import py, os, stat md5 = py.builtin._tryimport('hashlib', 'md5').md5 Queue = py.builtin._tryimport('queue', 'Queue').Queue class RSync(object): """ This class allows to send a directory structure (recursively) to one or multiple remote filesystems. There is limited support for symlinks, which means that symlinks pointing to the sourcetree will be send "as is" while external symlinks will be just copied (regardless of existance of such a path on remote side). """ def __init__(self, sourcedir, callback=None, verbose=True): self._sourcedir = str(sourcedir) self._verbose = verbose assert callback is None or py.builtin.callable(callback) self._callback = callback self._channels = {} self._receivequeue = Queue() self._links = [] def filter(self, path): return True def _end_of_channel(self, channel): if channel in self._channels: # too early! we must have got an error channel.waitclose() # or else we raise one raise IOError('connection unexpectedly closed: %s ' % ( channel.gateway,)) def _process_link(self, channel): for link in self._links: channel.send(link) # completion marker, this host is done channel.send(42) def _done(self, channel): """ Call all callbacks """ finishedcallback = self._channels.pop(channel) if finishedcallback: finishedcallback() def _list_done(self, channel): # sum up all to send if self._callback: s = sum([self._paths[i] for i in self._to_send[channel]]) self._callback("list", s, channel) def _send_item(self, channel, data): """ Send one item """ modified_rel_path, checksum = data modifiedpath = os.path.join(self._sourcedir, *modified_rel_path) try: f = open(modifiedpath, 'rb') data = except IOError: data = None # provide info to progress callback function modified_rel_path = "/".join(modified_rel_path) if data is not None: self._paths[modified_rel_path] = len(data) else: self._paths[modified_rel_path] = 0 if channel not in self._to_send: self._to_send[channel] = [] self._to_send[channel].append(modified_rel_path) #print "sending", modified_rel_path, data and len(data) or 0, checksum if data is not None: f.close() if checksum is not None and checksum == md5(data).digest(): data = None # not really modified else: self._report_send_file(channel.gateway, modified_rel_path) channel.send(data) def _report_send_file(self, gateway, modified_rel_path): if self._verbose: print("%s <= %s" %(gateway, modified_rel_path)) def send(self, raises=True): """ Sends a sourcedir to all added targets. Flag indicates whether to raise an error or return in case of lack of targets """ if not self._channels: if raises: raise IOError("no targets available, maybe you " "are trying call send() twice?") return # normalize a trailing '/' away self._sourcedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(self._sourcedir, 'x')) # send directory structure and file timestamps/sizes self._send_directory_structure(self._sourcedir) # paths and to_send are only used for doing # progress-related callbacks self._paths = {} self._to_send = {} # send modified file to clients while self._channels: channel, req = self._receivequeue.get() if req is None: self._end_of_channel(channel) else: command, data = req if command == "links": self._process_link(channel) elif command == "done": self._done(channel) elif command == "ack": if self._callback: self._callback("ack", self._paths[data], channel) elif command == "list_done": self._list_done(channel) elif command == "send": self._send_item(channel, data) del data else: assert "Unknown command %s" % command def add_target(self, gateway, destdir, finishedcallback=None, **options): """ Adds a remote target specified via a 'gateway' and a remote destination directory. """ assert finishedcallback is None or py.builtin.callable(finishedcallback) for name in options: assert name in ('delete',) def itemcallback(req): self._receivequeue.put((channel, req)) channel = gateway.remote_exec(REMOTE_SOURCE) channel.setcallback(itemcallback, endmarker = None) channel.send((str(destdir), options)) self._channels[channel] = finishedcallback def _broadcast(self, msg): for channel in self._channels: channel.send(msg) def _send_link(self, basename, linkpoint): self._links.append(("link", basename, linkpoint)) def _send_directory(self, path): # dir: send a list of entries names = [] subpaths = [] for name in os.listdir(path): p = os.path.join(path, name) if self.filter(p): names.append(name) subpaths.append(p) self._broadcast(names) for p in subpaths: self._send_directory_structure(p) def _send_link_structure(self, path): linkpoint = os.readlink(path) basename = path[len(self._sourcedir) + 1:] if not linkpoint.startswith(os.sep): # relative link, just send it # XXX: do sth with ../ links self._send_link(basename, linkpoint) elif linkpoint.startswith(self._sourcedir): self._send_link(basename, linkpoint[len(self._sourcedir) + 1:]) else: self._send_link(basename, linkpoint) self._broadcast(None) def _send_directory_structure(self, path): try: st = os.lstat(path) except OSError: self._broadcast((0, 0)) return if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): # regular file: send a timestamp/size pair self._broadcast((st.st_mtime, st.st_size)) elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): self._send_directory(path) elif stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): self._send_link_structure(path) else: raise ValueError("cannot sync %r" % (path,)) REMOTE_SOURCE = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath().\ join('').open().read() + "\nf()"