generalize skipping

- rename pytest_xfail to pytest_skip
- dynamic "skipif" and "xfail" decorators
- move most skipping code to the plugin

also coming with this commit:
- extend mark keyword to accept positional args + docs
- fix a few documentation related issues
- leave version as "trunk" for now

branch : trunk
This commit is contained in:
holger krekel 2009-10-15 16:18:57 +02:00
parent 5e21e39125
commit 3ca770b420
28 changed files with 532 additions and 241 deletions

View File

@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ Generator = py.test.collect.Generator
Function = py.test.collect.Function
Instance = py.test.collect.Instance
pytest_plugins = "default runner capture terminal keyword xfail tmpdir monkeypatch recwarn pdb pastebin unittest helpconfig nose assertion".split()
pytest_plugins = "default runner capture terminal keyword skipping tmpdir monkeypatch recwarn pdb pastebin unittest helpconfig nose assertion".split()

View File

@ -56,25 +56,6 @@ def skip(msg=""):
__tracebackhide__ = True
raise Skipped(msg=msg)
def importorskip(modname, minversion=None):
""" return imported module or skip() """
compile(modname, '', 'eval') # to catch syntaxerrors
mod = __import__(modname)
except ImportError:
py.test.skip("could not import %r" %(modname,))
if minversion is None:
return mod
verattr = getattr(mod, '__version__', None)
if isinstance(minversion, str):
minver = minversion.split(".")
minver = list(minversion)
if verattr is None or verattr.split(".") < minver:
py.test.skip("module %r has __version__ %r, required is: %r" %(
modname, verattr, minversion))
return mod
def fail(msg="unknown failure"):
""" fail with the given Message. """
__tracebackhide__ = True

View File

@ -12,18 +12,25 @@ specify additional kewords like this::
def test_send_http():
This will set an attribute 'webtest' on the given test function
and by default all such attributes signal keywords. You can
also set values in this attribute which you could read from
a hook in order to do something special with respect to
the test function::
This will set an attribute 'webtest' to True on the given test function.
You can read the value 'webtest' from the functions __dict__ later.
You can also set values for an attribute which are put on an empty
dummy object::
def test_receive():
This will set the "timeout" attribute with a Marker object
that has a 'seconds' attribute.
after which ``test_receive.webtest.firefox == 30`` holds true.
In addition to keyword arguments you can also use positional arguments::
def test_receive():
after which ``test_receive.webtest._1 == 'triangular`` hold true.
import py
@ -49,19 +56,19 @@ class MarkerDecorator:
return "<MarkerDecorator %r %r>" %(name, d)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not args:
if hasattr(self, 'kwargs'):
raise TypeError("double mark-keywords?")
self.kwargs = kwargs.copy()
return self
if not len(args) == 1 or not hasattr(args[0], '__dict__'):
raise TypeError("need exactly one function to decorate, "
"got %r" %(args,))
if args:
if hasattr(args[0], '__call__'):
func = args[0]
mh = MarkHolder(getattr(self, 'kwargs', {}))
setattr(func, self.markname, mh)
return func
# not a function so we memorize all args/kwargs settings
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
kwargs["_" + str(i)] = arg
if hasattr(self, 'kwargs'):
raise TypeError("double mark-keywords?")
self.kwargs = kwargs.copy()
return self
class MarkHolder:
def __init__(self, kwargs):

View File

@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ class ReSTSyntaxTest(py.test.collect.Item):
'to the py package') % (text,)
relpath = '/'.join(text.split('/')[1:])
if check:
pkgroot = py.__pkg__.getpath()
pkgroot = py.path.local(py._py.__file__).dirpath()
abspath = pkgroot.join(relpath)
assert pkgroot.join(relpath).check(), (
'problem with linkrole :source:`%s`: '

View File

@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ class SetupState(object):
assert not self._finalizers
def teardown_exact(self, item):
if item == self.stack[-1]:
if self.stack and item == self.stack[-1]:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
mark python test functions, classes or modules for conditional
skipping (skipif) or as expected-to-fail (xfail). Both declarations
lead to special reporting and both can be systematically associated
with functions, whole classes or modules. The difference between
the two is that 'xfail' will still execute test functions
but it will revert the outcome. A passing test is now
a failure and failing test is expected. All skip conditions
are reported at the end of test run through the terminal
.. _skipif:
skip a test function conditionally
Here is an example for skipping a test function on Python3::
@py.test.mark.skipif("sys.version_info >= (3,0)")
def test_function():
Conditions are specified as python expressions
and can access the ``sys`` module. They can also
access the config object and thus depend on command
line or conftest options::
@py.test.mark.skipif("config.getvalue('db') is None")
def test_function(...):
conditionally mark a function as "expected to fail"
You can use the ``xfail`` keyword to mark your test functions as
'expected to fail'::
def test_hello():
This test will be executed but no traceback will be reported
when it fails. Instead terminal reporting will list it in the
"expected to fail" or "unexpectedly passing" sections.
As with skipif_ you may selectively expect a failure
depending on platform::
@py.test.mark.xfail("sys.version_info >= (3,0)")
def test_function():
skip/xfail a whole test class or module
Instead of marking single functions you can skip
a whole class of tests when runnign on a specific
class TestSomething:
skipif = "sys.platform == 'win32'"
Or you can mark all test functions as expected
to fail for a specific test configuration::
xfail = "config.getvalue('db') == 'mysql'"
skip if a dependency cannot be imported
You can use a helper to skip on a failing import::
docutils = py.test.importorskip("docutils")
You can use this helper at module level or within
a test or setup function.
You can aslo skip if a library does not have the right version::
docutils = py.test.importorskip("docutils", minversion="0.3")
The version will be read from the specified module's ``__version__`` attribute.
dynamically skip from within a test or setup
If you want to skip the execution of a test you can call
``py.test.skip()`` within a test, a setup or from a
`funcarg factory`_ function. Example::
def test_function():
if not valid_config():
py.test.skip("unsuppored configuration")
.. _`funcarg factory`: ../funcargs.html#factory
# XXX not all skip-related code is contained in
# this plugin yet, some remains in and
# the Skipped Exception is imported here and there.
import py
def pytest_namespace():
return {'importorskip': importorskip}
def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
expr, result = evalexpression(item, 'skipif')
if result:
def pytest_runtest_makereport(__multicall__, item, call):
if call.when != "call":
if hasattr(item, 'obj'):
expr, result = evalexpression(item, 'xfail')
if result:
res = __multicall__.execute()
if call.excinfo:
res.skipped = True
res.failed = res.passed = False
res.skipped = res.passed = False
res.failed = True
return res
def pytest_report_teststatus(report):
if 'xfail' in report.keywords:
if report.skipped:
return "xfailed", "x", "xfail"
elif report.failed:
return "xpassed", "P", "xpass"
# called by the terminalreporter instance/plugin
def pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter):
tr = terminalreporter
xfailed = tr.stats.get("xfailed")
if xfailed:
tr.write_sep("_", "expected failures")
for rep in xfailed:
entry = rep.longrepr.reprcrash
modpath = rep.item.getmodpath(includemodule=True)
pos = "%s %s:%d: " %(modpath, entry.path, entry.lineno)
reason = rep.longrepr.reprcrash.message
i = reason.find("\n")
if i != -1:
reason = reason[:i]
tr._tw.line("%s %s" %(pos, reason))
xpassed = terminalreporter.stats.get("xpassed")
if xpassed:
for rep in xpassed:
fspath, lineno, modpath = rep.item.reportinfo()
pos = "%s %s:%d: unexpectedly passing" %(modpath, fspath, lineno)
def importorskip(modname, minversion=None):
""" return imported module or perform a dynamic skip() """
compile(modname, '', 'eval') # to catch syntaxerrors
mod = __import__(modname)
except ImportError:
py.test.skip("could not import %r" %(modname,))
if minversion is None:
return mod
verattr = getattr(mod, '__version__', None)
if isinstance(minversion, str):
minver = minversion.split(".")
minver = list(minversion)
if verattr is None or verattr.split(".") < minver:
py.test.skip("module %r has __version__ %r, required is: %r" %(
modname, verattr, minversion))
return mod
def getexpression(item, keyword):
if isinstance(item, py.test.collect.Function):
val = getattr(item.obj, keyword, None)
val = getattr(val, '_0', val)
if val is not None:
return val
cls = item.getparent(py.test.collect.Class)
if cls and hasattr(cls.obj, keyword):
return getattr(cls.obj, keyword)
mod = item.getparent(py.test.collect.Module)
return getattr(mod.obj, keyword, None)
def evalexpression(item, keyword):
expr = getexpression(item, keyword)
result = None
if expr:
if isinstance(expr, str):
d = {'sys': py.std.sys, 'config': item.config}
result = eval(expr, d)
result = expr
return expr, result

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
mark python test functions as expected-to-fail and report them separately.
Use the generic mark decorator to mark your test functions as
'expected to fail'::
def test_hello():
This test will be executed but no traceback will be reported
when it fails. Instead terminal reporting will list it in the
"expected to fail" section or "unexpectedly passing" section.
import py
def pytest_runtest_makereport(__multicall__, item, call):
if call.when != "call":
if hasattr(item, 'obj') and py.builtin._getfuncdict(item.obj):
if 'xfail' in py.builtin._getfuncdict(item.obj):
res = __multicall__.execute()
if call.excinfo:
res.skipped = True
res.failed = res.passed = False
res.skipped = res.passed = False
res.failed = True
return res
def pytest_report_teststatus(report):
if 'xfail' in report.keywords:
if report.skipped:
return "xfailed", "x", "xfail"
elif report.failed:
return "xpassed", "P", "xpass"
# called by the terminalreporter instance/plugin
def pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter):
tr = terminalreporter
xfailed = tr.stats.get("xfailed")
if xfailed:
tr.write_sep("_", "expected failures")
for rep in xfailed:
entry = rep.longrepr.reprcrash
modpath = rep.item.getmodpath(includemodule=True)
pos = "%s %s:%d: " %(modpath, entry.path, entry.lineno)
reason = rep.longrepr.reprcrash.message
i = reason.find("\n")
if i != -1:
reason = reason[:i]
tr._tw.line("%s %s" %(pos, reason))
xpassed = terminalreporter.stats.get("xpassed")
if xpassed:
for rep in xpassed:
fspath, lineno, modpath = rep.item.reportinfo()
pos = "%s %s:%d: unexpectedly passing" %(modpath, fspath, lineno)

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ WIDTH = 75
plugins = [
('plugins for Python test functions',
'xfail figleaf monkeypatch capture recwarn',),
'skipping figleaf monkeypatch capture recwarn',),
('plugins for other testing styles and languages',
'oejskit unittest nose django doctest restdoc'),
('plugins for generic reporting and failure logging',
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ class PluginDoc(RestWriter):
warn("missing docstring", func)
def emit_options(self, plugin):
from py.__.test.parseopt import Parser
from _py.test.parseopt import Parser
options = []
parser = Parser(processopt=options.append)
if hasattr(plugin, 'pytest_addoption'):

View File

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
Changes between 1.0.2 and '1.1.0b1'
* generalized skipping: a new way to mark python functions with skipif or xfail
at function, class and modules level based on platform or sys-module attributes.
* extend py.test.mark decorator to allow for positional args
* introduce and test "py.cleanup -d" to remove empty directories
* fix issue #59 - robustify unittest test collection

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import py
from import convert_rest_html, strip_html_header
from import convert_rest_html, strip_html_header
html = py.xml.html

View File

@ -125,22 +125,11 @@ a PDB `Python debugger`_ when a test fails.
advanced skipping of tests
If you want to skip tests you can use ``py.test.skip`` within
test or setup functions. Example::
py.test has builtin support for skipping tests or expecting
failures on tests on certain platforms. Apart from the
minimal py.test style also unittest- and nose-style tests
can make use of this feature.
def test_hello():
if sys.platform != "win32":
py.test.skip("only win32 supported")
You can also use a helper to skip on a failing import::
docutils = py.test.importorskip("docutils")
or to skip if a library does not have the right version::
docutils = py.test.importorskip("docutils", minversion="0.3")
The version will be read from the specified module's ``__version__`` attribute.
.. _`funcargs mechanism`: funcargs.html
.. _``:

View File

@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ methods in a convenient way.
.. _`conftest plugin`: customize.html#conftestplugin
.. _`funcarg factory`:
.. _factory:
funcarg factories: setting up test function arguments

View File

@ -139,6 +139,15 @@ hook specification sourcecode
# distributed testing
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def pytest_gwmanage_newgateway(gateway, platinfo):
""" called on new raw gateway creation. """
def pytest_gwmanage_rsyncstart(source, gateways):
""" called before rsyncing a directory to remote gateways takes place. """
def pytest_gwmanage_rsyncfinish(source, gateways):
""" called after rsyncing a directory to remote gateways takes place. """
def pytest_testnodeready(node):
""" Test Node is ready to operate. """

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
plugins for Python test functions
xfail_ mark python test functions as expected-to-fail and report them separately.
skipping_ mark python test functions, classes or modules for conditional
figleaf_ write and report coverage data with 'figleaf'.

View File

@ -18,18 +18,25 @@ specify additional kewords like this::
def test_send_http():
This will set an attribute 'webtest' on the given test function
and by default all such attributes signal keywords. You can
also set values in this attribute which you could read from
a hook in order to do something special with respect to
the test function::
This will set an attribute 'webtest' to True on the given test function.
You can read the value 'webtest' from the functions __dict__ later.
You can also set values for an attribute which are put on an empty
dummy object::
def test_receive():
This will set the "timeout" attribute with a Marker object
that has a 'seconds' attribute.
after which ``test_receive.webtest.firefox == 30`` holds true.
In addition to keyword arguments you can also use positional arguments::
def test_receive():
after which ``test_receive.webtest._1 == 'triangular`` hold true.
Start improving this plugin in 30 seconds

View File

@ -5,22 +5,23 @@
.. _``:
.. _``:
.. _`pastebin`: pastebin.html
.. _`skipping`: skipping.html
.. _`plugins`: index.html
.. _``:
.. _``:
.. _`capture`: capture.html
.. _``:
.. _``:
.. _`xfail`: xfail.html
.. _`restdoc`: restdoc.html
.. _``:
.. _``:
.. _``:
.. _``:
.. _`checkout the py.test development version`: ../../download.html#checkout
.. _``:
.. _`oejskit`: oejskit.html
.. _`doctest`: doctest.html
.. _`get in contact`: ../../contact.html
.. _``:
.. _``:
.. _`figleaf`: figleaf.html
.. _`customize`: ../customize.html
.. _`hooklog`: hooklog.html
@ -30,7 +31,6 @@
.. _`monkeypatch`: monkeypatch.html
.. _`resultlog`: resultlog.html
.. _`keyword`: keyword.html
.. _`restdoc`: restdoc.html
.. _`django`: django.html
.. _``:
.. _`nose`: nose.html

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
pytest_skipping plugin
mark python test functions, classes or modules for conditional
.. contents::
skipping (skipif) or as expected-to-fail (xfail). Both declarations
lead to special reporting and both can be systematically associated
with functions, whole classes or modules. The difference between
the two is that 'xfail' will still execute test functions
but it will revert the outcome. A passing test is now
a failure and failing test is expected. All skip conditions
are reported at the end of test run through the terminal
.. _skipif:
skip a test function conditionally
Here is an example for skipping a test function on Python3::
@py.test.mark.skipif("sys.version_info >= (3,0)")
def test_function():
Conditions are specified as python expressions
and can access the ``sys`` module. They can also
access the config object and thus depend on command
line or conftest options::
@py.test.mark.skipif("config.getvalue('db') is None")
def test_function(...):
conditionally mark a function as "expected to fail"
You can use the ``xfail`` keyword to mark your test functions as
'expected to fail'::
def test_hello():
This test will be executed but no traceback will be reported
when it fails. Instead terminal reporting will list it in the
"expected to fail" or "unexpectedly passing" sections.
As with skipif_ you may selectively expect a failure
depending on platform::
@py.test.mark.xfail("sys.version_info >= (3,0)")
def test_function():
skip/xfail a whole test class or module
Instead of marking single functions you can skip
a whole class of tests when runnign on a specific
class TestSomething:
skipif = "sys.platform == 'win32'"
Or you can mark all test functions as expected
to fail for a specific test configuration::
xfail = "config.getvalue('db') == 'mysql'"
skip if a dependency cannot be imported
You can use a helper to skip on a failing import::
docutils = py.test.importorskip("docutils")
You can use this helper at module level or within
a test or setup function.
You can aslo skip if a library does not have the right version::
docutils = py.test.importorskip("docutils", minversion="0.3")
The version will be read from the specified module's ``__version__`` attribute.
dynamically skip from within a test or setup
If you want to skip the execution of a test you can call
``py.test.skip()`` within a test, a setup or from a
`funcarg factory`_ function. Example::
def test_function():
if not valid_config():
py.test.skip("unsuppored configuration")
.. _`funcarg factory`: ../funcargs.html#factory
Start improving this plugin in 30 seconds
1. Download ``_ plugin source code
2. put it somewhere as ```` into your import path
3. a subsequent ``py.test`` run will use your local version
Checkout customize_, other plugins_ or `get in contact`_.
.. include:: links.txt

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
pytest_xfail plugin
mark python test functions as expected-to-fail and report them separately.
.. contents::
Use the generic mark decorator to mark your test functions as
'expected to fail'::
def test_hello():
This test will be executed but no traceback will be reported
when it fails. Instead terminal reporting will list it in the
"expected to fail" section or "unexpectedly passing" section.
Start improving this plugin in 30 seconds
1. Download ``_ plugin source code
2. put it somewhere as ```` into your import path
3. a subsequent ``py.test`` run will use your local version
Checkout customize_, other plugins_ or `get in contact`_.
.. include:: links.txt

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ For questions please check out
(c) Holger Krekel and others, 2009
version = "1.1.0b1"
version = "trunk"
__version__ = version = version or "1.1.x"
import _py.apipkg
@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ _py.apipkg.initpkg(__name__, dict(
'_PluginManager' : '_py.test.pluginmanager:PluginManager',
'raises' : '_py.test.outcome:raises',
'skip' : '_py.test.outcome:skip',
'importorskip' : '_py.test.outcome:importorskip',
'fail' : '_py.test.outcome:fail',
'exit' : '_py.test.outcome:exit',
# configuration/initialization related test api

View File

@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ class TestLocalPath(common.CommonFSTests):
assert l[2] == p3
class TestExecutionOnWindows:
disabled = py.std.sys.platform != 'win32'
skipif = "sys.platform != 'win32'"
def test_sysfind(self):
x = py.path.local.sysfind('cmd')
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class TestExecutionOnWindows:
assert py.path.local.sysfind('jaksdkasldqwe') is None
class TestExecution:
disabled = py.std.sys.platform == 'win32'
skipif = "sys.platform == 'win32'"
def test_sysfind(self):
x = py.path.local.sysfind('test')
@ -346,8 +346,7 @@ def test_homedir():
assert homedir.check(dir=1)
class TestWINLocalPath:
#root = local(TestLocalPath.root)
disabled = py.std.sys.platform != 'win32'
skipif = "sys.platform != 'win32'"
def test_owner_group_not_implemented(self):
py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, "path1.stat().owner")
@ -396,7 +395,7 @@ class TestWINLocalPath:
class TestPOSIXLocalPath:
disabled = py.std.sys.platform == 'win32'
skipif = "sys.platform == 'win32'"
def test_samefile(self, tmpdir):
assert tmpdir.samefile(tmpdir)

View File

@ -50,12 +50,11 @@ class TestSvnURLCommandPath(CommonSvnTests):
def test_svnurl_characters_tilde_end(self, path1):
@py.test.mark.xfail("sys.platform == 'win32'")
def test_svnurl_characters_colon_path(self, path1):
if py.std.sys.platform == 'win32':
# colons are allowed on win32, because they're part of the drive
# part of an absolute path... however, they shouldn't be allowed in
# other parts, I think
py.test.skip('XXX fixme win32')
py.test.raises(ValueError, 'py.path.svnurl("")')
def test_export(self, path1, tmpdir):

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
pytest_plugins = "pytest_xfail", "pytest_pytester", "pytest_tmpdir"
pytest_plugins = "skipping", "pytester", "tmpdir"

View File

@ -14,12 +14,14 @@ def test_pytest_mark_api():
assert == 3
assert == 4"hello")(f)
assert == "hello"
py.test.raises(TypeError, "mark.some(x=3)(f=5)")
def test_mark_plugin(testdir):
p = testdir.makepyfile("""
import py
pytest_plugins = "keyword"
def test_hello():
assert hasattr(test_hello, 'hello')

View File

@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ class TestSetupState:
assert not l
def test_teardown_exact_stack_empty(self, testdir):
item = testdir.getitem("def test_func(): pass")
ss = runner.SetupState()
class BaseFunctionalTests:
def test_passfunction(self, testdir):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
import py
def test_xfail_decorator(testdir):
p = testdir.makepyfile(test_one="""
import py
def test_this():
assert 0
def test_that():
assert 1
result = testdir.runpytest(p)
extra = result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([
"*expected failures*",
"*1 xfailed*"
assert result.ret == 1
def test_skipif_decorator(testdir):
p = testdir.makepyfile("""
import py
@py.test.mark.skipif("hasattr(sys, 'platform')")
def test_that():
assert 0
result = testdir.runpytest(p)
extra = result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([
"*1 skipped*"
assert result.ret == 0
def test_skipif_class(testdir):
p = testdir.makepyfile("""
import py
class TestClass:
skipif = "True"
def test_that(self):
assert 0
def test_though(self):
assert 0
result = testdir.runpytest(p)
extra = result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([
"*2 skipped*"
def test_getexpression(testdir):
from _py.test.plugin.pytest_skipping import getexpression
l = testdir.getitems("""
import py
mod = 5
class TestClass:
cls = 4
def test_func(self):
def test_other(self):
item, item2 = l
assert getexpression(item, 'xyz') is None
assert getexpression(item, 'func') == 3
assert getexpression(item, 'cls') == 4
assert getexpression(item, 'mod') == 5
assert getexpression(item2, 'just')
def test_evalexpression_cls_config_example(testdir):
from _py.test.plugin.pytest_skipping import evalexpression
item, = testdir.getitems("""
class TestClass:
skipif = "config._hackxyz"
def test_func(self):
item.config._hackxyz = 3
x, y = evalexpression(item, 'skipif')
assert x == 'config._hackxyz'
assert y == 3
def test_importorskip():
from _py.test.outcome import Skipped
from _py.test.plugin.pytest_skipping import importorskip
assert importorskip == py.test.importorskip
sys = importorskip("sys")
assert sys == py.std.sys
#path = py.test.importorskip("os.path")
#assert path == py.std.os.path
py.test.raises(Skipped, "py.test.importorskip('alskdj')")
py.test.raises(SyntaxError, "py.test.importorskip('x y z')")
py.test.raises(SyntaxError, "py.test.importorskip('x=y')")
path = importorskip("py", minversion=".".join(py.__version__))
mod = py.std.types.ModuleType("hello123")
mod.__version__ = "1.3"
py.test.raises(Skipped, """
py.test.importorskip("hello123", minversion="5.0")
except Skipped:
print(py.code.ExceptionInfo())"spurious skip")

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
def test_xfail(testdir):
p = testdir.makepyfile(test_one="""
import py
def test_this():
assert 0
def test_that():
assert 1
result = testdir.runpytest(p)
extra = result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([
"*expected failures*",
assert result.ret == 1

View File

@ -15,26 +15,6 @@ class TestRaises:
def test_raises_function(self):
py.test.raises(ValueError, int, 'hello')
def test_importorskip():
from _py.test.outcome import Skipped
sys = py.test.importorskip("sys")
assert sys == py.std.sys
#path = py.test.importorskip("os.path")
#assert path == py.std.os.path
py.test.raises(Skipped, "py.test.importorskip('alskdj')")
py.test.raises(SyntaxError, "py.test.importorskip('x y z')")
py.test.raises(SyntaxError, "py.test.importorskip('x=y')")
path = py.test.importorskip("py", minversion=".".join(py.__version__))
mod = py.std.types.ModuleType("hello123")
mod.__version__ = "1.3"
py.test.raises(Skipped, """
py.test.importorskip("hello123", minversion="5.0")
except Skipped:
print(py.code.ExceptionInfo())"spurious skip")
def test_pytest_exit():

View File

@ -76,15 +76,6 @@ class TestParser:
args = parser.parse_setoption([], option)
assert option.hello == "x"
def test_parser_epilog(self, testdir):
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.epilog = "hello world"
result = testdir.runpytest('--help')
#assert result.ret != 0
assert result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*hello world*"])
def test_parse_setoption(self):
parser = parseopt.Parser()
parser.addoption("--hello", dest="hello", action="store")
@ -109,3 +100,14 @@ class TestParser:
option, args = parser.parse([])
assert option.hello == "world"
assert option.this == 42
@py.test.mark.skipif("sys.version_info < (2,5)")
def test_addoption_parser_epilog(testdir):
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.epilog = "hello world"
result = testdir.runpytest('--help')
#assert result.ret != 0
assert result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*hello world*"])