Things to do for 0.9.0 ========================= py/bin ----------- * review py/bin scripts abit py.test py.lookup py.cleanup py.countloc review all py lib documentation ------------------------------------- * (hpk, in-progress) rename py/documentation to py/doc (check web page and pypy usage of it) streamline exported API ------------------------------------- * (DONE) move not-to-be-exported Gateway() methods to _ - methods. * docstrings for all exported API * (DONE) remove: test.compat.TestCAse * check and likely remove already deprecated API * remove from public namespace: XXX consider py.magic. invoke/revoke/patch/revert (DONE) remove py.path.extpy * make "_" namespace: py.log -> py._log (pypy!) * (done mostly) review and write docstring * re-consider what to do with read and write methods of py.path classes (since there are places that check for file-ness by doing hasattr(... 'write')) packaging ------------------------------------- * debian and TAR/zip packages for py lib, particularly look into C module issues (greenlet most importantly) * do something about c-extensions both on unix-ish versus win32 systems * ensure compatibility with Python 2.3 - 2.5, see what is missing for 2.2 * optional: support setuptools (eggs?) installs, and instally from pypi (and register pylib there) * (DONE/c-modules don't) see if things work on Win32 (partially done) * refine and implement `releasescheme`_ .. _releasescheme: releasescheme.html APIGEN / source viewer ------------------------------------- * (DONE) make py.test --apigen=PATH_TO_SCRIPT collect tracing information and call the apigen script to produce api and source code documentation * deploy the above "py.test --apigen" run on codespeak regularly, determine directory locations and URL namespace design. * (DONE, XXX functions/methods?) integrate rest directive into py/documentation/ with help code from make sure that the txt files in py/documentation/ use it testing ----------- * these should all work on 0.9 and on the py lib and pypy: - running "py.test -s" - running "py.test --pdb" - running "py.test --looponfailing" - running "py.test" distributed on some hosts (guido tested all on win32, everything works except --dist (requires os.fork to work)) * (DONE) see why startcapture() used to not use FD-based "" to isolate standard output. use that check if all py and PyPy tests pass as good as they do without. * (DONE, except py.path.svn) make --box run on the trunk. This requires having some sort of is_boxed() function, while having it on config object seems to be not that smart idea. * (DONE more or less) try to be as 2.2 compatible as possible (use e.g. py.builtin.enumerate instead of "enumerate" directly) * (DONE) have all sessions check their options via Session.fixoptions() and have session-particular tests and checks accordingly. distributed testing / RSession ------------------------------------ * (DONE, except apigen) cleanup initialisation of config / get rid of pkgdir * (optional) see if more of py/test/'s Session can be reused * (DONE, but slightly different way) have dist_rsyncroots be relative to the file so that projects can define it for themselves, e.g. pypy/ would contain:: dist_rsyncroots = ['../pypy', '../py'] for this there probably needs to be a:: config.getvalue_and_conftestpath() method with tests and documentation, and with providing the right example. way it's done: dist_rsyncroots refer *only* to a directory where it's placed. This avoids tons of confusion, like what to do if different conftests point to the same place. So by now pypy rootdir should contain with:: dist_rsyncroots = ['pypy', 'pylib', 'lib-python'] code quality ----------------- * no function implementation longer than 30 lines * no lines longer than 80 characters * review the pylib issue tracker (cfbolz: done: what has a 0.8.0 or a 0.9.0 tag should be looked at again) py.test ------- * (needs review) adjust py.test documentation to reflect new collector/session architecture * (in-progress) document py.test's approach * (postponed, likely) py.test fails to parse strangely formatted code after assertion failure Missing docstrings ------------------ :: code.Traceback.recursionindex misses a docstring code.Traceback.filter misses a docstring code.Traceback.cut misses a docstring code.Traceback.__getitem__ misses a docstring code.Traceback.Entry misses a docstring code.Traceback.Entry.ishidden misses a docstring code.Traceback.Entry.getfirstlinesource misses a docstring code.Traceback.Entry.__str__ misses a docstring code.Traceback.Entry.__repr__ misses a docstring code.Traceback.Entry.__init__ misses a docstring code.Source.getblockend misses a docstring code.Source.__str__ misses a docstring code.Source.__len__ misses a docstring code.Source.__init__ misses a docstring code.Source.__getslice__ misses a docstring code.Source.__getitem__ misses a docstring code.Source.__eq__ misses a docstring code.Frame.repr misses a docstring code.Frame.is_true misses a docstring code.Frame.getargs misses a docstring code.Frame.exec_ misses a docstring code.Frame.eval misses a docstring code.Frame.__init__ misses a docstring code.ExceptionInfo.exconly misses a docstring code.ExceptionInfo.errisinstance misses a docstring code.ExceptionInfo.__str__ misses a docstring code.ExceptionInfo.__init__ misses a docstring code.Code misses a docstring code.Code.source misses a docstring code.Code.getargs misses a docstring code.Code.__init__ misses a docstring code.Code.__eq__ misses a docstring execnet.SshGateway misses a docstring execnet.SshGateway.join misses a docstring execnet.SshGateway.exit misses a docstring execnet.SshGateway.__repr__ misses a docstring execnet.SshGateway.__init__ misses a docstring execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.write misses a docstring execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.setwritefunc misses a docstring execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.setdefaultwriter misses a docstring execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.resetdefault misses a docstring execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.isatty misses a docstring execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.flush misses a docstring execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.delwritefunc misses a docstring execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.deinstall misses a docstring execnet.SocketGateway misses a docstring execnet.SocketGateway.join misses a docstring execnet.SocketGateway.exit misses a docstring execnet.SocketGateway.__repr__ misses a docstring execnet.SocketGateway.__init__ misses a docstring execnet.PopenGateway misses a docstring execnet.PopenGateway.remote_bootstrap_gateway misses a docstring execnet.PopenGateway.join misses a docstring execnet.PopenGateway.exit misses a docstring execnet.PopenGateway.__repr__ misses a docstring execnet.PopenGateway.__init__ misses a docstring initpkg misses a docstring log.setconsumer misses a docstring log.get misses a docstring log.Syslog misses a docstring log.STDOUT misses a docstring log.STDERR misses a docstring log.Producer.set_consumer misses a docstring log.Producer.get_consumer misses a docstring log.Producer.__repr__ misses a docstring log.Producer.__init__ misses a docstring log.Producer.__getattr__ misses a docstring log.Producer.__call__ misses a docstring log.Producer.Message misses a docstring log.Producer.Message.prefix misses a docstring log.Producer.Message.content misses a docstring log.Producer.Message.__str__ misses a docstring log.Producer.Message.__init__ misses a docstring log.Path misses a docstring log.Path.__init__ misses a docstring log.Path.__call__ misses a docstring magic.View.__viewkey__ misses a docstring magic.View.__repr__ misses a docstring magic.View.__new__ misses a docstring magic.View.__matchkey__ misses a docstring magic.View.__getattr__ misses a docstring magic.AssertionError misses a docstring path.svnwc.visit misses a docstring path.svnwc.mkdir misses a docstring path.svnwc.dump misses a docstring path.svnwc.check misses a docstring path.svnwc.add misses a docstring path.svnwc.__str__ misses a docstring path.svnwc.__repr__ misses a docstring path.svnwc.__new__ misses a docstring path.svnwc.__iter__ misses a docstring path.svnwc.__hash__ misses a docstring path.svnwc.__eq__ misses a docstring path.svnwc.__div__ misses a docstring path.svnwc.__contains__ misses a docstring path.svnwc.__cmp__ misses a docstring path.svnwc.__add__ misses a docstring path.svnwc.Checkers misses a docstring path.svnurl.visit misses a docstring path.svnurl.check misses a docstring path.svnurl.__repr__ misses a docstring path.svnurl.__new__ misses a docstring path.svnurl.__ne__ misses a docstring path.svnurl.__iter__ misses a docstring path.svnurl.__hash__ misses a docstring path.svnurl.__div__ misses a docstring path.svnurl.__contains__ misses a docstring path.svnurl.__cmp__ misses a docstring path.svnurl.__add__ misses a docstring path.svnurl.Checkers misses a docstring path.local.visit misses a docstring path.local.sysexec has an 'XXX' in its docstring path.local.check misses a docstring path.local.__repr__ misses a docstring path.local.__iter__ misses a docstring path.local.__hash__ misses a docstring path.local.__eq__ misses a docstring path.local.__div__ misses a docstring path.local.__contains__ misses a docstring path.local.__cmp__ misses a docstring path.local.__add__ misses a docstring path.local.Checkers misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring misses a docstring test.exit misses a docstring test.deprecated_call misses a docstring test.collect.Module misses a docstring test.collect.Module.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring test.collect.Module.teardown misses a docstring test.collect.Module.startcapture misses a docstring test.collect.Module.skipbykeyword misses a docstring test.collect.Module.setup misses a docstring misses a docstring test.collect.Module.makeitem misses a docstring test.collect.Module.listnames misses a docstring test.collect.Module.join misses a docstring test.collect.Module.haskeyword misses a docstring test.collect.Module.getsortvalue misses a docstring test.collect.Module.getpathlineno misses a docstring test.collect.Module.getouterr misses a docstring test.collect.Module.getitembynames misses a docstring test.collect.Module.funcnamefilter misses a docstring test.collect.Module.finishcapture misses a docstring test.collect.Module.classnamefilter misses a docstring test.collect.Module.buildname2items misses a docstring test.collect.Module.__repr__ misses a docstring test.collect.Module.__ne__ misses a docstring test.collect.Module.__init__ misses a docstring test.collect.Module.__hash__ misses a docstring test.collect.Module.__eq__ misses a docstring test.collect.Module.__cmp__ misses a docstring test.collect.Module.Skipped misses a docstring test.collect.Module.Passed misses a docstring test.collect.Module.Outcome misses a docstring test.collect.Module.Failed misses a docstring test.collect.Module.ExceptionFailure misses a docstring test.collect.Instance misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring test.collect.Instance.teardown misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.startcapture misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.skipbykeyword misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.setup misses a docstring misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.makeitem misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.listnames misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.join misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.haskeyword misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.getsortvalue misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.getpathlineno misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.getouterr misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.getitembynames misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.funcnamefilter misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.finishcapture misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.classnamefilter misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.buildname2items misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.__repr__ misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.__ne__ misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.__init__ misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.__hash__ misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.__eq__ misses a docstring test.collect.Instance.__cmp__ misses a docstring test.collect.Generator misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring test.collect.Generator.teardown misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.startcapture misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.skipbykeyword misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.setup misses a docstring misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.listnames misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.join misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.haskeyword misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.getsortvalue misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.getpathlineno misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.getouterr misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.getitembynames misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.getcallargs misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.finishcapture misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.buildname2items misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.__repr__ misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.__ne__ misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.__init__ misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.__hash__ misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.__eq__ misses a docstring test.collect.Generator.__cmp__ misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.teardown misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.startcapture misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.skipbykeyword misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.setup misses a docstring misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.makeitem misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.listnames misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.join misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.haskeyword misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.getsortvalue misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.getpathlineno misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.getouterr misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.getitembynames misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.funcnamefilter misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.finishcapture misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.classnamefilter misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.buildname2items misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.__repr__ misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.__ne__ misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.__init__ misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.__hash__ misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.__eq__ misses a docstring test.collect.DoctestFile.__cmp__ misses a docstring test.collect.Directory misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring test.collect.Directory.teardown misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.startcapture misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.skipbykeyword misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.setup misses a docstring misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.recfilter misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.makeitem misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.listnames misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.join misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.haskeyword misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.getsortvalue misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.getpathlineno misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.getouterr misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.getitembynames misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.finishcapture misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.filefilter misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.buildname2items misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.__repr__ misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.__ne__ misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.__init__ misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.__hash__ misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.__eq__ misses a docstring test.collect.Directory.__cmp__ misses a docstring test.collect.Collector misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring test.collect.Collector.teardown misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.startcapture misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.skipbykeyword misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.setup misses a docstring misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.listnames misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.join misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.haskeyword misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.getsortvalue misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.getpathlineno misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.getouterr misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.getitembynames misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.finishcapture misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.buildname2items misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.__repr__ misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.__ne__ misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.__init__ misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.__hash__ misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.__eq__ misses a docstring test.collect.Collector.__cmp__ misses a docstring test.collect.Class misses a docstring test.collect.Class.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring test.collect.Class.teardown misses a docstring test.collect.Class.startcapture misses a docstring test.collect.Class.skipbykeyword misses a docstring test.collect.Class.setup misses a docstring misses a docstring test.collect.Class.makeitem misses a docstring test.collect.Class.listnames misses a docstring test.collect.Class.join misses a docstring test.collect.Class.haskeyword misses a docstring test.collect.Class.getsortvalue misses a docstring test.collect.Class.getpathlineno misses a docstring test.collect.Class.getouterr misses a docstring test.collect.Class.getitembynames misses a docstring test.collect.Class.funcnamefilter misses a docstring test.collect.Class.finishcapture misses a docstring test.collect.Class.classnamefilter misses a docstring test.collect.Class.buildname2items misses a docstring test.collect.Class.__repr__ misses a docstring test.collect.Class.__ne__ misses a docstring test.collect.Class.__init__ misses a docstring test.collect.Class.__hash__ misses a docstring test.collect.Class.__eq__ misses a docstring test.collect.Class.__cmp__ misses a docstring test.cmdline.main misses a docstring test.Item misses a docstring test.Item.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring test.Item.teardown misses a docstring test.Item.startcapture misses a docstring test.Item.skipbykeyword misses a docstring test.Item.setup misses a docstring misses a docstring test.Item.listnames misses a docstring test.Item.join misses a docstring test.Item.haskeyword misses a docstring test.Item.getsortvalue misses a docstring test.Item.getpathlineno misses a docstring test.Item.getouterr misses a docstring test.Item.getitembynames misses a docstring test.Item.finishcapture misses a docstring test.Item.buildname2items misses a docstring test.Item.__repr__ misses a docstring test.Item.__ne__ misses a docstring test.Item.__init__ misses a docstring test.Item.__hash__ misses a docstring test.Item.__eq__ misses a docstring test.Item.__cmp__ misses a docstring test.Function.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring test.Function.teardown misses a docstring test.Function.startcapture misses a docstring test.Function.skipbykeyword misses a docstring test.Function.setup misses a docstring misses a docstring test.Function.listnames misses a docstring test.Function.join misses a docstring test.Function.haskeyword misses a docstring test.Function.getsortvalue misses a docstring test.Function.getpathlineno misses a docstring test.Function.getouterr misses a docstring test.Function.getitembynames misses a docstring test.Function.finishcapture misses a docstring test.Function.buildname2items misses a docstring test.Function.__repr__ misses a docstring test.Function.__ne__ misses a docstring test.Function.__init__ misses a docstring test.Function.__hash__ misses a docstring test.Function.__eq__ misses a docstring test.Function.__cmp__ misses a docstring test.Config.__init__ misses a docstring xml.raw.__init__ misses a docstring xml.html misses a docstring xml.html.__tagclass__ misses a docstring xml.html.__tagclass__.unicode misses a docstring xml.html.__tagclass__.__unicode__ misses a docstring xml.html.__tagclass__.__repr__ misses a docstring xml.html.__tagclass__.__init__ misses a docstring xml.html.__tagclass__.Attr misses a docstring xml.html.__tagclass__.Attr.__init__ misses a docstring xml.html.__metaclass__ misses a docstring xml.html.__metaclass__.__getattr__ misses a docstring xml.html.Style misses a docstring xml.html.Style.__init__ misses a docstring xml.escape misses a docstring xml.Tag misses a docstring xml.Tag.unicode misses a docstring xml.Tag.__unicode__ misses a docstring xml.Tag.__repr__ misses a docstring xml.Tag.__init__ misses a docstring xml.Namespace misses a docstring