py.test 2.2.0: test marking++, parametrization++ and duration profiling

pytest-2.2.0 is a test-suite compatible release of the popular
py.test testing tool.  Plugins might need upgrades. It comes
with these improvements:

* easier and more powerful parametrization of tests:

  - new @pytest.mark.parametrize decorator to run tests with different arguments
  - new metafunc.parametrize() API for parametrizing arguments independently
  - see examples at
  - NOTE that parametrize() related APIs are still a bit experimental
    and might change in future releases.

* improved handling of test markers and refined marking mechanism:

  - "-m markexpr" option for selecting tests according to their mark
  - a new "markers" ini-variable for registering test markers for your project
  - the new "--strict" bails out with an error if using unregistered markers.
  - see examples at

* duration profiling: new "--duration=N" option showing the N slowest test
  execution or setup/teardown calls. This is most useful if you want to
  find out where your slowest test code is.

* also 2.2.0 performs more eager calling of teardown/finalizers functions
  resulting in better and more accurate reporting when they fail

Besides there is the usual set of bug fixes along with a cleanup of
pytest's own test suite allowing it to run on a wider range of environments.

For general information, see extensive docs with examples here:

If you want to install or upgrade pytest you might just type::

    pip install -U pytest # or
    easy_install -U pytest

Thanks to Ronny Pfannschmidt, David Burns, Jeff Donner, Daniel Nouri, Alfredo Deza and all who gave feedback or sent bug reports.

holger krekel

notes on incompatibility

While test suites should work unchanged you might need to upgrade plugins:

* You need a new version of the pytest-xdist plugin (1.7) for distributing
  test runs.

* Other plugins might need an upgrade if they implement
  the ``pytest_runtest_logreport`` hook which now is called unconditionally
  for the setup/teardown fixture phases of a test. You may choose to
  ignore setup/teardown failures by inserting "if rep.when != 'call': return"
  or something similar. Note that most code probably "just" works because
  the hook was already called for failing setup/teardown phases of a test
  so a plugin should have been ready to grok such reports already.

Changes between 2.1.3 and 2.2.0

- fix issue90: introduce eager tearing down of test items so that
  teardown function are called earlier.
- add an all-powerful metafunc.parametrize function which allows to
  parametrize test function arguments in multiple steps and therefore
  from independent plugins and places.
- add a @pytest.mark.parametrize helper which allows to easily
  call a test function with different argument values.
- Add examples to the "parametrize" example page, including a quick port
  of Test scenarios and the new parametrize function and decorator.
- introduce registration for "pytest.mark.*" helpers via ini-files
  or through plugin hooks.  Also introduce a "--strict" option which
  will treat unregistered markers as errors
  allowing to avoid typos and maintain a well described set of markers
  for your test suite.  See examples at
  and its links.
- issue50: introduce "-m marker" option to select tests based on markers
  (this is a stricter and more predictable version of "-k" in that "-m"
  only matches complete markers and has more obvious rules for and/or
- new feature to help optimizing the speed of your tests:
  --durations=N option for displaying N slowest test calls
  and setup/teardown methods.
- fix issue87: --pastebin now works with python3
- fix issue89: --pdb with unexpected exceptions in doctest work more sensibly
- fix and cleanup pytest's own test suite to not leak FDs
- fix issue83: link to generated funcarg list
- fix issue74: pyarg module names are now checked against imp.find_module false positives
- fix compatibility with twisted/trial-11.1.0 use cases