move localpath implementation to a single file, simplify unix/posix difference and fix a bit
--HG-- branch : trunk
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
py.test --dist=each $* \
--tx 'popen//python=python2.6' \
--tx 'ssh=noco//python=/usr/local/bin/python2.4//chdir=/tmp/pytest-python2.4' \
--tx 'socket='
#--tx 'popen//python=python2.6' \
#--tx 'ssh=noco//python=/usr/local/bin/python2.4//chdir=/tmp/pytest-python2.4' \
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
Changes between 1.0.x and 'trunk'
* simplified internal localpath implementation
Changes between 1.0.0 and 1.0.1
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ initpkg(__name__,
'path.__doc__' : ('./path/', '__doc__'),
'path.svnwc' : ('./path/svn/', 'SvnWCCommandPath'),
'path.svnurl' : ('./path/svn/', 'SvnCommandPath'),
'path.local' : ('./path/local/', 'LocalPath'),
'path.local' : ('./path/', 'LocalPath'),
'path.SvnAuth' : ('./path/svn/', 'SvnAuth'),
# some nice slightly magic APIs
@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
specialized local path implementation.
This Path implementation offers some methods like chmod(), owner()
and so on that may only make sense on unix.
local path implementation.
from __future__ import generators
import sys, os, stat, re, atexit
@ -12,17 +8,93 @@ from py.__.path import common
iswin32 = sys.platform == "win32"
class Stat(object):
pformat = "%s = property(lambda x: getattr(x._osstatresult, 'st_%s'))"
for name in ('atime blksize blocks ctime dev gid '
'ino mode mtime nlink rdev size uid'.split()):
code = pformat.replace("%s", name)
exec code
def __init__(self, path, osstatresult):
self.path = path
self._osstatresult = osstatresult
def owner(self):
if iswin32:
from import WinMixin as PlatformMixin
from py.__.path.local.posix import PosixMixin as PlatformMixin
raise NotImplementedError("XXX win32")
import pwd
entry = self.path._callex(pwd.getpwuid, self.uid)
return entry[0]
owner = property(owner, None, None, "owner of path")
class LocalPath(common.FSPathBase, PlatformMixin):
""" Local path implementation offering access/modification
methods similar to os.path.
def group(self):
""" return group name of file. """
if iswin32:
raise NotImplementedError("XXX win32")
import grp
entry = self.path._callex(grp.getgrgid, self.gid)
return entry[0]
group = property(group)
class PosixPath(common.FSPathBase):
def chown(self, user, group, rec=0):
""" change ownership to the given user and group.
user and group may be specified by a number or
by a name. if rec is True change ownership
_path_cache = {}
uid = getuserid(user)
gid = getgroupid(group)
if rec:
for x in self.visit(rec=lambda x: x.check(link=0)):
if x.check(link=0):
self._callex(os.chown, str(x), uid, gid)
self._callex(os.chown, str(self), uid, gid)
def readlink(self):
""" return value of a symbolic link. """
return self._callex(os.readlink, self.strpath)
def mklinkto(self, oldname):
""" posix style hard link to another name. """
self._callex(, str(oldname), str(self))
def mksymlinkto(self, value, absolute=1):
""" create a symbolic link with the given value (pointing to another name). """
if absolute:
self._callex(os.symlink, str(value), self.strpath)
base = self.common(value)
# with posix local paths '/' is always a common base
relsource = self.__class__(value).relto(base)
reldest = self.relto(base)
n = reldest.count(self.sep)
target = self.sep.join(('..', )*n + (relsource, ))
self._callex(os.symlink, target, self.strpath)
def samefile(self, other):
""" return True if other refers to the same stat object as self. """
return py.std.os.path.samefile(str(self), str(other))
def getuserid(user):
import pwd
if not isinstance(user, int):
user = pwd.getpwnam(user)[2]
return user
def getgroupid(group):
import grp
if not isinstance(group, int):
group = grp.getgrnam(group)[2]
return group
FSBase = not iswin32 and PosixPath or common.FSPathBase
class LocalPath(FSBase):
""" object oriented interface to os.path and other local filesystem
related information.
sep = os.sep
class Checkers(common.FSCheckers):
def _stat(self):
@ -76,6 +148,21 @@ class LocalPath(common.FSPathBase, PlatformMixin):
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.strpath)
def remove(self, rec=1):
""" remove a file or directory (or a directory tree if rec=1). """
if self.check(dir=1, link=0):
if rec:
# force remove of readonly files on windows
if iswin32:
self.chmod(0700, rec=1)
self._callex(py.std.shutil.rmtree, self.strpath)
self._callex(os.rmdir, self.strpath)
if iswin32:
self._callex(os.remove, self.strpath)
def computehash(self, hashtype="md5", chunksize=524288):
""" return hexdigest of hashvalue for this file. """
hash = self._gethashinstance(hashtype)
@ -311,14 +398,12 @@ class LocalPath(common.FSPathBase, PlatformMixin):
def stat(self):
""" Return an os.stat() tuple. """
stat = self._callex(os.stat, self.strpath)
return self._makestat(stat)
return Stat(self, self._callex(os.stat, self.strpath))
def lstat(self):
""" Return an os.lstat() tuple. """
return self._makestat(self._callex(os.lstat, self.strpath))
return Stat(self, self._callex(os.lstat, self.strpath))
# xlocal implementation
def setmtime(self, mtime=None):
""" set modification time for the given path. if 'mtime' is None
(the default) then the file's mtime is set to current time.
@ -379,6 +464,18 @@ class LocalPath(common.FSPathBase, PlatformMixin):
#print "prepending to sys.path", s
sys.path.insert(0, s)
def chmod(self, mode, rec=0):
""" change permissions to the given mode. If mode is an
integer it directly encodes the os-specific modes.
if rec is True perform recursively.
if not isinstance(mode, int):
raise TypeError("mode %r must be an integer" % (mode,))
if rec:
for x in self.visit(rec=rec):
self._callex(os.chmod, str(x), mode)
self._callex(os.chmod, str(self), mode)
def pyimport(self, modname=None, ensuresyspath=True):
""" return path as an imported python module.
if modname is None, look for the containing package
@ -438,7 +535,7 @@ class LocalPath(common.FSPathBase, PlatformMixin):
def _getpycodeobj(self):
""" read the path and compile it to a code object. """
dotpy = self.check(ext='.py')
dotpy = self.ext == ".py"
if dotpy:
my_magic = py.std.imp.get_magic()
my_timestamp = int(self.mtime())
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import py
class Stat(object):
def __init__(self, path, osstatresult):
self.path = path
self._osstatresult = osstatresult
for name in ('atime blksize blocks ctime dev gid '
'ino mode mtime nlink rdev size uid'.split()):
code = """if 1:
def fget(self):
return getattr(self._osstatresult, "st_%(name)s", None)
%(name)s = property(fget)
def fget_deprecated(self):
py.std.warnings.warn("statresult.st_%(name)s is deprecated, use "
"statresult.%(name)s instead.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return getattr(self._osstatresult, "st_%(name)s", None)
st_%(name)s = property(fget_deprecated)
""" % locals()
exec code
del fget
del fget_deprecated
@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
module to access local filesystem pathes
(mostly filename manipulations but also file operations)
import os, sys, stat
import py
# Local Path Posix Mixin
from py.__.path.local.common import Stat
class PosixStat(Stat):
def owner(self):
entry = self.path._callex(py.std.pwd.getpwuid, self.uid)
return entry[0]
owner = property(owner, None, None, "owner of path")
def group(self):
""" return group name of file. """
entry = self.path._callex(py.std.grp.getgrgid, self.gid)
return entry[0]
group = property(group)
class PosixMixin(object):
def _makestat(self, statresult):
return PosixStat(self, statresult)
def _deprecated(self, name):
py.std.warnings.warn("'path.%s()' is deprecated, use "
"'path.stat().%s' instead." % (name,name),
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
# an instance needs to be a local path instance
def owner(self):
""" return owner name of file. """
return self.stat().owner
def group(self):
""" return group name of file. """
return self.stat().group
def mode(self):
""" return permission mode of the path object """
return self.stat().mode
def chmod(self, mode, rec=0):
""" change permissions to the given mode. If mode is an
integer it directly encodes the os-specific modes.
if rec is True perform recursively.
(xxx if mode is a string then it specifies access rights
in '/bin/chmod' style, e.g. a+r).
if not isinstance(mode, int):
raise TypeError("mode %r must be an integer" % (mode,))
if rec:
for x in self.visit(rec=rec):
self._callex(os.chmod, str(x), mode)
self._callex(os.chmod, str(self), mode)
def chown(self, user, group, rec=0):
""" change ownership to the given user and group.
user and group may be specified by a number or
by a name. if rec is True change ownership
uid = getuserid(user)
gid = getgroupid(group)
if rec:
for x in self.visit(rec=lambda x: x.check(link=0)):
if x.check(link=0):
self._callex(os.chown, str(x), uid, gid)
self._callex(os.chown, str(self), uid, gid)
def readlink(self):
""" return value of a symbolic link. """
return self._callex(os.readlink, self.strpath)
def mklinkto(self, oldname):
""" posix style hard link to another name. """
self._callex(, str(oldname), str(self))
def mksymlinkto(self, value, absolute=1):
""" create a symbolic link with the given value (pointing to another name). """
if absolute:
self._callex(os.symlink, str(value), self.strpath)
base = self.common(value)
# with posix local paths '/' is always a common base
relsource = self.__class__(value).relto(base)
reldest = self.relto(base)
n = reldest.count(self.sep)
target = self.sep.join(('..', )*n + (relsource, ))
self._callex(os.symlink, target, self.strpath)
def remove(self, rec=1):
""" remove a file or directory (or a directory tree if rec=1). """
if self.check(dir=1, link=0):
if rec:
self._callex(py.std.shutil.rmtree, self.strpath)
self._callex(os.rmdir, self.strpath)
self._callex(os.remove, self.strpath)
def samefile(self, other):
""" return True if other refers to the same stat object as self. """
return py.std.os.path.samefile(str(self), str(other))
def getuserid(user):
import pwd
if isinstance(user, int):
return user
entry = pwd.getpwnam(user)
return entry[2]
def getgroupid(group):
import grp
if isinstance(group, int):
return group
entry = grp.getgrnam(group)
return entry[2]
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
import py
class TestPOSIXLocalPath:
disabled = py.std.sys.platform == 'win32'
def setup_class(cls):
cls.root = py.test.ensuretemp(cls.__name__)
def setup_method(self, method):
name = method.im_func.func_name
self.tmpdir = self.root.ensure(name, dir=1)
def test_samefile(self):
assert self.tmpdir.samefile(self.tmpdir)
p = self.tmpdir.ensure("hello")
assert p.samefile(p)
def test_hardlink(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
filepath = tmpdir.join('file')
nlink = filepath.stat().st_nlink
assert filepath.stat().st_nlink == nlink + 1
def test_symlink_are_identical(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
filepath = tmpdir.join('file')
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
assert linkpath.readlink() == str(filepath)
def test_symlink_isfile(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
filepath = tmpdir.join('file')
assert linkpath.check(file=1)
assert not linkpath.check(link=0, file=1)
def test_symlink_relative(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
filepath = tmpdir.join('file')
linkpath.mksymlinkto(filepath, absolute=False)
assert linkpath.readlink() == "file"
assert ==
def test_symlink_not_existing(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
linkpath = tmpdir.join('testnotexisting')
assert not linkpath.check(link=1)
assert linkpath.check(link=0)
def test_relto_with_root(self):
y = self.root.join('x').relto(py.path.local('/'))
assert y[0] == str(self.root)[1]
def test_visit_recursive_symlink(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
visitor = tmpdir.visit(None, lambda x: x.check(link=0))
assert list(visitor) == [linkpath]
def test_symlink_isdir(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
assert linkpath.check(dir=1)
assert not linkpath.check(link=0, dir=1)
def test_symlink_remove(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir.realpath()
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
linkpath.mksymlinkto(linkpath) # point to itself
assert linkpath.check(link=1)
assert not linkpath.check()
def test_realpath_file(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
filepath = tmpdir.join('file')
realpath = linkpath.realpath()
assert realpath.basename == 'file'
def test_owner(self):
from pwd import getpwuid
from grp import getgrgid
stat = self.root.stat()
assert stat.path == self.root
uid = stat.st_uid
gid = stat.st_gid
owner = getpwuid(uid)[0]
group = getgrgid(gid)[0]
assert uid == stat.uid
assert owner == stat.owner
assert gid == stat.gid
assert group ==
def test_atime(self):
import time
path = self.root.ensure('samplefile')
now = time.time()
atime1 = path.atime()
# we could wait here but timer resolution is very
# system dependent
atime2 = path.atime()
duration = time.time() - now
assert (atime2-atime1) <= duration
def test_commondir(self):
# XXX This is here in local until we find a way to implement this
# using the subversion command line api.
p1 = self.root.join('something')
p2 = self.root.join('otherthing')
assert p1.common(p2) == self.root
assert p2.common(p1) == self.root
def test_commondir_nocommon(self):
# XXX This is here in local until we find a way to implement this
# using the subversion command line api.
p1 = self.root.join('something')
p2 = py.path.local(self.root.sep+'blabla')
assert p1.common(p2) == '/'
def test_join_to_root(self):
root =[0]
assert len(str(root)) == 1
assert str(root.join('a')) == '/a'
def test_join_root_to_root_with_no_abs(self):
nroot = self.root.join('/')
assert str(self.root) == str(nroot)
assert self.root == nroot
def test_chmod_simple_int(self):
print "self.root is", self.root
mode = self.root.mode()
assert self.root.mode() != mode
assert self.root.mode() == mode
def test_chmod_rec_int(self):
# XXX fragile test
print "self.root is", self.root
recfilter = lambda x: x.check(dotfile=0, link=0)
oldmodes = {}
for x in self.root.visit(rec=recfilter):
oldmodes[x] = x.mode()
self.root.chmod(0772, rec=recfilter)
for x in self.root.visit(rec=recfilter):
assert x.mode() & 0777 == 0772
for x,y in oldmodes.items():
def test_chown_identity(self):
owner = self.root.owner()
group =
self.root.chown(owner, group)
def test_chown_dangling_link(self):
owner = self.root.owner()
group =
x = self.root.join('hello')
self.root.chown(owner, group, rec=1)
def test_chown_identity_rec_mayfail(self):
owner = self.root.owner()
group =
self.root.chown(owner, group)
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
import py
class TestWINLocalPath:
#root = local(TestLocalPath.root)
disabled = py.std.sys.platform != 'win32'
def setup_class(cls):
cls.root = py.test.ensuretemp(cls.__name__)
def setup_method(self, method):
name = method.im_func.func_name
self.tmpdir = self.root.ensure(name, dir=1)
def test_chmod_simple_int(self):
print "self.root is", self.root
mode = self.root.stat().st_mode
# Ensure that we actually change the mode to something different.
self.root.chmod(mode == 0 and 1 or 0)
print self.root.stat().st_mode
print mode
assert self.root.stat().st_mode != mode
assert self.root.stat().st_mode == mode
def test_path_comparison_lowercase_mixed(self):
t1 = self.root.join("a_path")
t2 = self.root.join("A_path")
assert t1 == t1
assert t1 == t2
def test_relto_with_mixed_case(self):
t1 = self.root.join("a_path", "fiLe")
t2 = self.root.join("A_path")
assert t1.relto(t2) == "fiLe"
def test_allow_unix_style_paths(self):
t1 = self.root.join('a_path')
assert t1 == str(self.root) + '\\a_path'
t1 = self.root.join('a_path/')
assert t1 == str(self.root) + '\\a_path'
t1 = self.root.join('dir/a_path')
assert t1 == str(self.root) + '\\dir\\a_path'
def test_sysfind_in_currentdir(self):
cmd = py.path.local.sysfind('cmd')
root ='', basename='') # c:\ in most installations
old = root.chdir()
x = py.path.local.sysfind(cmd.relto(root))
assert x.check(file=1)
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
module for win-specific local path stuff
(implementor needed :-)
import os
import py
from py.__.path.local.common import Stat
class WinMixin:
def _makestat(self, statresult):
return Stat(self, statresult)
def chmod(self, mode, rec=0):
""" change permissions to the given mode. If mode is an
integer it directly encodes the os-specific modes.
if rec is True perform recursively.
(xxx if mode is a string then it specifies access rights
in '/bin/chmod' style, e.g. a+r).
if not isinstance(mode, int):
raise TypeError("mode %r must be an integer" % (mode,))
if rec:
for x in self.visit(rec=rec):
self._callex(os.chmod, str(x), mode)
self._callex(os.chmod, str(self), mode)
def remove(self, rec=1):
""" remove a file or directory (or a directory tree if rec=1). """
if self.check(dir=1, link=0):
if rec:
# force remove of readonly files on windows
self.chmod(0700, rec=1)
self._callex(py.std.shutil.rmtree, self.strpath)
self._callex(os.rmdir, self.strpath)
self._callex(os.remove, self.strpath)
@ -94,8 +94,6 @@ class CommonFSTests(common.CommonPathTests):
assert not self.root.join("sampledir").check(file=1)
assert self.root.join("sampledir").check(file=0)
#def test_fnmatch_dir(self):
def test_non_existent(self):
assert self.root.join("sampledir.nothere").check(dir=0)
assert self.root.join("sampledir.nothere").check(file=0)
@ -205,8 +203,12 @@ class CommonFSTests(common.CommonPathTests):
p = self.root.join('samplefile')
newp = p.dirpath('moved_samplefile')
assert newp.check(file=1)
assert not p.check()
assert p.check()
def test_move_directory(self):
source = self.root.join('sampledir')
@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ class LocalSetup:
def setup_method(self, method):
self.tmpdir = self.root.mkdir(method.__name__)
class TestLocalPath(LocalSetup, CommonFSTests):
def teardown_method(self, method):
assert self.root.join("samplefile").check()
class TestLocalPath(LocalSetup, CommonFSTests):
def test_join_normpath(self):
assert self.tmpdir.join(".") == self.tmpdir
p = self.tmpdir.join("../%s" % self.tmpdir.basename)
@ -347,3 +349,248 @@ def test_homedir():
homedir = py.path.local._gethomedir()
assert homedir.check(dir=1)
class TestWINLocalPath:
#root = local(TestLocalPath.root)
disabled = py.std.sys.platform != 'win32'
def setup_class(cls):
cls.root = py.test.ensuretemp(cls.__name__)
def setup_method(self, method):
name = method.im_func.func_name
self.tmpdir = self.root.ensure(name, dir=1)
def test_owner_group_not_implemented(self):
py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, "self.root.stat().owner")
py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, "self.root.stat().group")
def test_chmod_simple_int(self):
print "self.root is", self.root
mode = self.root.stat().mode
# Ensure that we actually change the mode to something different.
self.root.chmod(mode == 0 and 1 or 0)
print self.root.stat().mode
print mode
assert self.root.stat().mode != mode
assert self.root.stat().mode == mode
def test_path_comparison_lowercase_mixed(self):
t1 = self.root.join("a_path")
t2 = self.root.join("A_path")
assert t1 == t1
assert t1 == t2
def test_relto_with_mixed_case(self):
t1 = self.root.join("a_path", "fiLe")
t2 = self.root.join("A_path")
assert t1.relto(t2) == "fiLe"
def test_allow_unix_style_paths(self):
t1 = self.root.join('a_path')
assert t1 == str(self.root) + '\\a_path'
t1 = self.root.join('a_path/')
assert t1 == str(self.root) + '\\a_path'
t1 = self.root.join('dir/a_path')
assert t1 == str(self.root) + '\\dir\\a_path'
def test_sysfind_in_currentdir(self):
cmd = py.path.local.sysfind('cmd')
root ='', basename='') # c:\ in most installations
old = root.chdir()
x = py.path.local.sysfind(cmd.relto(root))
assert x.check(file=1)
class TestPOSIXLocalPath:
disabled = py.std.sys.platform == 'win32'
def setup_class(cls):
cls.root = py.test.ensuretemp(cls.__name__)
def setup_method(self, method):
name = method.im_func.func_name
self.tmpdir = self.root.ensure(name, dir=1)
def test_samefile(self):
assert self.tmpdir.samefile(self.tmpdir)
p = self.tmpdir.ensure("hello")
assert p.samefile(p)
def test_hardlink(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
filepath = tmpdir.join('file')
nlink = filepath.stat().nlink
assert filepath.stat().nlink == nlink + 1
def test_symlink_are_identical(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
filepath = tmpdir.join('file')
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
assert linkpath.readlink() == str(filepath)
def test_symlink_isfile(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
filepath = tmpdir.join('file')
assert linkpath.check(file=1)
assert not linkpath.check(link=0, file=1)
def test_symlink_relative(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
filepath = tmpdir.join('file')
linkpath.mksymlinkto(filepath, absolute=False)
assert linkpath.readlink() == "file"
assert ==
def test_symlink_not_existing(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
linkpath = tmpdir.join('testnotexisting')
assert not linkpath.check(link=1)
assert linkpath.check(link=0)
def test_relto_with_root(self):
y = self.root.join('x').relto(py.path.local('/'))
assert y[0] == str(self.root)[1]
def test_visit_recursive_symlink(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
visitor = tmpdir.visit(None, lambda x: x.check(link=0))
assert list(visitor) == [linkpath]
def test_symlink_isdir(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
assert linkpath.check(dir=1)
assert not linkpath.check(link=0, dir=1)
def test_symlink_remove(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir.realpath()
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
linkpath.mksymlinkto(linkpath) # point to itself
assert linkpath.check(link=1)
assert not linkpath.check()
def test_realpath_file(self):
tmpdir = self.tmpdir
linkpath = tmpdir.join('test')
filepath = tmpdir.join('file')
realpath = linkpath.realpath()
assert realpath.basename == 'file'
def test_owner(self):
from pwd import getpwuid
from grp import getgrgid
stat = self.root.stat()
assert stat.path == self.root
uid = stat.uid
gid = stat.gid
owner = getpwuid(uid)[0]
group = getgrgid(gid)[0]
assert uid == stat.uid
assert owner == stat.owner
assert gid == stat.gid
assert group ==
def test_atime(self):
import time
path = self.root.ensure('samplefile')
now = time.time()
atime1 = path.atime()
# we could wait here but timer resolution is very
# system dependent
atime2 = path.atime()
duration = time.time() - now
assert (atime2-atime1) <= duration
def test_commondir(self):
# XXX This is here in local until we find a way to implement this
# using the subversion command line api.
p1 = self.root.join('something')
p2 = self.root.join('otherthing')
assert p1.common(p2) == self.root
assert p2.common(p1) == self.root
def test_commondir_nocommon(self):
# XXX This is here in local until we find a way to implement this
# using the subversion command line api.
p1 = self.root.join('something')
p2 = py.path.local(self.root.sep+'blabla')
assert p1.common(p2) == '/'
def test_join_to_root(self):
root =[0]
assert len(str(root)) == 1
assert str(root.join('a')) == '/a'
def test_join_root_to_root_with_no_abs(self):
nroot = self.root.join('/')
assert str(self.root) == str(nroot)
assert self.root == nroot
def test_chmod_simple_int(self):
print "self.root is", self.root
mode = self.root.stat().mode
assert self.root.stat().mode != mode
assert self.root.stat().mode == mode
def test_chmod_rec_int(self):
# XXX fragile test
print "self.root is", self.root
recfilter = lambda x: x.check(dotfile=0, link=0)
oldmodes = {}
for x in self.root.visit(rec=recfilter):
oldmodes[x] = x.stat().mode
self.root.chmod(0772, rec=recfilter)
for x in self.root.visit(rec=recfilter):
assert x.stat().mode & 0777 == 0772
for x,y in oldmodes.items():
def test_chown_identity(self):
owner = self.root.stat().owner
group = self.root.stat().group
self.root.chown(owner, group)
def test_chown_dangling_link(self):
owner = self.root.stat().owner
group = self.root.stat().group
x = self.root.join('hello')
self.root.chown(owner, group, rec=1)
def test_chown_identity_rec_mayfail(self):
owner = self.root.stat().owner
group = self.root.stat().group
self.root.chown(owner, group)
Reference in New Issue