Change XML file structure in the manner that failures in call and errors
in teardown in one test will appear under separate testcase elements in
the XML report.
In the xml report we now have two occurences for the system-out tag if
the testcase writes to stdout both on call and teardown and fails in
This behaviour is against the xsd.
This patch makes sure that the system-out section exists only
once per testcase.
This has the benefical side-effect of not calling the original
warnings.showwarnings function, which in its original form
only writes the formatted warning to sys.stdout.
Calling the original warnings.showwarnings has the effect that nested WarningsRecorder all catch the warnings:
with WarningsRecorder() as rec1:
with WarningsRecorder() as rec2:
warnings.warn(UserWarning, 'some warning')
(both rec1 and rec2 sees the warning)
When running tests with `testdir`, the main pytest session would then see the warnings created by
the internal code being tested (if any), and the main pytest session would end up with warnings as well.
Descriptors (e.g. properties) such as in the added test case are
triggered during collection, executing arbitrary code which can raise.
Previously, such exceptions were propagated and failed the collection.
Now these exceptions are caught and the corresponding attributes are
silently ignored.
A better solution would be to completely skip access to all custom
descriptors, such that the offending code doesn't even trigger. However
I think this requires manually going through the instance and all of its
MRO for each and every attribute checking if it might be a proper
fixture before accessing it. So I took the easy route here.
In other words, putting something like this in your test class is still
a bad idea...:
def innocent(self):
os.system('rm -rf /')
Currently if the terminal report of testdir.runpytest() is missing,
assert_outcomes() on its output fails because parseoutcomes()
returns an unexpected value (None).
It's better to fail parseoutcomes() directly.
Those tests originally checked for ImportError. Since Python 3.6
ModuleNotFoundError is raised in this context instead, the tests didn't work
as they are text based (so exception inheritance does not save the day).
This commit also improves readbility in get_dirs_from_args by using self
documenting local functions.
get_dirs_from_args also now only returns directories that actually exists,
and not files to avoid confusion.
This commit also removes redundant checks in get_common_ancestor that
was already performed in get_dirs_from_args..
pytest would emit false positive warnings about assertion-rewrite when a
module appears multiple times in plugins which depend
on other plugins using the 'pytest_plugins' mechanism
In Python 2, a context manager's __exit__() leaves sys.exc_info with the exception values even when it was supposed
to suppress the exception, so we explicitly call sys.exc_clear() which removes the traceback and allow the object
to be released.
Also updated the test to not depend on the immediate destruction of the object but instead to ensure it is not being
tracked as a cyclic reference.
Users of unittest style TestCases will create expensive objects
in setUp. We should clean up TestCase instances that are lying
around so that they don't fill up memory.
Until now, teardown stdout/stderr output was not reported upon test failure.
However such output is sometime necessary to understand the failure.
This addresses ref
The current truncation for assertion explanations does not deal with long lines
- Previously if lines were too long it would display a "-n more lines"
- 999e7c6541 introduced a bug where long lines can
cause index errors if there are < 10 lines.
Extract the truncation logic into its own file and ensure it can deal with
long lines properly.
Part one of
If verbosity=1, assertion explanations are truncated at 10 lines. In this
situation, it's more important to tell the user which dictionary items are
different than which are the same.