[build-system] requires = [ # sync with setup.py until we discard non-pep-517/518 "setuptools>=45.0", "setuptools-scm[toml]>=6.2.3", ] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [tool.setuptools_scm] write_to = "src/_pytest/_version.py" [tool.pytest.ini_options] minversion = "2.0" addopts = "-rfEX -p pytester --strict-markers" python_files = ["test_*.py", "*_test.py", "testing/python/*.py"] python_classes = ["Test", "Acceptance"] python_functions = ["test"] # NOTE: "doc" is not included here, but gets tested explicitly via "doctesting". testpaths = ["testing"] norecursedirs = ["testing/example_scripts"] xfail_strict = true filterwarnings = [ "error", "default:Using or importing the ABCs:DeprecationWarning:unittest2.*", # produced by older pyparsing<=2.2.0. "default:Using or importing the ABCs:DeprecationWarning:pyparsing.*", "default:the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib:DeprecationWarning:nose.*", # distutils is deprecated in 3.10, scheduled for removal in 3.12 "ignore:The distutils package is deprecated:DeprecationWarning", # produced by pytest-xdist "ignore:.*type argument to addoption.*:DeprecationWarning", # produced on execnet (pytest-xdist) "ignore:.*inspect.getargspec.*deprecated, use inspect.signature.*:DeprecationWarning", # pytest's own futurewarnings "ignore::pytest.PytestExperimentalApiWarning", # Do not cause SyntaxError for invalid escape sequences in py37. # Those are caught/handled by pyupgrade, and not easy to filter with the # module being the filename (with .py removed). "default:invalid escape sequence:DeprecationWarning", # ignore use of unregistered marks, because we use many to test the implementation "ignore::_pytest.warning_types.PytestUnknownMarkWarning", # https://github.com/benjaminp/six/issues/341 "ignore:_SixMetaPathImporter\\.exec_module\\(\\) not found; falling back to load_module\\(\\):ImportWarning", # https://github.com/benjaminp/six/pull/352 "ignore:_SixMetaPathImporter\\.find_spec\\(\\) not found; falling back to find_module\\(\\):ImportWarning", # https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/pull/2517 "ignore:VendorImporter\\.find_spec\\(\\) not found; falling back to find_module\\(\\):ImportWarning", # https://github.com/pytest-dev/execnet/pull/127 "ignore:isSet\\(\\) is deprecated, use is_set\\(\\) instead:DeprecationWarning", ] pytester_example_dir = "testing/example_scripts" markers = [ # dummy markers for testing "foo", "bar", "baz", # conftest.py reorders tests moving slow ones to the end of the list "slow", # experimental mark for all tests using pexpect "uses_pexpect", ] [tool.towncrier] package = "pytest" package_dir = "src" filename = "doc/en/changelog.rst" directory = "changelog/" title_format = "pytest {version} ({project_date})" template = "changelog/_template.rst" [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "breaking" name = "Breaking Changes" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "deprecation" name = "Deprecations" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "feature" name = "Features" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "improvement" name = "Improvements" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "bugfix" name = "Bug Fixes" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "vendor" name = "Vendored Libraries" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "doc" name = "Improved Documentation" showcontent = true [[tool.towncrier.type]] directory = "trivial" name = "Trivial/Internal Changes" showcontent = true [tool.black] target-version = ['py37']