import os, sys import py needsdup = py.test.mark.skipif("not hasattr(os, 'dup')") from py.builtin import print_ if sys.version_info >= (3,0): def tobytes(obj): if isinstance(obj, str): obj = obj.encode('UTF-8') assert isinstance(obj, bytes) return obj def totext(obj): if isinstance(obj, bytes): obj = str(obj, 'UTF-8') assert isinstance(obj, str) return obj else: def tobytes(obj): if isinstance(obj, unicode): obj = obj.encode('UTF-8') assert isinstance(obj, str) return obj def totext(obj): if isinstance(obj, str): obj = unicode(obj, 'UTF-8') assert isinstance(obj, unicode) return obj def oswritebytes(fd, obj): os.write(fd, tobytes(obj)) class TestTextIO: def test_text(self): f = f.write("hello") s = f.getvalue() assert s == "hello" f.close() def test_unicode_and_str_mixture(self): f = if sys.version_info >= (3,0): f.write("\u00f6") py.test.raises(TypeError, "f.write(bytes('hello', 'UTF-8'))") else: f.write(unicode("\u00f6", 'UTF-8')) f.write("hello") # bytes s = f.getvalue() f.close() assert isinstance(s, unicode) def test_bytes_io(): f = f.write(tobytes("hello")) py.test.raises(TypeError, "f.write(totext('hello'))") s = f.getvalue() assert s == tobytes("hello") def test_dontreadfrominput(): from py._io.capture import DontReadFromInput f = DontReadFromInput() assert not f.isatty() py.test.raises(IOError, py.test.raises(IOError, f.readlines) py.test.raises(IOError, iter, f) py.test.raises(ValueError, f.fileno) f.close() # just for completeness def pytest_funcarg__tmpfile(request): testdir = request.getfuncargvalue("testdir") f = testdir.makepyfile("").open('wb+') request.addfinalizer(f.close) return f @needsdup def test_dupfile(tmpfile): somefile = tmpfile flist = [] for i in range(5): nf =, encoding="utf-8") assert nf != somefile assert nf.fileno() != somefile.fileno() assert nf not in flist print_(i, end="", file=nf) flist.append(nf) for i in range(5): f = flist[i] f.close() s = assert "01234" in repr(s) somefile.close() class TestFDCapture: pytestmark = needsdup def test_stdout(self, tmpfile): fd = tmpfile.fileno() cap = data = tobytes("hello") os.write(fd, data) f = cap.done() s = assert s == "hello" def test_stderr(self): cap = cap.setasfile('stderr') print_("hello", file=sys.stderr) f = cap.done() s = assert s == "hello\n" def test_stdin(self, tmpfile): tmpfile.write(tobytes("3")) cap =, tmpfile=tmpfile) # check with directly instead of raw_input(), because # sys.stdin itself may be redirected (as py.test now does by default) x =, 100).strip() f = cap.done() assert x == tobytes("3") def test_writeorg(self, tmpfile): data1, data2 = tobytes("foo"), tobytes("bar") try: cap = tmpfile.write(data1) cap.writeorg(data2) finally: tmpfile.close() f = cap.done() scap = assert scap == totext(data1) stmp = open(, 'rb').read() assert stmp == data2 class TestStdCapture: def getcapture(self, **kw): return**kw) def test_capturing_done_simple(self): cap = self.getcapture() sys.stdout.write("hello") sys.stderr.write("world") outfile, errfile = cap.done() s = assert s == "hello" s = assert s == "world" def test_capturing_reset_simple(self): cap = self.getcapture() print("hello world") sys.stderr.write("hello error\n") out, err = cap.reset() assert out == "hello world\n" assert err == "hello error\n" def test_capturing_readouterr(self): cap = self.getcapture() try: print ("hello world") sys.stderr.write("hello error\n") out, err = cap.readouterr() assert out == "hello world\n" assert err == "hello error\n" sys.stderr.write("error2") finally: out, err = cap.reset() assert err == "error2" def test_capturing_mixed(self): cap = self.getcapture(mixed=True) sys.stdout.write("hello ") sys.stderr.write("world") sys.stdout.write(".") out, err = cap.reset() assert out.strip() == "hello world." assert not err def test_capturing_twice_error(self): cap = self.getcapture() print ("hello") cap.reset() py.test.raises(Exception, "cap.reset()") def test_capturing_modify_sysouterr_in_between(self): oldout = sys.stdout olderr = sys.stderr cap = self.getcapture() sys.stdout.write("hello") sys.stderr.write("world") sys.stdout = sys.stderr = print ("not seen" ) sys.stderr.write("not seen\n") out, err = cap.reset() assert out == "hello" assert err == "world" assert sys.stdout == oldout assert sys.stderr == olderr def test_capturing_error_recursive(self): cap1 = self.getcapture() print ("cap1") cap2 = self.getcapture() print ("cap2") out2, err2 = cap2.reset() py.test.raises(Exception, "cap2.reset()") out1, err1 = cap1.reset() assert out1 == "cap1\n" assert out2 == "cap2\n" def test_just_out_capture(self): cap = self.getcapture(out=True, err=False) sys.stdout.write("hello") sys.stderr.write("world") out, err = cap.reset() assert out == "hello" assert not err def test_just_err_capture(self): cap = self.getcapture(out=False, err=True) sys.stdout.write("hello") sys.stderr.write("world") out, err = cap.reset() assert err == "world" assert not out def test_stdin_restored(self): old = sys.stdin cap = self.getcapture(in_=True) newstdin = sys.stdin out, err = cap.reset() assert newstdin != sys.stdin assert sys.stdin is old def test_stdin_nulled_by_default(self): print ("XXX this test may well hang instead of crashing") print ("XXX which indicates an error in the underlying capturing") print ("XXX mechanisms" ) cap = self.getcapture() py.test.raises(IOError, "") out, err = cap.reset() def test_suspend_resume(self): cap = self.getcapture(out=True, err=False, in_=False) try: print ("hello") sys.stderr.write("error\n") out, err = cap.suspend() assert out == "hello\n" assert not err print ("in between") sys.stderr.write("in between\n") cap.resume() print ("after") sys.stderr.write("error_after\n") finally: out, err = cap.reset() assert out == "after\n" assert not err class TestStdCaptureFD(TestStdCapture): pytestmark = needsdup def getcapture(self, **kw): return**kw) def test_intermingling(self): cap = self.getcapture() oswritebytes(1, "1") sys.stdout.write(str(2)) sys.stdout.flush() oswritebytes(1, "3") oswritebytes(2, "a") sys.stderr.write("b") sys.stderr.flush() oswritebytes(2, "c") out, err = cap.reset() assert out == "123" assert err == "abc" def test_callcapture(self): def func(x, y): print (x) py.std.sys.stderr.write(str(y)) return 42 res, out, err =, 3, y=4) assert res == 42 assert out.startswith("3") assert err.startswith("4") @needsdup def test_capture_no_sys(): capsys = try: cap = sys.stdout.write("hello") sys.stderr.write("world") oswritebytes(1, "1") oswritebytes(2, "2") out, err = cap.reset() assert out == "1" assert err == "2" finally: capsys.reset() @needsdup def test_callcapture_nofd(): def func(x, y): oswritebytes(1, "hello") oswritebytes(2, "hello") print (x) sys.stderr.write(str(y)) return 42 capfd = try: res, out, err =, 3, y=4) finally: capfd.reset() assert res == 42 assert out.startswith("3") assert err.startswith("4")