""" Rest reporting stuff """ import py import sys from StringIO import StringIO from py.__.test.rsession.reporter import AbstractReporter from py.__.test.rsession import repevent from py.__.rest.rst import * class RestReporter(AbstractReporter): linkwriter = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RestReporter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.rest = Rest() self.traceback_num = 0 def get_linkwriter(self): if self.linkwriter is None: try: self.linkwriter = self.config.getvalue('linkwriter') except KeyError: print >>sys.stderr, ('no linkwriter configured, using default ' 'one') self.linkwriter = RelLinkWriter() return self.linkwriter def report_unknown(self, what): if self.config.option.verbose: self.add_rest(Paragraph("Unknown report: %s" % what)) def gethost(self, item): if item.channel: return item.channel.gateway.host return self.hosts[0] def report_SendItem(self, item): address = self.gethost(item).hostname if self.config.option.verbose: self.add_rest(Paragraph('sending item %s to %s' % (item.item, address))) def report_HostRSyncing(self, item): self.add_rest(LiteralBlock('%10s: RSYNC ==> %s' % (item.host.hostname[:10], item.host.relpath))) def report_HostReady(self, item): self.add_rest(LiteralBlock('%10s: READY' % (item.host.hostname[:10],))) def report_TestStarted(self, event): txt = "Running tests on hosts: %s" % ", ".join([i.hostname for i in event.hosts]) self.add_rest(Title(txt, abovechar='=', belowchar='=')) self.timestart = event.timestart def report_TestFinished(self, item): self.timeend = item.timeend self.summary() return len(self.failed_tests_outcome) > 0 def report_ImmediateFailure(self, item): pass def report_ItemStart(self, event): item = event.item if isinstance(item, py.test.collect.Module): lgt = len(list(item._tryiter())) lns = item.listnames()[1:] name = "/".join(lns) link = self.get_linkwriter().get_link(self.get_rootpath(item), item.fspath) if link: name = Link(name, link) txt = 'Testing module %s (%d items)' % (name, lgt) self.add_rest(Title('Testing module', name, '(%d items)' % (lgt,), belowchar='-')) def get_rootpath(self, item): root = item.parent while root.parent is not None: root = root.parent return root.fspath def print_summary(self, total, skipped_str, failed_str): self.skips() self.failures() txt = "%d tests run%s%s in %.2fs (rsync: %.2f)" % \ (total, skipped_str, failed_str, self.timeend - self.timestart, self.timersync - self.timestart) self.add_rest(Title(txt, belowchar='-')) # since we're rendering each item, the links haven't been rendered # yet self.out.write(self.rest.render_links()) def report_ReceivedItemOutcome(self, event): host = self.gethost(event) if event.outcome.passed: status = [Strong("PASSED")] self.passed[host] += 1 elif event.outcome.skipped: status = [Strong("SKIPPED")] self.skipped_tests_outcome.append(event) self.skipped[host] += 1 else: status = [Strong("FAILED"), InternalLink("traceback%d" % self.traceback_num)] self.traceback_num += 1 self.failed[host] += 1 self.failed_tests_outcome.append(event) # we'll take care of them later itempath = self.get_path_from_item(event.item) status.append(Text(itempath)) hostname = host.hostname self.add_rest(ListItem(Text("%10s:" % (hostname[:10],)), *status)) def skips(self): # XXX hrmph, copied code texts = {} for event in self.skipped_tests_outcome: colitem = event.item if isinstance(event, repevent.ReceivedItemOutcome): outcome = event.outcome text = outcome.skipped itemname = self.get_item_name(event, colitem) elif isinstance(event, repevent.SkippedTryiter): text = str(event.excinfo.value) itemname = "/".join(colitem.listnames()) if text not in texts: texts[text] = [itemname] else: texts[text].append(itemname) if texts: self.add_rest(Title('Reasons for skipped tests:', belowchar='+')) for text, items in texts.items(): for item in items: self.add_rest(ListItem('%s: %s' % (item, text))) def get_host(self, event): try: return event.channel.gateway.host except AttributeError: return None def failures(self): self.traceback_num = 0 tbstyle = self.config.option.tbstyle if self.failed_tests_outcome: self.add_rest(Title('Exceptions:', belowchar='+')) for i, event in enumerate(self.failed_tests_outcome): if i > 0: self.add_rest(Transition()) if isinstance(event, repevent.ReceivedItemOutcome): host = self.get_host(event) itempath = self.get_path_from_item(event.item) root = self.get_rootpath(event.item) link = self.get_linkwriter().get_link(root, event.item.fspath) t = Title(belowchar='+') if link: t.add(Link(itempath, link)) else: t.add(Text(itempath)) if host: t.add(Text('on %s' % (host.hostname,))) self.add_rest(t) if event.outcome.signal: self.repr_signal(event.item, event.outcome) else: self.repr_failure(event.item, event.outcome, tbstyle) else: itempath = self.get_path_from_item(event.item) root = self.get_rootpath(event.item) link = self.get_linkwriter().get_link(root, event.item.fspath) t = Title(abovechar='+', belowchar='+') if link: t.add(Link(itempath, link)) else: t.add(Text(itempath)) out = outcome.Outcome(excinfo=event.excinfo) self.repr_failure(event.item, outcome.ReprOutcome(out.make_repr()), tbstyle) def repr_signal(self, item, outcome): signal = outcome.signal self.add_rest(Title('Received signal: %d' % (outcome.signal,), abovechar='+', belowchar='+')) if outcome.stdout.strip(): self.add_rest(Paragraph('Captured process stdout:')) self.add_rest(LiteralBlock(outcome.stdout)) if outcome.stderr.strip(): self.add_rest(Paragraph('Captured process stderr:')) self.add_rest(LiteralBlock(outcome.stderr)) def repr_failure(self, item, outcome, style): excinfo = outcome.excinfo traceback = excinfo.traceback if not traceback: self.add_rest(Paragraph('empty traceback from item %r' % (item,))) return self.repr_traceback(item, excinfo, traceback, style) if outcome.stdout: self.add_rest(Title('Captured process stdout:', abovechar='+', belowchar='+')) self.add_rest(LiteralBlock(outcome.stdout)) if outcome.stderr: self.add_rest(Title('Captured process stderr:', abovechar='+', belowchar='+')) self.add_rest(LiteralBlock(outcome.stderr)) def repr_traceback(self, item, excinfo, traceback, style): root = self.get_rootpath(item) self.add_rest(LinkTarget('traceback%d' % self.traceback_num, "")) self.traceback_num += 1 if style == 'long': for entry in traceback: link = self.get_linkwriter().get_link(root, py.path.local(entry.path)) if link: self.add_rest(Title(Link(entry.path, link), 'line %d' % (entry.lineno,), belowchar='+', abovechar='+')) else: self.add_rest(Title('%s line %d' % (entry.path, entry.lineno,), belowchar='+', abovechar='+')) self.add_rest(LiteralBlock(self.prepare_source(entry.relline, entry.source))) elif style == 'short': text = [] for entry in traceback: text.append('%s line %d' % (entry.path, entry.lineno)) text.append(' %s' % (entry.source.strip(),)) self.add_rest(LiteralBlock('\n'.join(text))) self.add_rest(Title(excinfo.typename, belowchar='+')) self.add_rest(LiteralBlock(excinfo.value)) def prepare_source(self, relline, source): text = [] for num, line in enumerate(source.split('\n')): if num == relline: text.append('>>> %s' % (line,)) else: text.append(' %s' % (line,)) return '\n'.join(text) def add_rest(self, item): self.rest.add(item) self.out.write('%s\n\n' % (item.text(),)) def get_path_from_item(self, item): lns = item.listnames()[1:] for i, ln in enumerate(lns): if i > 0 and ln != '()': lns[i] = '/%s' % (ln,) itempath = ''.join(lns) return itempath class AbstractLinkWriter(object): def get_link(self, base, path): pass class NoLinkWriter(AbstractLinkWriter): def get_link(self, base, path): return '' class LinkWriter(AbstractLinkWriter): def __init__(self, baseurl): self.baseurl = baseurl def get_link(self, base, path): relpath = path.relto(base) return self.baseurl + relpath class RelLinkWriter(AbstractLinkWriter): def get_link(self, base, path): return path.relto(base)