# flake8: noqa # disable flake check on this file because some constructs are strange # or redundant on purpose and can't be disable on a line-by-line basis import ast import inspect import sys from types import CodeType from typing import Any from typing import Dict from typing import Optional import py.path import _pytest._code import pytest from _pytest._code import getfslineno from _pytest._code import Source def test_source_str_function() -> None: x = Source("3") assert str(x) == "3" x = Source(" 3") assert str(x) == "3" x = Source( """ 3 """ ) assert str(x) == "\n3" def test_unicode() -> None: x = Source("4") assert str(x) == "4" co = _pytest._code.compile('"å"', mode="eval") val = eval(co) assert isinstance(val, str) def test_source_from_function() -> None: source = _pytest._code.Source(test_source_str_function) assert str(source).startswith("def test_source_str_function() -> None:") def test_source_from_method() -> None: class TestClass: def test_method(self): pass source = _pytest._code.Source(TestClass().test_method) assert source.lines == ["def test_method(self):", " pass"] def test_source_from_lines() -> None: lines = ["a \n", "b\n", "c"] source = _pytest._code.Source(lines) assert source.lines == ["a ", "b", "c"] def test_source_from_inner_function() -> None: def f(): pass source = _pytest._code.Source(f, deindent=False) assert str(source).startswith(" def f():") source = _pytest._code.Source(f) assert str(source).startswith("def f():") def test_source_putaround_simple() -> None: source = Source("raise ValueError") source = source.putaround( "try:", """\ except ValueError: x = 42 else: x = 23""", ) assert ( str(source) == """\ try: raise ValueError except ValueError: x = 42 else: x = 23""" ) def test_source_putaround() -> None: source = Source() source = source.putaround( """ if 1: x=1 """ ) assert str(source).strip() == "if 1:\n x=1" def test_source_strips() -> None: source = Source("") assert source == Source() assert str(source) == "" assert source.strip() == source def test_source_strip_multiline() -> None: source = Source() source.lines = ["", " hello", " "] source2 = source.strip() assert source2.lines == [" hello"] def test_syntaxerror_rerepresentation() -> None: ex = pytest.raises(SyntaxError, _pytest._code.compile, "xyz xyz") assert ex is not None assert ex.value.lineno == 1 assert ex.value.offset in {5, 7} # cpython: 7, pypy3.6 7.1.1: 5 assert ex.value.text assert ex.value.text.rstrip("\n") == "xyz xyz" def test_isparseable() -> None: assert Source("hello").isparseable() assert Source("if 1:\n pass").isparseable() assert Source(" \nif 1:\n pass").isparseable() assert not Source("if 1:\n").isparseable() assert not Source(" \nif 1:\npass").isparseable() assert not Source(chr(0)).isparseable() class TestAccesses: def setup_class(self) -> None: self.source = Source( """\ def f(x): pass def g(x): pass """ ) def test_getrange(self) -> None: x = self.source[0:2] assert x.isparseable() assert len(x.lines) == 2 assert str(x) == "def f(x):\n pass" def test_getrange_step_not_supported(self) -> None: with pytest.raises(IndexError, match=r"step"): self.source[::2] def test_getline(self) -> None: x = self.source[0] assert x == "def f(x):" def test_len(self) -> None: assert len(self.source) == 4 def test_iter(self) -> None: values = [x for x in self.source] assert len(values) == 4 class TestSourceParsingAndCompiling: def setup_class(self) -> None: self.source = Source( """\ def f(x): assert (x == 3 + 4) """ ).strip() def test_compile(self) -> None: co = _pytest._code.compile("x=3") d = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] exec(co, d) assert d["x"] == 3 def test_compile_and_getsource_simple(self) -> None: co = _pytest._code.compile("x=3") exec(co) source = _pytest._code.Source(co) assert str(source) == "x=3" def test_compile_and_getsource_through_same_function(self) -> None: def gensource(source): return _pytest._code.compile(source) co1 = gensource( """ def f(): raise KeyError() """ ) co2 = gensource( """ def f(): raise ValueError() """ ) source1 = inspect.getsource(co1) assert "KeyError" in source1 source2 = inspect.getsource(co2) assert "ValueError" in source2 def test_getstatement(self) -> None: # print str(self.source) ass = str(self.source[1:]) for i in range(1, 4): # print "trying start in line %r" % self.source[i] s = self.source.getstatement(i) # x = s.deindent() assert str(s) == ass def test_getstatementrange_triple_quoted(self) -> None: # print str(self.source) source = Source( """hello(''' ''')""" ) s = source.getstatement(0) assert s == str(source) s = source.getstatement(1) assert s == str(source) def test_getstatementrange_within_constructs(self) -> None: source = Source( """\ try: try: raise ValueError except SomeThing: pass finally: 42 """ ) assert len(source) == 7 # check all lineno's that could occur in a traceback # assert source.getstatementrange(0) == (0, 7) # assert source.getstatementrange(1) == (1, 5) assert source.getstatementrange(2) == (2, 3) assert source.getstatementrange(3) == (3, 4) assert source.getstatementrange(4) == (4, 5) # assert source.getstatementrange(5) == (0, 7) assert source.getstatementrange(6) == (6, 7) def test_getstatementrange_bug(self) -> None: source = Source( """\ try: x = ( y + z) except: pass """ ) assert len(source) == 6 assert source.getstatementrange(2) == (1, 4) def test_getstatementrange_bug2(self) -> None: source = Source( """\ assert ( 33 == [ X(3, b=1, c=2 ), ] ) """ ) assert len(source) == 9 assert source.getstatementrange(5) == (0, 9) def test_getstatementrange_ast_issue58(self) -> None: source = Source( """\ def test_some(): for a in [a for a in CAUSE_ERROR]: pass x = 3 """ ) assert getstatement(2, source).lines == source.lines[2:3] assert getstatement(3, source).lines == source.lines[3:4] def test_getstatementrange_out_of_bounds_py3(self) -> None: source = Source("if xxx:\n from .collections import something") r = source.getstatementrange(1) assert r == (1, 2) def test_getstatementrange_with_syntaxerror_issue7(self) -> None: source = Source(":") pytest.raises(SyntaxError, lambda: source.getstatementrange(0)) def test_compile_to_ast(self) -> None: source = Source("x = 4") mod = source.compile(flag=ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) assert isinstance(mod, ast.Module) compile(mod, "", "exec") def test_compile_and_getsource(self) -> None: co = self.source.compile() exec(co, globals()) f(7) # type: ignore excinfo = pytest.raises(AssertionError, f, 6) # type: ignore assert excinfo is not None frame = excinfo.traceback[-1].frame assert isinstance(frame.code.fullsource, Source) stmt = frame.code.fullsource.getstatement(frame.lineno) assert str(stmt).strip().startswith("assert") @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", ["", None, "my"]) def test_compilefuncs_and_path_sanity(self, name: Optional[str]) -> None: def check(comp, name) -> None: co = comp(self.source, name) if not name: expected = "codegen %s:%d>" % (mypath, mylineno + 2 + 2) # type: ignore else: expected = "codegen %r %s:%d>" % (name, mypath, mylineno + 2 + 2) # type: ignore fn = co.co_filename assert fn.endswith(expected) mycode = _pytest._code.Code(self.test_compilefuncs_and_path_sanity) mylineno = mycode.firstlineno mypath = mycode.path for comp in _pytest._code.compile, _pytest._code.Source.compile: check(comp, name) def test_offsetless_synerr(self): pytest.raises(SyntaxError, _pytest._code.compile, "lambda a,a: 0", mode="eval") def test_getstartingblock_singleline() -> None: class A: def __init__(self, *args) -> None: frame = sys._getframe(1) self.source = _pytest._code.Frame(frame).statement x = A("x", "y") values = [i for i in x.source.lines if i.strip()] assert len(values) == 1 def test_getline_finally() -> None: def c() -> None: pass with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: teardown = None try: c(1) # type: ignore finally: if teardown: teardown() source = excinfo.traceback[-1].statement assert str(source).strip() == "c(1) # type: ignore" def test_getfuncsource_dynamic() -> None: source = """ def f(): raise ValueError def g(): pass """ co = _pytest._code.compile(source) exec(co, globals()) f_source = _pytest._code.Source(f) # type: ignore g_source = _pytest._code.Source(g) # type: ignore assert str(f_source).strip() == "def f():\n raise ValueError" assert str(g_source).strip() == "def g(): pass" def test_getfuncsource_with_multine_string() -> None: def f(): c = """while True: pass """ expected = '''\ def f(): c = """while True: pass """ ''' assert str(_pytest._code.Source(f)) == expected.rstrip() def test_deindent() -> None: from _pytest._code.source import deindent as deindent assert deindent(["\tfoo", "\tbar"]) == ["foo", "bar"] source = """\ def f(): def g(): pass """ lines = deindent(source.splitlines()) assert lines == ["def f():", " def g():", " pass"] def test_source_of_class_at_eof_without_newline(tmpdir, _sys_snapshot) -> None: # this test fails because the implicit inspect.getsource(A) below # does not return the "x = 1" last line. source = _pytest._code.Source( """ class A(object): def method(self): x = 1 """ ) path = tmpdir.join("a.py") path.write(source) s2 = _pytest._code.Source(tmpdir.join("a.py").pyimport().A) assert str(source).strip() == str(s2).strip() if True: def x(): pass def test_getsource_fallback() -> None: from _pytest._code.source import getsource expected = """def x(): pass""" src = getsource(x) assert src == expected def test_idem_compile_and_getsource() -> None: from _pytest._code.source import getsource expected = "def x(): pass" co = _pytest._code.compile(expected) src = getsource(co) assert src == expected def test_compile_ast() -> None: # We don't necessarily want to support this. # This test was added just for coverage. stmt = ast.parse("def x(): pass") co = _pytest._code.compile(stmt, filename="foo.py") assert isinstance(co, CodeType) def test_findsource_fallback() -> None: from _pytest._code.source import findsource src, lineno = findsource(x) assert src is not None assert "test_findsource_simple" in str(src) assert src[lineno] == " def x():" def test_findsource() -> None: from _pytest._code.source import findsource co = _pytest._code.compile( """if 1: def x(): pass """ ) src, lineno = findsource(co) assert src is not None assert "if 1:" in str(src) d = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] eval(co, d) src, lineno = findsource(d["x"]) assert src is not None assert "if 1:" in str(src) assert src[lineno] == " def x():" def test_getfslineno() -> None: def f(x) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() fspath, lineno = getfslineno(f) assert isinstance(fspath, py.path.local) assert fspath.basename == "test_source.py" assert lineno == f.__code__.co_firstlineno - 1 # see findsource class A: pass fspath, lineno = getfslineno(A) _, A_lineno = inspect.findsource(A) assert isinstance(fspath, py.path.local) assert fspath.basename == "test_source.py" assert lineno == A_lineno assert getfslineno(3) == ("", -1) class B: pass B.__name__ = B.__qualname__ = "B2" assert getfslineno(B)[1] == -1 co = compile("...", "", "eval") assert co.co_filename == "" if hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"): assert getfslineno(co) == ("", -1) else: assert getfslineno(co) == ("", 0) def test_code_of_object_instance_with_call() -> None: class A: pass pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: _pytest._code.Source(A())) class WithCall: def __call__(self) -> None: pass code = _pytest._code.Code(WithCall()) assert "pass" in str(code.source()) class Hello: def __call__(self) -> None: pass pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: _pytest._code.Code(Hello)) def getstatement(lineno: int, source) -> Source: from _pytest._code.source import getstatementrange_ast src = _pytest._code.Source(source, deindent=False) ast, start, end = getstatementrange_ast(lineno, src) return src[start:end] def test_oneline() -> None: source = getstatement(0, "raise ValueError") assert str(source) == "raise ValueError" def test_comment_and_no_newline_at_end() -> None: from _pytest._code.source import getstatementrange_ast source = Source( [ "def test_basic_complex():", " assert 1 == 2", "# vim: filetype=pyopencl:fdm=marker", ] ) ast, start, end = getstatementrange_ast(1, source) assert end == 2 def test_oneline_and_comment() -> None: source = getstatement(0, "raise ValueError\n#hello") assert str(source) == "raise ValueError" def test_comments() -> None: source = '''def test(): "comment 1" x = 1 # comment 2 # comment 3 assert False """ comment 4 """ ''' for line in range(2, 6): assert str(getstatement(line, source)) == " x = 1" if sys.version_info >= (3, 8) or hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"): tqs_start = 8 else: tqs_start = 10 assert str(getstatement(10, source)) == '"""' for line in range(6, tqs_start): assert str(getstatement(line, source)) == " assert False" for line in range(tqs_start, 10): assert str(getstatement(line, source)) == '"""\ncomment 4\n"""' def test_comment_in_statement() -> None: source = """test(foo=1, # comment 1 bar=2) """ for line in range(1, 3): assert ( str(getstatement(line, source)) == "test(foo=1,\n # comment 1\n bar=2)" ) def test_single_line_else() -> None: source = getstatement(1, "if False: 2\nelse: 3") assert str(source) == "else: 3" def test_single_line_finally() -> None: source = getstatement(1, "try: 1\nfinally: 3") assert str(source) == "finally: 3" def test_issue55() -> None: source = ( "def round_trip(dinp):\n assert 1 == dinp\n" 'def test_rt():\n round_trip("""\n""")\n' ) s = getstatement(3, source) assert str(s) == ' round_trip("""\n""")' def test_multiline() -> None: source = getstatement( 0, """\ raise ValueError( 23 ) x = 3 """, ) assert str(source) == "raise ValueError(\n 23\n)" class TestTry: def setup_class(self) -> None: self.source = """\ try: raise ValueError except Something: raise IndexError(1) else: raise KeyError() """ def test_body(self) -> None: source = getstatement(1, self.source) assert str(source) == " raise ValueError" def test_except_line(self) -> None: source = getstatement(2, self.source) assert str(source) == "except Something:" def test_except_body(self) -> None: source = getstatement(3, self.source) assert str(source) == " raise IndexError(1)" def test_else(self) -> None: source = getstatement(5, self.source) assert str(source) == " raise KeyError()" class TestTryFinally: def setup_class(self) -> None: self.source = """\ try: raise ValueError finally: raise IndexError(1) """ def test_body(self) -> None: source = getstatement(1, self.source) assert str(source) == " raise ValueError" def test_finally(self) -> None: source = getstatement(3, self.source) assert str(source) == " raise IndexError(1)" class TestIf: def setup_class(self) -> None: self.source = """\ if 1: y = 3 elif False: y = 5 else: y = 7 """ def test_body(self) -> None: source = getstatement(1, self.source) assert str(source) == " y = 3" def test_elif_clause(self) -> None: source = getstatement(2, self.source) assert str(source) == "elif False:" def test_elif(self) -> None: source = getstatement(3, self.source) assert str(source) == " y = 5" def test_else(self) -> None: source = getstatement(5, self.source) assert str(source) == " y = 7" def test_semicolon() -> None: s = """\ hello ; pytest.skip() """ source = getstatement(0, s) assert str(source) == s.strip() def test_def_online() -> None: s = """\ def func(): raise ValueError(42) def something(): pass """ source = getstatement(0, s) assert str(source) == "def func(): raise ValueError(42)" def XXX_test_expression_multiline() -> None: source = """\ something ''' '''""" result = getstatement(1, source) assert str(result) == "'''\n'''" def test_getstartingblock_multiline() -> None: class A: def __init__(self, *args): frame = sys._getframe(1) self.source = _pytest._code.Frame(frame).statement # fmt: off x = A('x', 'y' , 'z') # fmt: on values = [i for i in x.source.lines if i.strip()] assert len(values) == 4