.. _`tbreportdemo`: Demo of Python failure reports with pytest ================================================== Here is a nice run of several tens of failures and how ``pytest`` presents things (unfortunately not showing the nice colors here in the HTML that you get on the terminal - we are working on that): .. code-block:: python assertion $ py.test failure_demo.py ======= test session starts ======== platform linux -- Python 3.4.3, pytest-2.8.7, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1 rootdir: $REGENDOC_TMPDIR/assertion, inifile: collected 42 items failure_demo.py FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ======= FAILURES ======== _______ test_generative[0] ________ param1 = 3, param2 = 6 def test_generative(param1, param2): > assert param1 * 2 < param2 E assert (3 * 2) < 6 failure_demo.py:15: AssertionError _______ TestFailing.test_simple ________ self = def test_simple(self): def f(): return 42 def g(): return 43 > assert f() == g() E assert 42 == 43 E + where 42 = .f at 0xdeadbeef>() E + and 43 = .g at 0xdeadbeef>() failure_demo.py:28: AssertionError _______ TestFailing.test_simple_multiline ________ self = def test_simple_multiline(self): otherfunc_multi( 42, > 6*9) failure_demo.py:33: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a = 42, b = 54 def otherfunc_multi(a,b): > assert (a == b) E assert 42 == 54 failure_demo.py:11: AssertionError _______ TestFailing.test_not ________ self = def test_not(self): def f(): return 42 > assert not f() E assert not 42 E + where 42 = .f at 0xdeadbeef>() failure_demo.py:38: AssertionError _______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_text ________ self = def test_eq_text(self): > assert 'spam' == 'eggs' E assert 'spam' == 'eggs' E - spam E + eggs failure_demo.py:42: AssertionError _______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_similar_text ________ self = def test_eq_similar_text(self): > assert 'foo 1 bar' == 'foo 2 bar' E assert 'foo 1 bar' == 'foo 2 bar' E - foo 1 bar E ? ^ E + foo 2 bar E ? ^ failure_demo.py:45: AssertionError _______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_multiline_text ________ self = def test_eq_multiline_text(self): > assert 'foo\nspam\nbar' == 'foo\neggs\nbar' E assert 'foo\nspam\nbar' == 'foo\neggs\nbar' E foo E - spam E + eggs E bar failure_demo.py:48: AssertionError _______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_long_text ________ self = def test_eq_long_text(self): a = '1'*100 + 'a' + '2'*100 b = '1'*100 + 'b' + '2'*100 > assert a == b E assert '111111111111...2222222222222' == '1111111111111...2222222222222' E Skipping 90 identical leading characters in diff, use -v to show E Skipping 91 identical trailing characters in diff, use -v to show E - 1111111111a222222222 E ? ^ E + 1111111111b222222222 E ? ^ failure_demo.py:53: AssertionError _______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_long_text_multiline ________ self = def test_eq_long_text_multiline(self): a = '1\n'*100 + 'a' + '2\n'*100 b = '1\n'*100 + 'b' + '2\n'*100 > assert a == b E assert '1\n1\n1\n1\n...n2\n2\n2\n2\n' == '1\n1\n1\n1\n1...n2\n2\n2\n2\n' E Skipping 190 identical leading characters in diff, use -v to show E Skipping 191 identical trailing characters in diff, use -v to show E 1 E 1 E 1 E 1 E 1 E - a2 E + b2 E 2 E 2 E 2 E 2 failure_demo.py:58: AssertionError _______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_list ________ self = def test_eq_list(self): > assert [0, 1, 2] == [0, 1, 3] E assert [0, 1, 2] == [0, 1, 3] E At index 2 diff: 2 != 3 E Use -v to get the full diff failure_demo.py:61: AssertionError _______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_list_long ________ self = def test_eq_list_long(self): a = [0]*100 + [1] + [3]*100 b = [0]*100 + [2] + [3]*100 > assert a == b E assert [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...] == [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...] E At index 100 diff: 1 != 2 E Use -v to get the full diff failure_demo.py:66: AssertionError _______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_dict ________ self = def test_eq_dict(self): > assert {'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 0} == {'a': 0, 'b': 2, 'd': 0} E assert {'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 0} == {'a': 0, 'b': 2, 'd': 0} E Omitting 1 identical items, use -v to show E Differing items: E {'b': 1} != {'b': 2} E Left contains more items: E {'c': 0} E Right contains more items: E {'d': 0} E Use -v to get the full diff failure_demo.py:69: AssertionError _______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_set ________ self = def test_eq_set(self): > assert set([0, 10, 11, 12]) == set([0, 20, 21]) E assert set([0, 10, 11, 12]) == set([0, 20, 21]) E Extra items in the left set: E 10 E 11 E 12 E Extra items in the right set: E 20 E 21 E Use -v to get the full diff failure_demo.py:72: AssertionError _______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_longer_list ________ self = def test_eq_longer_list(self): > assert [1,2] == [1,2,3] E assert [1, 2] == [1, 2, 3] E Right contains more items, first extra item: 3 E Use -v to get the full diff failure_demo.py:75: AssertionError _______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_in_list ________ self = def test_in_list(self): > assert 1 in [0, 2, 3, 4, 5] E assert 1 in [0, 2, 3, 4, 5] failure_demo.py:78: AssertionError _______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_not_in_text_multiline ________ self = def test_not_in_text_multiline(self): text = 'some multiline\ntext\nwhich\nincludes foo\nand a\ntail' > assert 'foo' not in text E assert 'foo' not in 'some multiline\ntext\nw...ncludes foo\nand a\ntail' E 'foo' is contained here: E some multiline E text E which E includes foo E ? +++ E and a E tail failure_demo.py:82: AssertionError _______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_not_in_text_single ________ self = def test_not_in_text_single(self): text = 'single foo line' > assert 'foo' not in text E assert 'foo' not in 'single foo line' E 'foo' is contained here: E single foo line E ? +++ failure_demo.py:86: AssertionError _______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_not_in_text_single_long ________ self = def test_not_in_text_single_long(self): text = 'head ' * 50 + 'foo ' + 'tail ' * 20 > assert 'foo' not in text E assert 'foo' not in 'head head head head hea...ail tail tail tail tail ' E 'foo' is contained here: E head head foo tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail E ? +++ failure_demo.py:90: AssertionError ______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_not_in_text_single_long_term _______ self = def test_not_in_text_single_long_term(self): text = 'head ' * 50 + 'f'*70 + 'tail ' * 20 > assert 'f'*70 not in text E assert 'fffffffffff...ffffffffffff' not in 'head head he...l tail tail ' E 'ffffffffffffffffff...fffffffffffffffffff' is contained here: E head head fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail E ? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ failure_demo.py:94: AssertionError _______ test_attribute ________ def test_attribute(): class Foo(object): b = 1 i = Foo() > assert i.b == 2 E assert 1 == 2 E + where 1 = .Foo object at 0xdeadbeef>.b failure_demo.py:101: AssertionError _______ test_attribute_instance ________ def test_attribute_instance(): class Foo(object): b = 1 > assert Foo().b == 2 E assert 1 == 2 E + where 1 = .Foo object at 0xdeadbeef>.b E + where .Foo object at 0xdeadbeef> = .Foo'>() failure_demo.py:107: AssertionError _______ test_attribute_failure ________ def test_attribute_failure(): class Foo(object): def _get_b(self): raise Exception('Failed to get attrib') b = property(_get_b) i = Foo() > assert i.b == 2 failure_demo.py:116: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ self = .Foo object at 0xdeadbeef> def _get_b(self): > raise Exception('Failed to get attrib') E Exception: Failed to get attrib failure_demo.py:113: Exception _______ test_attribute_multiple ________ def test_attribute_multiple(): class Foo(object): b = 1 class Bar(object): b = 2 > assert Foo().b == Bar().b E assert 1 == 2 E + where 1 = .Foo object at 0xdeadbeef>.b E + where .Foo object at 0xdeadbeef> = .Foo'>() E + and 2 = .Bar object at 0xdeadbeef>.b E + where .Bar object at 0xdeadbeef> = .Bar'>() failure_demo.py:124: AssertionError _______ TestRaises.test_raises ________ self = def test_raises(self): s = 'qwe' > raises(TypeError, "int(s)") failure_demo.py:133: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > int(s) E ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'qwe' <0-codegen $PYTHON_PREFIX/lib/python3.4/site-packages/_pytest/python.py:1300>:1: ValueError _______ TestRaises.test_raises_doesnt ________ self = def test_raises_doesnt(self): > raises(IOError, "int('3')") E Failed: DID NOT RAISE failure_demo.py:136: Failed _______ TestRaises.test_raise ________ self = def test_raise(self): > raise ValueError("demo error") E ValueError: demo error failure_demo.py:139: ValueError _______ TestRaises.test_tupleerror ________ self = def test_tupleerror(self): > a,b = [1] E ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack failure_demo.py:142: ValueError ______ TestRaises.test_reinterpret_fails_with_print_for_the_fun_of_it ______ self = def test_reinterpret_fails_with_print_for_the_fun_of_it(self): l = [1,2,3] print ("l is %r" % l) > a,b = l.pop() E TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable failure_demo.py:147: TypeError --------------------------- Captured stdout call --------------------------- l is [1, 2, 3] _______ TestRaises.test_some_error ________ self = def test_some_error(self): > if namenotexi: E NameError: name 'namenotexi' is not defined failure_demo.py:150: NameError _______ test_dynamic_compile_shows_nicely ________ def test_dynamic_compile_shows_nicely(): src = 'def foo():\n assert 1 == 0\n' name = 'abc-123' module = py.std.imp.new_module(name) code = py.code.compile(src, name, 'exec') py.builtin.exec_(code, module.__dict__) py.std.sys.modules[name] = module > module.foo() failure_demo.py:165: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ def foo(): > assert 1 == 0 E assert 1 == 0 <2-codegen 'abc-123' $REGENDOC_TMPDIR/assertion/failure_demo.py:162>:2: AssertionError _______ TestMoreErrors.test_complex_error ________ self = def test_complex_error(self): def f(): return 44 def g(): return 43 > somefunc(f(), g()) failure_demo.py:175: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ failure_demo.py:8: in somefunc otherfunc(x,y) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a = 44, b = 43 def otherfunc(a,b): > assert a==b E assert 44 == 43 failure_demo.py:5: AssertionError _______ TestMoreErrors.test_z1_unpack_error ________ self = def test_z1_unpack_error(self): l = [] > a,b = l E ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack failure_demo.py:179: ValueError _______ TestMoreErrors.test_z2_type_error ________ self = def test_z2_type_error(self): l = 3 > a,b = l E TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable failure_demo.py:183: TypeError _______ TestMoreErrors.test_startswith ________ self = def test_startswith(self): s = "123" g = "456" > assert s.startswith(g) E assert ('456') E + where = '123'.startswith failure_demo.py:188: AssertionError _______ TestMoreErrors.test_startswith_nested ________ self = def test_startswith_nested(self): def f(): return "123" def g(): return "456" > assert f().startswith(g()) E assert ('456') E + where = '123'.startswith E + where '123' = .f at 0xdeadbeef>() E + and '456' = .g at 0xdeadbeef>() failure_demo.py:195: AssertionError _______ TestMoreErrors.test_global_func ________ self = def test_global_func(self): > assert isinstance(globf(42), float) E assert isinstance(43, float) E + where 43 = globf(42) failure_demo.py:198: AssertionError _______ TestMoreErrors.test_instance ________ self = def test_instance(self): self.x = 6*7 > assert self.x != 42 E assert 42 != 42 E + where 42 = .x failure_demo.py:202: AssertionError _______ TestMoreErrors.test_compare ________ self = def test_compare(self): > assert globf(10) < 5 E assert 11 < 5 E + where 11 = globf(10) failure_demo.py:205: AssertionError _______ TestMoreErrors.test_try_finally ________ self = def test_try_finally(self): x = 1 try: > assert x == 0 E assert 1 == 0 failure_demo.py:210: AssertionError _______ TestCustomAssertMsg.test_single_line ________ self = def test_single_line(self): class A: a = 1 b = 2 > assert A.a == b, "A.a appears not to be b" E AssertionError: A.a appears not to be b E assert 1 == 2 E + where 1 = .A'>.a failure_demo.py:221: AssertionError _______ TestCustomAssertMsg.test_multiline ________ self = def test_multiline(self): class A: a = 1 b = 2 > assert A.a == b, "A.a appears not to be b\n" \ "or does not appear to be b\none of those" E AssertionError: A.a appears not to be b E or does not appear to be b E one of those E assert 1 == 2 E + where 1 = .A'>.a failure_demo.py:227: AssertionError _______ TestCustomAssertMsg.test_custom_repr ________ self = def test_custom_repr(self): class JSON: a = 1 def __repr__(self): return "This is JSON\n{\n 'foo': 'bar'\n}" a = JSON() b = 2 > assert a.a == b, a E AssertionError: This is JSON E { E 'foo': 'bar' E } E assert 1 == 2 E + where 1 = This is JSON\n{\n 'foo': 'bar'\n}.a failure_demo.py:237: AssertionError ======= 42 failed in 0.12 seconds ========