.. _plugins_index: List of Third-Party Plugins =========================== ========================================================================================== ==================================================================================== ============================================================================================================================================= Name Author Summary ========================================================================================== ==================================================================================== ============================================================================================================================================= `pytest-bdd-0.6.1 `_ `Oleg Pidsadnyi `_ BDD for pytest `pytest-bdd-splinter-0.5.2 `_ `Oleg Pidsadnyi `_ Splinter subplugin for Pytest BDD plugin `pytest-bench-0.1.0 `_ `Concordus Applications `_ Benchmark utility that plugs into pytest. `pytest-blockage-0.1 `_ `UNKNOWN `_ Disable network requests during a test run. `pytest-browsermob-proxy-0.1 `_ `Dave Hunt `_ BrowserMob proxy plugin for py.test. `pytest-bugzilla-0.2 `_ `Noufal Ibrahim `_ py.test bugzilla integration plugin `pytest-cache-1.0 `_ `Holger Krekel `_ pytest plugin with mechanisms for caching across test runs `pytest-capturelog-0.7 `_ `Meme Dough `_ py.test plugin to capture log messages `pytest-codecheckers-0.2 `_ `Ronny Pfannschmidt `_ pytest plugin to add source code sanity checks (pep8 and friends) `pytest-contextfixture-0.1.1 `_ `Andreas Pelme `_ Define pytest fixtures as context managers. `pytest-couchdbkit-0.5.1 `_ `RonnyPfannschmidt `_ py.test extension for per-test couchdb databases using couchdbkit `pytest-cov-1.6 `_ `Meme Dough `_ py.test plugin for coverage reporting with support for both centralised and distributed testing, including subprocesses and multiprocessing `pytest-dbfixtures- `_ `Clearcode - The A Room `_ dbfixtures plugin for py.test. `pytest-django-2.3.1 `_ `Andreas Pelme `_ A Django plugin for py.test. `pytest-django-lite-0.1.0 `_ `David Cramer `_ The bare minimum to integrate py.test with Django. `pytest-figleaf-1.0 `_ `holger krekel `_ py.test figleaf coverage plugin `pytest-flakes-0.2 `_ `Florian Schulze, Holger Krekel and Ronny Pfannschmidt `_ pytest plugin to check source code with pyflakes `pytest-greendots-0.2 `_ `UNKNOWN `_ Green progress dots `pytest-growl-0.1 `_ `Anthony Long `_ Growl notifications for pytest results. `pytest-incremental-0.3.0 `_ `Eduardo Naufel Schettino `_ an incremental test runner (pytest plugin) `pytest-instafail-0.1.0 `_ `Janne Vanhala `_ py.test plugin to show failures instantly `pytest-ipdb-0.1-prerelease `_ `Matthew de Verteuil `_ A py.test plug-in to enable drop to ipdb debugger on test failure. `pytest-konira-0.2 `_ `Alfredo Deza `_ Run Konira DSL tests with py.test `pytest-localserver-0.3 `_ `Sebastian Rahlf `_ py.test plugin to test server connections locally. `pytest-marker-bugzilla-0.06 `_ `Eric Sammons `_ py.test bugzilla integration plugin, using markers `pytest-markfiltration-0.8 `_ `adam goucher `_ UNKNOWN `pytest-marks-0.4 `_ `adam goucher `_ UNKNOWN `pytest-monkeyplus-1.1.0 `_ `Virgil Dupras `_ pytest's monkeypatch subclass with extra functionalities `pytest-mozwebqa-1.1.1 `_ `Dave Hunt `_ Mozilla WebQA plugin for py.test. `pytest-oerp-0.2.0 `_ `Leonardo Santagada `_ pytest plugin to test OpenERP modules `pytest-osxnotify-0.1.4 `_ `Daniel Bader `_ OS X notifications for py.test results. `pytest-paste-config-0.1 `_ `UNKNOWN `_ Allow setting the path to a paste config file `pytest-pep8-1.0.5 `_ `Holger Krekel and Ronny Pfannschmidt `_ pytest plugin to check PEP8 requirements `pytest-poo-0.2 `_ `Andreas Pelme `_ Visualize your crappy tests `pytest-pydev-0.1 `_ `Sebastian Rahlf `_ py.test plugin to connect to a remote debug server with PyDev or PyCharm. `pytest-qt-1.0.2 `_ `Bruno Oliveira `_ pytest plugin that adds fixtures for testing Qt (PyQt and PySide) applications. `pytest-quickcheck-0.7 `_ `Tetsuya Morimoto `_ pytest plugin to generate random data inspired by QuickCheck `pytest-rage-0.1 `_ `Leonardo Santagada `_ pytest plugin to implement PEP712 `pytest-random-0.02 `_ `Leah Klearman `_ py.test plugin to randomize tests `pytest-rerunfailures-0.03 `_ `Leah Klearman `_ py.test plugin to re-run tests to eliminate flakey failures `pytest-runfailed-0.3 `_ `Dimitri Merejkowsky `_ implement a --failed option for pytest `pytest-runner-2.0 `_ `Jason R. Coombs `_ UNKNOWN `pytest-sugar-0.2.2 `_ `Teemu, Janne Vanhala `_ py.test plugin that adds instafail, ETA and neat graphics `pytest-timeout-0.3 `_ `Floris Bruynooghe `_ pytest plugin to abort tests after a timeout `pytest-twisted-1.4 `_ `Ralf Schmitt `_ A twisted plugin for py.test. `pytest-xdist-1.9 `_ `holger krekel and contributors `_ py.test xdist plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes `pytest-xprocess-0.8 `_ `Holger Krekel `_ pytest plugin to manage external processes across test runs `pytest-yamlwsgi-0.6 `_ `Ali Afshar `_ Run tests against wsgi apps defined in yaml `pytest-zap-0.1 `_ `Dave Hunt `_ OWASP ZAP plugin for py.test. ========================================================================================== ==================================================================================== ============================================================================================================================================= *(Updated on 2013-10-14)*