extend and refine test marking
- allow to mark tests via a "pytestmark" name at class/module level. - make combined positional args of marker calls available via an _args argument --HG-- branch : trunk
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
mark test functions with keywords that may hold values.
Marking functions and setting rich attributes
Marking functions by a decorator
By default, all filename parts and class/function names of a test
@ -30,8 +30,29 @@ In addition to keyword arguments you can also use positional arguments::
def test_receive():
after which ``test_receive.webtest._1 == 'triangular`` hold true.
after which ``test_receive.webtest._args[0] == 'triangular`` holds true.
Marking classes or modules
To mark all methods of a class you can set a class-level attribute::
class TestClass:
pytestmark = py.test.mark.webtest
the marker function will be applied to all test methods.
If you set a marker it inside a test module like this::
pytestmark = py.test.mark.webtest
the marker will be applied to all functions and methods of
that module. The module marker is applied last.
Outer ``pytestmark`` keywords will overwrite inner keyword
values. Positional arguments are all appeneded to the
same '_args' list.
import py
@ -49,6 +70,8 @@ class MarkerDecorator:
""" decorator for setting function attributes. """
def __init__(self, name):
self.markname = name
self.kwargs = {}
self.args = []
def __repr__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
@ -57,19 +80,41 @@ class MarkerDecorator:
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if args:
if hasattr(args[0], '__call__'):
if len(args) == 1 and hasattr(args[0], '__call__'):
func = args[0]
mh = MarkHolder(getattr(self, 'kwargs', {}))
setattr(func, self.markname, mh)
holder = getattr(func, self.markname, None)
if holder is None:
holder = MarkHolder(self.markname, self.args, self.kwargs)
setattr(func, self.markname, holder)
return func
# not a function so we memorize all args/kwargs settings
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
kwargs["_" + str(i)] = arg
if hasattr(self, 'kwargs'):
raise TypeError("double mark-keywords?")
self.kwargs = kwargs.copy()
return self
class MarkHolder:
def __init__(self, kwargs):
def __init__(self, name, args, kwargs):
self._name = name
self._args = args
self._kwargs = kwargs
def __repr__(self):
return "<Marker %r args=%r kwargs=%r>" % (
self._name, self._args, self._kwargs)
def pytest_pycollect_makeitem(__multicall__, collector, name, obj):
item = __multicall__.execute()
if isinstance(item, py.test.collect.Function):
cls = collector.getparent(py.test.collect.Class)
mod = collector.getparent(py.test.collect.Module)
func = getattr(item.obj, 'im_func', item.obj)
for parent in [x for x in (mod, cls) if x]:
marker = getattr(parent.obj, 'pytestmark', None)
if isinstance(marker, MarkerDecorator):
return item
@ -1,25 +1,47 @@
import py
from _py.test.plugin.pytest_keyword import Mark
def test_pytest_mark_api():
class TestMark:
def test_pytest_mark_notcallable(self):
mark = Mark()
py.test.raises(TypeError, "mark(x=3)")
py.test.raises(TypeError, "mark()")
def test_pytest_mark_bare(self):
mark = Mark()
def f(): pass
assert f.hello
def test_pytest_mark_keywords(self):
mark = Mark()
def f(): pass
mark.world(x=3, y=4)(f)
assert f.world
assert f.world.x == 3
assert f.world.y == 4
def test_apply_multiple_and_merge(self):
mark = Mark()
def f(): pass
marker = mark.world
assert f.world.x == 3
assert f.world.x == 3
assert f.world.y == 4
assert f.world.y == 1
assert len(f.world._args) == 0
def test_pytest_mark_positional(self):
mark = Mark()
def f(): pass
assert f.world._0 == "hello"
assert f.world._args[0] == "hello"
py.test.raises(TypeError, "mark.some(x=3)(f=5)")
def test_mark_plugin(testdir):
class TestFunctional:
def test_mark_per_function(self, testdir):
p = testdir.makepyfile("""
import py
@ -28,3 +50,56 @@ def test_mark_plugin(testdir):
result = testdir.runpytest(p)
assert result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*passed*"])
def test_mark_per_module(self, testdir):
item = testdir.getitem("""
import py
pytestmark = py.test.mark.hello
def test_func():
keywords = item.readkeywords()
assert 'hello' in keywords
def test_mark_per_class(self, testdir):
modcol = testdir.getmodulecol("""
import py
class TestClass:
pytestmark = py.test.mark.hello
def test_func(self):
assert TestClass.test_func.hello
clscol = modcol.collect()[0]
item = clscol.collect()[0].collect()[0]
keywords = item.readkeywords()
assert 'hello' in keywords
def test_merging_markers(self, testdir):
p = testdir.makepyfile("""
import py
pytestmark = py.test.mark.hello("pos1", x=1, y=2)
class TestClass:
# classlevel overrides module level
pytestmark = py.test.mark.hello(x=3)
@py.test.mark.hello("pos0", z=4)
def test_func(self):
items, rec = testdir.inline_genitems(p)
item, = items
keywords = item.readkeywords()
marker = keywords['hello']
assert marker._args == ["pos0", "pos1"]
assert marker.x == 3
assert marker.y == 2
assert marker.z == 4
def test_mark_other(self, testdir):
item = testdir.getitem("""
import py
class pytestmark:
def test_func():
keywords = item.readkeywords()
Reference in New Issue