2007-01-24 22:24:01 +08:00
import sys
import py
from py import path, test, process
from py.__.path.testing.fscommon import CommonFSTests, setuptestfs
from py.__.path.svn import cache, svncommon
mypath = py.magic.autopath()
repodump = mypath.dirpath('repotest.dump')
2008-09-21 23:15:28 +08:00
def getsvnbin():
svnbin = py.path.local.sysfind('svn')
if svnbin is None:
py.test.skip("svn binary not found")
return svnbin
2007-01-24 22:24:01 +08:00
# make a wc directory out of a given root url
# cache previously obtained wcs!
2007-02-08 04:40:37 +08:00
def getrepowc(reponame='basetestrepo', wcname='wc'):
2007-01-24 22:24:01 +08:00
repo = py.test.ensuretemp(reponame)
wcdir = py.test.ensuretemp(wcname)
if not repo.listdir():
#assert not wcdir.check()
2007-02-08 04:40:37 +08:00
py.process.cmdexec('svnadmin create "%s"' %
py.process.cmdexec('svnadmin load -q "%s" <"%s"' %
(svncommon._escape_helper(repo), repodump))
2007-01-24 22:24:01 +08:00
print "created svn repository", repo
wc = py.path.svnwc(wcdir)
if py.std.sys.platform == 'win32':
repo = '/' + str(repo).replace('\\', '/')
wc.checkout(url='file://%s' % repo)
print "checked out new repo into", wc
print "using repository at", repo
wc = py.path.svnwc(wcdir)
return ("file://%s" % repo, wc)
def save_repowc():
repo, wc = getrepowc()
repo = py.path.local(repo[len("file://"):])
assert repo.check()
savedrepo = repo.dirpath('repo_save')
savedwc = wc.dirpath('wc_save')
return savedrepo, savedwc
def restore_repowc((savedrepo, savedwc)):
repo, wc = getrepowc()
print repo
print repo[len("file://"):]
repo = py.path.local(repo[len("file://"):])
print repo
assert repo.check()
# repositories have read only files on windows
#repo.chmod(0777, rec=True)
# create an empty repository for testing purposes and return the url to it
def make_test_repo(name="test-repository"):
repo = py.test.ensuretemp(name)
py.process.cmdexec('svnadmin create %s' % repo)
if sys.platform == 'win32':
repo = '/' + str(repo).replace('\\', '/')
return py.path.svnurl("file://%s" % repo)
class CommonSvnTests(CommonFSTests):
def setup_method(self, meth):
bn = meth.func_name
2008-08-19 04:37:39 +08:00
for x in 'test_remove', 'test_move', 'test_status_deleted':
2007-01-24 22:24:01 +08:00
if bn.startswith(x):
self._savedrepowc = save_repowc()
def teardown_method(self, meth):
x = getattr(self, '_savedrepowc', None)
if x is not None:
del self._savedrepowc
def test_propget(self):
url = self.root.join("samplefile")
value = url.propget('svn:eol-style')
assert value == 'native'
def test_proplist(self):
url = self.root.join("samplefile")
res = url.proplist()
assert res['svn:eol-style'] == 'native'
def test_info(self):
url = self.root.join("samplefile")
res = url.info()
assert res.size > len("samplefile") and res.created_rev >= 0
2007-01-29 00:56:42 +08:00
def test_log_simple(self):
2007-01-24 22:24:01 +08:00
url = self.root.join("samplefile")
2007-01-29 00:56:42 +08:00
logentries = url.log()
for logentry in logentries:
assert logentry.rev == 1
assert hasattr(logentry, 'author')
assert hasattr(logentry, 'date')
2007-01-24 22:24:01 +08:00
class CommonCommandAndBindingTests(CommonSvnTests):
def test_trailing_slash_is_stripped(self):
# XXX we need to test more normalizing properties
url = self.root.join("/")
assert self.root == url
#def test_different_revs_compare_unequal(self):
# newpath = self.root.new(rev=1199)
# assert newpath != self.root
def test_exists_svn_root(self):
assert self.root.check()
#def test_not_exists_rev(self):
# url = self.root.__class__(self.rooturl, rev=500)
# assert url.check(exists=0)
#def test_nonexisting_listdir_rev(self):
# url = self.root.__class__(self.rooturl, rev=500)
# raises(py.error.ENOENT, url.listdir)
#def test_newrev(self):
# url = self.root.new(rev=None)
# assert url.rev == None
# assert url.strpath == self.root.strpath
# url = self.root.new(rev=10)
# assert url.rev == 10
#def test_info_rev(self):
# url = self.root.__class__(self.rooturl, rev=1155)
# url = url.join("samplefile")
# res = url.info()
# assert res.size > len("samplefile") and res.created_rev == 1155
# the following tests are easier if we have a path class
def test_repocache_simple(self):
repocache = cache.RepoCache()
repocache.put(self.root.strpath, 42)
url, rev = repocache.get(self.root.join('test').strpath)
assert rev == 42
assert url == self.root.strpath
def test_repocache_notimeout(self):
repocache = cache.RepoCache()
repocache.timeout = 0
repocache.put(self.root.strpath, self.root.rev)
url, rev = repocache.get(self.root.strpath)
assert rev == -1
assert url == self.root.strpath
def test_repocache_outdated(self):
repocache = cache.RepoCache()
repocache.put(self.root.strpath, 42, timestamp=0)
url, rev = repocache.get(self.root.join('test').strpath)
assert rev == -1
assert url == self.root.strpath
def _test_getreporev(self):
""" this test runs so slow it's usually disabled """
old = cache.repositories.repos
root = self.root.new(rev=-1)
url, rev = cache.repocache.get(root.strpath)
assert rev>=0
assert url == svnrepourl
repositories.repos = old
#cache.repositories.put(svnrepourl, 1200, 0)