How to release pytest (draft) -------------------------------------------- 1. bump version numbers in and pytest/ 2. check and finalize CHANGELOG 3. write doc/en/announce/pytest-VERSION.txt and include it in doc/en/announce/index.txt 4. use devpi for uploading a release tarball to a staging area: - ``devpi use`` - ``devpi upload`` 5. run from multiple machines: - ``devpi use`` - ``devpi test pytest-VERSION`` 6. check that tests pass for relevant combinations with ``devpi list pytest`` or look at failures with "devpi list -f pytest". There will be some failed environments like e.g. the py33-trial or py27-pexpect tox environments on Win32 platforms which is ok (tox does not support skipping on per-platform basis yet). 7. XXX "regen docs" (not easy to do currently as it requires a development version of the regendoc tool from ronny) 8. go to "doc/en" and upload docs with "make install" (the latter requires ssh-login permissions on because it uses rsync). Note that the "install" target of doc/en/Makefile defines where the rsync goes to, typically to the "latest" section of 9. publish to pypi "devpi push pytest-2.6.2 pypi:NAME" where NAME is the name of as configured in your ~/.pypirc file -- it's the same you would use with " upload -r NAME" 10. send release announcement to mailing lists: pytest-dev testing-in-python