import py class Test_genitems: def test_check_collect_hashes(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_1(): pass def test_2(): pass """) p.copy(p.dirpath(p.purebasename + "2" + ".py")) items, reprec = testdir.inline_genitems(p.dirpath()) assert len(items) == 4 for numi, i in enumerate(items): for numj, j in enumerate(items): if numj != numi: assert hash(i) != hash(j) assert i != j def test_root_conftest_syntax_error(self, testdir): # do we want to unify behaviour with # test_subdir_conftest_error? p = testdir.makepyfile(conftest="raise SyntaxError\n") py.test.raises(SyntaxError, testdir.inline_genitems, p.dirpath()) def test_example_items1(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(''' def testone(): pass class TestX: def testmethod_one(self): pass class TestY(TestX): pass ''') items, reprec = testdir.inline_genitems(p) assert len(items) == 3 assert items[0].name == 'testone' assert items[1].name == 'testmethod_one' assert items[2].name == 'testmethod_one' # let's also test getmodpath here assert items[0].getmodpath() == "testone" assert items[1].getmodpath() == "TestX.testmethod_one" assert items[2].getmodpath() == "TestY.testmethod_one" s = items[0].getmodpath(stopatmodule=False) assert s.endswith("test_example_items1.testone") print(s) class TestKeywordSelection: def test_select_simple(self, testdir): file_test = testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_one(): assert 0 class TestClass(object): def test_method_one(self): assert 42 == 43 """) def check(keyword, name): reprec = testdir.inline_run("-s", "-k", keyword, file_test) passed, skipped, failed = reprec.listoutcomes() assert len(failed) == 1 assert failed[0].nodeid.split("::")[-1] == name assert len(reprec.getcalls('pytest_deselected')) == 1 for keyword in ['test_one', 'est_on']: #yield check, keyword, 'test_one' check(keyword, 'test_one') check('TestClass.test', 'test_method_one') def test_select_extra_keywords(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(test_select=""" def test_1(): pass class TestClass: def test_2(self): pass """) testdir.makepyfile(conftest=""" import py class Class(py.test.collect.Class): def _keywords(self): return ['xxx',] """) for keyword in ('xxx', 'xxx test_2', 'TestClass', 'xxx -test_1', 'TestClass test_2', 'xxx TestClass test_2',): reprec = testdir.inline_run(p.dirpath(), '-s', '-k', keyword) py.builtin.print_("keyword", repr(keyword)) passed, skipped, failed = reprec.listoutcomes() assert len(passed) == 1 assert passed[0].nodeid.endswith("test_2") dlist = reprec.getcalls("pytest_deselected") assert len(dlist) == 1 assert dlist[0].items[0].name == 'test_1' def test_select_starton(self, testdir): threepass = testdir.makepyfile(test_threepass=""" def test_one(): assert 1 def test_two(): assert 1 def test_three(): assert 1 """) reprec = testdir.inline_run("-k", "test_two:", threepass) passed, skipped, failed = reprec.listoutcomes() assert len(passed) == 2 assert not failed dlist = reprec.getcalls("pytest_deselected") assert len(dlist) == 1 item = dlist[0].items[0] assert == "test_one" def test_keyword_extra(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" def test_one(): assert 0 test_one.mykeyword = True """) reprec = testdir.inline_run("-k", "-mykeyword", p) passed, skipped, failed = reprec.countoutcomes() assert passed + skipped + failed == 0 reprec = testdir.inline_run("-k", "mykeyword", p) passed, skipped, failed = reprec.countoutcomes() assert failed == 1