import py class TestCollectDeprecated: def test_collect_with_deprecated_run_and_join(self, testdir, recwarn): testdir.makeconftest(""" import py class MyInstance(py.test.collect.Instance): def run(self): return ['check2'] def join(self, name): if name == 'check2': return self.Function(name=name, parent=self) class MyClass(py.test.collect.Class): def run(self): return ['check2'] def join(self, name): return MyInstance(name='i', parent=self) class MyModule(py.test.collect.Module): def run(self): return ['check', 'Cls'] def join(self, name): if name == 'check': return self.Function(name, parent=self) if name == 'Cls': return MyClass(name, parent=self) class MyDirectory(py.test.collect.Directory): Module = MyModule def run(self): return [''] def join(self, name): if name == "": return self.Module(self.fspath.join(name), parent=self) def pytest_collect_directory(path, parent): if path.basename == "subconf": return MyDirectory(path, parent) """) subconf = testdir.mkpydir("subconf") somefile = subconf.join("") somefile.write(py.code.Source(""" def check(): pass class Cls: def check2(self): pass """)) config = testdir.parseconfig(somefile) dirnode = config.getnode(somefile.dirpath()) colitems = dirnode.collect() w = recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning) assert w.filename.find("") != -1 #recwarn.resetregistry() #assert 0, (w.message, w.filename, w.lineno) assert len(colitems) == 1 modcol = colitems[0] assert == "" colitems = modcol.collect() recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning) assert len(colitems) == 2 assert colitems[0].name == 'check' assert colitems[1].name == 'Cls' clscol = colitems[1] colitems = clscol.collect() recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning) assert len(colitems) == 1 icol = colitems[0] colitems = icol.collect() recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning) assert len(colitems) == 1 assert colitems[0].name == 'check2' def test_collect_with_deprecated_join_but_no_run(self, testdir, recwarn): testdir.makepyfile(conftest=""" import py class Module(py.test.collect.Module): def funcnamefilter(self, name): if name.startswith("check_"): return True return super(Module, self).funcnamefilter(name) def join(self, name): if name.startswith("check_"): return self.Function(name, parent=self) assert name != "SomeClass", "join should not be called with this name" """) col = testdir.getmodulecol(""" def somefunc(): pass def check_one(): pass class SomeClass: pass """) colitems = col.collect() recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning) assert len(colitems) == 1 funcitem = colitems[0] assert == "check_one" def test_function_custom_run(self, testdir, recwarn): testdir.makepyfile(conftest=""" import py class Function(py.test.collect.Function): def run(self): pass """) modcol = testdir.getmodulecol("def test_func(): pass") funcitem = modcol.collect()[0] assert == 'test_func' recwarn.clear() funcitem._deprecated_testexecution() recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning) def test_function_custom_execute(self, testdir, recwarn): testdir.makepyfile(conftest=""" import py class MyFunction(py.test.collect.Function): def execute(self, obj, *args): pass Function=MyFunction """) modcol = testdir.getmodulecol("def test_func2(): pass") funcitem = modcol.collect()[0] w = recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning) # for defining conftest.Function assert == 'test_func2' funcitem._deprecated_testexecution() w = recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning) assert w.filename.find("") != -1 def test_function_deprecated_run_execute(self, testdir, recwarn): testdir.makepyfile(conftest=""" import py class Function(py.test.collect.Function): def run(self): pass """) modcol = testdir.getmodulecol("def test_some2(): pass") funcitem = modcol.collect()[0] w = recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning) assert "" in str(w.message) recwarn.clear() funcitem._deprecated_testexecution() recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning) def test_function_deprecated_run_recursive(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(conftest=""" import py class Module(py.test.collect.Module): def run(self): return super(Module, self).run() """) modcol = testdir.getmodulecol("def test_some(): pass") colitems = py.test.deprecated_call(modcol.collect) funcitem = colitems[0] def test_conftest_subclasses_Module_with_non_pyfile(self, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(conftest=""" import py class Module(py.test.collect.Module): def run(self): return [] class Directory(py.test.collect.Directory): def consider_file(self, path): if path.basename == "": return Module(path, parent=self) return super(Directory, self).consider_file(path) """) testme = testdir.makefile('xxx', testme="hello") config = testdir.parseconfig(testme) col = config.getnode(testme) assert col.collect() == [] class TestDisabled: def test_disabled_module(self, recwarn, testdir): modcol = testdir.getmodulecol(""" disabled = True def setup_module(mod): raise ValueError def test_method(): pass """) l = modcol.collect() assert len(l) == 1 recwarn.clear() py.test.raises(py.test.skip.Exception, "modcol.setup()") recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning) def test_disabled_class(self, recwarn, testdir): modcol = testdir.getmodulecol(""" class TestClass: disabled = True def test_method(self): pass """) l = modcol.collect() assert len(l) == 1 modcol = l[0] assert isinstance(modcol, py.test.collect.Class) l = modcol.collect() assert len(l) == 1 recwarn.clear() py.test.raises(py.test.skip.Exception, "modcol.setup()") recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning) def test_disabled_class_functional(self, testdir): reprec = testdir.inline_runsource(""" class TestSimpleClassSetup: disabled = True def test_classlevel(self): pass def test_classlevel2(self): pass """) reprec.assertoutcome(skipped=2) @py.test.mark.multi(name="Directory Module Class Function".split()) def test_function_deprecated_run_execute(self, name, testdir, recwarn): testdir.makeconftest(""" import py class %s(py.test.collect.%s): pass """ % (name, name)) p = testdir.makepyfile(""" class TestClass: def test_method(self): pass def test_function(): pass """) config = testdir.parseconfig() if name == "Directory": config.getnode(testdir.tmpdir) elif name in ("Module", "File"): config.getnode(p) else: fnode = config.getnode(p) recwarn.clear() fnode.collect() w = recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning) assert "" in str(w.message) def test_config_cmdline_options(recwarn, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(conftest=""" import py def _callback(option, opt_str, value, parser, *args, **kwargs): option.tdest = True Option = py.test.config.Option option = py.test.config.addoptions("testing group", Option('-G', '--glong', action="store", default=42, type="int", dest="gdest", help="g value."), # XXX note: special case, option without a destination Option('-T', '--tlong', action="callback", callback=_callback, help='t value'), ) """) recwarn.clear() config = testdir.reparseconfig(['-G', '17']) recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning) assert config.option.gdest == 17 def test_conftest_non_python_items(recwarn, testdir): testdir.makepyfile(conftest=""" import py class CustomItem(py.test.collect.Item): def run(self): pass class Directory(py.test.collect.Directory): def consider_file(self, fspath): if fspath.ext == ".xxx": return CustomItem(fspath.basename, parent=self) """) checkfile = testdir.makefile(ext="xxx", hello="world") testdir.makepyfile(x="") testdir.maketxtfile(x="") config = testdir.parseconfig() recwarn.clear() dircol = config.getnode(checkfile.dirpath()) w = recwarn.pop(DeprecationWarning) assert str(w.message).find("") != -1 colitems = dircol.collect() assert len(colitems) == 1 assert colitems[0].name == "" assert colitems[0].__class__.__name__ == "CustomItem" item = config.getnode(checkfile) assert == "" assert item.__class__.__name__ == "CustomItem" def test_extra_python_files_and_functions(testdir, recwarn): testdir.makepyfile(conftest=""" import py class MyFunction(py.test.collect.Function): pass class Directory(py.test.collect.Directory): def consider_file(self, path): if path.check(fnmatch="check_*.py"): return self.Module(path, parent=self) return super(Directory, self).consider_file(path) class myfuncmixin: Function = MyFunction def funcnamefilter(self, name): return name.startswith('check_') class Module(myfuncmixin, py.test.collect.Module): def classnamefilter(self, name): return name.startswith('CustomTestClass') class Instance(myfuncmixin, py.test.collect.Instance): pass """) checkfile = testdir.makepyfile(check_file=""" def check_func(): assert 42 == 42 class CustomTestClass: def check_method(self): assert 23 == 23 """) # check that directory collects "check_" files config = testdir.parseconfig() col = config.getnode(checkfile.dirpath()) colitems = col.collect() assert len(colitems) == 1 assert isinstance(colitems[0], py.test.collect.Module) # check that module collects "check_" functions and methods config = testdir.parseconfig(checkfile) col = config.getnode(checkfile) assert isinstance(col, py.test.collect.Module) colitems = col.collect() assert len(colitems) == 2 funccol = colitems[0] assert isinstance(funccol, py.test.collect.Function) assert == "check_func" clscol = colitems[1] assert isinstance(clscol, py.test.collect.Class) colitems = clscol.collect()[0].collect() assert len(colitems) == 1 assert colitems[0].name == "check_method"