implement pytest.param
this allows a clear addition of parameterization parameters that carry along marks instead of nesting multiple mark objects and destroying the possibility of creating function valued parameters, it just folders everything together into one object carrfying parameters, and the marks.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,17 +6,72 @@ from collections import namedtuple
from operator import attrgetter
from .compat import imap
def alias(name):
return property(attrgetter(name), doc='alias for ' + name)
class ParameterSet(namedtuple('ParameterSet', 'values, marks, id')):
def param(cls, *values, **kw):
marks = kw.pop('marks', ())
if isinstance(marks, MarkDecorator):
marks = marks,
assert isinstance(marks, (tuple, list, set))
def param_extract_id(id=None):
return id
id = param_extract_id(**kw)
return cls(values, marks, id)
def extract_from(cls, parameterset, legacy_force_tuple=False):
:param parameterset:
a legacy style parameterset that may or may not be a tuple,
and may or may not be wrapped into a mess of mark objects
:param legacy_force_tuple:
enforce tuple wrapping so single argument tuple values
don't get decomposed and break tests
if isinstance(parameterset, cls):
return parameterset
if not isinstance(parameterset, MarkDecorator) and legacy_force_tuple:
return cls.param(parameterset)
newmarks = []
argval = parameterset
while isinstance(argval, MarkDecorator):
argval.markname, argval.args[:-1], argval.kwargs)))
argval = argval.args[-1]
assert not isinstance(argval, ParameterSet)
if legacy_force_tuple:
argval = argval,
return cls(argval, marks=newmarks, id=None)
def deprecated_arg_dict(self):
return dict((, mark) for mark in self.marks)
class MarkerError(Exception):
"""Error in use of a pytest marker/attribute."""
def pytest_namespace():
return {'mark': MarkGenerator()}
return {
'mark': MarkGenerator(),
'param': ParameterSet.param,
def pytest_addoption(parser):
@ -212,6 +267,7 @@ def istestfunc(func):
return hasattr(func, "__call__") and \
getattr(func, "__name__", "<lambda>") != "<lambda>"
class MarkDecorator(object):
""" A decorator for test functions and test classes. When applied
it will create :class:`MarkInfo` objects which may be
@ -257,8 +313,11 @@ class MarkDecorator(object):
def markname(self):
return # for backward-compat (2.4.1 had this attr)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.mark == other.mark
def __repr__(self):
return "<MarkDecorator %r>" % self.mark
return "<MarkDecorator %r>" % (self.mark,)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" if passed a single callable argument: decorate it with mark info.
@ -291,19 +350,7 @@ class MarkDecorator(object):
return self.__class__(self.mark.combined_with(mark))
def extract_argvalue(maybe_marked_args):
# TODO: incorrect mark data, the old code wanst able to collect lists
# individual parametrized argument sets can be wrapped in a series
# of markers in which case we unwrap the values and apply the mark
# at Function init
newmarks = {}
argval = maybe_marked_args
while isinstance(argval, MarkDecorator):
newmark = MarkDecorator(Mark(
argval.markname, argval.args[:-1], argval.kwargs))
newmarks[] = newmark
argval = argval.args[-1]
return argval, newmarks
class Mark(namedtuple('Mark', 'name, args, kwargs')):
@ -788,36 +788,35 @@ class Metafunc(fixtures.FuncargnamesCompatAttr):
to set a dynamic scope using test context or configuration.
from _pytest.fixtures import scope2index
from _pytest.mark import extract_argvalue
from _pytest.mark import ParameterSet
from import saferepr
unwrapped_argvalues = []
newkeywords = []
for maybe_marked_args in argvalues:
argval, newmarks = extract_argvalue(maybe_marked_args)
argvalues = unwrapped_argvalues
if not isinstance(argnames, (tuple, list)):
argnames = [x.strip() for x in argnames.split(",") if x.strip()]
if len(argnames) == 1:
argvalues = [(val,) for val in argvalues]
if not argvalues:
argvalues = [(NOTSET,) * len(argnames)]
# we passed a empty list to parameterize, skip that test
force_tuple = len(argnames) == 1
force_tuple = False
parameters = [
ParameterSet.extract_from(x, legacy_force_tuple=force_tuple)
for x in argvalues]
del argvalues
if not parameters:
fs, lineno = getfslineno(self.function)
newmark = pytest.mark.skip(
reason="got empty parameter set %r, function %s at %s:%d" % (
argnames, self.function.__name__, fs, lineno))
newkeywords = [{newmark.markname: newmark}]
reason = "got empty parameter set %r, function %s at %s:%d" % (
argnames, self.function.__name__, fs, lineno)
mark = pytest.mark.skip(reason=reason)
values=(NOTSET,) * len(argnames),
if scope is None:
scope = _find_parametrized_scope(argnames, self._arg2fixturedefs, indirect)
scopenum = scope2index(
scope, descr='call to {0}'.format(self.parametrize))
scopenum = scope2index(scope, descr='call to {0}'.format(self.parametrize))
valtypes = {}
for arg in argnames:
if arg not in self.fixturenames:
@ -845,22 +844,22 @@ class Metafunc(fixtures.FuncargnamesCompatAttr):
idfn = ids
ids = None
if ids:
if len(ids) != len(argvalues):
raise ValueError('%d tests specified with %d ids' %(
len(argvalues), len(ids)))
if len(ids) != len(parameters):
raise ValueError('%d tests specified with %d ids' % (
len(parameters), len(ids)))
for id_value in ids:
if id_value is not None and not isinstance(id_value, py.builtin._basestring):
msg = 'ids must be list of strings, found: %s (type: %s)'
raise ValueError(msg % (saferepr(id_value), type(id_value).__name__))
ids = idmaker(argnames, argvalues, idfn, ids, self.config)
ids = idmaker(argnames, parameters, idfn, ids, self.config)
newcalls = []
for callspec in self._calls or [CallSpec2(self)]:
elements = zip(ids, argvalues, newkeywords, count())
for a_id, valset, keywords, param_index in elements:
assert len(valset) == len(argnames)
elements = zip(ids, parameters, count())
for a_id, param, param_index in elements:
assert len(param.values) == len(argnames)
newcallspec = callspec.copy(self)
newcallspec.setmulti(valtypes, argnames, valset, a_id,
keywords, scopenum, param_index)
newcallspec.setmulti(valtypes, argnames, param.values, a_id,
param.deprecated_arg_dict, scopenum, param_index)
self._calls = newcalls
@ -959,17 +958,19 @@ def _idval(val, argname, idx, idfn, config=None):
return val.__name__
return str(argname)+str(idx)
def _idvalset(idx, valset, argnames, idfn, ids, config=None):
def _idvalset(idx, parameterset, argnames, idfn, ids, config=None):
if is not None:
if ids is None or (idx >= len(ids) or ids[idx] is None):
this_id = [_idval(val, argname, idx, idfn, config)
for val, argname in zip(valset, argnames)]
for val, argname in zip(parameterset.values, argnames)]
return "-".join(this_id)
return _escape_strings(ids[idx])
def idmaker(argnames, argvalues, idfn=None, ids=None, config=None):
ids = [_idvalset(valindex, valset, argnames, idfn, ids, config)
for valindex, valset in enumerate(argvalues)]
def idmaker(argnames, parametersets, idfn=None, ids=None, config=None):
ids = [_idvalset(valindex, parameterset, argnames, idfn, ids, config)
for valindex, parameterset in enumerate(parametersets)]
if len(set(ids)) != len(ids):
# The ids are not unique
duplicates = [testid for testid in ids if ids.count(testid) > 1]
@ -55,17 +55,17 @@ them in turn::
$ pytest
======= test session starts ========
platform linux -- Python 3.5.2, pytest-3.0.7, py-1.4.32, pluggy-0.4.0
platform linux -- Python 3.5.2, pytest-3.0.3, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.4.0
rootdir: $REGENDOC_TMPDIR, inifile:
collected 3 items
|||| ..F
======= FAILURES ========
_______ test_eval[6*9-42] ________
test_input = '6*9', expected = 42
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input,expected", [
("3+5", 8),
("2+4", 6),
@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ them in turn::
def test_eval(test_input, expected):
> assert eval(test_input) == expected
E AssertionError: assert 54 == 42
E assert 54 == 42
E + where 54 = eval('6*9')
|||| AssertionError
======= 1 failed, 2 passed in 0.12 seconds ========
@ -94,21 +94,42 @@ for example with the builtin ``mark.xfail``::
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input,expected", [
("3+5", 8),
("2+4", 6),
pytest.mark.xfail(("6*9", 42)),
pytest.param("6*9", 42,
def test_eval(test_input, expected):
assert eval(test_input) == expected
.. note::
prior to version 3.1 the supported mechanism for marking values
used the syntax::
import pytest
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input,expected", [
("3+5", 8),
("2+4", 6),
pytest.mark.xfail(("6*9", 42),),
def test_eval(test_input, expected):
assert eval(test_input) == expected
This was an initial hack to support the feature but soon was demonstrated to be incomplete,
broken for passing functions or applying multiple marks with the same name but different parameters.
The old syntax will be removed in pytest-4.0.
Let's run this::
$ pytest
======= test session starts ========
platform linux -- Python 3.5.2, pytest-3.0.7, py-1.4.32, pluggy-0.4.0
platform linux -- Python 3.5.2, pytest-3.0.3, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.4.0
rootdir: $REGENDOC_TMPDIR, inifile:
collected 3 items
|||| ..x
======= 2 passed, 1 xfailed in 0.12 seconds ========
The one parameter set which caused a failure previously now
@ -181,15 +202,15 @@ Let's also run with a stringinput that will lead to a failing test::
======= FAILURES ========
_______ test_valid_string[!] ________
stringinput = '!'
def test_valid_string(stringinput):
> assert stringinput.isalpha()
E AssertionError: assert False
E assert False
E + where False = <built-in method isalpha of str object at 0xdeadbeef>()
E + where <built-in method isalpha of str object at 0xdeadbeef> = '!'.isalpha
|||| AssertionError
1 failed in 0.12 seconds
@ -207,37 +207,40 @@ class TestMetafunc(object):
def test_idmaker_autoname(self):
from _pytest.python import idmaker
result = idmaker(("a", "b"), [("string", 1.0),
("st-ring", 2.0)])
result = idmaker(("a", "b"), [pytest.param("string", 1.0),
pytest.param("st-ring", 2.0)])
assert result == ["string-1.0", "st-ring-2.0"]
result = idmaker(("a", "b"), [(object(), 1.0),
(object(), object())])
result = idmaker(("a", "b"), [pytest.param(object(), 1.0),
pytest.param(object(), object())])
assert result == ["a0-1.0", "a1-b1"]
# unicode mixing, issue250
result = idmaker((py.builtin._totext("a"), "b"), [({}, b'\xc3\xb4')])
result = idmaker(
(py.builtin._totext("a"), "b"),
[pytest.param({}, b'\xc3\xb4')])
assert result == ['a0-\\xc3\\xb4']
def test_idmaker_with_bytes_regex(self):
from _pytest.python import idmaker
result = idmaker(("a"), [(re.compile(b'foo'), 1.0)])
result = idmaker(("a"), [pytest.param(re.compile(b'foo'), 1.0)])
assert result == ["foo"]
def test_idmaker_native_strings(self):
from _pytest.python import idmaker
totext = py.builtin._totext
result = idmaker(("a", "b"), [(1.0, -1.1),
(2, -202),
("three", "three hundred"),
(True, False),
(None, None),
(re.compile('foo'), re.compile('bar')),
(str, int),
(list("six"), [66, 66]),
(set([7]), set("seven")),
(tuple("eight"), (8, -8, 8)),
(b'\xc3\xb4', b"name"),
(b'\xc3\xb4', totext("other")),
result = idmaker(("a", "b"), [
pytest.param(1.0, -1.1),
pytest.param(2, -202),
pytest.param("three", "three hundred"),
pytest.param(True, False),
pytest.param(None, None),
pytest.param(re.compile('foo'), re.compile('bar')),
pytest.param(str, int),
pytest.param(list("six"), [66, 66]),
pytest.param(set([7]), set("seven")),
pytest.param(tuple("eight"), (8, -8, 8)),
pytest.param(b'\xc3\xb4', b"name"),
pytest.param(b'\xc3\xb4', totext("other")),
assert result == ["1.0--1.1",
@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ class TestMetafunc(object):
from _pytest.python import idmaker
enum = pytest.importorskip("enum")
e = enum.Enum("Foo", "one, two")
result = idmaker(("a", "b"), [(, e.two)])
result = idmaker(("a", "b"), [pytest.param(, e.two)])
assert result == [""]
@ -268,9 +271,10 @@ class TestMetafunc(object):
if isinstance(val, Exception):
return repr(val)
result = idmaker(("a", "b"), [(10.0, IndexError()),
(20, KeyError()),
("three", [1, 2, 3]),
result = idmaker(("a", "b"), [
pytest.param(10.0, IndexError()),
pytest.param(20, KeyError()),
pytest.param("three", [1, 2, 3]),
], idfn=ids)
assert result == ["10.0-IndexError()",
@ -284,9 +288,9 @@ class TestMetafunc(object):
def ids(val):
return 'a'
result = idmaker(("a", "b"), [(10.0, IndexError()),
(20, KeyError()),
("three", [1, 2, 3]),
result = idmaker(("a", "b"), [pytest.param(10.0, IndexError()),
pytest.param(20, KeyError()),
pytest.param("three", [1, 2, 3]),
], idfn=ids)
assert result == ["a-a0",
@ -306,9 +310,10 @@ class TestMetafunc(object):
rec = WarningsRecorder()
with rec:
idmaker(("a", "b"), [(10.0, IndexError()),
(20, KeyError()),
("three", [1, 2, 3]),
idmaker(("a", "b"), [
pytest.param(10.0, IndexError()),
pytest.param(20, KeyError()),
pytest.param("three", [1, 2, 3]),
], idfn=ids)
assert [str(i.message) for i in rec.list] == [
@ -351,14 +356,21 @@ class TestMetafunc(object):
def test_idmaker_with_ids(self):
from _pytest.python import idmaker
result = idmaker(("a", "b"), [(1, 2),
(3, 4)],
result = idmaker(("a", "b"), [pytest.param(1, 2),
pytest.param(3, 4)],
ids=["a", None])
assert result == ["a", "3-4"]
def test_idmaker_with_paramset_id(self):
from _pytest.python import idmaker
result = idmaker(("a", "b"), [pytest.param(1, 2, id="me"),
pytest.param(3, 4, id="you")],
ids=["a", None])
assert result == ["me", "you"]
def test_idmaker_with_ids_unique_names(self):
from _pytest.python import idmaker
result = idmaker(("a"), [1,2,3,4,5],
result = idmaker(("a"), map(pytest.param, [1,2,3,4,5]),
ids=["a", "a", "b", "c", "b"])
assert result == ["a0", "a1", "b0", "c", "b1"]
@ -1438,6 +1450,31 @@ class TestMarkersWithParametrization(object):
reprec = testdir.inline_run()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('strict', [True, False])
def test_parametrize_marked_value(self, testdir, strict):
s = """
import pytest
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("n", "expected"), [
marks=pytest.mark.xfail("sys.version_info > (0, 0, 0)", reason="some bug", strict={strict}),
marks=[pytest.mark.xfail("sys.version_info > (0, 0, 0)", reason="some bug", strict={strict})],
def test_increment(n, expected):
assert n + 1 == expected
reprec = testdir.inline_run()
passed, failed = (0, 2) if strict else (2, 0)
reprec.assertoutcome(passed=passed, failed=failed)
def test_pytest_make_parametrize_id(self, testdir):
def pytest_make_parametrize_id(config, val):
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import os
import sys
import py, pytest
from _pytest.mark import MarkGenerator as Mark
import pytest
from _pytest.mark import MarkGenerator as Mark, ParameterSet
class TestMark(object):
def test_markinfo_repr(self):
@ -10,9 +11,11 @@ class TestMark(object):
m = MarkInfo(Mark("hello", (1,2), {}))
def test_pytest_exists_in_namespace_all(self):
assert 'mark' in py.test.__all__
assert 'mark' in pytest.__all__
@pytest.mark.parametrize('attr', ['mark', 'param'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('modulename', ['py.test', 'pytest'])
def test_pytest_exists_in_namespace_all(self, attr, modulename):
module = sys.modules[modulename]
assert attr in module.__all__
def test_pytest_mark_notcallable(self):
mark = Mark()
@ -415,7 +418,7 @@ class TestFunctional(object):
items, rec = testdir.inline_genitems(p)
for item in items:
print (item, item.keywords)
print(item, item.keywords)
assert 'a' in item.keywords
def test_mark_decorator_subclass_does_not_propagate_to_base(self, testdir):
@ -739,3 +742,16 @@ class TestKeywordSelection(object):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('argval, expected', [
(pytest.mark.skip()((1, 2)),
ParameterSet(values=(1, 2), marks=[pytest.mark.skip], id=None)),
(pytest.mark.xfail(pytest.mark.skip()((1, 2))),
ParameterSet(values=(1, 2),
marks=[pytest.mark.xfail, pytest.mark.skip], id=None)),
def test_parameterset_extractfrom(argval, expected):
extracted = ParameterSet.extract_from(argval)
assert extracted == expected
Reference in New Issue