import logging from typing import Any from _pytest._io import TerminalWriter from _pytest.logging import ColoredLevelFormatter def test_coloredlogformatter() -> None: logfmt = "%(filename)-25s %(lineno)4d %(levelname)-8s %(message)s" record = logging.LogRecord( name="dummy", level=logging.INFO, pathname="dummypath", lineno=10, msg="Test Message", args=(), exc_info=None, ) class ColorConfig: class option: pass tw = TerminalWriter() tw.hasmarkup = True formatter = ColoredLevelFormatter(tw, logfmt) output = formatter.format(record) assert output == ( "dummypath 10 \x1b[32mINFO \x1b[0m Test Message" ) tw.hasmarkup = False formatter = ColoredLevelFormatter(tw, logfmt) output = formatter.format(record) assert output == ("dummypath 10 INFO Test Message") def test_multiline_message() -> None: from _pytest.logging import PercentStyleMultiline logfmt = "%(filename)-25s %(lineno)4d %(levelname)-8s %(message)s" record = logging.LogRecord( name="dummy", level=logging.INFO, pathname="dummypath", lineno=10, msg="Test Message line1\nline2", args=(), exc_info=None, ) # type: Any # this is called by logging.Formatter.format record.message = record.getMessage() ai_on_style = PercentStyleMultiline(logfmt, True) output = ai_on_style.format(record) assert output == ( "dummypath 10 INFO Test Message line1\n" " line2" ) ai_off_style = PercentStyleMultiline(logfmt, False) output = ai_off_style.format(record) assert output == ( "dummypath 10 INFO Test Message line1\nline2" ) ai_none_style = PercentStyleMultiline(logfmt, None) output = ai_none_style.format(record) assert output == ( "dummypath 10 INFO Test Message line1\nline2" ) record.auto_indent = False output = ai_on_style.format(record) assert output == ( "dummypath 10 INFO Test Message line1\nline2" ) record.auto_indent = True output = ai_off_style.format(record) assert output == ( "dummypath 10 INFO Test Message line1\n" " line2" ) record.auto_indent = "False" output = ai_on_style.format(record) assert output == ( "dummypath 10 INFO Test Message line1\nline2" ) record.auto_indent = "True" output = ai_off_style.format(record) assert output == ( "dummypath 10 INFO Test Message line1\n" " line2" ) # bad string values default to False record.auto_indent = "junk" output = ai_off_style.format(record) assert output == ( "dummypath 10 INFO Test Message line1\nline2" ) # anything other than string or int will default to False record.auto_indent = dict() output = ai_off_style.format(record) assert output == ( "dummypath 10 INFO Test Message line1\nline2" ) record.auto_indent = "5" output = ai_off_style.format(record) assert output == ( "dummypath 10 INFO Test Message line1\n line2" ) record.auto_indent = 5 output = ai_off_style.format(record) assert output == ( "dummypath 10 INFO Test Message line1\n line2" ) def test_colored_short_level() -> None: logfmt = "%(levelname).1s %(message)s" record = logging.LogRecord( name="dummy", level=logging.INFO, pathname="dummypath", lineno=10, msg="Test Message", args=(), exc_info=None, ) class ColorConfig: class option: pass tw = TerminalWriter() tw.hasmarkup = True formatter = ColoredLevelFormatter(tw, logfmt) output = formatter.format(record) # the I (of INFO) is colored assert output == ("\x1b[32mI\x1b[0m Test Message")