From f3fcb5e6d3c8ed4557e44a30a758c7c5df7461ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: holger krekel <>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 19:43:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] - strike lots of basically unused code around local path
 implementation.   and tweak things a bit to make py.path.local at least
 importable on 3k

- also strike unused somewhat related code in

branch : trunk
 py/                    |   2 +-
 py/                     |  48 ----
 py/magic/              |  15 +-
 py/misc/testing/   |  34 ---
 py/path/                 | 351 +++++++++---------------------
 py/path/gateway/     |   2 +-
 py/path/                  |  88 ++------
 py/path/svn/          |   6 +-
 py/path/svn/          |   4 +-
 py/path/testing/         |  27 +--
 py/path/testing/       |  37 +---
 py/path/testing/       |  54 -----
 py/path/testing/     |   4 +-
 py/test/plugin/ |   4 +-                          |   3 +-
 15 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 535 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 py/path/testing/

diff --git a/py/ b/py/
index e09aeb696..9276c296a 100644
--- a/py/
+++ b/py/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ For questions please check out
 .. _`py.code`:
-from initpkg import initpkg
+from py.initpkg import initpkg
 trunk = "trunk"
 version = trunk or "1.0.1"
diff --git a/py/ b/py/
index fe5c73933..7f5d37747 100644
--- a/py/
+++ b/py/
@@ -107,54 +107,6 @@ class Package(object):
         assert base.check()
         return base
-    def _iterfiles(self):
-        from py.__.path.common import checker
-        base = self.getpath()
-        for x in base.visit(checker(file=1, notext='.pyc'),
-                            rec=checker(dotfile=0)):
-            yield x
-    def shahexdigest(self, cache=[]):
-        """ return sha hexdigest for files contained in package. """
-        if cache:
-            return cache[0]
-        from sha import sha
-        sum = sha()
-        # XXX the checksum depends on the order in which visit() enumerates
-        # the files, and it doesn't depend on the file names and paths
-        for x in self._iterfiles():
-            sum.update(
-        cache.append(sum.hexdigest())
-        return cache[0]
-    def getzipdata(self):
-        """ return string representing a zipfile containing the package. """
-        import zipfile
-        import py
-        try:
-            from cStringIO import StringIO
-        except ImportError:
-            from StringIO import StringIO
-        base = py.__pkg__.getpath().dirpath()
-        outf = StringIO()
-        f = zipfile.ZipFile(outf, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
-        try:
-            for x in self._iterfiles():
-                f.write(str(x), x.relto(base))
-        finally:
-            f.close()
-        return outf.getvalue()
-    def getrev(self):
-        import py
-        p = py.path.svnwc(self.module.__file__).dirpath()
-        try:
-            return
-        except (KeyboardInterrupt, MemoryError, SystemExit):
-            raise
-        except:
-            return 'unknown'
 def setmodule(modpath, module):
     #print "sys.modules[%r] = %r" % (modpath, module)
     sys.modules[modpath] = module
diff --git a/py/magic/ b/py/magic/
index 4fed7850d..f26521651 100644
--- a/py/magic/
+++ b/py/magic/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 import os, sys
 from py.path import local
-from py.__.path.common import PathStr
 def autopath(globs=None, basefile=''):
     """ return the (local) path of the "current" file pointed to by globals
@@ -20,21 +19,17 @@ def autopath(globs=None, basefile=''):
             raise ValueError, "cannot compute autopath in interactive mode"
         __file__ = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
-    custom__file__ = isinstance(__file__, PathStr)
-    if custom__file__:
-        ret = __file__.__path__
-    else:
-        ret = local(__file__)
-        if ret.ext in ('.pyc', '.pyo'):
-            ret ='.py')
+    ret = local(__file__)
+    if ret.ext in ('.pyc', '.pyo'):
+        ret ='.py')
     current = pkgdir = ret.dirpath()
     while 1:
-        if basefile in current:
+        if basefile in current.listdir():
             pkgdir = current
             current = current.dirpath()
             if pkgdir != current:
-        elif not custom__file__ and str(current) not in sys.path:
+        elif str(current) not in sys.path:
             sys.path.insert(0, str(current))
     ret.pkgdir = pkgdir
diff --git a/py/misc/testing/ b/py/misc/testing/
index 29cdfe699..6f9d647c3 100644
--- a/py/misc/testing/
+++ b/py/misc/testing/
@@ -88,40 +88,6 @@ def check_import(modpath):
     print "checking import", modpath
     assert __import__(modpath) 
-def test_shahexdigest():
-    hex = py.__pkg__.shahexdigest()
-    assert len(hex) == 40
-def test_getzipdata():
-    s = py.__pkg__.getzipdata()
-def test_getrev():
-    if not py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath('.svn').check():
-        py.test.skip("py package is not a svn checkout") 
-    d = py.__pkg__.getrev()
-    svnversion = py.path.local.sysfind('svnversion')
-    if svnversion is None:
-        py.test.skip("cannot test svnversion, 'svnversion' binary not found")
-    v = svnversion.sysexec(py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath())
-    assert v.startswith(str(d))
-# the following test should abasically work in the future
-def XXXtest_virtual_on_the_fly():
-    py.initpkg('my', {
-        'x.abspath' : 'os.path.abspath',
-        'x.local'   : 'py.path.local',
-        'y'   : 'smtplib',
-        'z.cmdexec'   : 'py.process.cmdexec',
-    })
-    from my.x import abspath
-    from my.x import local
-    import smtplib
-    from my import y
-    assert y is smtplib
-    from my.z import cmdexec
-    from py.process import cmdexec as cmdexec2
-    assert cmdexec is cmdexec2
 # test support for importing modules
diff --git a/py/path/ b/py/path/
index 3a46ce8d9..6cb4b3909 100644
--- a/py/path/
+++ b/py/path/
@@ -1,40 +1,28 @@
-module with base functionality for std.path package
-from __future__ import generators
 import os, sys
 import py
-def checktype(pathinstance, kw):
-    names = ('local', 'svnwc', 'svnurl', 'py', )
-    for name,value in kw.items():
-        if name in names:
-            cls = getattr(py.path, name)
-            if bool(isinstance(pathinstance, cls)) ^ bool(value):
-                return False
-            del kw[name]
-    return True
-class checker:
-    """ deprecated: return checker callable checking for the given 
-        kwargs-specified specification. 
-    """
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        py.log._apiwarn("0.9.0", 
-            "py.path.checker is deprecated, construct "
-            "calls to pathobj.check() instead", 
-        )
-        self.kwargs = kwargs
-    def __call__(self, p):
-        return p.check(**self.kwargs)
 class Checkers:
-    _depend_on_existence = 'exists', 'link'
+    _depend_on_existence = 'exists', 'link', 'dir', 'file'
     def __init__(self, path):
         self.path = path
+    def dir(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def file(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def dotfile(self):
+        return self.path.basename.startswith('.')
+    def ext(self, arg):
+        if not arg.startswith('.'):
+            arg = '.' + arg
+        return self.path.ext == arg
     def exists(self):
         raise NotImplementedError
@@ -48,7 +36,7 @@ class Checkers:
         return self.path.relto(arg)
     def fnmatch(self, arg):
-        return fnmatch(arg)(self.path)
+        return FNMatcher(arg)(self.path)
     def endswith(self, arg):
         return str(self.path).endswith(arg)
@@ -67,7 +55,8 @@ class Checkers:
                     except AttributeError:
             if meth is None:
-                raise TypeError, "no %r checker available for %r" % (name, self.path)
+                raise TypeError(
+                    "no %r checker available for %r" % (name, self.path))
                 if meth.im_func.func_code.co_argcount > 1:
                     if (not meth(value)) ^ invert:
@@ -93,6 +82,78 @@ class PathBase(object):
     """ shared implementation for filesystem path objects."""
     Checkers = Checkers
+    def __div__(self, other):
+        return self.join(str(other))
+    def basename(self):
+        """ basename part of path. """
+        return self._getbyspec('basename')[0]
+    basename = property(basename, None, None, basename.__doc__)
+    def purebasename(self):
+        """ pure base name of the path."""
+        return self._getbyspec('purebasename')[0]
+    purebasename = property(purebasename, None, None, purebasename.__doc__)
+    def ext(self):
+        """ extension of the path (including the '.')."""
+        return self._getbyspec('ext')[0]
+    ext = property(ext, None, None, ext.__doc__)
+    def dirpath(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """ return the directory Path of the current Path joined
+            with any given path arguments.
+        """
+        return'').join(*args, **kwargs)
+    def read(self, mode='rb'):
+        """ read and return a bytestring from reading the path. """
+        if sys.version_info < (2,3):
+            for x in 'u', 'U':
+                if x in mode:
+                    mode = mode.replace(x, '')
+        f =
+        try:
+            return
+        finally:
+            f.close()
+    def readlines(self, cr=1):
+        """ read and return a list of lines from the path. if cr is False, the
+newline will be removed from the end of each line. """
+        if not cr:
+            content ='rU')
+            return content.split('\n')
+        else:
+            f ='rU')
+            try:
+                return f.readlines()
+            finally:
+                f.close()
+    def load(self):
+        """ return object unpickled from """
+        f ='rb')
+        try:
+            from cPickle import load
+            return self._callex(load, f)
+        finally:
+            f.close()
+    def move(self, target):
+        """ move this path to target. """
+        if target.relto(self):
+            raise py.error.EINVAL(target, "cannot move path into a subdirectory of itself")
+        try:
+            self.rename(target)
+        except py.error.EXDEV:  # invalid cross-device link
+            self.copy(target)
+            self.remove()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        """ return a string representation of this path. """
+        return repr(str(self))
     def check(self, **kw):
         """ check a path for existence, or query its properties
@@ -106,31 +167,10 @@ class PathBase(object):
             when for example the keyword argument 'ext' is '.py', this will
             return True if self.ext == '.py', False otherwise
-        if kw:
-            kw = kw.copy()
-            if not checktype(self, kw):
-                return False
-        else:
+        if not kw:
             kw = {'exists' : 1}
         return self.Checkers(self)._evaluate(kw)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        for i in self.listdir():
-            yield i
-    def __contains__(self, other):
-        if isinstance(other, str):
-            return self.join(other).check()
-        else:
-            if other.dirpath() != self:
-                return False
-            p = self.join(other.basename)
-            return p.check()
-    def basename(self):
-        return self._getbyspec('basename')[0]
-    basename = property(basename, None, None, 'basename part of path')
     def relto(self, relpath):
         """ return a string which is the relative part of the path
         to the given 'relpath'. 
@@ -213,10 +253,6 @@ class PathBase(object):
         except AttributeError:
             return cmp(str(self), str(other)) # self.path, other.path)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        """ return a string representation of this path. """
-        return repr(str(self))
     def visit(self, fil=None, rec=None, ignore=_dummyclass):
         """ yields all paths below the current one
@@ -231,7 +267,7 @@ class PathBase(object):
             on any of the paths (by default, all exceptions are reported)
         if isinstance(fil, str):
-            fil = fnmatch(fil)
+            fil = FNMatcher(fil)
         if rec: 
             if isinstance(rec, str):
                 rec = fnmatch(fil)
@@ -257,14 +293,14 @@ class PathBase(object):
             return func(*args)
         except py.error.Error: 
-        except EnvironmentError, e:
-            if not hasattr(e, 'errno'):
+        except EnvironmentError:
+            cls, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
+            if not hasattr(value, 'errno'):
             __tracebackhide__ = False
-            cls, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
-            errno = e.errno 
+            errno = value.errno 
-                if not isinstance(e, WindowsError): 
+                if not isinstance(value, WindowsError): 
                     raise NameError
             except NameError: 
                 # we are not on Windows, or we got a proper OSError
@@ -273,21 +309,12 @@ class PathBase(object):
                     cls = py.error._getwinerrnoclass(errno)
                 except KeyError:    
-                    raise cls, value, tb
+                    raise cls(value) # tb? 
             value = cls("%s%r" % (func.__name__, args))
             __tracebackhide__ = True
-            raise cls, value
+            raise cls(value)
-    def _gethashinstance(self, hashtype):
-        if hashtype == "md5": 
-            return py.std.md5.md5()
-        elif hashtype == "sha": 
-            return py.std.sha.sha()
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("unknown hash type: %r" %(hashtype,))
-class fnmatch:
+class FNMatcher:
     def __init__(self, pattern):
         self.pattern = pattern
     def __call__(self, path):
@@ -314,181 +341,3 @@ class fnmatch:
         from fnmatch import fnmatch
         return fnmatch(name, pattern)
-class FSCheckers(Checkers):
-    _depend_on_existence = Checkers._depend_on_existence+('dir', 'file')
-    def dir(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def file(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def dotfile(self):
-        return self.path.basename.startswith('.')
-    def ext(self, arg):
-        if not arg.startswith('.'):
-            arg = '.' + arg
-        return self.path.ext == arg
-class FSPathBase(PathBase):
-    """ shared implementation for filesystem path objects."""
-    Checkers = FSCheckers
-    def __div__(self, other):
-        return self.join(str(other))
-    def dirpath(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """ return the directory Path of the current Path joined
-            with any given path arguments.
-        """
-        return'').join(*args, **kwargs)
-    def ext(self):
-        """ extension of the path (including the '.')."""
-        return self._getbyspec('ext')[0]
-    ext = property(ext, None, None, 'extension part of path')
-    def purebasename(self):
-        """ pure base name of the path."""
-        return self._getbyspec('purebasename')[0]
-    purebasename = property(purebasename, None, None, 'basename without extension')
-    def read(self, mode='rb'):
-        """ read and return a bytestring from reading the path. """
-        if py.std.sys.version_info < (2,3):
-            for x in 'u', 'U':
-                if x in mode:
-                    mode = mode.replace(x, '')
-        f =
-        try:
-            return
-        finally:
-            f.close()
-    def readlines(self, cr=1):
-        """ read and return a list of lines from the path. if cr is False, the
-newline will be removed from the end of each line. """
-        if not cr:
-            content ='rU')
-            return content.split('\n')
-        else:
-            f ='rU')
-            try:
-                return f.readlines()
-            finally:
-                f.close()
-    def load(self):
-        """ return object unpickled from """
-        f ='rb')
-        try:
-            from cPickle import load
-            return self._callex(load, f)
-        finally:
-            f.close()
-    def move(self, target):
-        """ move this path to target. """
-        if target.relto(self):
-            raise py.error.EINVAL(target, "cannot move path into a subdirectory of itself")
-        try:
-            self.rename(target)
-        except py.error.EXDEV:  # invalid cross-device link
-            self.copy(target)
-            self.remove()
-    def _getpymodule(self):
-        """resolve this path to a module python object. """
-        modname = str(self)
-        modname = modname.replace('.', self.sep)
-        try:
-            return sys.modules[modname]
-        except KeyError:
-            co = self._getpycodeobj()
-            mod =
-            mod.__file__ = PathStr(self)
-            if self.basename == '':
-                mod.__path__ = [str(self.dirpath())]
-            sys.modules[modname] = mod
-            try: 
-                exec co in mod.__dict__
-            except: 
-                del sys.modules[modname] 
-                raise 
-            return mod
-    def _getpycodeobj(self):
-        """ read the path and compile it to a py.code.Code object. """
-        s ='rU')
-        # XXX str(self) should show up somewhere in the code's filename
-        return py.code.compile(s)
-class PathStr(str):
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        global old_import_hook
-        self.__path__ = path
-        if old_import_hook is None:
-            import __builtin__
-            old_import_hook = __builtin__.__import__
-            __builtin__.__import__ = custom_import_hook
-def relativeimport(p, name, parent=None):
-    names = name.split('.')
-    last_list = [False] * (len(names)-1) + [True]
-    modules = []
-    for name, is_last in zip(names, last_list):
-        if hasattr(parent, name):
-            # shortcut if there is already the correct name
-            # in the parent package
-            submodule = getattr(parent, name)
-        else:
-            if is_last and'.py').check():
-                p ='.py')
-            else:
-                p ='')
-                if not p.check():
-                    return None   # not found
-            submodule = p._getpymodule()
-            if parent is not None:
-                setattr(parent, name, submodule)
-        modules.append(submodule)
-        parent = submodule
-    return modules   # success
-old_import_hook = None
-def custom_import_hook(name, glob=None, loc=None, fromlist=None, extra=None, level=None):
-    __tracebackhide__ = False 
-    __file__ = glob and glob.get('__file__')
-    if isinstance(__file__, PathStr):
-        # try to perform a relative import
-        # for cooperation with py.magic.autopath, first look in the pkgdir
-        modules = None
-        if hasattr(__file__.__path__, 'pkgdir'):
-            modules = relativeimport(__file__.__path__.pkgdir, name)
-        if not modules:
-            modules = relativeimport(__file__.__path__, name)
-        if modules:
-            if fromlist:
-                submodule = modules[-1]  # innermost submodule
-                # try to import submodules named in the 'fromlist' if the
-                # 'submodule' is a package
-                p = submodule.__file__.__path__
-                if p.check(basename=''):
-                    for name in fromlist:
-                        relativeimport(p, name, parent=submodule)
-                        # failures are fine
-                return submodule
-            else:
-                return modules[0]   # outermost package
-    # fall-back
-    __tracebackhide__ = True 
-    try:
-        return old_import_hook(name, glob, loc, fromlist, level)
-    except TypeError:
-        return old_import_hook(name, glob, loc, fromlist)
diff --git a/py/path/gateway/ b/py/path/gateway/
index a8d8d8529..e032a766f 100644
--- a/py/path/gateway/
+++ b/py/path/gateway/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from py.__.path import common
 COUNTER = itertools.count()
-class RemotePath(common.FSPathBase):
+class RemotePath(common.PathBase):
     sep = '/'
     def __init__(self, channel, id, basename=None):
diff --git a/py/path/ b/py/path/
index 92bfdd957..daa5c542f 100644
--- a/py/path/
+++ b/py/path/
@@ -9,12 +9,8 @@ from py.__.path import common
 iswin32 = sys.platform == "win32"
 class Stat(object):
-    pformat = "%s = property(lambda x: getattr(x._osstatresult, 'st_%s'))"
-    for name in ('atime blksize blocks ctime dev gid ' 
-                 'ino mode mtime nlink rdev size uid'.split()):
-        code = pformat.replace("%s", name)
-        exec code 
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        return getattr(self._osstatresult, "st_" + name)
     def __init__(self, path, osstatresult): 
         self.path = path 
@@ -37,7 +33,7 @@ class Stat(object):
         return entry[0]
     group = property(group) 
-class PosixPath(common.FSPathBase):
+class PosixPath(common.PathBase):
     def chown(self, user, group, rec=0):
         """ change ownership to the given user and group.
             user and group may be specified by a number or
@@ -89,14 +85,14 @@ def getgroupid(group):
         group = grp.getgrnam(group)[2]
     return group
-FSBase = not iswin32 and PosixPath or common.FSPathBase
+FSBase = not iswin32 and PosixPath or common.PathBase
 class LocalPath(FSBase):
     """ object oriented interface to os.path and other local filesystem 
         related information. 
     sep = os.sep
-    class Checkers(common.FSCheckers):
+    class Checkers(common.Checkers):
         def _stat(self):
                 return self._statcache
@@ -129,7 +125,7 @@ class LocalPath(FSBase):
         Note also that passing in a local path object will simply return
         the exact same path object. Use new() to get a new copy.
-        if isinstance(path, common.FSPathBase):
+        if isinstance(path, common.PathBase):
             if path.__class__ == cls:
                 return path
             path = path.strpath
@@ -154,18 +150,25 @@ class LocalPath(FSBase):
             if rec:
                 # force remove of readonly files on windows 
                 if iswin32: 
-                    self.chmod(0700, rec=1)
+                    self.chmod(448, rec=1) # octcal 0700
                 self._callex(py.std.shutil.rmtree, self.strpath)
                 self._callex(os.rmdir, self.strpath)
             if iswin32: 
-                self.chmod(0700)
+                self.chmod(448) # octcal 0700
             self._callex(os.remove, self.strpath)
     def computehash(self, hashtype="md5", chunksize=524288):
         """ return hexdigest of hashvalue for this file. """
-        hash = self._gethashinstance(hashtype)
+        try:
+            try:
+                import hashlib as mod
+            except ImportError:
+                mod = __import__(hashtype)
+            hash = getattr(mod, hashtype)()
+        except (AttributeError, ImportError):
+            raise ValueError("Don't know how to compute %r hash" %(hashtype,))
         f ='rb')
             while 1:
@@ -247,7 +250,7 @@ class LocalPath(FSBase):
                     elif name == 'ext':
-                        raise ValueError, "invalid part specification %r" % name
+                        raise ValueError("invalid part specification %r" % name)
         return res
     def join(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -297,7 +300,7 @@ class LocalPath(FSBase):
             and possibly sorted.
         if isinstance(fil, str):
-            fil = common.fnmatch(fil)
+            fil = common.FNMatcher(fil)
         res = []
         for name in self._callex(os.listdir, self.strpath):
             childurl = self.join(name)
@@ -525,61 +528,6 @@ class LocalPath(FSBase):
                 return mod
-    def _getpymodule(self):
-        """resolve this path to a module python object. """
-        if self.ext != '.c':
-            return super(LocalPath, self)._getpymodule()
-        from py.__.misc.buildcmodule import make_module_from_c
-        mod = make_module_from_c(self)
-        return mod
-    def _getpycodeobj(self):
-        """ read the path and compile it to a code object. """
-        dotpy = self.ext == ".py"
-        if dotpy:
-            my_magic     = py.std.imp.get_magic()
-            my_timestamp = int(self.mtime())
-            if __debug__:
-                pycfile = self + 'c'
-            else:
-                pycfile = self + 'o'
-            try:
-                f ='rb')
-                try:
-                    header =
-                    if len(header) == 8:
-                        magic, timestamp = py.std.struct.unpack('<4si', header)
-                        if magic == my_magic and timestamp == my_timestamp:
-                            co = py.std.marshal.load(f)
-                            path1 = co.co_filename
-                            path2 = str(self)
-                            if path1 == path2:
-                                return co
-                            try:
-                                if os.path.samefile(path1, path2):
-                                    return co
-                            except (OSError,          # probably path1 not found
-                                    AttributeError):  # samefile() not available
-                                pass
-                finally:
-                    f.close()
-            except py.error.Error:
-                pass
-        s ='rU') + '\n'
-        codeobj = compile(s, str(self), 'exec', generators.compiler_flag)
-        if dotpy:
-            try:
-                f ='wb')
-                f.write(py.std.struct.pack('<4si', 'TEMP', -1))  # fixed below
-                py.std.marshal.dump(codeobj, f)
-                f.flush()
-                f.write(py.std.struct.pack('<4si', my_magic, my_timestamp))
-                f.close()
-            except py.error.Error:
-                pass
-        return codeobj
     def sysexec(self, *argv):
         """ return stdout-put from executing a system child process,
             where the self path points to the binary (XXX or script)
diff --git a/py/path/svn/ b/py/path/svn/
index 92e098ed0..97d3c6740 100644
--- a/py/path/svn/
+++ b/py/path/svn/
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def checkbadchars(url):
-class SvnPathBase(common.FSPathBase):
+class SvnPathBase(common.PathBase):
     """ Base implementation for SvnPath implementations. """
     sep = '/'
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class SvnPathBase(common.FSPathBase):
             and possibly sorted.
         if isinstance(fil, str):
-            fil = common.fnmatch(fil)
+            fil = common.FNMatcher(fil)
         nameinfo_seq = self._listdir_nameinfo()
         if len(nameinfo_seq) == 1:
             name, info = nameinfo_seq[0]
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ class SvnPathBase(common.FSPathBase):
     #        raise IOError, "could not determine newest repo revision for %s" % self
     #    return rev
-    class Checkers(common.FSCheckers):
+    class Checkers(common.Checkers):
         def dir(self):
                 return == 'dir'
diff --git a/py/path/svn/ b/py/path/svn/
index 51394b69b..aaf0ec070 100644
--- a/py/path/svn/
+++ b/py/path/svn/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ DEBUG = 0
 rex_blame = re.compile(r'\s*(\d+)\s*(\S+) (.*)')
-class SvnWCCommandPath(common.FSPathBase):
+class SvnWCCommandPath(common.PathBase):
     """ path implementation offering access/modification to svn working copies.
         It has methods similar to the functions in os.path and similar to the
         commands of the svn client.
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ recursively. """
         depending on implementation choices.
         if isinstance(fil, str):
-            fil = common.fnmatch(fil)
+            fil = common.FNMatcher(fil)
         # XXX unify argument naming with LocalPath.listdir
         def notsvn(path):
             return path.basename != '.svn' 
diff --git a/py/path/testing/ b/py/path/testing/
index c56fda0b5..cb2f4b785 100644
--- a/py/path/testing/
+++ b/py/path/testing/
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-from py.__.path.common import checker
 import py
 class CommonPathTests(object):
@@ -99,9 +98,6 @@ class CommonPathTests(object):
         assert self.root.join('samplefile').check(notdir=1)
         assert not self.root.join("samplefile").check(dir=1)
-    def test_filter_dir(self):
-        assert checker(dir=1)(self.root.join("sampledir"))
     def test_fnmatch_file(self):
         assert self.root.join("samplefile").check(fnmatch='s*e')
         assert self.root.join("samplefile").check(notfnmatch='s*x')
@@ -151,12 +147,12 @@ class CommonPathTests(object):
         assert l[0], self.root.join('sampledir')
     def test_listdir_filter(self):
-        l = self.root.listdir(checker(dir=1))
+        l = self.root.listdir(lambda x: x.check(dir=1))
         assert self.root.join('sampledir') in l
         assert not self.root.join('samplefile') in l
     def test_listdir_sorted(self):
-        l = self.root.listdir(checker(basestarts="sample"), sort=True)
+        l = self.root.listdir(lambda x: x.check(basestarts="sample"), sort=True)
         assert self.root.join('sampledir') == l[0]
         assert self.root.join('samplefile') == l[1]
         assert self.root.join('samplepickle') == l[2]
@@ -189,7 +185,7 @@ class CommonPathTests(object):
     def test_visit_endswith(self):
         l = []
-        for i in self.root.visit(checker(endswith="file")):
+        for i in self.root.visit(lambda x: x.check(endswith="file")):
         assert self.root.sep.join(["sampledir", "otherfile"]) in l
         assert "samplefile" in l
@@ -205,23 +201,6 @@ class CommonPathTests(object):
         assert cmp(path1, path2) == cmp('samplefile', 'samplefile2')
         assert cmp(path1, path1) == 0
-    def test_contains_path(self):
-        path1 = self.root.join('samplefile')
-        assert path1 in self.root
-        assert not self.root.join('not existing') in self.root
-    def test_contains_path_with_basename(self):
-        assert 'samplefile' in self.root
-        assert 'not_existing' not in self.root
-    def featuretest_check_docstring(self):
-        here = self.root.__class__
-        assert here.check.__doc__
-        doc = here.check.__doc__
-        for name in dir(local.Checkers):
-            if name[0] != '_':
-                assert name in doc
     def test_simple_read(self):
         x = self.root.join('samplefile').read('ru')
         assert x == 'samplefile\n'
diff --git a/py/path/testing/ b/py/path/testing/
index 4a6f9ace8..36d0d7909 100644
--- a/py/path/testing/
+++ b/py/path/testing/
@@ -207,8 +207,12 @@ class CommonFSTests(common.CommonPathTests):
             assert newp.check(file=1)
             assert not p.check()
-            newp.move(p)
-        assert p.check()
+            dp = newp.dirpath()
+            if hasattr(dp, 'revert'):
+                dp.revert()
+            else:
+                newp.move(p)
+                assert p.check()
     def test_move_directory(self):
         source = self.root.join('sampledir') 
@@ -217,32 +221,3 @@ class CommonFSTests(common.CommonPathTests):
         assert dest.check(dir=1)
         assert dest.join('otherfile').check(file=1) 
         assert not source.join('sampledir').check()
-    def test__getpymodule(self):
-        obj = self.root.join('execfile')._getpymodule()
-        assert obj.x == 42
-    def test_not_has_resolve(self):
-        # because this would mean confusion with respect to
-        # py.path.extpy
-        assert not hasattr(self.root, 'resolve')
-    def test__getpymodule_a(self):
-        otherdir = self.root.join('otherdir')
-        mod = otherdir.join('')._getpymodule()
-        assert mod.result == "got it"
-    def test__getpymodule_b(self):
-        otherdir = self.root.join('otherdir')
-        mod = otherdir.join('')._getpymodule()
-        assert mod.stuff == "got it"
-    def test__getpymodule_c(self):
-        otherdir = self.root.join('otherdir')
-        mod = otherdir.join('')._getpymodule()
-        assert mod.value == "got it"
-    def test__getpymodule_d(self):
-        otherdir = self.root.join('otherdir')
-        mod = otherdir.join('')._getpymodule()
-        assert mod.value2 == "got it"
diff --git a/py/path/testing/ b/py/path/testing/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8647aca4..000000000
--- a/py/path/testing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-from py import path, test
-import py
-from py.__.path.svn.testing.test_wccommand import getrepowc
-class TestAPI:
-    def setup_class(cls): 
-        cls.root = py.test.ensuretemp(cls.__name__) 
-    def repr_eval_test(self, p):
-        r = repr(p)
-        from py.path import local,svnurl, svnwc
-        y = eval(r)
-        assert y == p
-    def test_defaultlocal(self):
-        p = path.local()
-        assert hasattr(p, 'atime')
-        #assert hasattr(p, 'group') # XXX win32? 
-        assert hasattr(p, 'setmtime')
-        assert p.check()
-        assert p.check(local=1)
-        assert p.check(svnwc=0)
-        assert not p.check(svnwc=1)
-        self.repr_eval_test(p)
-        #assert p.std.path()
-    def test_local(self):
-        p = path.local()
-        assert hasattr(p, 'atime')
-        assert hasattr(p, 'setmtime')
-        assert p.check()
-        assert p.check(local=1)
-        self.repr_eval_test(p)
-    def test_svnurl(self):
-        p = path.svnurl('')
-        assert p.check(svnurl=1)
-        self.repr_eval_test(p)
-    def test_svnwc(self):
-        p = path.svnwc(self.root)
-        assert p.check(svnwc=1)
-        self.repr_eval_test(p)
-    #def test_fspy(self):
-    #    p ='smtplib.SMTP')
-    #    self.repr_eval_test(p)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    test.main()
diff --git a/py/path/testing/ b/py/path/testing/
index 43943dbd1..519f4b070 100644
--- a/py/path/testing/
+++ b/py/path/testing/
@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ class TestLocalPath(LocalSetup, CommonFSTests):
         fn = self.tmpdir.join("testhashfile")
         assert fn.computehash("md5") == md5.md5("hello").hexdigest()
-        assert fn.computehash("sha") == sha.sha("hello").hexdigest()
+        #assert fn.computehash("sha") == sha.sha("hello").hexdigest()
+        if sys.version_info >= (2,4):
+            assert fn.computehash("sha1") == sha.sha("hello").hexdigest()
         py.test.raises(ValueError, fn.computehash, "asdasd")
     def test_remove_removes_readonly_file(self):
diff --git a/py/test/plugin/ b/py/test/plugin/
index 7eee7ace3..fa6a2ad6d 100644
--- a/py/test/plugin/
+++ b/py/test/plugin/
@@ -234,9 +234,7 @@ class TerminalReporter:
         if self.config.option.debug or self.config.option.traceconfig:
-            rev = py.__pkg__.getrev()
-            self.write_line("using py lib: %s <rev %s>" % (
-                           py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath(), rev))
+            self.write_line("using py lib: %s" % (py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath()))
         if self.config.option.traceconfig:
             plugins = []
             for plugin in self.config.pluginmanager.comregistry:
diff --git a/ b/
index a41946f07..6a6a28146 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 py lib / py.test file, autogenerated by
 import os, sys
@@ -143,4 +142,4 @@ def main():
 if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file