import os import threading import Queue import traceback import atexit import weakref import __future__ # note that the whole code of this module (as well as some # other modules) execute not only on the local side but # also on any gateway's remote side. On such remote sides # we cannot assume the py library to be there and # InstallableGateway._remote_bootstrap_gateway() (located # in will take care to send source fragments # to the other side. Yes, it is fragile but we have a # few tests that try to catch when we mess up. # XXX the following lines should not be here if 'ThreadOut' not in globals(): import py from py.code import Source from import ChannelFactory, Channel from py.__.execnet.message import Message ThreadOut = py._thread.ThreadOut WorkerPool = py._thread.WorkerPool NamedThreadPool = py._thread.NamedThreadPool import os debug = 0 # open('/tmp/execnet-debug-%d' % os.getpid() , 'wa') sysex = (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit) class Gateway(object): _ThreadOut = ThreadOut remoteaddress = "" def __init__(self, io, execthreads=None, _startcount=2): """ initialize core gateway, using the given inputoutput object and 'execthreads' execution threads. """ global registered_cleanup self._execpool = WorkerPool(maxthreads=execthreads) self._io = io self._outgoing = Queue.Queue() self._channelfactory = ChannelFactory(self, _startcount) if not registered_cleanup: atexit.register(cleanup_atexit) registered_cleanup = True _active_sendqueues[self._outgoing] = True self._pool = NamedThreadPool(receiver = self._thread_receiver, sender = self._thread_sender) def __repr__(self): """ return string representing gateway type and status. """ addr = self.remoteaddress if addr: addr = '[%s]' % (addr,) else: addr = '' try: r = (len(self._pool.getstarted('receiver')) and "receiving" or "not receiving") s = (len(self._pool.getstarted('sender')) and "sending" or "not sending") i = len(self._channelfactory.channels()) except AttributeError: r = s = "uninitialized" i = "no" return "<%s%s %s/%s (%s active channels)>" %( self.__class__.__name__, addr, r, s, i) ## def _local_trystopexec(self): ## self._execpool.shutdown() def _trace(self, *args): if debug: try: l = "\n".join(args).split(os.linesep) id = getid(self) for x in l: print >>debug, x debug.flush() except sysex: raise except: traceback.print_exc() def _traceex(self, excinfo): try: l = traceback.format_exception(*excinfo) errortext = "".join(l) except: errortext = '%s: %s' % (excinfo[0].__name__, excinfo[1]) self._trace(errortext) def _thread_receiver(self): """ thread to read and handle Messages half-sync-half-async. """ try: from sys import exc_info while 1: try: msg = Message.readfrom(self._io) self._trace("received <- %r" % msg) msg.received(self) except sysex: break except EOFError: break except: self._traceex(exc_info()) break finally: self._outgoing.put(None) self._channelfactory._finished_receiving() self._trace('leaving %r' % threading.currentThread()) def _thread_sender(self): """ thread to send Messages over the wire. """ try: from sys import exc_info while 1: msg = self._outgoing.get() try: if msg is None: self._io.close_write() break msg.writeto(self._io) except: excinfo = exc_info() self._traceex(excinfo) if msg is not None: msg.post_sent(self, excinfo) break else: self._trace('sent -> %r' % msg) msg.post_sent(self) finally: self._trace('leaving %r' % threading.currentThread()) def _local_redirect_thread_output(self, outid, errid): l = [] for name, id in ('stdout', outid), ('stderr', errid): if id: channel = out = self._ThreadOut(sys, name) out.setwritefunc(channel.send) l.append((out, channel)) def close(): for out, channel in l: out.delwritefunc() channel.close() return close def _thread_executor(self, channel, (source, outid, errid)): """ worker thread to execute source objects from the execution queue. """ from sys import exc_info try: loc = { 'channel' : channel } self._trace("execution starts:", repr(source)[:50]) close = self._local_redirect_thread_output(outid, errid) try: co = compile(source+'\n', '', 'exec', __future__.CO_GENERATOR_ALLOWED) exec co in loc finally: close() self._trace("execution finished:", repr(source)[:50]) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): pass except: excinfo = exc_info() l = traceback.format_exception(*excinfo) errortext = "".join(l) channel.close(errortext) self._trace(errortext) else: channel.close() def _local_schedulexec(self, channel, sourcetask): self._trace("dispatching exec") self._execpool.dispatch(self._thread_executor, channel, sourcetask) def _newredirectchannelid(self, callback): if callback is None: return if hasattr(callback, 'write'): callback = callback.write assert callable(callback) chan = self.newchannel() chan.setcallback(callback) return # _____________________________________________________________________ # # High Level Interface # _____________________________________________________________________ # def newchannel(self): """ return new channel object. """ return def remote_exec(self, source, stdout=None, stderr=None): """ return channel object and connect it to a remote execution thread where the given 'source' executes and has the sister 'channel' object in its global namespace. The callback functions 'stdout' and 'stderr' get called on receival of remote stdout/stderr output strings. """ try: source = str(Source(source)) except NameError: try: import py source = str(py.code.Source(source)) except ImportError: pass channel = self.newchannel() outid = self._newredirectchannelid(stdout) errid = self._newredirectchannelid(stderr) self._outgoing.put(Message.CHANNEL_OPEN(, (source, outid, errid))) return channel def _remote_redirect(self, stdout=None, stderr=None): """ return a handle representing a redirection of a remote end's stdout to a local file object. with handle.close() the redirection will be reverted. """ clist = [] for name, out in ('stdout', stdout), ('stderr', stderr): if out: outchannel = self.newchannel() outchannel.setcallback(getattr(out, 'write', out)) channel = self.remote_exec(""" import sys outchannel = channel.receive() outchannel.gateway._ThreadOut(sys, %r).setdefaultwriter(outchannel.send) """ % name) channel.send(outchannel) clist.append(channel) for c in clist: c.waitclose() class Handle: def close(_): for name, out in ('stdout', stdout), ('stderr', stderr): if out: c = self.remote_exec(""" import sys channel.gateway._ThreadOut(sys, %r).resetdefault() """ % name) c.waitclose() return Handle() def exit(self): """ Try to stop all IO activity. """ try: del _active_sendqueues[self._outgoing] except KeyError: pass else: self._outgoing.put(None) def join(self, joinexec=True): """ Wait for all IO (and by default all execution activity) to stop. """ current = threading.currentThread() for x in self._pool.getstarted(): if x != current: self._trace("joining %s" % x) x.join() self._trace("joining sender/reciver threads finished, current %r" % current) if joinexec: self._execpool.join() self._trace("joining execution threads finished, current %r" % current) def getid(gw, cache={}): name = gw.__class__.__name__ try: return cache.setdefault(name, {})[id(gw)] except KeyError: cache[name][id(gw)] = x = "%s:%s.%d" %(os.getpid(), gw.__class__.__name__, len(cache[name])) return x registered_cleanup = False _active_sendqueues = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() def cleanup_atexit(): if debug: print >>debug, "="*20 + "cleaning up" + "=" * 20 debug.flush() while True: try: queue, ignored = _active_sendqueues.popitem() except KeyError: break queue.put(None)