.. _`external plugins`: .. _`extplugins`: .. _`using plugins`: Installing and Using plugins ============================ This section talks about installing and using third party plugins. For writing your own plugins, please refer to :ref:`writing-plugins`. Installing a third party plugin can be easily done with ``pip``:: pip install pytest-NAME pip uninstall pytest-NAME If a plugin is installed, ``pytest`` automatically finds and integrates it, there is no need to activate it. Here is a little annotated list for some popular plugins: .. _`django`: https://www.djangoproject.com/ * `pytest-django `_: write tests for `django`_ apps, using pytest integration. * `pytest-twisted `_: write tests for `twisted `_ apps, starting a reactor and processing deferreds from test functions. * `pytest-cov `_: coverage reporting, compatible with distributed testing * `pytest-xdist `_: to distribute tests to CPUs and remote hosts, to run in boxed mode which allows to survive segmentation faults, to run in looponfailing mode, automatically re-running failing tests on file changes. * `pytest-instafail `_: to report failures while the test run is happening. * `pytest-bdd `_ and `pytest-konira `_ to write tests using behaviour-driven testing. * `pytest-timeout `_: to timeout tests based on function marks or global definitions. * `pytest-pep8 `_: a ``--pep8`` option to enable PEP8 compliance checking. * `pytest-flakes `_: check source code with pyflakes. * `oejskit `_: a plugin to run javascript unittests in live browsers. To see a complete list of all plugins with their latest testing status against different pytest and Python versions, please visit `plugincompat `_. You may also discover more plugins through a `pytest- pypi.python.org search`_. .. _`available installable plugins`: .. _`pytest- pypi.python.org search`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=search&term=pytest-&submit=search Requiring/Loading plugins in a test module or conftest file ----------------------------------------------------------- You can require plugins in a test module or a conftest file like this:: pytest_plugins = "myapp.testsupport.myplugin", When the test module or conftest plugin is loaded the specified plugins will be loaded as well. pytest_plugins = "myapp.testsupport.myplugin" which will import the specified module as a ``pytest`` plugin. .. _`findpluginname`: Finding out which plugins are active ------------------------------------ If you want to find out which plugins are active in your environment you can type:: pytest --trace-config and will get an extended test header which shows activated plugins and their names. It will also print local plugins aka :ref:`conftest.py ` files when they are loaded. .. _`cmdunregister`: Deactivating / unregistering a plugin by name --------------------------------------------- You can prevent plugins from loading or unregister them:: pytest -p no:NAME This means that any subsequent try to activate/load the named plugin will not work. If you want to unconditionally disable a plugin for a project, you can add this option to your ``pytest.ini`` file: .. code-block:: ini [pytest] addopts = -p no:NAME Alternatively to disable it only in certain environments (for example in a CI server), you can set ``PYTEST_ADDOPTS`` environment variable to ``-p no:name``. See :ref:`findpluginname` for how to obtain the name of a plugin. .. _`builtin plugins`: Pytest default plugin reference ------------------------------- You can find the source code for the following plugins in the `pytest repository `_. .. autosummary:: _pytest.assertion _pytest.cacheprovider _pytest.capture _pytest.config _pytest.doctest _pytest.helpconfig _pytest.junitxml _pytest.mark _pytest.monkeypatch _pytest.nose _pytest.pastebin _pytest.debugging _pytest.pytester _pytest.python _pytest.recwarn _pytest.resultlog _pytest.runner _pytest.main _pytest.logging _pytest.skipping _pytest.terminal _pytest.tmpdir _pytest.unittest