import py import os import inspect from py.__.apigen.layout import LayoutPage from py.__.apigen.source import browser as source_browser from py.__.apigen.source import html as source_html from py.__.apigen.source import color as source_color from py.__.apigen.tracer.description import is_private from import split_of_last_part from py.__.apigen.linker import relpath from py.__.apigen.html import H sorted = py.builtin.sorted html = py.xml.html raw = py.xml.raw def is_navigateable(name): return (not is_private(name) and name != '__doc__') def show_property(name): if not name.startswith('_'): return True if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'): # XXX do we need to skip more manually here? if (name not in dir(object) and name not in ['__doc__', '__dict__', '__name__', '__module__', '__weakref__']): return True return False def deindent(str, linesep='\n'): """ de-indent string can be used to de-indent Python docstrings, it de-indents the first line to the side always, and determines the indentation of the rest of the text by taking that of the least indented (filled) line """ lines = str.strip().split(linesep) normalized = [] deindent = None normalized.append(lines[0].strip()) # replace tabs with spaces, empty lines that contain spaces only, and # find out what the smallest indentation is for line in lines[1:]: line = line.replace('\t', ' ' * 4) stripped = line.strip() if not stripped: normalized.append('') else: rstripped = line.rstrip() indent = len(rstripped) - len(stripped) if deindent is None or indent < deindent: deindent = indent normalized.append(line) ret = [normalized[0]] for line in normalized[1:]: if not line: ret.append(line) else: ret.append(line[deindent:]) return '%s\n' % (linesep.join(ret),) def get_linesep(s, default='\n'): """ return the line seperator of a string returns 'default' if no seperator can be found """ for sep in ('\r\n', '\r', '\n'): if sep in s: return sep return default def get_param_htmldesc(linker, func): """ get the html for the parameters of a function """ import inspect # XXX copy and modify formatargspec to produce html return inspect.formatargspec(*inspect.getargspec(func)) # some helper functionality def source_dirs_files(fspath): """ returns a tuple (dirs, files) for fspath dirs are all the subdirs, files are the files which are interesting in building source documentation for a Python code tree (basically all normal files excluding .pyc and .pyo ones) all files and dirs that have a name starting with . are considered hidden """ dirs = [] files = [] for child in fspath.listdir(): if child.basename.startswith('.'): continue if child.check(dir=True): dirs.append(child) elif child.check(file=True): if child.ext in ['.pyc', '.pyo']: continue files.append(child) return sorted(dirs), sorted(files) def create_namespace_tree(dotted_names): """ creates a tree (in dict form) from a set of dotted names """ ret = {} for dn in dotted_names: path = dn.split('.') for i in xrange(len(path)): ns = '.'.join(path[:i]) itempath = '.'.join(path[:i + 1]) if ns not in ret: ret[ns] = [] if itempath not in ret[ns]: ret[ns].append(itempath) return ret def wrap_page(project, title, contentel, navel, relbase, basepath, pageclass): page = pageclass(project, title, nav=navel, encoding='UTF-8', relpath=relbase) page.set_content(contentel) page.setup_scripts_styles(basepath) return page def enumerate_and_color(codelines, firstlineno, enc): snippet = H.SourceCode() tokenizer = source_color.Tokenizer(source_color.PythonSchema) for i, line in enumerate(codelines): try: snippet.add_line(i + firstlineno + 1, source_html.prepare_line([line], tokenizer, enc)) except py.error.ENOENT: # error reading source code, giving up snippet = org break return snippet def get_obj(pkg, dotted_name): full_dotted_name = '%s.%s' % (pkg.__name__, dotted_name) if dotted_name == '': return pkg path = dotted_name.split('.') ret = pkg for item in path: marker = [] ret = getattr(ret, item, marker) if ret is marker: raise NameError('can not access %s in %s' % (item, full_dotted_name)) return ret # the PageBuilder classes take care of producing the docs (using the stuff # above) class AbstractPageBuilder(object): pageclass = LayoutPage def write_page(self, title, reltargetpath, project, tag, nav): targetpath = self.base.join(reltargetpath) relbase= relpath('%s%s' % (targetpath.dirpath(), targetpath.sep), self.base.strpath + '/') page = wrap_page(project, title, tag, nav, relbase, self.base, self.pageclass) content = self.linker.call_withbase(reltargetpath, page.unicode) targetpath.ensure() targetpath.write(content.encode("utf8")) class SourcePageBuilder(AbstractPageBuilder): """ builds the html for a source docs page """ def __init__(self, base, linker, projroot, capture=None, pageclass=LayoutPage): self.base = base self.linker = linker self.projroot = projroot self.capture = capture self.pageclass = pageclass def build_navigation(self, fspath): nav = H.Navigation(class_='sidebar') relpath = fspath.relto(self.projroot) path = relpath.split(os.path.sep) indent = 0 # build links to parents if relpath != '': for i in xrange(len(path)): dirpath = os.path.sep.join(path[:i]) abspath = self.projroot.join(dirpath).strpath if i == 0: text = self.projroot.basename else: text = path[i-1] nav.append(H.NavigationItem(self.linker, abspath, text, indent, False)) indent += 1 # build siblings or children and self if fspath.check(dir=True): # we're a dir, build ourselves and our children dirpath = fspath nav.append(H.NavigationItem(self.linker, dirpath.strpath, dirpath.basename, indent, True)) indent += 1 elif fspath.strpath == self.projroot.strpath: dirpath = fspath else: # we're a file, build our parent's children only dirpath = fspath.dirpath() diritems, fileitems = source_dirs_files(dirpath) for dir in diritems: nav.append(H.NavigationItem(self.linker, dir.strpath, dir.basename, indent, False)) for file in fileitems: selected = (fspath.check(file=True) and file.basename == fspath.basename) nav.append(H.NavigationItem(self.linker, file.strpath, file.basename, indent, selected)) return nav re = _reg_body = re.compile(r']*>(.*)', re.S) def build_python_page(self, fspath): # XXX two reads of the same file here... not very bad (disk caches # and such) but also not very nice... enc = source_html.get_module_encoding(fspath.strpath) source = sep = get_linesep(source) colored = enumerate_and_color(source.split(sep), 0, enc) tag = H.SourceDef(colored) nav = self.build_navigation(fspath) return tag, nav def build_dir_page(self, fspath): dirs, files = source_dirs_files(fspath) dirs = [(p.basename, self.linker.get_lazyhref(str(p))) for p in dirs] files = [(p.basename, self.linker.get_lazyhref(str(p))) for p in files] tag = H.DirList(dirs, files) nav = self.build_navigation(fspath) return tag, nav def build_nonpython_page(self, fspath): try: tag = H.NonPythonSource(unicode(, 'utf-8')) except UnicodeError: # XXX we should fix non-ascii support here!! tag = H.NonPythonSource('no source available (binary file?)') nav = self.build_navigation(fspath) return tag, nav def prepare_pages(self, base): passed = [] for fspath in [base] + list(base.visit()): if fspath.ext in ['.pyc', '.pyo']: continue relfspath = fspath.relto(base) if relfspath.find('%s.' % (os.path.sep,)) > -1: # skip hidden dirs and files continue elif fspath.check(dir=True): if relfspath != '': relfspath += os.path.sep reloutputpath = 'source%s%sindex.html' % (os.path.sep, relfspath) else: reloutputpath = "source%s%s.html" % (os.path.sep, relfspath) reloutputpath = reloutputpath.replace(os.path.sep, '/') outputpath = self.base.join(reloutputpath) self.linker.set_link(str(fspath), reloutputpath) passed.append((fspath, outputpath)) return passed def build_pages(self, data, project, base): """ build syntax-colored source views """ for fspath, outputpath in data: if fspath.check(ext='.py'): try: tag, nav = self.build_python_page(fspath) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemError): raise except: # XXX strange stuff going wrong at times... need to fix raise exc, e, tb = py.std.sys.exc_info() print '%s - %s' % (exc, e) print print ''.join(py.std.traceback.format_tb(tb)) print '-' * 79 del tb tag, nav = self.build_nonpython_page(fspath) elif fspath.check(dir=True): tag, nav = self.build_dir_page(fspath) else: tag, nav = self.build_nonpython_page(fspath) title = 'sources for %s' % (fspath.basename,) reltargetpath = outputpath.relto(self.base).replace(os.path.sep, '/') self.write_page(title, reltargetpath, project, tag, nav) class ApiPageBuilder(AbstractPageBuilder): """ builds the html for an api docs page """ def __init__(self, base, linker, dsa, projroot, namespace_tree, capture=None, pageclass=LayoutPage): self.base = base self.linker = linker self.dsa = dsa self.projroot = projroot self.projpath = py.path.local(projroot) self.namespace_tree = namespace_tree self.capture = capture self.pageclass = pageclass pkgname = self.dsa.get_module_name().split('/')[-1] self.pkg = __import__(pkgname) def build_callable_view(self, dotted_name): """ build the html for a class method """ # XXX we may want to have seperate func = get_obj(self.pkg, dotted_name) docstring = func.__doc__ if docstring: docstring = deindent(docstring) localname = func.__name__ argdesc = get_param_htmldesc(self.linker, func) valuedesc = self.build_callable_signature_description(dotted_name) sourcefile = inspect.getsourcefile(func) callable_source = self.dsa.get_function_source(dotted_name) # i assume they're both either available or unavailable(XXX ?) is_in_pkg = self.is_in_pkg(sourcefile) href = None text = 'could not get to source file' colored = [] if sourcefile and callable_source: enc = source_html.get_module_encoding(sourcefile) tokenizer = source_color.Tokenizer(source_color.PythonSchema) firstlineno = func.func_code.co_firstlineno sep = get_linesep(callable_source) org = callable_source.split(sep) colored = [enumerate_and_color(org, firstlineno, enc)] text = 'source: %s' % (sourcefile,) if is_in_pkg: href = self.linker.get_lazyhref(sourcefile) csource = H.SourceSnippet(text, href, colored) callstack = self.dsa.get_function_callpoints(dotted_name) csitems = [] for cs, _ in callstack: csitems.append(self.build_callsite(dotted_name, cs)) snippet = H.FunctionDescription(localname, argdesc, docstring, valuedesc, csource, csitems) return snippet def build_class_view(self, dotted_name): """ build the html for a class """ cls = get_obj(self.pkg, dotted_name) # XXX is this a safe check? try: sourcefile = inspect.getsourcefile(cls) except TypeError: sourcelink = 'builtin file, no source available' else: if sourcefile is None: sourcelink = H.div('no source available') else: if sourcefile[-1] in ['o', 'c']: sourcefile = sourcefile[:-1] sourcelink = H.div(H.a('view source', href=self.linker.get_lazyhref(sourcefile))) docstring = cls.__doc__ if docstring: docstring = deindent(docstring) if not hasattr(cls, '__name__'): clsname = 'instance of %s' % (cls.__class__.__name__,) else: clsname = cls.__name__ bases = self.build_bases(dotted_name) properties = self.build_properties(cls) methods = self.build_methods(dotted_name) snippet = H.ClassDescription( # XXX bases HTML H.ClassDef('%s(' % (clsname,), *bases), H.Docstring(docstring or '*no docstring available*'), sourcelink, *(properties+methods) ) return snippet def build_bases(self, dotted_name): basehtml = [] bases = self.dsa.get_possible_base_classes(dotted_name) for base in bases: try: obj = self.dsa.get_obj( except KeyError: basehtml.append( else: href = self.linker.get_lazyhref( basehtml.append(H.BaseDescription(, href=href)) basehtml.append(',') if basehtml: basehtml.pop() basehtml.append('):') return basehtml def build_properties(self, cls): properties = [] for attr in dir(cls): val = getattr(cls, attr) if show_property(attr) and not callable(val): if isinstance(val, property): val = '' properties.append((attr, val)) properties.sort(key=lambda a: a[0]) # sort on name ret = [] if properties: ret.append(H.h2('properties:')) for name, val in properties: ret.append(H.PropertyDescription(name, val)) return ret def build_methods(self, dotted_name): ret = [] methods = self.dsa.get_class_methods(dotted_name) if methods: ret.append(H.h2('methods:')) if '__init__' in methods: methods.remove('__init__') methods.insert(0, '__init__') for method in methods: ret += self.build_callable_view('%s.%s' % (dotted_name, method)) return ret def build_namespace_view(self, namespace_dotted_name, item_dotted_names): """ build the html for a namespace (module) """ obj = get_obj(self.pkg, namespace_dotted_name) docstring = obj.__doc__ snippet = H.NamespaceDescription( H.NamespaceDef(namespace_dotted_name), H.Docstring(docstring or '*no docstring available*') ) for dotted_name in sorted(item_dotted_names): itemname = dotted_name.split('.')[-1] if not is_navigateable(itemname): continue snippet.append( H.NamespaceItem( H.a(itemname, href=self.linker.get_lazyhref(dotted_name) ) ) ) return snippet def prepare_class_pages(self, classes_dotted_names): passed = [] for dotted_name in sorted(classes_dotted_names): parent_dotted_name, _ = split_of_last_part(dotted_name) try: sibling_dotted_names = self.namespace_tree[parent_dotted_name] except KeyError: # no siblings (built-in module or sth) sibling_dotted_names = [] tag = H.Content(self.build_class_view(dotted_name)) nav = self.build_navigation(dotted_name, False) reltargetpath = "api/%s.html" % (dotted_name,) self.linker.set_link(dotted_name, reltargetpath) passed.append((dotted_name, tag, nav, reltargetpath)) return passed def build_class_pages(self, data, project): """ build the full api pages for a set of classes """ for dotted_name, tag, nav, reltargetpath in data: title = 'api documentation for %s' % (dotted_name,) self.write_page(title, reltargetpath, project, tag, nav) def prepare_method_pages(self, method_dotted_names): # XXX note that even though these pages are still built, there's no nav # pointing to them anymore... passed = [] for dotted_name in sorted(method_dotted_names): parent_dotted_name, _ = split_of_last_part(dotted_name) module_dotted_name, _ = split_of_last_part(parent_dotted_name) sibling_dotted_names = self.namespace_tree[module_dotted_name] tag = self.build_callable_view(dotted_name) nav = self.build_navigation(dotted_name, False) reltargetpath = "api/%s.html" % (dotted_name,) self.linker.set_link(dotted_name, reltargetpath) passed.append((dotted_name, tag, nav, reltargetpath)) return passed def build_method_pages(self, data, project): for dotted_name, tag, nav, reltargetpath in data: title = 'api documentation for %s' % (dotted_name,) self.write_page(title, reltargetpath, project, tag, nav) def prepare_function_pages(self, method_dotted_names): passed = [] for dotted_name in sorted(method_dotted_names): # XXX should we create a build_function_view instead? parent_dotted_name, _ = split_of_last_part(dotted_name) sibling_dotted_names = self.namespace_tree[parent_dotted_name] tag = H.Content(self.build_callable_view(dotted_name)) nav = self.build_navigation(dotted_name, False) reltargetpath = "api/%s.html" % (dotted_name,) self.linker.set_link(dotted_name, reltargetpath) passed.append((dotted_name, tag, nav, reltargetpath)) return passed def build_function_pages(self, data, project): for dotted_name, tag, nav, reltargetpath in data: title = 'api documentation for %s' % (dotted_name,) self.write_page(title, reltargetpath, project, tag, nav) def prepare_namespace_pages(self): passed = [] module_name = self.dsa.get_module_name().split('/')[-1] names = self.namespace_tree.keys() names.sort() function_names = self.dsa.get_function_names() class_names = self.dsa.get_class_names() for dotted_name in sorted(names): if dotted_name in function_names or dotted_name in class_names: continue subitem_dotted_names = self.namespace_tree[dotted_name] tag = H.Content(self.build_namespace_view(dotted_name, subitem_dotted_names)) nav = self.build_navigation(dotted_name, True) if dotted_name == '': reltargetpath = 'api/index.html' else: reltargetpath = 'api/%s.html' % (dotted_name,) self.linker.set_link(dotted_name, reltargetpath) passed.append((dotted_name, tag, nav, reltargetpath)) return passed def build_namespace_pages(self, data, project): for dotted_name, tag, nav, reltargetpath in data: if dotted_name == '': dotted_name = self.dsa.get_module_name().split('/')[-1] title = 'index of %s namespace' % (dotted_name,) self.write_page(title, reltargetpath, project, tag, nav) def build_navigation(self, dotted_name, build_children=True): navitems = [] # top namespace, index.html module_name = self.dsa.get_module_name().split('/')[-1] navitems.append(H.NavigationItem(self.linker, '', module_name, 0, True)) def build_nav_level(dotted_name, depth=1): navitems = [] path = dotted_name.split('.')[:depth] siblings = self.namespace_tree.get('.'.join(path[:-1])) for dn in sorted(siblings): selected = dn == '.'.join(path) sibpath = dn.split('.') sibname = sibpath[-1] if not is_navigateable(sibname): continue navitems.append(H.NavigationItem(self.linker, dn, sibname, depth, selected)) if selected: lastlevel = dn.count('.') == dotted_name.count('.') if not lastlevel: navitems += build_nav_level(dotted_name, depth+1) elif lastlevel and build_children: # XXX hack navitems += build_nav_level('%s.' % (dotted_name,), depth+1) return navitems navitems += build_nav_level(dotted_name) return H.Navigation(class_='sidebar', *navitems) def build_callable_signature_description(self, dotted_name): args, retval = self.dsa.get_function_signature(dotted_name) valuedesc = H.ValueDescList() for name, _type in args: valuedesc.append(self.build_sig_value_description(name, _type)) if retval: retval = self.process_type_link(retval) ret = H.div(H.div('arguments:'), valuedesc, H.div('return value:'), retval or 'None') return ret def build_sig_value_description(self, name, _type): l = self.process_type_link(_type) items = [] next = "%s: " % name for item in l: if isinstance(item, str): next += item else: if next: items.append(next) next = "" items.append(item) if next: items.append(next) return H.ValueDescItem(*items) def process_type_link(self, _type): # now we do simple type dispatching and provide a link in this case lst = [] data = self.dsa.get_type_desc(_type) if not data: for i in _type.striter(): if isinstance(i, str): lst.append(i) else: lst += self.process_type_link(i) return lst name, _desc_type, is_degenerated = data if not is_degenerated: linktarget = self.linker.get_lazyhref(name) lst.append(H.a(str(_type), href=linktarget)) else: raise IOError('do not think we ever get here?') # we should provide here some way of linking to sourcegen directly lst.append(name) return lst def is_in_pkg(self, sourcefile): return py.path.local(sourcefile).relto(self.projpath) def build_callsite(self, functionname, call_site): tbtag = self.gen_traceback(functionname, reversed(call_site)) return H.CallStackItem(call_site[0].filename, call_site[0].lineno + 1, tbtag) _reg_source ='([^>]*)<(.*)>') def gen_traceback(self, funcname, call_site): tbdiv = H.div() for frame in call_site: lineno = frame.lineno - frame.firstlineno source = frame.source sourcefile = frame.filename tokenizer = source_color.Tokenizer(source_color.PythonSchema) mangled = [] source = str(source) sep = get_linesep(source) for i, sline in enumerate(source.split(sep)): if i == lineno: l = '-> %s' % (sline,) else: l = ' %s' % (sline,) mangled.append(l) if sourcefile: linktext = '%s - line %s' % (sourcefile, frame.lineno + 1) # skip py.code.Source objects and source files outside of the # package is_code_source = self._reg_source.match(sourcefile) if (not is_code_source and self.is_in_pkg(sourcefile) and py.path.local(sourcefile).check()): enc = source_html.get_module_encoding(sourcefile) href = self.linker.get_lazyhref(sourcefile) sourcelink = H.a(linktext, href=href) else: enc = 'latin-1' sourcelink = H.div(linktext) colored = [enumerate_and_color(mangled, frame.firstlineno, enc)] else: sourcelink = H.div('source unknown (%s)' % (sourcefile,)) colored = mangled[:] tbdiv.append(sourcelink) tbdiv.append(H.div(*colored)) return tbdiv