[tox] isolated_build = True minversion = 3.5.3 distshare = {homedir}/.tox/distshare # make sure to update environment list in travis.yml and appveyor.yml envlist = linting py35 py36 py37 py38 pypy3 py37-{pexpect,xdist,unittestextras,numpy,pluggymaster} doctesting py37-freeze docs docs-checklinks [testenv] commands = {env:_PYTEST_TOX_COVERAGE_RUN:} pytest {posargs:{env:_PYTEST_TOX_DEFAULT_POSARGS:}} doctesting: {env:_PYTEST_TOX_COVERAGE_RUN:} pytest --doctest-modules --pyargs _pytest coverage: coverage combine coverage: coverage report -m passenv = USER USERNAME COVERAGE_* TRAVIS PYTEST_ADDOPTS TERM setenv = _PYTEST_TOX_DEFAULT_POSARGS={env:_PYTEST_TOX_POSARGS_DOCTESTING:} {env:_PYTEST_TOX_POSARGS_LSOF:} {env:_PYTEST_TOX_POSARGS_XDIST:} # Configuration to run with coverage similar to CI, e.g. # "tox -e py37-coverage". coverage: _PYTEST_TOX_COVERAGE_RUN=coverage run -m coverage: _PYTEST_TOX_EXTRA_DEP=coverage-enable-subprocess coverage: COVERAGE_FILE={toxinidir}/.coverage coverage: COVERAGE_PROCESS_START={toxinidir}/.coveragerc doctesting: _PYTEST_TOX_POSARGS_DOCTESTING=doc/en nobyte: PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 lsof: _PYTEST_TOX_POSARGS_LSOF=--lsof xdist: _PYTEST_TOX_POSARGS_XDIST=-n auto extras = testing deps = doctesting: PyYAML oldattrs: attrs==17.4.0 oldattrs: hypothesis<=4.38.1 numpy: numpy pexpect: pexpect pluggymaster: git+https://github.com/pytest-dev/pluggy.git@master pygments unittestextras: twisted unittestextras: asynctest xdist: pytest-xdist>=1.13 {env:_PYTEST_TOX_EXTRA_DEP:} [testenv:linting] skip_install = True basepython = python3 deps = pre-commit>=1.11.0 commands = pre-commit run --all-files --show-diff-on-failure {posargs:} [testenv:mypy] extras = checkqa-mypy, testing commands = mypy {posargs:src testing} [testenv:mypy-diff] extras = checkqa-mypy, testing deps = lxml diff-cover commands = -mypy --cobertura-xml-report {envtmpdir} {posargs:src testing} diff-cover --fail-under=100 --compare-branch={env:DIFF_BRANCH:origin/{env:GITHUB_BASE_REF:master}} {envtmpdir}/cobertura.xml [testenv:docs] basepython = python3 usedevelop = True deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc/en/requirements.txt towncrier whitelist_externals = sh commands = sh -c 'towncrier --draft > doc/en/_changelog_towncrier_draft.rst' # the '-t changelog_towncrier_draft' tags makes sphinx include the draft # changelog in the docs; this does not happen on ReadTheDocs because it uses # the standard sphinx command so the 'changelog_towncrier_draft' is never set there sphinx-build -W --keep-going -b html doc/en doc/en/_build/html -t changelog_towncrier_draft {posargs:} [testenv:docs-checklinks] basepython = python3 usedevelop = True changedir = doc/en deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc/en/requirements.txt commands = sphinx-build -W -q --keep-going -b linkcheck . _build [testenv:regen] changedir = doc/en skipsdist = True basepython = python3 deps = dataclasses PyYAML regendoc>=0.6.1 sphinx whitelist_externals = rm make commands = # don't show hypothesis plugin info in docs, see #4602 pip uninstall hypothesis -y rm -rf /tmp/doc-exec* rm -rf {envdir}/.pytest_cache make regen [testenv:py37-freeze] changedir = testing/freeze deps = pyinstaller commands = {envpython} create_executable.py {envpython} tox_run.py [testenv:release] decription = do a release, required posarg of the version number basepython = python3 usedevelop = True passenv = * deps = colorama github3.py pre-commit>=1.11.0 wheel towncrier commands = python scripts/release.py {posargs} [testenv:release-on-comment] decription = do a release from a comment on GitHub usedevelop = {[testenv:release]usedevelop} passenv = {[testenv:release]passenv} deps = {[testenv:release]deps} commands = python scripts/release-on-comment.py {posargs} [testenv:publish-gh-release-notes] description = create GitHub release after deployment basepython = python3 usedevelop = True passenv = GH_RELEASE_NOTES_TOKEN GITHUB_REF GITHUB_REPOSITORY deps = github3.py pypandoc commands = python scripts/publish-gh-release-notes.py {posargs} [pytest] minversion = 2.0 addopts = -rfEX -p pytester --strict-markers rsyncdirs = tox.ini doc src testing python_files = test_*.py *_test.py testing/*/*.py python_classes = Test Acceptance python_functions = test # NOTE: "doc" is not included here, but gets tested explicitly via "doctesting". testpaths = testing norecursedirs = testing/example_scripts xfail_strict=true filterwarnings = error default:Using or importing the ABCs:DeprecationWarning:unittest2.* default:the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib:DeprecationWarning:nose.* ignore:Module already imported so cannot be rewritten:pytest.PytestWarning # produced by python3.6/site.py itself (3.6.7 on Travis, could not trigger it with 3.6.8). ignore:.*U.*mode is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:(?!(pytest|_pytest)) # produced by pytest-xdist ignore:.*type argument to addoption.*:DeprecationWarning # produced by python >=3.5 on execnet (pytest-xdist) ignore:.*inspect.getargspec.*deprecated, use inspect.signature.*:DeprecationWarning # pytest's own futurewarnings ignore::pytest.PytestExperimentalApiWarning # Do not cause SyntaxError for invalid escape sequences in py37. # Those are caught/handled by pyupgrade, and not easy to filter with the # module being the filename (with .py removed). default:invalid escape sequence:DeprecationWarning # ignore use of unregistered marks, because we use many to test the implementation ignore::_pytest.warning_types.PytestUnknownMarkWarning pytester_example_dir = testing/example_scripts markers = # dummy markers for testing foo bar baz # conftest.py reorders tests moving slow ones to the end of the list slow # experimental mark for all tests using pexpect uses_pexpect [flake8] max-line-length = 120 extend-ignore = E203 [isort] ; This config mimics what reorder-python-imports does. force_single_line = 1 known_localfolder = pytest,_pytest known_third_party = test_source,test_excinfo force_alphabetical_sort_within_sections = 1