import sys

import py

import pytest
from _pytest.pathlib import fnmatch_ex
from _pytest.pathlib import get_lock_path
from _pytest.pathlib import maybe_delete_a_numbered_dir
from _pytest.pathlib import Path

class TestPort:
    """Test that our port of py.common.FNMatcher (fnmatch_ex) produces the same results as the
    original py.path.local.fnmatch method.

    @pytest.fixture(params=["pathlib", "py.path"])
    def match(self, request):
        if request.param == "py.path":

            def match_(pattern, path):
                return py.path.local(path).fnmatch(pattern)

            assert request.param == "pathlib"

            def match_(pattern, path):
                return fnmatch_ex(pattern, path)

        return match_

    if sys.platform == "win32":
        drv1 = "c:"
        drv2 = "d:"
        drv1 = "/c"
        drv2 = "/d"

        "pattern, path",
            ("*.py", ""),
            ("*.py", "bar/"),
            ("test_*.py", "foo/"),
            ("tests/*.py", "tests/"),
            (drv1 + "/*.py", drv1 + "/"),
            (drv1 + "/foo/*.py", drv1 + "/foo/"),
            ("tests/**/test*.py", "tests/foo/"),
            ("tests/**/doc/test*.py", "tests/foo/bar/doc/"),
            ("tests/**/doc/**/test*.py", "tests/foo/doc/bar/"),
    def test_matching(self, match, pattern, path):
        assert match(pattern, path)

        "pattern, path",
            ("*.py", "foo.pyc"),
            ("*.py", "foo/foo.pyc"),
            ("tests/*.py", "foo/"),
            (drv1 + "/*.py", drv2 + "/"),
            (drv1 + "/foo/*.py", drv2 + "/foo/"),
            ("tests/**/test*.py", "tests/"),
            ("tests/**/test*.py", "foo/"),
            ("tests/**/doc/test*.py", "tests/foo/bar/doc/"),
            ("tests/**/doc/test*.py", "tests/foo/bar/"),
    def test_not_matching(self, match, pattern, path):
        assert not match(pattern, path)

def test_access_denied_during_cleanup(tmp_path, monkeypatch):
    """Ensure that deleting a numbered dir does not fail because of OSErrors (#4262)."""
    path = tmp_path / "temp-1"

    def renamed_failed(*args):
        raise OSError("access denied")

    monkeypatch.setattr(Path, "rename", renamed_failed)

    lock_path = get_lock_path(path)
    assert not lock_path.is_file()