V1 of the resources API draft

This commit is contained in:
holger krekel 2012-07-16 10:47:00 +02:00
parent 8adac2878f
commit 7a90bed19b
2 changed files with 193 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -609,3 +609,29 @@ class Session(FSCollector):
for x in self.genitems(subnode):
yield x
def register_resource_factory(self, name, factoryfunc,
""" register a factory function for the given name.
:param name: the name which can be used to retrieve a value constructed
by the factory function later.
:param factoryfunc: a function accepting (name, reqnode) parameters
and returning a value.
:param matchscope: denotes visibility of the factory func.
Pass a particular Node instance if you want to
restrict factory function visilbility to its descendants.
Pass None if you want the factory func to be globally
:param cachescope: denotes caching scope. If you pass a node instance
the value returned by getresource() will be reused
for all descendants of that node. Pass None (the default)
if you want no caching. Pass "session" if you want to
to cache on a per-session level.

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@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
V2: Creating and working with parametrized test resources
# XXX collection versus setup-time
# XXX parametrize-relation?
pytest-2.3 provides generalized resource management allowing
to flexibly manage caching and parametrization across your test suite.
This is draft documentation, pending refinements and changes according
to feedback and to implementation or backward compatibility issues
(the new mechanism is supposed to allow fully backward compatible
operations for uses of the "funcarg" mechanism.
the new global pytest_runtest_init hook
Prior to 2.3, pytest offered a pytest_configure and a pytest_sessionstart
hook which was used often to setup global resources. This suffers from
several problems. First of all, in distributed testing the master would
also setup test resources that are never needed because it only co-ordinates
the test run activities of the slave processes. Secondly, in large test
suites resources are setup that might not be needed for the concrete test
run. The first issue is solved through the introduction of a specific
def pytest_runtest_init(session):
# called ahead of pytest_runtestloop() test execution
This hook will only be called in processes that actually run tests.
The second issue is solved through a new register/getresource API which
will only ever setup resources if they are needed. See the following
examples and sections on how this works.
managing a global database resource
If you have one database object which you want to use in tests
you can write the following into a conftest.py file::
class Database:
def __init__(self):
print ("database instance created")
def destroy(self):
print ("database instance destroyed")
def factory_db(name, node):
db = Database()
return db
def pytest_runtest_init(session):
session.register_resource("db", factory_db, atnode=session)
You can then access the constructed resource in a test like this::
def test_something(db):
The "db" function argument will lead to a lookup of the respective
factory value and be passed to the function body. According to the
registration, the db object will be instantiated on a per-session basis
and thus reused across all test functions that require it.
instantiating a database resource per-module
If you want one database instance per test module you can restrict
caching by modifying the "atnode" parameter of the registration
call above::
def pytest_runtest_init(session):
session.register_resource("db", factory_db, atnode=pytest.Module)
Neither the tests nor the factory function will need to change.
This also means that you can decide the scoping of resources
at runtime - e.g. based on a command line option: for developer
settings you might want per-session and for Continous Integration
runs you might prefer per-module or even per-function scope like this::
def pytest_runtest_init(session):
session.register_resource_factory("db", factory_db,
parametrized resources
If you want to rerun tests with different resource values you can specify
a list of factories instead of just one::
def pytest_runtest_init(session):
session.register_factory("db", [factory1, factory2], atnode=session)
In this case all tests that depend on the "db" resource will be run twice
using the respective values obtained from the two factory functions.
Using a resource from another resource factory
You can use the database resource from a another resource factory through
the ``node.getresource()`` method. Let's add a resource factory for
a "db_users" table at module-level, extending the previous db-example::
def pytest_runtest_init(session):
session.register_factory("db_users", createusers, atnode=module)
def createusers(name, node):
db = node.getresource("db")
table = db.create_table("users", ...)
node.addfinalizer(lambda: db.destroy_table("users")
def test_user_creation(db_users):
The create-users will be called for each module. After the tests in
that module finish execution, the table will be destroyed according
to registered finalizer. Note that calling getresource() for a resource
which has a tighter scope will raise a LookupError because the
is not available at a more general scope. Concretely, if you
table is defined as a per-session resource and the database object as a
per-module one, the table creation cannot work on a per-session basis.
Setting resources as class attributes
If you want to make an attribute available on a test class, you can
use the resource_attr marker::
class TestClass:
def test_something(self):
#use self.db
Note that this way of using resources can be used on unittest.TestCase
instances as well (function arguments can not be added due to unittest
How the funcarg mechanism is implemented (internal notes)
Prior to pytest-2.3/4, pytest advertised the "funcarg" mechanism
which provided a subset functionality to the generalized resource management.
In fact, the previous mechanism is implemented in terms of the new API
and should continue to work unmodified. It basically automates the
registration of factories through automatic discovery of
``pytest_funcarg_NAME`` function on plugins, Python modules and classes.
As an example let's consider the Module.setup() method::
class Module(PyCollector):
def setup(self):
for name, func in self.obj.__dict__.items():
if name.startswith("pytest_funcarg__"):
resourcename = name[len("pytest_funcarg__"):]
RequestAdapter(self, name, func))
The request adapater takes care to provide the pre-2.3 API for funcarg
factories, providing request.cached_setup/addfinalizer/getfuncargvalue