.extra_keyword_matches = set()
# used for storing artificial fixturedefs for direct parametrization
self._name2pseudofixturedef = {}
def ihook(self):
""" fspath sensitive hook proxy used to call pytest hooks"""
return self.session.gethookproxy(self.fspath)
Module = _CompatProperty("Module")
Class = _CompatProperty("Class")
Instance = _CompatProperty("Instance")
Function = _CompatProperty("Function")
File = _CompatProperty("File")
Item = _CompatProperty("Item")
def _getcustomclass(self, name):
maybe_compatprop = getattr(type(self), name)
if isinstance(maybe_compatprop, _CompatProperty):
return getattr(__import__('pytest'), name)
cls = getattr(self, name)
# TODO: reenable in the features branch
# warnings.warn("use of node.%s is deprecated, "
# "use pytest_pycollect_makeitem(...) to create custom "
# "collection nodes" % name, category=DeprecationWarning)
return cls
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s %r>" %(self.__class__.__name__,
getattr(self, 'name', None))
def warn(self, code, message):
""" generate a warning with the given code and message for this
item. """
assert isinstance(code, str)
fslocation = getattr(self, "location", None)
if fslocation is None:
fslocation = getattr(self, "fspath", None)
code=code, message=message,
nodeid=self.nodeid, fslocation=fslocation))
# methods for ordering nodes
def nodeid(self):
""" a ::-separated string denoting its collection tree address. """
return self._nodeid
except AttributeError:
self._nodeid = x = self._makeid()
return x
def _makeid(self):
return self.parent.nodeid + "::" + self.name
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.nodeid)
def setup(self):
def teardown(self):
def _memoizedcall(self, attrname, function):
exattrname = "_ex_" + attrname
failure = getattr(self, exattrname, None)
if failure is not None:
py.builtin._reraise(failure[0], failure[1], failure[2])
if hasattr(self, attrname):
return getattr(self, attrname)
res = function()
except py.builtin._sysex:
2014-08-01 06:13:40 +08:00
failure = sys.exc_info()
setattr(self, exattrname, failure)
setattr(self, attrname, res)
return res
def listchain(self):
""" return list of all parent collectors up to self,
starting from root of collection tree. """
2011-12-02 02:36:44 +08:00
chain = []
item = self
while item is not None:
item = item.parent
return chain
def add_marker(self, marker):
""" dynamically add a marker object to the node.
``marker`` can be a string or pytest.mark.* instance.
from _pytest.mark import MarkDecorator, MARK_GEN
if isinstance(marker, py.builtin._basestring):
marker = getattr(MARK_GEN, marker)
elif not isinstance(marker, MarkDecorator):
raise ValueError("is not a string or pytest.mark.* Marker")
self.keywords[marker.name] = marker
def get_marker(self, name):
""" get a marker object from this node or None if
the node doesn't have a marker with that name. """
val = self.keywords.get(name, None)
if val is not None:
from _pytest.mark import MarkInfo, MarkDecorator
if isinstance(val, (MarkDecorator, MarkInfo)):
return val
def listextrakeywords(self):
""" Return a set of all extra keywords in self and any parents."""
extra_keywords = set()
item = self
for item in self.listchain():
return extra_keywords
def listnames(self):
return [x.name for x in self.listchain()]
def addfinalizer(self, fin):
""" register a function to be called when this node is finalized.
This method can only be called when this node is active
in a setup chain, for example during self.setup().
self.session._setupstate.addfinalizer(fin, self)
def getparent(self, cls):
""" get the next parent node (including ourself)
which is an instance of the given class"""
current = self
while current and not isinstance(current, cls):
current = current.parent
return current
def _prunetraceback(self, excinfo):
def _repr_failure_py(self, excinfo, style=None):
fm = self.session._fixturemanager
if excinfo.errisinstance(fm.FixtureLookupError):
return excinfo.value.formatrepr()
tbfilter = True
if self.config.option.fulltrace:
tb = _pytest._code.Traceback([excinfo.traceback[-1]])
if len(excinfo.traceback) == 0:
excinfo.traceback = tb
tbfilter = False # prunetraceback already does it
if style == "auto":
style = "long"
# XXX should excinfo.getrepr record all data and toterminal() process it?
if style is None:
if self.config.option.tbstyle == "short":
style = "short"
style = "long"
abspath = False
except OSError:
abspath = True
return excinfo.getrepr(funcargs=True, abspath=abspath,
style=style, tbfilter=tbfilter)
repr_failure = _repr_failure_py
class Collector(Node):
""" Collector instances create children through collect()
and thus iteratively build a tree.
class CollectError(Exception):
""" an error during collection, contains a custom message. """
def collect(self):
""" returns a list of children (items and collectors)
for this collection node.
raise NotImplementedError("abstract")
def repr_failure(self, excinfo):
""" represent a collection failure. """
if excinfo.errisinstance(self.CollectError):
exc = excinfo.value
return str(exc.args[0])
return self._repr_failure_py(excinfo, style="short")
def _prunetraceback(self, excinfo):
if hasattr(self, 'fspath'):
traceback = excinfo.traceback
ntraceback = traceback.cut(path=self.fspath)
if ntraceback == traceback:
ntraceback = ntraceback.cut(excludepath=tracebackcutdir)
excinfo.traceback = ntraceback.filter()
class FSCollector(Collector):
def __init__(self, fspath, parent=None, config=None, session=None):
fspath = py.path.local(fspath) # xxx only for test_resultlog.py?
name = fspath.basename
if parent is not None:
rel = fspath.relto(parent.fspath)
if rel:
name = rel
name = name.replace(os.sep, "/")
super(FSCollector, self).__init__(name, parent, config, session)
self.fspath = fspath
def _makeid(self):
relpath = self.fspath.relto(self.config.rootdir)
if os.sep != "/":
2010-11-07 08:13:40 +08:00
relpath = relpath.replace(os.sep, "/")
return relpath
class File(FSCollector):
""" base class for collecting tests from a file. """
class Item(Node):
""" a basic test invocation item. Note that for a single function
there might be multiple test invocation items.
nextitem = None
def __init__(self, name, parent=None, config=None, session=None):
super(Item, self).__init__(name, parent, config, session)
self._report_sections = []
def add_report_section(self, when, key, content):
if content:
self._report_sections.append((when, key, content))
def reportinfo(self):
return self.fspath, None, ""
def location(self):
return self._location
except AttributeError:
location = self.reportinfo()
# bestrelpath is a quite slow function
cache = self.config.__dict__.setdefault("_bestrelpathcache", {})
fspath = cache[location[0]]
except KeyError:
fspath = self.session.fspath.bestrelpath(location[0])
cache[location[0]] = fspath
location = (fspath, location[1], str(location[2]))
self._location = location
return location
class NoMatch(Exception):
""" raised if matching cannot locate a matching names. """
class Interrupted(KeyboardInterrupt):
""" signals an interrupted test run. """
__module__ = 'builtins' # for py3
class Session(FSCollector):
Interrupted = Interrupted
def __init__(self, config):
FSCollector.__init__(self, config.rootdir, parent=None,
config=config, session=self)
self.testsfailed = 0
self.testscollected = 0
self.shouldstop = False
self.trace = config.trace.root.get("collection")
self._norecursepatterns = config.getini("norecursedirs")
self.startdir = py.path.local()
self.config.pluginmanager.register(self, name="session")
def _makeid(self):
return ""
def pytest_collectstart(self):
if self.shouldstop:
raise self.Interrupted(self.shouldstop)
def pytest_runtest_logreport(self, report):
if report.failed and not hasattr(report, 'wasxfail'):
self.testsfailed += 1
maxfail = self.config.getvalue("maxfail")
if maxfail and self.testsfailed >= maxfail:
self.shouldstop = "stopping after %d failures" % (
pytest_collectreport = pytest_runtest_logreport
def isinitpath(self, path):
return path in self._initialpaths
def gethookproxy(self, fspath):
2016-11-21 22:50:21 +08:00
# check if we have the common case of running
# hooks with all conftest.py filesall conftest.py
pm = self.config.pluginmanager
my_conftestmodules = pm._getconftestmodules(fspath)
remove_mods = pm._conftest_plugins.difference(my_conftestmodules)
if remove_mods:
# one or more conftests are not in use at this fspath
proxy = FSHookProxy(fspath, pm, remove_mods)
# all plugis are active for this fspath
proxy = self.config.hook
return proxy
def perform_collect(self, args=None, genitems=True):
hook = self.config.hook
items = self._perform_collect(args, genitems)
config=self.config, items=items)
self.testscollected = len(items)
return items
def _perform_collect(self, args, genitems):
if args is None:
args = self.config.args
self.trace("perform_collect", self, args)
self.trace.root.indent += 1
self._notfound = []
self._initialpaths = set()
self._initialparts = []
self.items = items = []
for arg in args:
parts = self._parsearg(arg)
rep = collect_one_node(self)
self.trace.root.indent -= 1
if self._notfound:
errors = []
for arg, exc in self._notfound:
line = "(no name %r in any of %r)" % (arg, exc.args[0])
errors.append("not found: %s\n%s" % (arg, line))
# XXX: test this
raise UsageError(*errors)
if not genitems:
return rep.result
if rep.passed:
for node in rep.result:
return items
def collect(self):
for parts in self._initialparts:
arg = "::".join(map(str, parts))
self.trace("processing argument", arg)
self.trace.root.indent += 1
for x in self._collect(arg):
yield x
except NoMatch:
# we are inside a make_report hook so
# we cannot directly pass through the exception
self._notfound.append((arg, sys.exc_info()[1]))
self.trace.root.indent -= 1
def _collect(self, arg):
names = self._parsearg(arg)
path = names.pop(0)
if path.check(dir=1):
assert not names, "invalid arg %r" % (arg,)
for path in path.visit(fil=lambda x: x.check(file=1),
rec=self._recurse, bf=True, sort=True):
for x in self._collectfile(path):
yield x
assert path.check(file=1)
for x in self.matchnodes(self._collectfile(path), names):
yield x
def _collectfile(self, path):
ihook = self.gethookproxy(path)
if not self.isinitpath(path):
if ihook.pytest_ignore_collect(path=path, config=self.config):
return ()
return ihook.pytest_collect_file(path=path, parent=self)
def _recurse(self, path):
ihook = self.gethookproxy(path.dirpath())
if ihook.pytest_ignore_collect(path=path, config=self.config):
for pat in self._norecursepatterns:
if path.check(fnmatch=pat):
return False
ihook = self.gethookproxy(path)
ihook.pytest_collect_directory(path=path, parent=self)
return True
def _tryconvertpyarg(self, x):
"""Convert a dotted module name to path.
import pkgutil
loader = pkgutil.find_loader(x)
except ImportError:
return x
if loader is None:
return x
# This method is sometimes invoked when AssertionRewritingHook, which
# does not define a get_filename method, is already in place:
2016-08-22 04:07:18 +08:00
path = loader.get_filename(x)
except AttributeError:
# Retrieve path from AssertionRewritingHook:
path = loader.modules[x][0].co_filename
if loader.is_package(x):
path = os.path.dirname(path)
return path
def _parsearg(self, arg):
""" return (fspath, names) tuple after checking the file exists. """
parts = str(arg).split("::")
if self.config.option.pyargs:
parts[0] = self._tryconvertpyarg(parts[0])
relpath = parts[0].replace("/", os.sep)
path = self.config.invocation_dir.join(relpath, abs=True)
if not path.check():
if self.config.option.pyargs:
raise UsageError(
"file or package not found: " + arg +
" (missing __init__.py?)")
raise UsageError("file not found: " + arg)
parts[0] = path
return parts
def matchnodes(self, matching, names):
self.trace("matchnodes", matching, names)
self.trace.root.indent += 1
nodes = self._matchnodes(matching, names)
num = len(nodes)
self.trace("matchnodes finished -> ", num, "nodes")
self.trace.root.indent -= 1
if num == 0:
raise NoMatch(matching, names[:1])
return nodes
def _matchnodes(self, matching, names):
if not matching or not names:
return matching
name = names[0]
assert name
nextnames = names[1:]
resultnodes = []
for node in matching:
if isinstance(node, Item):
if not names:
assert isinstance(node, Collector)
rep = collect_one_node(node)
if rep.passed:
has_matched = False
for x in rep.result:
# TODO: remove parametrized workaround once collection structure contains parametrization
if x.name == name or x.name.split("[")[0] == name:
resultnodes.extend(self.matchnodes([x], nextnames))
has_matched = True
# XXX accept IDs that don't have "()" for class instances
if not has_matched and len(rep.result) == 1 and x.name == "()":
nextnames.insert(0, name)
resultnodes.extend(self.matchnodes([x], nextnames))
return resultnodes
def genitems(self, node):
self.trace("genitems", node)
if isinstance(node, Item):
yield node
assert isinstance(node, Collector)
rep = collect_one_node(node)
if rep.passed:
for subnode in rep.result:
for x in self.genitems(subnode):
yield x