import py import sys, inspect from compiler import parse, ast, pycodegen from _pytest.assertion.util import format_explanation, BuiltinAssertionError passthroughex = py.builtin._sysex class Failure: def __init__(self, node): self.exc, self.value, self.tb = sys.exc_info() self.node = node class View(object): """View base class. If C is a subclass of View, then C(x) creates a proxy object around the object x. The actual class of the proxy is not C in general, but a *subclass* of C determined by the rules below. To avoid confusion we call view class the class of the proxy (a subclass of C, so of View) and object class the class of x. Attributes and methods not found in the proxy are automatically read on x. Other operations like setting attributes are performed on the proxy, as determined by its view class. The object x is available from the proxy as its __obj__ attribute. The view class selection is determined by the __view__ tuples and the optional __viewkey__ method. By default, the selected view class is the most specific subclass of C whose __view__ mentions the class of x. If no such subclass is found, the search proceeds with the parent object classes. For example, C(True) will first look for a subclass of C with __view__ = (..., bool, ...) and only if it doesn't find any look for one with __view__ = (..., int, ...), and then ..., object,... If everything fails the class C itself is considered to be the default. Alternatively, the view class selection can be driven by another aspect of the object x, instead of the class of x, by overriding __viewkey__. See last example at the end of this module. """ _viewcache = {} __view__ = () def __new__(rootclass, obj, *args, **kwds): self = object.__new__(rootclass) self.__obj__ = obj self.__rootclass__ = rootclass key = self.__viewkey__() try: self.__class__ = self._viewcache[key] except KeyError: self.__class__ = self._selectsubclass(key) return self def __getattr__(self, attr): # attributes not found in the normal hierarchy rooted on View # are looked up in the object's real class return getattr(self.__obj__, attr) def __viewkey__(self): return self.__obj__.__class__ def __matchkey__(self, key, subclasses): if inspect.isclass(key): keys = inspect.getmro(key) else: keys = [key] for key in keys: result = [C for C in subclasses if key in C.__view__] if result: return result return [] def _selectsubclass(self, key): subclasses = list(enumsubclasses(self.__rootclass__)) for C in subclasses: if not isinstance(C.__view__, tuple): C.__view__ = (C.__view__,) choices = self.__matchkey__(key, subclasses) if not choices: return self.__rootclass__ elif len(choices) == 1: return choices[0] else: # combine the multiple choices return type('?', tuple(choices), {}) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r)' % (self.__rootclass__.__name__, self.__obj__) def enumsubclasses(cls): for subcls in cls.__subclasses__(): for subsubclass in enumsubclasses(subcls): yield subsubclass yield cls class Interpretable(View): """A parse tree node with a few extra methods.""" explanation = None def is_builtin(self, frame): return False def eval(self, frame): # fall-back for unknown expression nodes try: expr = ast.Expression(self.__obj__) expr.filename = '<eval>' self.__obj__.filename = '<eval>' co = pycodegen.ExpressionCodeGenerator(expr).getCode() result = frame.eval(co) except passthroughex: raise except: raise Failure(self) self.result = result self.explanation = self.explanation or frame.repr(self.result) def run(self, frame): # fall-back for unknown statement nodes try: expr = ast.Module(None, ast.Stmt([self.__obj__])) expr.filename = '<run>' co = pycodegen.ModuleCodeGenerator(expr).getCode() frame.exec_(co) except passthroughex: raise except: raise Failure(self) def nice_explanation(self): return format_explanation(self.explanation) class Name(Interpretable): __view__ = ast.Name def is_local(self, frame): source = '%r in locals() is not globals()' % try: return frame.is_true(frame.eval(source)) except passthroughex: raise except: return False def is_global(self, frame): source = '%r in globals()' % try: return frame.is_true(frame.eval(source)) except passthroughex: raise except: return False def is_builtin(self, frame): source = '%r not in locals() and %r not in globals()' % (, try: return frame.is_true(frame.eval(source)) except passthroughex: raise except: return False def eval(self, frame): super(Name, self).eval(frame) if not self.is_local(frame): self.explanation = class Compare(Interpretable): __view__ = ast.Compare def eval(self, frame): expr = Interpretable(self.expr) expr.eval(frame) for operation, expr2 in self.ops: if hasattr(self, 'result'): # shortcutting in chained expressions if not frame.is_true(self.result): break expr2 = Interpretable(expr2) expr2.eval(frame) self.explanation = "%s %s %s" % ( expr.explanation, operation, expr2.explanation) source = "__exprinfo_left %s __exprinfo_right" % operation try: self.result = frame.eval(source, __exprinfo_left=expr.result, __exprinfo_right=expr2.result) except passthroughex: raise except: raise Failure(self) expr = expr2 class And(Interpretable): __view__ = ast.And def eval(self, frame): explanations = [] for expr in self.nodes: expr = Interpretable(expr) expr.eval(frame) explanations.append(expr.explanation) self.result = expr.result if not frame.is_true(expr.result): break self.explanation = '(' + ' and '.join(explanations) + ')' class Or(Interpretable): __view__ = ast.Or def eval(self, frame): explanations = [] for expr in self.nodes: expr = Interpretable(expr) expr.eval(frame) explanations.append(expr.explanation) self.result = expr.result if frame.is_true(expr.result): break self.explanation = '(' + ' or '.join(explanations) + ')' # == Unary operations == keepalive = [] for astclass, astpattern in { ast.Not : 'not __exprinfo_expr', ast.Invert : '(~__exprinfo_expr)', }.items(): class UnaryArith(Interpretable): __view__ = astclass def eval(self, frame, astpattern=astpattern): expr = Interpretable(self.expr) expr.eval(frame) self.explanation = astpattern.replace('__exprinfo_expr', expr.explanation) try: self.result = frame.eval(astpattern, __exprinfo_expr=expr.result) except passthroughex: raise except: raise Failure(self) keepalive.append(UnaryArith) # == Binary operations == for astclass, astpattern in { ast.Add : '(__exprinfo_left + __exprinfo_right)', ast.Sub : '(__exprinfo_left - __exprinfo_right)', ast.Mul : '(__exprinfo_left * __exprinfo_right)', ast.Div : '(__exprinfo_left / __exprinfo_right)', ast.Mod : '(__exprinfo_left % __exprinfo_right)', ast.Power : '(__exprinfo_left ** __exprinfo_right)', }.items(): class BinaryArith(Interpretable): __view__ = astclass def eval(self, frame, astpattern=astpattern): left = Interpretable(self.left) left.eval(frame) right = Interpretable(self.right) right.eval(frame) self.explanation = (astpattern .replace('__exprinfo_left', left .explanation) .replace('__exprinfo_right', right.explanation)) try: self.result = frame.eval(astpattern, __exprinfo_left=left.result, __exprinfo_right=right.result) except passthroughex: raise except: raise Failure(self) keepalive.append(BinaryArith) class CallFunc(Interpretable): __view__ = ast.CallFunc def is_bool(self, frame): source = 'isinstance(__exprinfo_value, bool)' try: return frame.is_true(frame.eval(source, __exprinfo_value=self.result)) except passthroughex: raise except: return False def eval(self, frame): node = Interpretable(self.node) node.eval(frame) explanations = [] vars = {'__exprinfo_fn': node.result} source = '__exprinfo_fn(' for a in self.args: if isinstance(a, ast.Keyword): keyword = a = a.expr else: keyword = None a = Interpretable(a) a.eval(frame) argname = '__exprinfo_%d' % len(vars) vars[argname] = a.result if keyword is None: source += argname + ',' explanations.append(a.explanation) else: source += '%s=%s,' % (keyword, argname) explanations.append('%s=%s' % (keyword, a.explanation)) if self.star_args: star_args = Interpretable(self.star_args) star_args.eval(frame) argname = '__exprinfo_star' vars[argname] = star_args.result source += '*' + argname + ',' explanations.append('*' + star_args.explanation) if self.dstar_args: dstar_args = Interpretable(self.dstar_args) dstar_args.eval(frame) argname = '__exprinfo_kwds' vars[argname] = dstar_args.result source += '**' + argname + ',' explanations.append('**' + dstar_args.explanation) self.explanation = "%s(%s)" % ( node.explanation, ', '.join(explanations)) if source.endswith(','): source = source[:-1] source += ')' try: self.result = frame.eval(source, **vars) except passthroughex: raise except: raise Failure(self) if not node.is_builtin(frame) or not self.is_bool(frame): r = frame.repr(self.result) self.explanation = '%s\n{%s = %s\n}' % (r, r, self.explanation) class Getattr(Interpretable): __view__ = ast.Getattr def eval(self, frame): expr = Interpretable(self.expr) expr.eval(frame) source = '__exprinfo_expr.%s' % self.attrname try: self.result = frame.eval(source, __exprinfo_expr=expr.result) except passthroughex: raise except: raise Failure(self) self.explanation = '%s.%s' % (expr.explanation, self.attrname) # if the attribute comes from the instance, its value is interesting source = ('hasattr(__exprinfo_expr, "__dict__") and ' '%r in __exprinfo_expr.__dict__' % self.attrname) try: from_instance = frame.is_true( frame.eval(source, __exprinfo_expr=expr.result)) except passthroughex: raise except: from_instance = True if from_instance: r = frame.repr(self.result) self.explanation = '%s\n{%s = %s\n}' % (r, r, self.explanation) # == Re-interpretation of full statements == class Assert(Interpretable): __view__ = ast.Assert def run(self, frame): test = Interpretable(self.test) test.eval(frame) # print the result as 'assert <explanation>' self.result = test.result self.explanation = 'assert ' + test.explanation if not frame.is_true(test.result): try: raise BuiltinAssertionError except passthroughex: raise except: raise Failure(self) class Assign(Interpretable): __view__ = ast.Assign def run(self, frame): expr = Interpretable(self.expr) expr.eval(frame) self.result = expr.result self.explanation = '... = ' + expr.explanation # fall-back-run the rest of the assignment ass = ast.Assign(self.nodes, ast.Name('__exprinfo_expr')) mod = ast.Module(None, ast.Stmt([ass])) mod.filename = '<run>' co = pycodegen.ModuleCodeGenerator(mod).getCode() try: frame.exec_(co, __exprinfo_expr=expr.result) except passthroughex: raise except: raise Failure(self) class Discard(Interpretable): __view__ = ast.Discard def run(self, frame): expr = Interpretable(self.expr) expr.eval(frame) self.result = expr.result self.explanation = expr.explanation class Stmt(Interpretable): __view__ = ast.Stmt def run(self, frame): for stmt in self.nodes: stmt = Interpretable(stmt) def report_failure(e): explanation = e.node.nice_explanation() if explanation: explanation = ", in: " + explanation else: explanation = "" sys.stdout.write("%s: %s%s\n" % (e.exc.__name__, e.value, explanation)) def check(s, frame=None): if frame is None: frame = sys._getframe(1) frame = py.code.Frame(frame) expr = parse(s, 'eval') assert isinstance(expr, ast.Expression) node = Interpretable(expr.node) try: node.eval(frame) except passthroughex: raise except Failure: e = sys.exc_info()[1] report_failure(e) else: if not frame.is_true(node.result): sys.stderr.write("assertion failed: %s\n" % node.nice_explanation()) ########################################################### # API / Entry points # ######################################################### def interpret(source, frame, should_fail=False): module = Interpretable(parse(source, 'exec').node) #print "got module", module if isinstance(frame, py.std.types.FrameType): frame = py.code.Frame(frame) try: except Failure: e = sys.exc_info()[1] return getfailure(e) except passthroughex: raise except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() if should_fail: return ("(assertion failed, but when it was re-run for " "printing intermediate values, it did not fail. Suggestions: " "compute assert expression before the assert or use --assert=plain)") else: return None def getmsg(excinfo): if isinstance(excinfo, tuple): excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo(excinfo) #frame, line = gettbline(tb) #frame = py.code.Frame(frame) #return interpret(line, frame) tb = excinfo.traceback[-1] source = str(tb.statement).strip() x = interpret(source, tb.frame, should_fail=True) if not isinstance(x, str): raise TypeError("interpret returned non-string %r" % (x,)) return x def getfailure(e): explanation = e.node.nice_explanation() if str(e.value): lines = explanation.split('\n') lines[0] += " << %s" % (e.value,) explanation = '\n'.join(lines) text = "%s: %s" % (e.exc.__name__, explanation) if text.startswith('AssertionError: assert '): text = text[16:] return text def run(s, frame=None): if frame is None: frame = sys._getframe(1) frame = py.code.Frame(frame) module = Interpretable(parse(s, 'exec').node) try: except Failure: e = sys.exc_info()[1] report_failure(e) if __name__ == '__main__': # example: def f(): return 5 def g(): return 3 def h(x): return 'never' check("f() * g() == 5") check("not f()") check("not (f() and g() or 0)") check("f() == g()") i = 4 check("i == f()") check("len(f()) == 0") check("isinstance(2+3+4, float)") run("x = i") check("x == 5") run("assert not f(), 'oops'") run("a, b, c = 1, 2") run("a, b, c = f()") check("max([f(),g()]) == 4") check("'hello'[g()] == 'h'") run("'guk%d' % h(f())")