"""provide temporary directories to test functions. usage example:: def test_plugin(tmpdir): tmpdir.join("hello").write("hello") .. _`py.path.local`: ../../path.html """ import pytest def pytest_configure(config): def ensuretemp(string, dir=1): """ (deprecated) return temporary directory path with the given string as the trailing part. It is usually better to use the 'tmpdir' function argument which will take care to provide empty unique directories for each test call even if the test is called multiple times. """ #py.log._apiwarn(">1.1", "use tmpdir function argument") return config.ensuretemp(string, dir=dir) pytest.ensuretemp = ensuretemp def pytest_funcarg__tmpdir(request): """return a temporary directory path object unique to each test function invocation, created as a sub directory of the base temporary directory. The returned object is a `py.path.local`_ path object. """ name = request.function.__name__ x = request.config.mktemp(name, numbered=True) return x.realpath()