import ast import errno import glob import importlib import os import py_compile import stat import sys import textwrap import zipfile from functools import partial from pathlib import Path import py import _pytest._code import pytest from _pytest.assertion import util from _pytest.assertion.rewrite import _get_assertion_exprs from _pytest.assertion.rewrite import AssertionRewritingHook from _pytest.assertion.rewrite import get_cache_dir from _pytest.assertion.rewrite import PYC_TAIL from _pytest.assertion.rewrite import PYTEST_TAG from _pytest.assertion.rewrite import rewrite_asserts from _pytest.main import ExitCode def setup_module(mod): mod._old_reprcompare = util._reprcompare _pytest._code._reprcompare = None def teardown_module(mod): util._reprcompare = mod._old_reprcompare del mod._old_reprcompare def rewrite(src): tree = ast.parse(src) rewrite_asserts(tree, src.encode()) return tree def getmsg(f, extra_ns=None, must_pass=False): """Rewrite the assertions in f, run it, and get the failure message.""" src = "\n".join(_pytest._code.Code(f).source().lines) mod = rewrite(src) code = compile(mod, "", "exec") ns = {} if extra_ns is not None: ns.update(extra_ns) exec(code, ns) func = ns[f.__name__] try: func() except AssertionError: if must_pass:"shouldn't have raised") s = str(sys.exc_info()[1]) if not s.startswith("assert"): return "AssertionError: " + s return s else: if not must_pass:"function didn't raise at all") class TestAssertionRewrite: def test_place_initial_imports(self): s = """'Doc string'\nother = stuff""" m = rewrite(s) assert isinstance(m.body[0], ast.Expr) for imp in m.body[1:3]: assert isinstance(imp, ast.Import) assert imp.lineno == 2 assert imp.col_offset == 0 assert isinstance(m.body[3], ast.Assign) s = """from __future__ import division\nother_stuff""" m = rewrite(s) assert isinstance(m.body[0], ast.ImportFrom) for imp in m.body[1:3]: assert isinstance(imp, ast.Import) assert imp.lineno == 2 assert imp.col_offset == 0 assert isinstance(m.body[3], ast.Expr) s = """'doc string'\nfrom __future__ import division""" m = rewrite(s) assert isinstance(m.body[0], ast.Expr) assert isinstance(m.body[1], ast.ImportFrom) for imp in m.body[2:4]: assert isinstance(imp, ast.Import) assert imp.lineno == 2 assert imp.col_offset == 0 s = """'doc string'\nfrom __future__ import division\nother""" m = rewrite(s) assert isinstance(m.body[0], ast.Expr) assert isinstance(m.body[1], ast.ImportFrom) for imp in m.body[2:4]: assert isinstance(imp, ast.Import) assert imp.lineno == 3 assert imp.col_offset == 0 assert isinstance(m.body[4], ast.Expr) s = """from . import relative\nother_stuff""" m = rewrite(s) for imp in m.body[:2]: assert isinstance(imp, ast.Import) assert imp.lineno == 1 assert imp.col_offset == 0 assert isinstance(m.body[3], ast.Expr) def test_dont_rewrite(self): s = """'PYTEST_DONT_REWRITE'\nassert 14""" m = rewrite(s) assert len(m.body) == 2 assert m.body[1].msg is None def test_dont_rewrite_plugin(self, testdir): contents = { "": "pytest_plugins = 'plugin'; import plugin", "": "'PYTEST_DONT_REWRITE'", "": "def test_foo(): pass", } testdir.makepyfile(**contents) result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess() assert "warning" not in "".join(result.outlines) def test_rewrites_plugin_as_a_package(self, testdir): pkgdir = testdir.mkpydir("plugin") pkgdir.join("").write( "import pytest\n" "@pytest.fixture\n" "def special_asserter():\n" " def special_assert(x, y):\n" " assert x == y\n" " return special_assert\n" ) testdir.makeconftest('pytest_plugins = ["plugin"]') testdir.makepyfile("def test(special_asserter): special_asserter(1, 2)\n") result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*assert 1 == 2*"]) def test_honors_pep_235(self, testdir, monkeypatch): # note: couldn't make it fail on macos with a single `sys.path` entry # note: these modules are named `test_*` to trigger rewriting testdir.tmpdir.join("").write("x = 1") xdir = testdir.tmpdir.join("x").ensure_dir() xdir.join("test_Y").ensure_dir().join("").write("x = 2") testdir.makepyfile( "import test_y\n" "import test_Y\n" "def test():\n" " assert test_y.x == 1\n" " assert test_Y.x == 2\n" ) monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(xdir) testdir.runpytest().assert_outcomes(passed=1) def test_name(self, request): def f(): assert False assert getmsg(f) == "assert False" def f(): f = False assert f assert getmsg(f) == "assert False" def f(): assert a_global # noqa assert getmsg(f, {"a_global": False}) == "assert False" def f(): assert sys == 42 verbose = request.config.getoption("verbose") msg = getmsg(f, {"sys": sys}) if verbose > 0: assert msg == ( "assert == 42\n" " -\n" " +42" ) else: assert msg == "assert sys == 42" def f(): assert cls == 42 # noqa: F821 class X: pass msg = getmsg(f, {"cls": X}).splitlines() if verbose > 1: assert msg == ["assert {!r} == 42".format(X), " -{!r}".format(X), " +42"] elif verbose > 0: assert msg == [ "assert .X'> == 42", " -{!r}".format(X), " +42", ] else: assert msg == ["assert cls == 42"] def test_assertrepr_compare_same_width(self, request): """Should use same width/truncation with same initial width.""" def f(): assert "1234567890" * 5 + "A" == "1234567890" * 5 + "B" msg = getmsg(f).splitlines()[0] if request.config.getoption("verbose") > 1: assert msg == ( "assert '12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890A' " "== '12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890B'" ) else: assert msg == ( "assert '123456789012...901234567890A' " "== '123456789012...901234567890B'" ) def test_dont_rewrite_if_hasattr_fails(self, request): class Y: """ A class whos getattr fails, but not with `AttributeError` """ def __getattr__(self, attribute_name): raise KeyError() def __repr__(self): return "Y" def __init__(self): = 3 def f(): assert cls().foo == 2 # noqa # XXX: looks like the "where" should also be there in verbose mode?! message = getmsg(f, {"cls": Y}).splitlines() if request.config.getoption("verbose") > 0: assert message == ["assert 3 == 2", " -3", " +2"] else: assert message == [ "assert 3 == 2", " + where 3 =", " + where Y = cls()", ] def test_assert_already_has_message(self): def f(): assert False, "something bad!" assert getmsg(f) == "AssertionError: something bad!\nassert False" def test_assertion_message(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_foo(): assert 1 == 2, "The failure message" """ ) result = testdir.runpytest() assert result.ret == 1 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["*AssertionError*The failure message*", "*assert 1 == 2*"] ) def test_assertion_message_multiline(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_foo(): assert 1 == 2, "A multiline\\nfailure message" """ ) result = testdir.runpytest() assert result.ret == 1 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["*AssertionError*A multiline*", "*failure message*", "*assert 1 == 2*"] ) def test_assertion_message_tuple(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_foo(): assert 1 == 2, (1, 2) """ ) result = testdir.runpytest() assert result.ret == 1 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["*AssertionError*%s*" % repr((1, 2)), "*assert 1 == 2*"] ) def test_assertion_message_expr(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_foo(): assert 1 == 2, 1 + 2 """ ) result = testdir.runpytest() assert result.ret == 1 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*AssertionError*3*", "*assert 1 == 2*"]) def test_assertion_message_escape(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_foo(): assert 1 == 2, 'To be escaped: %' """ ) result = testdir.runpytest() assert result.ret == 1 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines( ["*AssertionError: To be escaped: %", "*assert 1 == 2"] ) def test_assertion_messages_bytes(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile("def test_bytes_assertion():\n assert False, b'ohai!'\n") result = testdir.runpytest() assert result.ret == 1 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*AssertionError: b'ohai!'", "*assert False"]) def test_boolop(self): def f(): f = g = False assert f and g assert getmsg(f) == "assert (False)" def f(): f = True g = False assert f and g assert getmsg(f) == "assert (True and False)" def f(): f = False g = True assert f and g assert getmsg(f) == "assert (False)" def f(): f = g = False assert f or g assert getmsg(f) == "assert (False or False)" def f(): f = g = False assert not f and not g getmsg(f, must_pass=True) def x(): return False def f(): assert x() and x() assert ( getmsg(f, {"x": x}) == """assert (False) + where False = x()""" ) def f(): assert False or x() assert ( getmsg(f, {"x": x}) == """assert (False or False) + where False = x()""" ) def f(): assert 1 in {} and 2 in {} assert getmsg(f) == "assert (1 in {})" def f(): x = 1 y = 2 assert x in {1: None} and y in {} assert getmsg(f) == "assert (1 in {1: None} and 2 in {})" def f(): f = True g = False assert f or g getmsg(f, must_pass=True) def f(): f = g = h = lambda: True assert f() and g() and h() getmsg(f, must_pass=True) def test_short_circuit_evaluation(self): def f(): assert True or explode # noqa getmsg(f, must_pass=True) def f(): x = 1 assert x == 1 or x == 2 getmsg(f, must_pass=True) def test_unary_op(self): def f(): x = True assert not x assert getmsg(f) == "assert not True" def f(): x = 0 assert ~x + 1 assert getmsg(f) == "assert (~0 + 1)" def f(): x = 3 assert -x + x assert getmsg(f) == "assert (-3 + 3)" def f(): x = 0 assert +x + x assert getmsg(f) == "assert (+0 + 0)" def test_binary_op(self): def f(): x = 1 y = -1 assert x + y assert getmsg(f) == "assert (1 + -1)" def f(): assert not 5 % 4 assert getmsg(f) == "assert not (5 % 4)" def test_boolop_percent(self): def f(): assert 3 % 2 and False assert getmsg(f) == "assert ((3 % 2) and False)" def f(): assert False or 4 % 2 assert getmsg(f) == "assert (False or (4 % 2))" def test_at_operator_issue1290(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ class Matrix(object): def __init__(self, num): self.num = num def __matmul__(self, other): return self.num * other.num def test_multmat_operator(): assert Matrix(2) @ Matrix(3) == 6""" ) testdir.runpytest().assert_outcomes(passed=1) def test_starred_with_side_effect(self, testdir): """See #4412""" testdir.makepyfile( """\ def test(): f = lambda x: x x = iter([1, 2, 3]) assert 2 * next(x) == f(*[next(x)]) """ ) testdir.runpytest().assert_outcomes(passed=1) def test_call(self): def g(a=42, *args, **kwargs): return False ns = {"g": g} def f(): assert g() assert ( getmsg(f, ns) == """assert False + where False = g()""" ) def f(): assert g(1) assert ( getmsg(f, ns) == """assert False + where False = g(1)""" ) def f(): assert g(1, 2) assert ( getmsg(f, ns) == """assert False + where False = g(1, 2)""" ) def f(): assert g(1, g=42) assert ( getmsg(f, ns) == """assert False + where False = g(1, g=42)""" ) def f(): assert g(1, 3, g=23) assert ( getmsg(f, ns) == """assert False + where False = g(1, 3, g=23)""" ) def f(): seq = [1, 2, 3] assert g(*seq) assert ( getmsg(f, ns) == """assert False + where False = g(*[1, 2, 3])""" ) def f(): x = "a" assert g(**{x: 2}) assert ( getmsg(f, ns) == """assert False + where False = g(**{'a': 2})""" ) def test_attribute(self): class X: g = 3 ns = {"x": X} def f(): assert not x.g # noqa assert ( getmsg(f, ns) == """assert not 3 + where 3 = x.g""" ) def f(): x.a = False # noqa assert x.a # noqa assert ( getmsg(f, ns) == """assert False + where False = x.a""" ) def test_comparisons(self): def f(): a, b = range(2) assert b < a assert getmsg(f) == """assert 1 < 0""" def f(): a, b, c = range(3) assert a > b > c assert getmsg(f) == """assert 0 > 1""" def f(): a, b, c = range(3) assert a < b > c assert getmsg(f) == """assert 1 > 2""" def f(): a, b, c = range(3) assert a < b <= c getmsg(f, must_pass=True) def f(): a, b, c = range(3) assert a < b assert b < c getmsg(f, must_pass=True) def test_len(self, request): def f(): values = list(range(10)) assert len(values) == 11 msg = getmsg(f) if request.config.getoption("verbose") > 0: assert msg == "assert 10 == 11\n -10\n +11" else: assert msg == "assert 10 == 11\n + where 10 = len([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...])" def test_custom_reprcompare(self, monkeypatch): def my_reprcompare(op, left, right): return "42" monkeypatch.setattr(util, "_reprcompare", my_reprcompare) def f(): assert 42 < 3 assert getmsg(f) == "assert 42" def my_reprcompare(op, left, right): return "{} {} {}".format(left, op, right) monkeypatch.setattr(util, "_reprcompare", my_reprcompare) def f(): assert 1 < 3 < 5 <= 4 < 7 assert getmsg(f) == "assert 5 <= 4" def test_assert_raising_nonzero_in_comparison(self): def f(): class A: def __nonzero__(self): raise ValueError(42) def __lt__(self, other): return A() def __repr__(self): return "" def myany(x): return False assert myany(A() < 0) assert " < 0" in getmsg(f) def test_formatchar(self): def f(): assert "%test" == "test" assert getmsg(f).startswith("assert '%test' == 'test'") def test_custom_repr(self, request): def f(): class Foo: a = 1 def __repr__(self): return "\n{ \n~ \n}" f = Foo() assert 0 == f.a lines = util._format_lines([getmsg(f)]) if request.config.getoption("verbose") > 0: assert lines == ["assert 0 == 1\n -0\n +1"] else: assert lines == ["assert 0 == 1\n + where 1 = \\n{ \\n~ \\n}.a"] def test_custom_repr_non_ascii(self): def f(): class A: name = "ä" def __repr__(self): return"UTF-8") # only legal in python2 a = A() assert not msg = getmsg(f) assert "UnicodeDecodeError" not in msg assert "UnicodeEncodeError" not in msg class TestRewriteOnImport: def test_pycache_is_a_file(self, testdir): testdir.tmpdir.join("__pycache__").write("Hello") testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_rewritten(): assert "@py_builtins" in globals()""" ) assert testdir.runpytest().ret == 0 def test_pycache_is_readonly(self, testdir): cache = testdir.tmpdir.mkdir("__pycache__") old_mode = cache.stat().mode cache.chmod(old_mode ^ stat.S_IWRITE) testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_rewritten(): assert "@py_builtins" in globals()""" ) try: assert testdir.runpytest().ret == 0 finally: cache.chmod(old_mode) def test_zipfile(self, testdir): z = testdir.tmpdir.join("") z_fn = str(z) f = zipfile.ZipFile(z_fn, "w") try: f.writestr("test_gum/", "") f.writestr("test_gum/", "") finally: f.close() z.chmod(256) testdir.makepyfile( """ import sys sys.path.append(%r) import test_gum.test_lizard""" % (z_fn,) ) assert testdir.runpytest().ret == ExitCode.NO_TESTS_COLLECTED def test_readonly(self, testdir): sub = testdir.mkdir("testing") sub.join("").write( b""" def test_rewritten(): assert "@py_builtins" in globals() """, "wb", ) old_mode = sub.stat().mode sub.chmod(320) try: assert testdir.runpytest().ret == 0 finally: sub.chmod(old_mode) def test_dont_write_bytecode(self, testdir, monkeypatch): testdir.makepyfile( """ import os def test_no_bytecode(): assert "__pycache__" in __cached__ assert not os.path.exists(__cached__) assert not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(__cached__))""" ) monkeypatch.setenv("PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE", "1") assert testdir.runpytest_subprocess().ret == 0 def test_orphaned_pyc_file(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ import orphan def test_it(): assert orphan.value == 17 """ ) testdir.makepyfile( orphan=""" value = 17 """ ) py_compile.compile("") os.remove("") # Python 3 puts the .pyc files in a __pycache__ directory, and will # not import from there without source. It will import a .pyc from # the source location though. if not os.path.exists("orphan.pyc"): pycs = glob.glob("__pycache__/orphan.*.pyc") assert len(pycs) == 1 os.rename(pycs[0], "orphan.pyc") assert testdir.runpytest().ret == 0 def test_cached_pyc_includes_pytest_version(self, testdir, monkeypatch): """Avoid stale caches (#1671)""" monkeypatch.delenv("PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE", raising=False) testdir.makepyfile( test_foo=""" def test_foo(): assert True """ ) result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess() assert result.ret == 0 found_names = glob.glob( "__pycache__/*-pytest-{}.pyc".format(pytest.__version__) ) assert found_names, "pyc with expected tag not found in names: {}".format( glob.glob("__pycache__/*.pyc") ) @pytest.mark.skipif('"__pypy__" in sys.modules') def test_pyc_vs_pyo(self, testdir, monkeypatch): testdir.makepyfile( """ import pytest def test_optimized(): "hello" assert test_optimized.__doc__ is None""" ) p = py.path.local.make_numbered_dir( prefix="runpytest-", keep=None, rootdir=testdir.tmpdir ) tmp = "--basetemp=%s" % p monkeypatch.setenv("PYTHONOPTIMIZE", "2") monkeypatch.delenv("PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE", raising=False) assert testdir.runpytest_subprocess(tmp).ret == 0 tagged = "test_pyc_vs_pyo." + PYTEST_TAG assert tagged + ".pyo" in os.listdir("__pycache__") monkeypatch.undo() monkeypatch.delenv("PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE", raising=False) assert testdir.runpytest_subprocess(tmp).ret == 1 assert tagged + ".pyc" in os.listdir("__pycache__") def test_package(self, testdir): pkg = testdir.tmpdir.join("pkg") pkg.mkdir() pkg.join("").ensure() pkg.join("").write( """ def test_rewritten(): assert "@py_builtins" in globals()""" ) assert testdir.runpytest().ret == 0 def test_translate_newlines(self, testdir): content = "def test_rewritten():\r\n assert '@py_builtins' in globals()" b = content.encode("utf-8") testdir.tmpdir.join("").write(b, "wb") assert testdir.runpytest().ret == 0 def test_package_without__init__py(self, testdir): pkg = testdir.mkdir("a_package_without_init_py") pkg.join("").ensure() testdir.makepyfile("import a_package_without_init_py.module") assert testdir.runpytest().ret == ExitCode.NO_TESTS_COLLECTED def test_rewrite_warning(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest( """ import pytest pytest.register_assert_rewrite("_pytest") """ ) # needs to be a subprocess because pytester explicitly disables this warning result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*Module already imported*: _pytest"]) def test_rewrite_module_imported_from_conftest(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest( """ import test_rewrite_module_imported """ ) testdir.makepyfile( test_rewrite_module_imported=""" def test_rewritten(): assert "@py_builtins" in globals() """ ) assert testdir.runpytest_subprocess().ret == 0 def test_remember_rewritten_modules(self, pytestconfig, testdir, monkeypatch): """ AssertionRewriteHook should remember rewritten modules so it doesn't give false positives (#2005). """ monkeypatch.syspath_prepend(testdir.tmpdir) testdir.makepyfile(test_remember_rewritten_modules="") warnings = [] hook = AssertionRewritingHook(pytestconfig) monkeypatch.setattr( hook, "_warn_already_imported", lambda code, msg: warnings.append(msg) ) spec = hook.find_spec("test_remember_rewritten_modules") module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) hook.exec_module(module) hook.mark_rewrite("test_remember_rewritten_modules") hook.mark_rewrite("test_remember_rewritten_modules") assert warnings == [] def test_rewrite_warning_using_pytest_plugins(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( **{ "": "pytest_plugins = ['core', 'gui', 'sci']", "": "", "": "pytest_plugins = ['core', 'sci']", "": "pytest_plugins = ['core']", "": "def test(): pass", } ) testdir.chdir() result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*= 1 passed in *=*"]) result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*pytest-warning summary*") def test_rewrite_warning_using_pytest_plugins_env_var(self, testdir, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setenv("PYTEST_PLUGINS", "plugin") testdir.makepyfile( **{ "": "", "": """ import plugin pytest_plugins = ['plugin'] def test(): pass """, } ) testdir.chdir() result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*= 1 passed in *=*"]) result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*pytest-warning summary*") class TestAssertionRewriteHookDetails: def test_sys_meta_path_munged(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_meta_path(): import sys; sys.meta_path = []""" ) assert testdir.runpytest().ret == 0 def test_write_pyc(self, testdir, tmpdir, monkeypatch): from _pytest.assertion.rewrite import _write_pyc from _pytest.assertion import AssertionState config = testdir.parseconfig([]) state = AssertionState(config, "rewrite") source_path = str(tmpdir.ensure("")) pycpath = tmpdir.join("pyc").strpath assert _write_pyc(state, [1], os.stat(source_path), pycpath) if sys.platform == "win32": from contextlib import contextmanager @contextmanager def atomic_write_failed(fn, mode="r", overwrite=False): e = IOError() e.errno = 10 raise e yield monkeypatch.setattr( _pytest.assertion.rewrite, "atomic_write", atomic_write_failed ) else: def raise_ioerror(*args): raise IOError() monkeypatch.setattr("os.rename", raise_ioerror) assert not _write_pyc(state, [1], os.stat(source_path), pycpath) def test_resources_provider_for_loader(self, testdir): """ Attempts to load resources from a package should succeed normally, even when the AssertionRewriteHook is used to load the modules. See #366 for details. """ pytest.importorskip("pkg_resources") testdir.mkpydir("testpkg") contents = { "testpkg/test_pkg": """ import pkg_resources import pytest from _pytest.assertion.rewrite import AssertionRewritingHook def test_load_resource(): assert isinstance(__loader__, AssertionRewritingHook) res = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, 'resource.txt') res = res.decode('ascii') assert res == 'Load me please.' """ } testdir.makepyfile(**contents) testdir.maketxtfile(**{"testpkg/resource": "Load me please."}) result = testdir.runpytest_subprocess() result.assert_outcomes(passed=1) def test_read_pyc(self, tmpdir): """ Ensure that the `_read_pyc` can properly deal with corrupted pyc files. In those circumstances it should just give up instead of generating an exception that is propagated to the caller. """ import py_compile from _pytest.assertion.rewrite import _read_pyc source = tmpdir.join("") pyc = source + "c" source.write("def test(): pass") py_compile.compile(str(source), str(pyc)) contents ="rb") strip_bytes = 20 # header is around 8 bytes, strip a little more assert len(contents) > strip_bytes pyc.write(contents[:strip_bytes], mode="wb") assert _read_pyc(str(source), str(pyc)) is None # no error def test_reload_is_same(self, testdir): # A file that will be picked up during collecting. testdir.tmpdir.join("").ensure() testdir.tmpdir.join("pytest.ini").write( textwrap.dedent( """ [pytest] python_files = *.py """ ) ) testdir.makepyfile( test_fun=""" import sys try: from imp import reload except ImportError: pass def test_loader(): import file assert sys.modules["file"] is reload(file) """ ) result = testdir.runpytest("-s") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["* 1 passed*"]) def test_reload_reloads(self, testdir): """Reloading a module after change picks up the change.""" testdir.tmpdir.join("").write( textwrap.dedent( """ def reloaded(): return False def rewrite_self(): with open(__file__, 'w') as self: self.write('def reloaded(): return True') """ ) ) testdir.tmpdir.join("pytest.ini").write( textwrap.dedent( """ [pytest] python_files = *.py """ ) ) testdir.makepyfile( test_fun=""" import sys try: from imp import reload except ImportError: pass def test_loader(): import file assert not file.reloaded() file.rewrite_self() reload(file) assert file.reloaded() """ ) result = testdir.runpytest("-s") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["* 1 passed*"]) def test_get_data_support(self, testdir): """Implement optional PEP302 api (#808). """ path = testdir.mkpydir("foo") path.join("").write( textwrap.dedent( """\ class Test(object): def test_foo(self): import pkgutil data = pkgutil.get_data('foo.test_foo', 'data.txt') assert data == b'Hey' """ ) ) path.join("data.txt").write("Hey") result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*1 passed*"]) def test_issue731(testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ class LongReprWithBraces(object): def __repr__(self): return 'LongReprWithBraces({' + ('a' * 80) + '}' + ('a' * 120) + ')' def some_method(self): return False def test_long_repr(): obj = LongReprWithBraces() assert obj.some_method() """ ) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*unbalanced braces*") class TestIssue925: def test_simple_case(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_ternary_display(): assert (False == False) == False """ ) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*E*assert (False == False) == False"]) def test_long_case(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_ternary_display(): assert False == (False == True) == True """ ) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*E*assert (False == True) == True"]) def test_many_brackets(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( """ def test_ternary_display(): assert True == ((False == True) == True) """ ) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*E*assert True == ((False == True) == True)"]) class TestIssue2121: def test_rewrite_python_files_contain_subdirs(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile( **{ "tests/": """ def test_simple_failure(): assert 1 + 1 == 3 """ } ) testdir.makeini( """ [pytest] python_files = tests/**.py """ ) result = testdir.runpytest() result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*E*assert (1 + 1) == 3"]) @pytest.mark.skipif( sys.maxsize <= (2 ** 31 - 1), reason="Causes OverflowError on 32bit systems" ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("offset", [-1, +1]) def test_source_mtime_long_long(testdir, offset): """Support modification dates after 2038 in rewritten files (#4903). pytest would crash with: fp.write(struct.pack("