from pathlib import Path
from typing import cast
from typing import List
from typing import Type

import pytest
from _pytest import nodes
from _pytest.compat import legacy_path
from _pytest.outcomes import OutcomeException
from _pytest.pytester import Pytester
from _pytest.warning_types import PytestWarning

    ("nodeid", "expected"),
        ("", [""]),
        ("a", ["", "a"]),
        ("aa/b", ["", "aa", "aa/b"]),
        ("a/b/c", ["", "a", "a/b", "a/b/c"]),
        ("a/bbb/c::D", ["", "a", "a/bbb", "a/bbb/c", "a/bbb/c::D"]),
        ("a/b/c::D::eee", ["", "a", "a/b", "a/b/c", "a/b/c::D", "a/b/c::D::eee"]),
        ("::xx", ["", "::xx"]),
        # / only considered until first ::
        ("a/b/c::D/d::e", ["", "a", "a/b", "a/b/c", "a/b/c::D/d", "a/b/c::D/d::e"]),
        # : alone is not a separator.
        ("a/b::D:e:f::g", ["", "a", "a/b", "a/b::D:e:f", "a/b::D:e:f::g"]),
        # / not considered if a part of a test name
        ("a/b::c/d::e[/test]", ["", "a", "a/b", "a/b::c/d", "a/b::c/d::e[/test]"]),
def test_iterparentnodeids(nodeid: str, expected: List[str]) -> None:
    result = list(nodes.iterparentnodeids(nodeid))
    assert result == expected

def test_node_from_parent_disallowed_arguments() -> None:
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="session is"):
        nodes.Node.from_parent(None, session=None)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="config is"):
        nodes.Node.from_parent(None, config=None)  # type: ignore[arg-type]

def test_node_direct_construction_deprecated() -> None:
    with pytest.raises(
            "Direct construction of _pytest.nodes.Node has been deprecated, please "
            "use _pytest.nodes.Node.from_parent.\nSee "
            " for more details."
        nodes.Node(None, session=None)  # type: ignore[arg-type]

def test_subclassing_both_item_and_collector_deprecated(
    request, tmp_path: Path
) -> None:
    Verifies we warn on diamond inheritance
    as well as correctly managing legacy inheritance ctors with missing args
    as found in plugins

    with pytest.warns(
            "(?m)SoWrong is an Item subclass and should not be a collector, however its bases File are collectors.\n"
            "Please split the Collectors and the Item into separate node types.\n.*"

        class SoWrong(nodes.Item, nodes.File):
            def __init__(self, fspath, parent):
                """Legacy ctor with legacy call # don't wana see"""
                super().__init__(fspath, parent)

    with pytest.warns(
        PytestWarning, match=".*SoWrong.* not using a cooperative constructor.*"
            request.session, fspath=legacy_path(tmp_path / "broken.txt")

    "warn_type, msg", [(DeprecationWarning, "deprecated"), (PytestWarning, "pytest")]
def test_node_warn_is_no_longer_only_pytest_warnings(
    pytester: Pytester, warn_type: Type[Warning], msg: str
) -> None:
    items = pytester.getitems(
        def test():
    with pytest.warns(warn_type, match=msg):

def test_node_warning_enforces_warning_types(pytester: Pytester) -> None:
    items = pytester.getitems(
        def test():
    with pytest.raises(
        ValueError, match="warning must be an instance of Warning or subclass"
        items[0].warn(Exception("ok"))  # type: ignore[arg-type]

def test__check_initialpaths_for_relpath() -> None:
    """Ensure that it handles dirs, and does not always use dirname."""
    cwd = Path.cwd()

    class FakeSession1:
        _initialpaths = frozenset({cwd})

    session = cast(pytest.Session, FakeSession1)

    assert nodes._check_initialpaths_for_relpath(session, cwd) == ""

    sub = cwd / "file"

    class FakeSession2:
        _initialpaths = frozenset({cwd})

    session = cast(pytest.Session, FakeSession2)

    assert nodes._check_initialpaths_for_relpath(session, sub) == "file"

    outside = Path("/outside-this-does-not-exist")
    assert nodes._check_initialpaths_for_relpath(session, outside) is None

def test_failure_with_changed_cwd(pytester: Pytester) -> None:
    Test failure lines should use absolute paths if cwd has changed since
    invocation, so the path is correct (#6428).
    p = pytester.makepyfile(
        import os
        import pytest

        def private_dir():
            out_dir = 'ddd'
            old_dir = os.getcwd()
            yield out_dir

        def test_show_wrong_path(private_dir):
            assert False
    result = pytester.runpytest()
    result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([str(p) + ":*: AssertionError", "*1 failed in *"])