language: python dist: xenial python: '3.7' cache: false env: global: - PYTEST_ADDOPTS=-vv # setuptools-scm needs all tags in order to obtain a proper version git: depth: false install: - python -m pip install --upgrade --pre tox jobs: include: # OSX tests - first (in test stage), since they are the slower ones. # Coverage for: # - osx # - verbose=1 - os: osx osx_image: xcode10.1 language: generic env: TOXENV=py37-xdist PYTEST_COVERAGE=1 PYTEST_ADDOPTS=-v before_install: - which python3 - python3 -V - ln -sfn "$(which python3)" /usr/local/bin/python - python -V - test $(python -c 'import sys; print("%d%d" % sys.version_info[0:2])') = 37 # Full run of latest supported version, without xdist. # Coverage for: # - pytester's LsofFdLeakChecker # - TestArgComplete (linux only) # - numpy # - old attrs # - verbose=0 # - test_sys_breakpoint_interception (via pexpect). - env: TOXENV=py37-lsof-numpy-oldattrs-pexpect-twisted PYTEST_COVERAGE=1 PYTEST_ADDOPTS= python: '3.7' # Coverage for Python 3.5.{0,1} specific code, mostly typing related. - env: TOXENV=py35 PYTEST_COVERAGE=1 PYTEST_ADDOPTS="-k test_raises_cyclic_reference" python: '3.5.1' dist: trusty - env: TOXENV=linting,docs,doctesting PYTEST_COVERAGE=1 cache: directories: - $HOME/.cache/pre-commit before_script: - | # Do not (re-)upload coverage with cron runs. if [[ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" = cron ]]; then PYTEST_COVERAGE=0 fi - | if [[ "$PYTEST_COVERAGE" = 1 ]]; then export COVERAGE_FILE="$PWD/.coverage" export COVERAGE_PROCESS_START="$PWD/.coveragerc" export _PYTEST_TOX_COVERAGE_RUN="coverage run -m" export _PYTEST_TOX_EXTRA_DEP=coverage-enable-subprocess fi script: tox after_success: - | if [[ "$PYTEST_COVERAGE" = 1 ]]; then env CODECOV_NAME="$TOXENV-$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" scripts/ -F Travis fi notifications: irc: channels: - "" on_success: change on_failure: change skip_join: true email: - branches: only: - master - features - 4.6-maintenance - /^\d+(\.\d+)+$/