import uuid import py from pytest_resultlog import generic_path, getoutcomecodes class ResultdbPlugin: """resultdb plugin for database logging of test results. Saves test results to a datastore. Also mixes in some early ideas about an archive abstraction for test results. """ def pytest_addoption(self, parser): group = parser.addgroup("resultdb", "resultdb plugin options") group.addoption('--resultdb', action="store", dest="resultdb", metavar="path", help="path to the file to store test results.") group.addoption('--resultdb_format', action="store", dest="resultdbformat", default='json', help="data format (json, sqlite)") def pytest_configure(self, config): if config.getvalue('resultdb'): if config.option.resultdb: # local import so missing module won't crash py.test try: import sqlite3 except ImportError: raise config.Error('Could not import sqlite3 module') try: import simplejson except ImportError: raise config.Error('Could not import simplejson module') if config.option.resultdbformat.lower() == 'json': self.resultdb = ResultDB(JSONResultArchive, config.option.resultdb) elif config.option.resultdbformat.lower() == 'sqlite': self.resultdb = ResultDB(SQLiteResultArchive, config.option.resultdb) else: raise config.Error('Unknown --resultdb_format: %s' % config.option.resultdbformat) config.bus.register(self.resultdb) def pytest_unconfigure(self, config): if hasattr(self, 'resultdb'): del self.resultdb #config.bus.unregister(self.resultdb) class JSONResultArchive(object): def __init__(self, archive_path): self.archive_path = archive_path import simplejson self.simplejson = simplejson def init_db(self): if os.path.exists(self.archive_path): data_file = open(self.archive_path) archive = self.simplejson.load(data_file) self.archive = archive else: self.archive = [] self._flush() def append_data(self, data): runid = uuid.uuid4() for item in data: item = item.copy() item['runid'] = str(runid) self.archive.append(item) self._flush() def get_all_data(self): return self.archive def _flush(self): data_file = open(self.archive_path, 'w') self.simplejson.dump(self.archive, data_file) data_file.close() class SQLiteResultArchive(object): def __init__(self, archive_path): self.archive_path = archive_path import sqlite3 self.sqlite3 = sqlite3 def init_db(self): if not os.path.exists(self.archive_path): conn = self.sqlite3.connect(self.archive_path) cursor = conn.cursor() try: cursor.execute(SQL_CREATE_TABLES) conn.commit() finally: cursor.close() conn.close() def append_data(self, data): flat_data = [] runid = uuid.uuid4() for item in data: item = item.copy() item['runid'] = str(runid) flat_data.append(self.flatten(item)) conn = self.sqlite3.connect(self.archive_path) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.executemany(SQL_INSERT_DATA, flat_data) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close() def get_all_data(self): conn = self.sqlite3.connect(self.archive_path) conn.row_factory = self.sqlite3.Row cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(SQL_SELECT_DATA) data = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.close() data = [self.unflatten(item) for item in data] return data def flatten(self, item): return (item.get('runid', None), item.get('name', None), item.get('passed', False), item.get('skipped', False), item.get('failed', False), item.get('shortrepr', None), item.get('longrepr', None), item.get('fspath', None), item.get('itemname', None), ) def unflatten(self, item): names = ("runid name passed skipped failed shortrepr " "longrepr fspath itemname").split() d = {} for i, name in enumerate(names): d[name] = item[i] return d class ResultDB(object): def __init__(self, cls, db_path): self.archive = cls(db_path) self.archive.init_db() def write_log_entry(self, event, shortrepr, name, longrepr): data = {} event_excludes = ['colitem', 'longrepr'] for item in vars(event).keys(): if item not in event_excludes: data[item] = getattr(event, item) # use the locally calculated longrepr & shortrepr data['longrepr'] = longrepr data['shortrepr'] = shortrepr data['fspath'] = unicode(event.colitem.fspath) data['itemname'] = data['name'] = name self.archive.append_data([data]) def log_outcome(self, event): if (not event.passed or isinstance(event, event.ItemTestReport)): gpath = generic_path(event.colitem) shortrepr, longrepr = getoutcomecodes(event) self.write_log_entry(event, shortrepr, gpath, longrepr) def pyevent__itemtestreport(self, event): self.log_outcome(event) def pyevent__collectionreport(self, event): if not event.passed: self.log_outcome(event) def pyevent__internalerror(self, event): path = event.repr.reprcrash.path # fishing :( self.write_log_entry(event, '!', path, str(event.repr)) SQL_CREATE_TABLES = """ create table pytest_results ( runid varchar(36), name varchar, passed int, skipped int, failed int, shortrepr varchar, longrepr varchar, fspath varchar, itemname varchar ); """ SQL_INSERT_DATA = """ insert into pytest_results ( runid, name, passed, skipped, failed, shortrepr, longrepr, fspath, itemname) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); """ SQL_SELECT_DATA = """ select runid, name, passed, skipped, failed, shortrepr, longrepr, fspath, itemname from pytest_results; """ # =============================================================================== # # plugin tests # # =============================================================================== import os, StringIO class BaseResultArchiveTests(object): cls = None def setup_class(cls): # XXX refactor setup into a funcarg? cls.tempdb = "test_tempdb" def test_init_db(self, testdir): tempdb_path = unicode(testdir.tmpdir.join(self.tempdb)) archive = self.cls(tempdb_path) archive.init_db() assert os.path.exists(tempdb_path) def test_db_insert(self, testdir): tempdb_path = unicode(testdir.tmpdir.join(self.tempdb)) archive = self.cls(tempdb_path) archive.init_db() assert len(archive.get_all_data()) == 0 data = [{'name': 'tmppackage/', 'fspath': '/Users/brian/work/tmppackage/', 'name': 'test_hello', 'longrepr': '', 'passed': True, 'shortrepr': '.' }] archive.append_data(data) result = archive.get_all_data() print result assert len(result) == 1 for key, value in data[0].items(): assert value == result[0][key] assert 'runid' in result[0] # make sure the data is persisted tempdb_path = unicode(testdir.tmpdir.join(self.tempdb)) archive = self.cls(tempdb_path) archive.init_db() assert len(archive.get_all_data()) == 1 class TestJSONResultArchive(BaseResultArchiveTests): cls = JSONResultArchive def setup_method(self, method): py.test.importorskip("simplejson") class TestSQLiteResultArchive(BaseResultArchiveTests): cls = SQLiteResultArchive def test_init_db_sql(self, testdir): tempdb_path = unicode(testdir.tmpdir.join(self.tempdb)) archive = self.cls(tempdb_path) archive.init_db() assert os.path.exists(tempdb_path) # is table in the database? import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect(tempdb_path) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT name FROM sqlite_master ORDER BY name;""") tables = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() conn.close() assert len(tables) == 1 def verify_archive_item_shape(item): names = ("runid name passed skipped failed shortrepr " "longrepr fspath itemname").split() for name in names: assert name in item class TestWithFunctionIntegration: def getarchive(self, testdir, arg): py.test.importorskip("simplejson") resultdb = testdir.tmpdir.join("resultdb") args = ["--resultdb=%s" % resultdb, "--resultdb_format=sqlite"] + [arg] testdir.runpytest(*args) assert resultdb.check(file=1) archive = SQLiteResultArchive(unicode(resultdb)) archive.init_db() return archive def test_collection_report(self, plugintester): py.test.skip("Needs a rewrite for db version.") testdir = plugintester.testdir() ok = testdir.makepyfile(test_collection_ok="") skip = testdir.makepyfile(test_collection_skip="import py ; py.test.skip('hello')") fail = testdir.makepyfile(test_collection_fail="XXX") lines = self.getresultdb(testdir, ok) assert not lines lines = self.getresultdb(testdir, skip) assert len(lines) == 2 assert lines[0].startswith("S ") assert lines[0].endswith("") assert lines[1].startswith(" ") assert lines[1].endswith(" Skipped: 'hello'") lines = self.getresultdb(testdir, fail) assert lines assert lines[0].startswith("F ") assert lines[0].endswith(""), lines[0] for x in lines[1:]: assert x.startswith(" ") assert "XXX" in "".join(lines[1:]) def test_log_test_outcomes(self, plugintester): testdir = plugintester.testdir() mod = testdir.makepyfile(test_mod=""" import py def test_pass(): pass def test_skip(): py.test.skip("hello") def test_fail(): raise ValueError("val") """) archive = self.getarchive(testdir, mod) data = archive.get_all_data() for item in data: verify_archive_item_shape(item) assert len(data) == 3 assert len([item for item in data if item['passed'] == True]) == 1 assert len([item for item in data if item['skipped'] == True]) == 1 assert len([item for item in data if item['failed'] == True]) == 1 def test_internal_exception(self): py.test.skip("Needs a rewrite for db version.") # they are produced for example by a teardown failing # at the end of the run from py.__.test import event try: raise ValueError except ValueError: excinfo = event.InternalException() reslog = ResultDB(StringIO.StringIO()) reslog.pyevent("internalerror", (excinfo,), {}) entry = reslog.logfile.getvalue() entry_lines = entry.splitlines() assert entry_lines[0].startswith('! ') assert os.path.basename(__file__)[:-1] in entry_lines[0] assert entry_lines[-1][0] == ' ' assert 'ValueError' in entry def test_generic(plugintester): plugintester.apicheck(ResultdbPlugin) testdir = plugintester.testdir() testdir.makepyfile(""" import py def test_pass(): pass def test_fail(): assert 0 def test_skip(): py.test.skip("") """) testdir.runpytest("--resultdb=result.sqlite") #testdir.tmpdir.join("result.sqlite")