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.. _`test generators`:
.. _`parametrizing-tests`:
.. _`parametrized test functions`:
.. _`parametrize`:
Parametrizing fixtures and test functions
While the :ref:`@pytest.fixture` decorator allows to define parametrization
at the level of fixture functions, there are two more parametrizations:
* `@pytest.mark.parametrize`_ to provide multiple argument/fixture sets
for a particular test function or class.
* `pytest_generate_tests`_ to implement your own custom parametrization
scheme or extensions.
.. _`@pytest.mark.parametrize`:
``@pytest.mark.parametrize``: parametrizing test functions
.. regendoc: wipe
.. versionadded:: 2.2
The builtin ``pytest.mark.parametrize`` decorator enables
parametrization of arguments for a test function. Here is a typical example
of a test function that wants check for expected output given a certain input::
# content of test_expectation.py
import pytest
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("input", "expected"), [
("3+5", 8),
("2+4", 6),
("6*9", 42),
def test_eval(input, expected):
assert eval(input) == expected
The ``@parametrize`` decorator defines three different argument sets for the
two ``(input, output)`` arguments of ``test_eval`` function so the latter
will be run three times::
$ py.test -q
================================= FAILURES =================================
____________________________ test_eval[6*9-42] _____________________________
input = '6*9', expected = 42
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("input", "expected"), [
("3+5", 8),
("2+4", 6),
("6*9", 42),
def test_eval(input, expected):
> assert eval(input) == expected
E assert 54 == 42
E + where 54 = eval('6*9')
test_expectation.py:8: AssertionError
As expected only one pair of input/output values fails the simple test function.
As usual you can see the ``input`` and ``output`` values in the traceback.
Note that there are various ways how you can mark groups of functions,
see :ref:`mark`.
.. _`pytest_generate_tests`:
Basic ``pytest_generate_tests`` example
.. XXX
> line 598 "Basic ``pytest_generate_tests`` example" - I think this is
> not a very basic example! I think it is copied from parametrize.txt
> page, where it might make more sense. Here is what I would consider a
> basic example.
> # code
> def isSquare(n):
> n = n ** 0.5
> return int(n) == n
> # test file
> def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
> squares = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49]
> for n in range(1, 50):
> expected = n in squares
> if metafunc.function.__name__ == 'test_isSquare':
> metafunc.addcall(id=n, funcargs=dict(n=n,
> expected=expected))
> def test_isSquare(n, expected):
> assert isSquare(n) == expected
.. XXX
consider adding more examples, also mixed (factory-parametrized/test-function-parametrized, see mail from Brianna)
The ``pytest_generate_tests`` hook is typically used if you want
to go beyond what ``@pytest.mark.parametrize`` offers. For example,
let's say we want to execute a test with different computation
parameters and the parameter range shall be determined by a command
line argument. Let's first write a simple (do-nothing) computation test::
# content of test_compute.py
def test_compute(param1):
assert param1 < 4
Now we add a ``conftest.py`` file containing the addition of a
command line option and the generation of tests depending on
that option::
# content of conftest.py
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption("--all", action="store_true",
help="run all combinations")
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if 'param1' in metafunc.fixturenames:
if metafunc.config.option.all:
end = 5
end = 2
metafunc.parametrize("param1", range(end))
This means that we only run two tests if no option is passed::
$ py.test -q test_compute.py
And we run five tests if we add the ``--all`` option::
$ py.test -q --all test_compute.py
================================= FAILURES =================================
_____________________________ test_compute[4] ______________________________
param1 = 4
def test_compute(param1):
> assert param1 < 4
E assert 4 < 4
test_compute.py:3: AssertionError
As expected when running the full range of ``param1`` values
we'll get an error on the last one.
You might want to look at :ref:`more parametrization examples <paramexamples>`.
.. _`metafunc object`:
The **metafunc** object
.. currentmodule:: _pytest.python
metafunc objects are passed to the ``pytest_generate_tests`` hook.
They help to inspect a testfunction and to generate tests
according to test configuration or values specified
in the class or module where a test function is defined:
``metafunc.fixturenames``: set of required function arguments for given function
``metafunc.function``: underlying python test function
``metafunc.cls``: class object where the test function is defined in or None.
``metafunc.module``: the module object where the test function is defined in.
``metafunc.config``: access to command line opts and general config
``metafunc.funcargnames``: alias for ``fixturenames``, for pre-2.3 compatibility
.. automethod:: Metafunc.parametrize
.. automethod:: Metafunc.addcall(funcargs=None,id=_notexists,param=_notexists)