Remove all py.test-X* entry points.

The versioned, suffixed entry points are not documented and a leftover from a pre-virtualenv world. They also are broken for wheels.
This commit is contained in:
Oliver Bestwalter 2016-06-25 12:27:05 +02:00
parent db79ed5c4d
commit 891e1677b6
1 changed files with 2 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ def main():
platforms=['unix', 'linux', 'osx', 'cygwin', 'win32'],
author='Holger Krekel, Bruno Oliveira, Ronny Pfannschmidt, Floris Bruynooghe, Brianna Laugher, Florian Bruhin and others',
author_email='holger at',
['pytest=pytest:main', 'py.test=pytest:main']},
cmdclass={'test': PyTest},
# the following should be enabled for release
@ -81,29 +82,6 @@ def main():
def cmdline_entrypoints(versioninfo, platform, basename):
target = 'pytest:main'
if platform.startswith('java'):
points = {'py.test-jython': target}
if basename.startswith('pypy'):
points = {'py.test-%s' % basename: target}
else: # cpython
points = {'py.test-%s.%s' % versioninfo[:2] : target}
points['py.test'] = target
points['pytest'] = target
return points
def make_entry_points():
basename = os.path.basename(sys.executable)
points = cmdline_entrypoints(sys.version_info, sys.platform, basename)
keys = list(points.keys())
l = ['%s = %s' % (x, points[x]) for x in keys]
return {'console_scripts': l}
class PyTest(Command):
user_options = []
def initialize_options(self):