import py import sys from py.__.path.svn.testing.svntestbase import CommonSvnTests, getrepowc, getsvnbin from py.__.path.svn.wccommand import InfoSvnWCCommand, XMLWCStatus from py.__.path.svn.wccommand import parse_wcinfotime from py.__.path.svn import svncommon if sys.platform != 'win32': def normpath(p): return p else: try: import win32api except ImportError: def normpath(p): py.test.skip('this test requires win32api to run on windows') else: import os def normpath(p): p = win32api.GetShortPathName(p) return os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(p)) def setup_module(mod): getsvnbin() class TestWCSvnCommandPath(CommonSvnTests): def setup_class(cls): repo, cls.root = getrepowc() def test_move_file(self): # overrides base class try: super(TestWCSvnCommandPath, self).test_move_file() finally: self.root.revert(rec=1) def test_move_directory(self): # overrides base class try: super(TestWCSvnCommandPath, self).test_move_directory() finally: self.root.revert(rec=1) def test_status_attributes_simple(self): def assert_nochange(p): s = p.status() assert not s.modified assert not s.prop_modified assert not s.added assert not s.deleted assert not s.replaced dpath = self.root.join('sampledir') assert_nochange(self.root.join('sampledir')) assert_nochange(self.root.join('samplefile')) def test_status_added(self): nf = self.root.join('newfile') nf.write('hello') nf.add() try: s = nf.status() assert s.added assert not s.modified assert not s.prop_modified assert not s.replaced finally: nf.revert() def test_status_change(self): nf = self.root.join('samplefile') try: nf.write( + 'change') s = nf.status() assert not s.added assert s.modified assert not s.prop_modified assert not s.replaced finally: nf.revert() def test_status_added_ondirectory(self): sampledir = self.root.join('sampledir') try: t2 = sampledir.mkdir('t2') t1 = t2.join('t1') t1.write('test') t1.add() s = sampledir.status(rec=1) # Comparing just the file names, because paths are unpredictable # on Windows. (long vs. 8.3 paths) assert t1.basename in [item.basename for item in s.added] assert t2.basename in [item.basename for item in s.added] finally: t2.revert(rec=1) t2.localpath.remove(rec=1) def test_status_unknown(self): t1 = self.root.join('un1') try: t1.write('test') s = self.root.status() # Comparing just the file names, because paths are unpredictable # on Windows. (long vs. 8.3 paths) assert t1.basename in [item.basename for item in s.unknown] finally: t1.localpath.remove() def test_status_unchanged(self): r = self.root s = self.root.status(rec=1) # Comparing just the file names, because paths are unpredictable # on Windows. (long vs. 8.3 paths) assert r.join('samplefile').basename in [item.basename for item in s.unchanged] assert r.join('sampledir').basename in [item.basename for item in s.unchanged] assert r.join('sampledir/otherfile').basename in [item.basename for item in s.unchanged] def test_status_update(self): r = self.root try: r.update(rev=1) s = r.status(updates=1, rec=1) # Comparing just the file names, because paths are unpredictable # on Windows. (long vs. 8.3 paths) assert r.join('anotherfile').basename in [item.basename for item in s.update_available] #assert len(s.update_available) == 1 finally: r.update() def test_status_replaced(self): p = self.root.join("samplefile") p.remove() p.ensure(dir=0) p.add() try: s = self.root.status() assert p.basename in [item.basename for item in s.replaced] finally: self.root.revert(rec=1) def test_status_ignored(self): try: d = self.root.join('sampledir') p = py.path.local(d).join('ignoredfile') p.ensure(file=True) s = d.status() assert [x.basename for x in s.unknown] == ['ignoredfile'] assert [x.basename for x in s.ignored] == [] d.propset('svn:ignore', 'ignoredfile') s = d.status() assert [x.basename for x in s.unknown] == [] assert [x.basename for x in s.ignored] == ['ignoredfile'] finally: self.root.revert(rec=1) def test_status_conflict(self): if not py.test.config.option.runslowtests: py.test.skip('skipping slow unit tests - use --runslowtests ' 'to override') wc = self.root wccopy = py.path.svnwc( py.test.ensuretemp('test_status_conflict_wccopy')) wccopy.checkout(wc.url) p = wc.ensure('conflictsamplefile', file=1) p.write('foo') wc.commit('added conflictsamplefile') wccopy.update() assert wccopy.join('conflictsamplefile').check() p.write('bar') wc.commit('wrote some data') wccopy.join('conflictsamplefile').write('baz') wccopy.update() s = wccopy.status() assert [x.basename for x in s.conflict] == ['conflictsamplefile'] def test_status_external(self): if not py.test.config.option.runslowtests: py.test.skip('skipping slow unit tests - use --runslowtests ' 'to override') otherrepo, otherwc = getrepowc('externalrepo', 'externalwc') d = self.root.ensure('sampledir', dir=1) try: d.remove() d.add() d.update() d.propset('svn:externals', 'otherwc %s' % (otherwc.url,)) d.update() s = d.status() assert [x.basename for x in s.external] == ['otherwc'] assert 'otherwc' not in [x.basename for x in s.unchanged] s = d.status(rec=1) assert [x.basename for x in s.external] == ['otherwc'] assert 'otherwc' in [x.basename for x in s.unchanged] finally: self.root.revert(rec=1) def test_status_deleted(self): d = self.root.ensure('sampledir', dir=1) d.remove() d.add() self.root.commit() d.ensure('deletefile', dir=0) d.commit() s = d.status() assert 'deletefile' in [x.basename for x in s.unchanged] assert not s.deleted p = d.join('deletefile') p.remove() s = d.status() assert 'deletefile' not in s.unchanged assert [x.basename for x in s.deleted] == ['deletefile'] def test_status_noauthor(self): # testing for XML without author - this used to raise an exception xml = '''\ 2008-08-19T16:50:53.400198Z ''' XMLWCStatus.fromstring(xml, self.root) def test_diff(self): p = self.root / 'anotherfile' out = p.diff(rev=2) assert out.find('hello') != -1 def test_blame(self): p = self.root.join('samplepickle') lines = p.blame() assert sum([l[0] for l in lines]) == len(lines) for l1, l2 in zip(p.readlines(), [l[2] for l in lines]): assert l1 == l2 assert [l[1] for l in lines] == ['hpk'] * len(lines) p = self.root.join('samplefile') lines = p.blame() assert sum([l[0] for l in lines]) == len(lines) for l1, l2 in zip(p.readlines(), [l[2] for l in lines]): assert l1 == l2 assert [l[1] for l in lines] == ['hpk'] * len(lines) def test_join_abs(self): s = str(self.root.localpath) n = self.root.join(s, abs=1) assert self.root == n def test_join_abs2(self): assert self.root.join('samplefile', abs=1) == self.root.join('samplefile') def test_str_gives_localpath(self): assert str(self.root) == str(self.root.localpath) def test_versioned(self): assert self.root.check(versioned=1) # TODO: Why does my copy of svn think .svn is versioned? #assert self.root.join('.svn').check(versioned=0) assert self.root.join('samplefile').check(versioned=1) assert not self.root.join('notexisting').check(versioned=1) notexisting = self.root.join('hello').localpath try: notexisting.write("") assert self.root.join('hello').check(versioned=0) finally: notexisting.remove() def test_nonversioned_remove(self): assert self.root.check(versioned=1) somefile = self.root.join('nonversioned/somefile') nonwc = py.path.local(somefile) nonwc.ensure() assert somefile.check() assert not somefile.check(versioned=True) somefile.remove() # this used to fail because it tried to 'svn rm' def test_properties(self): try: self.root.propset('gaga', 'this') assert self.root.propget('gaga') == 'this' # Comparing just the file names, because paths are unpredictable # on Windows. (long vs. 8.3 paths) assert self.root.basename in [item.basename for item in self.root.status().prop_modified] assert 'gaga' in self.root.proplist() assert self.root.proplist()['gaga'] == 'this' finally: self.root.propdel('gaga') def test_proplist_recursive(self): s = self.root.join('samplefile') s.propset('gugu', 'that') try: p = self.root.proplist(rec=1) # Comparing just the file names, because paths are unpredictable # on Windows. (long vs. 8.3 paths) assert (self.root / 'samplefile').basename in [item.basename for item in p] finally: s.propdel('gugu') def test_long_properties(self): value = """ vadm:posix : root root 0100755 Properties on 'chroot/dns/var/bind/': """ try: self.root.propset('gaga', value) backvalue = self.root.propget('gaga') assert backvalue == value #assert len(backvalue.split('\n')) == 1 finally: self.root.propdel('gaga') def test_ensure(self): newpath = self.root.ensure('a', 'b', 'c') try: assert newpath.check(exists=1, versioned=1) newpath.write("hello") newpath.ensure() assert == "hello" finally: self.root.join('a').remove(force=1) def test_not_versioned(self): p = self.root.localpath.mkdir('whatever') f = self.root.localpath.ensure('testcreatedfile') try: assert self.root.join('whatever').check(versioned=0) assert self.root.join('testcreatedfile').check(versioned=0) assert not self.root.join('testcreatedfile').check(versioned=1) finally: p.remove(rec=1) f.remove() def test_lock_unlock(self): root = self.root somefile = root.join('somefile') somefile.ensure(file=True) # not yet added to repo py.test.raises(py.process.cmdexec.Error, 'somefile.lock()') somefile.write('foo') somefile.commit('test') assert somefile.check(versioned=True) somefile.lock() try: locked = root.status().locked assert len(locked) == 1 assert normpath(str(locked[0])) == normpath(str(somefile)) #assert somefile.locked() py.test.raises(Exception, 'somefile.lock()') finally: somefile.unlock() #assert not somefile.locked() locked = root.status().locked assert locked == [] py.test.raises(Exception, 'somefile,unlock()') somefile.remove() def test_commit_nonrecursive(self): root = self.root somedir = root.join('sampledir') somedir.mkdir("subsubdir") somedir.propset('foo', 'bar') status = somedir.status() assert len(status.prop_modified) == 1 assert len(status.added) == 1 somedir.commit('non-recursive commit', rec=0) status = somedir.status() assert len(status.prop_modified) == 0 assert len(status.added) == 1 somedir.commit('recursive commit') status = somedir.status() assert len(status.prop_modified) == 0 assert len(status.added) == 0 def test_commit_return_value(self): root = self.root testfile = root.join('test.txt').ensure(file=True) testfile.write('test') rev = root.commit('testing') assert type(rev) == int anotherfile = root.join('another.txt').ensure(file=True) anotherfile.write('test') rev2 = root.commit('testing more') assert type(rev2) == int assert rev2 == rev + 1 #def test_log(self): # l = self.root.log() # assert len(l) == 3 # might need to be upped if more tests are added class XTestWCSvnCommandPathSpecial: rooturl = '' #def test_update_none_rev(self): # path = tmpdir.join('checkouttest') # wcpath = newpath(xsvnwc=str(path), url=self.rooturl) # try: # wcpath.checkout(rev=2100) # wcpath.update() # assert > 2100 # finally: # wcpath.localpath.remove(rec=1) def test_parse_wcinfotime(): assert (parse_wcinfotime('2006-05-30 20:45:26 +0200 (Tue, 30 May 2006)') == 1149021926) assert (parse_wcinfotime('2003-10-27 20:43:14 +0100 (Mon, 27 Oct 2003)') == 1067287394) class TestInfoSvnWCCommand: def test_svn_1_2(self): output = """ Path: Name: URL: Repository UUID: fd0d7bf2-dfb6-0310-8d31-b7ecfe96aada Revision: 28137 Node Kind: file Schedule: normal Last Changed Author: jan Last Changed Rev: 27939 Last Changed Date: 2006-05-30 20:45:26 +0200 (Tue, 30 May 2006) Text Last Updated: 2006-06-01 00:42:53 +0200 (Thu, 01 Jun 2006) Properties Last Updated: 2006-05-23 11:54:59 +0200 (Tue, 23 May 2006) Checksum: 357e44880e5d80157cc5fbc3ce9822e3 """ path = py.magic.autopath().dirpath().chdir() info = InfoSvnWCCommand(output) path.chdir() assert info.last_author == 'jan' assert info.kind == 'file' assert info.mtime == 1149021926.0 assert info.url == '' assert info.time == 1149021926000000.0 assert info.rev == 28137 def test_svn_1_3(self): output = """ Path: Name: URL: Repository Root: Repository UUID: fd0d7bf2-dfb6-0310-8d31-b7ecfe96aada Revision: 28124 Node Kind: file Schedule: normal Last Changed Author: jan Last Changed Rev: 27939 Last Changed Date: 2006-05-30 20:45:26 +0200 (Tue, 30 May 2006) Text Last Updated: 2006-06-02 23:46:11 +0200 (Fri, 02 Jun 2006) Properties Last Updated: 2006-06-02 23:45:28 +0200 (Fri, 02 Jun 2006) Checksum: 357e44880e5d80157cc5fbc3ce9822e3 """ path = py.magic.autopath().dirpath().chdir() info = InfoSvnWCCommand(output) path.chdir() assert info.last_author == 'jan' assert info.kind == 'file' assert info.mtime == 1149021926.0 assert info.url == '' assert info.rev == 28124 assert info.time == 1149021926000000.0 class TestWCSvnCommandPathEmptyRepo(object): def setup_class(cls): repo = py.test.ensuretemp("emptyrepo") wcdir = py.test.ensuretemp("emptywc") py.process.cmdexec('svnadmin create "%s"' % svncommon._escape_helper(repo)) wc = py.path.svnwc(wcdir) repopath = repo.strpath if py.std.sys.platform.startswith('win32'): # strange win problem, paths become something like file:///c:\\foo repourl = 'file:///%s' % (repopath.replace('\\', '/'),) else: repourl = 'file://%s' % (repopath,) wc.checkout(url=repourl) cls.wc = wc def test_info(self): = 0 def test_characters_at(): py.test.raises(ValueError, "py.path.svnwc('/tmp/@@@:')") def test_characters_tilde(): py.path.svnwc('/tmp/test~')