added plugins_index documentation and generated plugins_index file

branch : plugins-index
This commit is contained in:
Bruno Oliveira 2013-10-11 19:47:40 -03:00
parent 7e793b9419
commit d92322a574
2 changed files with 138 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
Script to generate the file `plugins_index.txt` with information about pytest plugins taken directly
from a live pypi server.
This will evolve to include test compatibility (pythons and pytest versions) information also.
from collections import namedtuple
import datetime
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import itertools
import os
@ -7,10 +14,16 @@ import xmlrpclib
# iter_pypi_plugins
# iter_plugins
def iter_pypi_plugins(client):
for plug_data in{'name' : 'pytest-'}):
def iter_plugins(client, search='pytest-'):
Returns an iterator of (name, version) from pypi.
:param client: xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
:param search: package names to search for
for plug_data in{'name' : search}):
yield plug_data['name'], plug_data['version']
@ -18,6 +31,11 @@ def iter_pypi_plugins(client):
# get_latest_versions
def get_latest_versions(plugins):
Returns an iterator of (name, version) from the given list of (name, version), but returning
only the latest version of the package. Uses distutils.LooseVersion to ensure compatibility
with PEP386.
plugins = [(name, LooseVersion(version)) for (name, version) in plugins]
for name, grouped_plugins in itertools.groupby(plugins, key=lambda x: x[0]):
name, loose_version = list(grouped_plugins)[-1]
@ -28,19 +46,27 @@ def get_latest_versions(plugins):
# obtain_plugins_table
def obtain_plugins_table(plugins, client):
Returns information to populate a table of plugins, their versions, authors, etc.
The returned information is a list of columns of `ColumnData` namedtuples(text, link). Link
can be None if the text for that column should not be linked to anything.
:param plugins: list of (name, version)
:param client: xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
rows = []
RowData = namedtuple('RowData', 'text link')
ColumnData = namedtuple('ColumnData', 'text link')
headers = ['Name', 'Version', 'Author', 'Summary']
# pluginname and latest version, pypi link, maintainer/author, repository link,
# one-line description, test status py27/py33
for package_name, version in plugins:
release_data = client.release_data(package_name, version)
row = (
RowData(package_name, release_data['package_url']),
RowData(version, release_data['release_url']),
RowData(release_data['author'], release_data['author_email']),
RowData(release_data['summary'], None),
ColumnData(package_name, release_data['package_url']),
ColumnData(version, release_data['release_url']),
ColumnData(release_data['author'], release_data['author_email']),
ColumnData(release_data['summary'], None),
assert len(row) == len(headers)
@ -51,56 +77,71 @@ def obtain_plugins_table(plugins, client):
# generate_plugins_index_from_table
def generate_plugins_index_from_table(headers, rows, basename):
def generate_plugins_index_from_table(filename, headers, rows):
Generates a RST file with the table data given.
:param filename: output filename
:param headers: see `obtain_plugins_table`
:param rows: see `obtain_plugins_table`
# creates a list of rows, each being a str containing appropriate column text and link
table_texts = []
for row in rows:
column_texts = []
for i, col_data in enumerate(row):
text = '`%s <%s>`_' % (col_data.text, if else col_data.text
# compute max length of each column so we can build the rst table
column_lengths = [len(x) for x in headers]
for column_texts in table_texts:
for i, row_text in enumerate(column_texts):
column_lengths[i] = max(column_lengths[i], len(row_text) + 2)
def get_row_limiter(char):
return ' '.join(char * length for length in column_lengths)
def ref(s, link):
return s + '_' if link else s
table_texts = []
for row in rows:
row_texts = []
for i, row_data in enumerate(row):
text = '`%s <%s>`_' % (row_data.text, if else row_data.text
column_lengths = [len(x) for x in headers]
for row_texts in table_texts:
for i, row_text in enumerate(row_texts):
column_lengths[i] = max(column_lengths[i], len(row_text) + 2)
with file(basename, 'w') as f:
with file(filename, 'w') as f:
# write welcome
print >> f, '.. _plugins_index:'
print >> f
print >> f, 'List of Third-Party Plugins'
print >> f, '==========================='
print >> f
print >> f
# table
print >> f, get_row_limiter('=')
for i, header in enumerate(headers):
print >> f, '{:^{fill}}'.format(header, fill=column_lengths[i]),
print >> f
print >> f, get_row_limiter('=')
for row_texts in table_texts:
for i, row_text in enumerate(row_texts):
for column_texts in table_texts:
for i, row_text in enumerate(column_texts):
print >> f, '{:^{fill}}'.format(row_text, fill=column_lengths[i]),
print >> f
print >> f
print >> f, get_row_limiter('=')
print >> f
print >> f, '*(Last updated: %s)*' %'%Y-%m-%d')
# generate_plugins_index
def generate_plugins_index(client, basename):
plugins = get_latest_versions(iter_pypi_plugins(client))
def generate_plugins_index(client, filename):
Generates an RST file with a table of the latest pytest plugins found in pypi.
:param client: xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
:param filename: output filename
plugins = get_latest_versions(iter_plugins(client))
headers, rows = obtain_plugins_table(plugins, client)
generate_plugins_index_from_table(headers, rows, basename)
generate_plugins_index_from_table(filename, headers, rows)
@ -108,8 +149,8 @@ def generate_plugins_index(client, basename):
def main(argv):
client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('')
basename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'plugins_index.txt')
generate_plugins_index(client, basename)
filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'plugins_index.txt')
generate_plugins_index(client, filename)
print 'OK'
return 0

doc/en/plugins_index.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
.. _plugins_index:
List of Third-Party Plugins
================================================================================== ============================================================================ ==================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================================
Name Version Author Summary
================================================================================== ============================================================================ ==================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================================
`pytest-bdd <>`_ `0.6.1 <>`_ `Oleg Pidsadnyi <>`_ BDD for pytest
`pytest-bdd-splinter <>`_ `0.5.2 <>`_ `Oleg Pidsadnyi <>`_ Splinter subplugin for Pytest BDD plugin
`pytest-bench <>`_ `0.1.0 <>`_ `Concordus Applications <>`_ Benchmark utility that plugs into pytest.
`pytest-blockage <>`_ `0.1 <>`_ `UNKNOWN <UNKNOWN>`_ Disable network requests during a test run.
`pytest-browsermob-proxy <>`_ `0.1 <>`_ `Dave Hunt <>`_ BrowserMob proxy plugin for py.test.
`pytest-bugzilla <>`_ `0.2 <>`_ `Noufal Ibrahim <>`_ py.test bugzilla integration plugin
`pytest-cache <>`_ `1.0 <>`_ `Holger Krekel <>`_ pytest plugin with mechanisms for caching across test runs
`pytest-capturelog <>`_ `0.7 <>`_ `Meme Dough <>`_ py.test plugin to capture log messages
`pytest-codecheckers <>`_ `0.2 <>`_ `Ronny Pfannschmidt <>`_ pytest plugin to add source code sanity checks (pep8 and friends)
`pytest-contextfixture <>`_ `0.1.1 <>`_ `Andreas Pelme <>`_ Define pytest fixtures as context managers.
`pytest-couchdbkit <>`_ `0.5.1 <>`_ `RonnyPfannschmidt <>`_ py.test extension for per-test couchdb databases using couchdbkit
`pytest-cov <>`_ `1.6 <>`_ `Meme Dough <>`_ py.test plugin for coverage reporting with support for both centralised and distributed testing, including subprocesses and multiprocessing
`pytest-dbfixtures <>`_ ` <>`_ `Clearcode - The A Room <>`_ dbfixtures plugin for py.test.
`pytest-django <>`_ `2.3.1 <>`_ `Andreas Pelme <>`_ A Django plugin for py.test.
`pytest-django-lite <>`_ `0.1.0 <>`_ `David Cramer <>`_ The bare minimum to integrate py.test with Django.
`pytest-figleaf <>`_ `1.0 <>`_ `holger krekel <,>`_ py.test figleaf coverage plugin
`pytest-flakes <>`_ `0.2 <>`_ `Florian Schulze, Holger Krekel and Ronny Pfannschmidt <>`_ pytest plugin to check source code with pyflakes
`pytest-greendots <>`_ `0.2 <>`_ `UNKNOWN <UNKNOWN>`_ Green progress dots
`pytest-growl <>`_ `0.1 <>`_ `Anthony Long <>`_ Growl notifications for pytest results.
`pytest-incremental <>`_ `0.3.0 <>`_ `Eduardo Naufel Schettino <>`_ an incremental test runner (pytest plugin)
`pytest-instafail <>`_ `0.1.0 <>`_ `Janne Vanhala <>`_ py.test plugin to show failures instantly
`pytest-ipdb <>`_ `0.1-prerelease <>`_ `Matthew de Verteuil <>`_ A py.test plug-in to enable drop to ipdb debugger on test failure.
`pytest-konira <>`_ `0.2 <>`_ `Alfredo Deza <alfredodeza [at]>`_ Run Konira DSL tests with py.test
`pytest-localserver <>`_ `0.3 <>`_ `Sebastian Rahlf <basti AT redtoad DOT de>`_ py.test plugin to test server connections locally.
`pytest-marker-bugzilla <>`_ `0.06 <>`_ `Eric Sammons <>`_ py.test bugzilla integration plugin, using markers
`pytest-markfiltration <>`_ `0.8 <>`_ `adam goucher <>`_ UNKNOWN
`pytest-marks <>`_ `0.4 <>`_ `adam goucher <>`_ UNKNOWN
`pytest-monkeyplus <>`_ `1.1.0 <>`_ `Virgil Dupras <>`_ pytest's monkeypatch subclass with extra functionalities
`pytest-mozwebqa <>`_ `1.1.1 <>`_ `Dave Hunt <>`_ Mozilla WebQA plugin for py.test.
`pytest-oerp <>`_ `0.2.0 <>`_ `Leonardo Santagada <>`_ pytest plugin to test OpenERP modules
`pytest-osxnotify <>`_ `0.1.4 <>`_ `Daniel Bader <>`_ OS X notifications for py.test results.
`pytest-paste-config <>`_ `0.1 <>`_ `UNKNOWN <UNKNOWN>`_ Allow setting the path to a paste config file
`pytest-pep8 <>`_ `1.0.5 <>`_ `Holger Krekel and Ronny Pfannschmidt <>`_ pytest plugin to check PEP8 requirements
`pytest-poo <>`_ `0.2 <>`_ `Andreas Pelme <>`_ Visualize your crappy tests
`pytest-pydev <>`_ `0.1 <>`_ `Sebastian Rahlf <basti AT redtoad DOT de>`_ py.test plugin to connect to a remote debug server with PyDev or PyCharm.
`pytest-qt <>`_ `1.0.2 <>`_ `Bruno Oliveira <>`_ pytest plugin that adds fixtures for testing Qt (PyQt and PySide) applications.
`pytest-quickcheck <>`_ `0.7 <>`_ `Tetsuya Morimoto <tetsuya dot morimoto at gmail dot com>`_ pytest plugin to generate random data inspired by QuickCheck
`pytest-rage <>`_ `0.1 <>`_ `Leonardo Santagada <>`_ pytest plugin to implement PEP712
`pytest-random <>`_ `0.02 <>`_ `Leah Klearman <>`_ py.test plugin to randomize tests
`pytest-rerunfailures <>`_ `0.03 <>`_ `Leah Klearman <>`_ py.test plugin to re-run tests to eliminate flakey failures
`pytest-runfailed <>`_ `0.3 <>`_ `Dimitri Merejkowsky <>`_ implement a --failed option for pytest
`pytest-runner <>`_ `2.0 <>`_ `Jason R. Coombs <>`_ UNKNOWN
`pytest-sugar <>`_ `0.2.2 <>`_ `Teemu, Janne Vanhala <,>`_ py.test plugin that adds instafail, ETA and neat graphics
`pytest-timeout <>`_ `0.3 <>`_ `Floris Bruynooghe <>`_ pytest plugin to abort tests after a timeout
`pytest-twisted <>`_ `1.4 <>`_ `Ralf Schmitt <>`_ A twisted plugin for py.test.
`pytest-xdist <>`_ `1.9 <>`_ `holger krekel and contributors <,>`_ py.test xdist plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes
`pytest-xprocess <>`_ `0.8 <>`_ `Holger Krekel <>`_ pytest plugin to manage external processes across test runs
`pytest-yamlwsgi <>`_ `0.6 <>`_ `Ali Afshar <>`_ Run tests against wsgi apps defined in yaml
`pytest-zap <>`_ `0.1 <>`_ `Dave Hunt <>`_ OWASP ZAP plugin for py.test.
================================================================================== ============================================================================ ==================================================================================== =============================================================================================================================================
*(Updated on 2013-10-11)*