Improve LsofFdLeakChecker; more reliable and useful leak checking
* Make it invoke lsof with options for machine-readable output * Parse out file descriptor and filename from lsof output * Draw attention to file descriptors now open that weren't open before --HG-- branch : refactor_LsofFdLeakChecker
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,13 +13,24 @@ class LsofFdLeakChecker(object):
def _exec_lsof(self):
pid = os.getpid()
return py.process.cmdexec("lsof -p %d" % pid)
return py.process.cmdexec("lsof -Ffn0 -p %d" % pid)
def _parse_lsof_output(self, out):
def isopen(line):
return ("REG" in line or "CHR" in line) and (
"deleted" not in line and 'mem' not in line and "txt" not in line)
return [x for x in out.split("\n") if isopen(x)]
return line.startswith('f') and (
"deleted" not in line and 'mem' not in line and "txt" not in line and 'cwd' not in line)
open_files = []
for line in out.split("\n"):
if isopen(line):
fields = line.split('\0')
fd = int(fields[0][1:])
filename = fields[1][1:]
if filename.startswith('/'):
open_files.append((fd, filename))
return open_files
def pytest_addoption(parser):
@ -49,11 +60,16 @@ def getopenfiles(out):
def check_open_files(config):
lines2 = config._fd_leak_checker.get_open_files()
if len(lines2) > config._numfiles + 3:
new_fds = sorted(set([t[0] for t in lines2]) - set([t[0] for t in config._openfiles]))
open_files = [t for t in lines2 if t[0] in new_fds]
if open_files:
error = []
error.append("***** %s FD leackage detected" %
error.append("***** %s FD leackage detected" % len(open_files))
error.extend([str(f) for f in open_files])
error.append("*** Before:")
error.extend([str(f) for f in config._openfiles])
error.append("*** After:")
error.extend([str(f) for f in lines2])
# update numfile so that the overall test run continuess
config._numfiles = len(lines2)
Reference in New Issue