#!/usr/bin/env python """ quick tool to get documentation + apigen docs generated given a certain targetpath, apigen docs will be placed in 'apigen', user can choose to only build either docs or apigen docs: in this case, the navigation bar will be adjusted """ from _findpy import py import py pypath = py.__package__.getpath() def run_tests(path, envvars='', args=''): pytestpath = pypath.join('bin/py.test') cmd = ('PYTHONPATH="%s" %s python "%s" %s "%s"' % (pypath.dirpath(), envvars, pytestpath, args, path)) print cmd py.process.cmdexec(cmd) def build_apigen_docs(targetpath, testargs=''): run_tests(pypath, 'APIGEN_TARGET="%s/apigen" APIGEN_DOCRELPATH="../"' % ( targetpath,), testargs + ' --apigen="%s/apigen/apigen.py"' % (pypath,)) def build_docs(targetpath, testargs): docpath = pypath.join('doc') run_tests(docpath, '', testargs + ' --forcegen --apigenrelpath="apigen/"') docpath.copy(targetpath) def build_nav(targetpath, docs=True, api=True): pass def build(targetpath, docs=True, api=True, testargs=''): targetpath.ensure(dir=True) if docs: print 'building docs' build_docs(targetpath, testargs) if api: print 'building api' build_apigen_docs(targetpath, testargs) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) == 1: print 'usage: %s [options]' print print ' targetdir: a path to a directory (created if it doesn\'t' print ' exist) where the docs are put' print ' options: options passed to py.test when running the tests' sys.exit(1) targetpath = py.path.local(sys.argv[1]) args = ' '.join(sys.argv[2:]) build(targetpath, True, True, args)