pytest-2.7.2: bug fixes ======================= pytest is a mature Python testing tool with more than 1100 tests against itself, passing on many different interpreters and platforms. This release is supposed to be drop-in compatible to 2.7.1. See below for the changes and see docs at: As usual, you can upgrade from pypi via:: pip install -U pytest Thanks to all who contributed to this release, among them: Bruno Oliveira Floris Bruynooghe Punyashloka Biswal Aron Curzon Benjamin Peterson Thomas De Schampheleire Edison Gustavo Muenz Holger Krekel Happy testing, The py.test Development Team 2.7.2 (compared to 2.7.1) ----------------------------- - fix issue767: pytest.raises value attribute does not contain the exception instance on Python 2.6. Thanks Eric Siegerman for providing the test case and Bruno Oliveira for PR. - Automatically create directory for junitxml and results log. Thanks Aron Curzon. - fix issue713: JUnit XML reports for doctest failures. Thanks Punyashloka Biswal. - fix issue735: assertion failures on debug versions of Python 3.4+ Thanks Benjamin Peterson. - fix issue114: skipif marker reports to internal skipping plugin; Thanks Floris Bruynooghe for reporting and Bruno Oliveira for the PR. - fix issue748: unittest.SkipTest reports to internal pytest unittest plugin. Thanks Thomas De Schampheleire for reporting and Bruno Oliveira for the PR. - fix issue718: failed to create representation of sets containing unsortable elements in python 2. Thanks Edison Gustavo Muenz - fix issue756, fix issue752 (and similar issues): depend on py-1.4.29 which has a refined algorithm for traceback generation.