""" This script is part of the pytest release process which is triggered by comments in issues. This script is started by the `release-on-comment.yml` workflow, which always executes on `master` and is triggered by two comment related events: * https://help.github.com/en/actions/reference/events-that-trigger-workflows#issue-comment-event-issue_comment * https://help.github.com/en/actions/reference/events-that-trigger-workflows#issues-event-issues This script receives the payload and a secrets on the command line. The payload must contain a comment with a phrase matching this pseudo-regular expression: @pytestbot please prepare (major )? release from Then the appropriate version will be obtained based on the given branch name: * a major release from master if "major" appears in the phrase in that position * a feature or bug fix release from master (based if there are features in the current changelog folder) * a bug fix from a maintenance branch After that, it will create a release using the `release` tox environment, and push a new PR. **Secret**: currently the secret is defined in the @pytestbot account, which the core maintainers have access to. There we created a new secret named `chatops` with write access to the repository. """ import argparse import json import os import re import traceback from pathlib import Path from subprocess import CalledProcessError from subprocess import check_call from subprocess import check_output from subprocess import run from textwrap import dedent from typing import Dict from typing import Optional from typing import Tuple from colorama import Fore from colorama import init from github3.repos import Repository class InvalidFeatureRelease(Exception): pass SLUG = "pytest-dev/pytest" PR_BODY = """\ Created automatically from {comment_url}. Once all builds pass and it has been **approved** by one or more maintainers, the build can be released by pushing a tag `{version}` to this repository. """ def login(token: str) -> Repository: import github3 github = github3.login(token=token) owner, repo = SLUG.split("/") return github.repository(owner, repo) def get_comment_data(payload: Dict) -> str: if "comment" in payload: return payload["comment"] else: return payload["issue"] def validate_and_get_issue_comment_payload( issue_payload_path: Optional[Path], ) -> Tuple[str, str, bool]: payload = json.loads(issue_payload_path.read_text(encoding="UTF-8")) body = get_comment_data(payload)["body"] m = re.match(r"@pytestbot please prepare (major )?release from ([\w\-_\.]+)", body) if m: is_major, base_branch = m.group(1) is not None, m.group(2) else: is_major, base_branch = False, None return payload, base_branch, is_major def print_and_exit(msg) -> None: print(msg) raise SystemExit(1) def trigger_release(payload_path: Path, token: str) -> None: payload, base_branch, is_major = validate_and_get_issue_comment_payload( payload_path ) if base_branch is None: url = get_comment_data(payload)["html_url"] print_and_exit( f"Comment {Fore.CYAN}{url}{Fore.RESET} did not match the trigger command." ) print() print(f"Precessing release for branch {Fore.CYAN}{base_branch}") repo = login(token) issue_number = payload["issue"]["number"] issue = repo.issue(issue_number) check_call(["git", "checkout", f"origin/{base_branch}"]) try: version = find_next_version(base_branch, is_major) except InvalidFeatureRelease as e: issue.create_comment(str(e)) print_and_exit(f"{Fore.RED}{e}") error_contents = "" try: print(f"Version: {Fore.CYAN}{version}") release_branch = f"release-{version}" run( ["git", "config", "user.name", "pytest bot"], text=True, check=True, capture_output=True, ) run( ["git", "config", "user.email", "pytestbot@gmail.com"], text=True, check=True, capture_output=True, ) run( ["git", "checkout", "-b", release_branch, f"origin/{base_branch}"], text=True, check=True, capture_output=True, ) print(f"Branch {Fore.CYAN}{release_branch}{Fore.RESET} created.") # important to use tox here because we have changed branches, so dependencies # might have changed as well cmdline = ["tox", "-e", "release", "--", version, "--skip-check-links"] print("Running", " ".join(cmdline)) run( cmdline, text=True, check=True, capture_output=True, ) oauth_url = f"https://{token}:x-oauth-basic@github.com/{SLUG}.git" run( ["git", "push", oauth_url, f"HEAD:{release_branch}", "--force"], text=True, check=True, capture_output=True, ) print(f"Branch {Fore.CYAN}{release_branch}{Fore.RESET} pushed.") body = PR_BODY.format( comment_url=get_comment_data(payload)["html_url"], version=version ) pr = repo.create_pull( f"Prepare release {version}", base=base_branch, head=release_branch, body=body, ) print(f"Pull request {Fore.CYAN}{pr.url}{Fore.RESET} created.") comment = issue.create_comment( f"As requested, opened a PR for release `{version}`: #{pr.number}." ) print(f"Notified in original comment {Fore.CYAN}{comment.url}{Fore.RESET}.") except CalledProcessError as e: error_contents = f"CalledProcessError\noutput:\n{e.output}\nstderr:\n{e.stderr}" except Exception: error_contents = f"Exception:\n{traceback.format_exc()}" if error_contents: link = f"https://github.com/{SLUG}/actions/runs/{os.environ['GITHUB_RUN_ID']}" msg = ERROR_COMMENT.format( version=version, base_branch=base_branch, contents=error_contents, link=link ) issue.create_comment(msg) print_and_exit(f"{Fore.RED}{error_contents}") else: print(f"{Fore.GREEN}Success.") ERROR_COMMENT = """\ The request to prepare release `{version}` from {base_branch} failed with: ``` {contents} ``` See: {link}. """ def find_next_version(base_branch: str, is_major: bool) -> str: output = check_output(["git", "tag"], encoding="UTF-8") valid_versions = [] for v in output.splitlines(): m = re.match(r"\d.\d.\d+$", v.strip()) if m: valid_versions.append(tuple(int(x) for x in v.split("."))) valid_versions.sort() last_version = valid_versions[-1] changelog = Path("changelog") features = list(changelog.glob("*.feature.rst")) breaking = list(changelog.glob("*.breaking.rst")) is_feature_release = features or breaking if is_feature_release and base_branch != "master": msg = dedent( f""" Found features or breaking changes in `{base_branch}`, and feature releases can only be created from `master`: """ ) msg += "\n".join(f"* `{x.name}`" for x in sorted(features + breaking)) raise InvalidFeatureRelease(msg) if is_major: return f"{last_version[0]+1}.0.0" elif is_feature_release: return f"{last_version[0]}.{last_version[1] + 1}.0" else: return f"{last_version[0]}.{last_version[1]}.{last_version[2] + 1}" def main() -> None: init(autoreset=True) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("payload") parser.add_argument("token") options = parser.parse_args() trigger_release(Path(options.payload), options.token) if __name__ == "__main__": main()