import py class TestCollector: def test_collect_versus_item(self): from pytest.collect import Collector, Item assert not issubclass(Collector, Item) assert not issubclass(Item, Collector) def test_check_equality(self, testdir): modcol = testdir.getmodulecol(""" def test_pass(): pass def test_fail(): assert 0 """) fn1 = modcol.collect_by_name("test_pass") assert isinstance(fn1, py.test.collect.Function) fn2 = modcol.collect_by_name("test_pass") assert isinstance(fn2, py.test.collect.Function) assert fn1 == fn2 assert fn1 != modcol if py.std.sys.version_info < (3, 0): assert cmp(fn1, fn2) == 0 assert hash(fn1) == hash(fn2) fn3 = modcol.collect_by_name("test_fail") assert isinstance(fn3, py.test.collect.Function) assert not (fn1 == fn3) assert fn1 != fn3 for fn in fn1,fn2,fn3: assert fn != 3 assert fn != modcol assert fn != [1,2,3] assert [1,2,3] != fn assert modcol != fn def test_getparent(self, testdir): modcol = testdir.getmodulecol(""" class TestClass: def test_foo(): pass """) cls = modcol.collect_by_name("TestClass") fn = cls.collect_by_name("()").collect_by_name("test_foo") parent = fn.getparent(py.test.collect.Module) assert parent is modcol parent = fn.getparent(py.test.collect.Function) assert parent is fn parent = fn.getparent(py.test.collect.Class) assert parent is cls def test_getcustomfile_roundtrip(self, testdir): hello = testdir.makefile(".xxx", hello="world") testdir.makepyfile(conftest=""" import py class CustomFile(py.test.collect.File): pass def pytest_collect_file(path, parent): if path.ext == ".xxx": return CustomFile(path, parent=parent) """) config = testdir.parseconfig(hello) node = testdir.getnode(config, hello) assert isinstance(node, py.test.collect.File) assert == "" id = node.collection.getid(node) nodes = node.collection.getbyid(id) assert len(nodes) == 1 assert isinstance(nodes[0], py.test.collect.File) class TestCollectFS: def test_ignored_certain_directories(self, testdir): tmpdir = testdir.tmpdir tmpdir.ensure("_darcs", '') tmpdir.ensure("CVS", '') tmpdir.ensure("{arch}", '') tmpdir.ensure(".whatever", '') tmpdir.ensure(".bzr", '') tmpdir.ensure("normal", '') tmpdir.ensure('') col = testdir.getnode(testdir.parseconfig(tmpdir), tmpdir) items = col.collect() names = [ for x in items] assert len(items) == 2 assert 'normal' in names assert '' in names def test_found_certain_testfiles(self, testdir): p1 = testdir.makepyfile(test_found = "pass", found_test="pass") col = testdir.getnode(testdir.parseconfig(p1), p1.dirpath()) items = col.collect() # Directory collect returns files sorted by name assert len(items) == 2 assert items[1].name == '' assert items[0].name == '' def test_directory_file_sorting(self, testdir): p1 = testdir.makepyfile(test_one="hello") p1.dirpath().mkdir("x") p1.dirpath().mkdir("dir1") testdir.makepyfile(test_two="hello") p1.dirpath().mkdir("dir2") config = testdir.parseconfig() col = testdir.getnode(config, p1.dirpath()) names = [ for x in col.collect()] assert names == ["dir1", "dir2", "", "", "x"] class TestCollectPluginHookRelay: def test_pytest_collect_file(self, testdir): tmpdir = testdir.tmpdir wascalled = [] class Plugin: def pytest_collect_file(self, path, parent): wascalled.append(path) config = testdir.Config() config.pluginmanager.register(Plugin()) config.parse([tmpdir]) col = testdir.getnode(config, tmpdir) testdir.makefile(".abc", "xyz") res = col.collect() assert len(wascalled) == 1 assert wascalled[0].ext == '.abc' def test_pytest_collect_directory(self, testdir): tmpdir = testdir.tmpdir wascalled = [] class Plugin: def pytest_collect_directory(self, path, parent): wascalled.append(path.basename) return py.test.collect.Directory(path, parent) testdir.plugins.append(Plugin()) testdir.mkdir("hello") testdir.mkdir("world") reprec = testdir.inline_run() assert "hello" in wascalled assert "world" in wascalled # make sure the directories do not get double-appended colreports = reprec.getreports("pytest_collectreport") names = [rep.nodenames[-1] for rep in colreports] assert names.count("hello") == 1 class TestPrunetraceback: def test_collection_error(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import not_exists """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) assert "__import__" not in result.stdout.str(), "too long traceback" result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*ERROR collecting*", "*mport*not_exists*" ]) def test_custom_repr_failure(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import not_exists """) testdir.makeconftest(""" import py def pytest_collect_file(path, parent): return MyFile(path, parent) class MyError(Exception): pass class MyFile(py.test.collect.File): def collect(self): raise MyError() def repr_failure(self, excinfo): if excinfo.errisinstance(MyError): return "hello world" return py.test.collect.File.repr_failure(self, excinfo) """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*ERROR collecting*", "*hello world*", ]) @py.test.mark.xfail(reason="other mechanism for adding to reporting needed") def test_collect_report_postprocessing(self, testdir): p = testdir.makepyfile(""" import not_exists """) testdir.makeconftest(""" import py def pytest_make_collect_report(__multicall__): rep = __multicall__.execute() rep.headerlines += ["header1"] return rep """) result = testdir.runpytest(p) result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*ERROR collecting*", "*header1*", ]) class TestCustomConftests: def test_ignore_collect_path(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" def pytest_ignore_collect(path, config): return path.basename.startswith("x") or \ path.basename == "" """) testdir.mkdir("xy123").ensure("").write( "syntax error" ) testdir.makepyfile("def test_hello(): pass") testdir.makepyfile(test_one="syntax error") result = testdir.runpytest() assert result.ret == 0 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*1 passed*"]) def test_collectignore_exclude_on_option(self, testdir): testdir.makeconftest(""" collect_ignore = ['hello', ''] def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption("--XX", action="store_true", default=False) def pytest_configure(config): if config.getvalue("XX"): collect_ignore[:] = [] """) testdir.mkdir("hello") testdir.makepyfile(test_world="#") reprec = testdir.inline_run(testdir.tmpdir) names = [rep.nodenames[-1] for rep in reprec.getreports("pytest_collectreport")] assert 'hello' not in names assert '' not in names reprec = testdir.inline_run(testdir.tmpdir, "--XX") names = [rep.nodenames[-1] for rep in reprec.getreports("pytest_collectreport")] assert 'hello' in names assert '' in names def test_pytest_fs_collect_hooks_are_seen(self, testdir): conf = testdir.makeconftest(""" import py class MyDirectory(py.test.collect.Directory): pass class MyModule(py.test.collect.Module): pass def pytest_collect_directory(path, parent): return MyDirectory(path, parent) def pytest_collect_file(path, parent): return MyModule(path, parent) """) sub = testdir.mkdir("sub") p = testdir.makepyfile("def test_x(): pass") result = testdir.runpytest("--collectonly") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*MyDirectory*", "*MyModule*", "*test_x*" ])