""" EXPERIMENTAL dsession session (for dist/non-dist unification) """ import py from py.__.test.runner import basic_run_report, basic_collect_report, ItemTestReport from py.__.test.session import Session from py.__.test import outcome from py.__.test.dist.nodemanage import NodeManager import Queue class LoopState(object): def __init__(self, dsession, colitems): self.dsession = dsession self.colitems = colitems self.exitstatus = None # loopstate.dowork is False after reschedule events # because otherwise we might very busily loop # waiting for a host to become ready. self.dowork = True self.shuttingdown = False self.testsfailed = False def pytest_itemtestreport(self, rep): if rep.colitem in self.dsession.item2nodes: self.dsession.removeitem(rep.colitem, rep.node) if rep.failed: self.testsfailed = True def pytest_collectreport(self, rep): if rep.passed: self.colitems.extend(rep.result) def pytest_testnodeready(self, node): self.dsession.addnode(node) def pytest_testnodedown(self, node, error=None): pending = self.dsession.removenode(node) if pending: crashitem = pending[0] self.dsession.handle_crashitem(crashitem, node) self.colitems.extend(pending[1:]) def pytest_rescheduleitems(self, items): self.colitems.extend(items) self.dowork = False # avoid busywait class DSession(Session): """ Session drives the collection and running of tests and generates test events for reporters. """ MAXITEMSPERHOST = 15 def __init__(self, config): self.queue = Queue.Queue() self.node2pending = {} self.item2nodes = {} super(DSession, self).__init__(config=config) def pytest_configure(self, __call__, config): __call__.execute() try: config.getxspecs() except config.Error: print raise config.Error("dist mode %r needs test execution environments, " "none found." %(config.option.dist)) def main(self, colitems=None): colitems = self.getinitialitems(colitems) self.sessionstarts() self.setup() exitstatus = self.loop(colitems) self.teardown() self.sessionfinishes() return exitstatus def loop_once(self, loopstate): if loopstate.shuttingdown: return self.loop_once_shutdown(loopstate) colitems = loopstate.colitems if loopstate.dowork and colitems: self.triggertesting(loopstate.colitems) colitems[:] = [] # we use a timeout here so that control-C gets through while 1: try: eventcall = self.queue.get(timeout=2.0) break except Queue.Empty: continue loopstate.dowork = True callname, args, kwargs = eventcall if callname is not None: call = getattr(self.config.hook, callname) assert not args call(**kwargs) # termination conditions if ((loopstate.testsfailed and self.config.option.exitfirst) or (not self.item2nodes and not colitems and not self.queue.qsize())): self.triggershutdown() loopstate.shuttingdown = True elif not self.node2pending: loopstate.exitstatus = outcome.EXIT_NOHOSTS def loop_once_shutdown(self, loopstate): # once we are in shutdown mode we dont send # events other than HostDown upstream eventname, args, kwargs = self.queue.get() if eventname == "pytest_testnodedown": self.config.hook.pytest_testnodedown(**kwargs) self.removenode(kwargs['node']) if not self.node2pending: # finished if loopstate.testsfailed: loopstate.exitstatus = outcome.EXIT_TESTSFAILED else: loopstate.exitstatus = outcome.EXIT_OK #self.config.pluginmanager.unregister(loopstate) def _initloopstate(self, colitems): loopstate = LoopState(self, colitems) self.config.pluginmanager.register(loopstate) return loopstate def loop(self, colitems): try: loopstate = self._initloopstate(colitems) loopstate.dowork = False # first receive at least one HostUp events while 1: self.loop_once(loopstate) if loopstate.exitstatus is not None: exitstatus = loopstate.exitstatus break except KeyboardInterrupt: exitstatus = outcome.EXIT_INTERRUPTED except: self.config.pluginmanager.notify_exception() exitstatus = outcome.EXIT_INTERNALERROR self.config.pluginmanager.unregister(loopstate) if exitstatus == 0 and self._testsfailed: exitstatus = outcome.EXIT_TESTSFAILED return exitstatus def triggershutdown(self): for node in self.node2pending: node.shutdown() def addnode(self, node): assert node not in self.node2pending self.node2pending[node] = [] def removenode(self, node): try: pending = self.node2pending.pop(node) except KeyError: # this happens if we didn't receive a testnodeready event yet return [] for item in pending: l = self.item2nodes[item] l.remove(node) if not l: del self.item2nodes[item] return pending def triggertesting(self, colitems): colitems = self.filteritems(colitems) senditems = [] for next in colitems: if isinstance(next, py.test.collect.Item): senditems.append(next) else: self.config.hook.pytest_collectstart(collector=next) self.queueevent("pytest_collectreport", rep=basic_collect_report(next)) if self.config.option.dist == "each": self.senditems_each(senditems) else: # XXX assert self.config.option.dist == "load" self.senditems_load(senditems) def queueevent(self, eventname, **kwargs): self.queue.put((eventname, (), kwargs)) def senditems_each(self, tosend): if not tosend: return room = self.MAXITEMSPERHOST for node, pending in self.node2pending.items(): room = min(self.MAXITEMSPERHOST - len(pending), room) sending = tosend[:room] for node, pending in self.node2pending.items(): node.sendlist(sending) pending.extend(sending) for item in sending: self.item2nodes.setdefault(item, []).append(node) self.config.hook.pytest_itemstart(item=item, node=node) tosend[:] = tosend[room:] # update inplace if tosend: # we have some left, give it to the main loop self.queueevent("pytest_rescheduleitems", items=tosend) def senditems_load(self, tosend): if not tosend: return for node, pending in self.node2pending.items(): room = self.MAXITEMSPERHOST - len(pending) if room > 0: sending = tosend[:room] node.sendlist(sending) for item in sending: #assert item not in self.item2node, ( # "sending same item %r to multiple " # "not implemented" %(item,)) self.item2nodes.setdefault(item, []).append(node) self.config.hook.pytest_itemstart(item=item, node=node) pending.extend(sending) tosend[:] = tosend[room:] # update inplace if not tosend: break if tosend: # we have some left, give it to the main loop self.queueevent("pytest_rescheduleitems", items=tosend) def removeitem(self, item, node): if item not in self.item2nodes: raise AssertionError(item, self.item2nodes) nodes = self.item2nodes[item] if node in nodes: # the node might have gone down already nodes.remove(node) if not nodes: del self.item2nodes[item] self.node2pending[node].remove(item) def handle_crashitem(self, item, node): longrepr = "!!! Node %r crashed during running of test %r" %(node, item) rep = ItemTestReport(item, when="???", excinfo=longrepr) rep.node = node self.config.hook.pytest_itemtestreport(rep=rep) def setup(self): """ setup any neccessary resources ahead of the test run. """ self.nodemanager = NodeManager(self.config) self.nodemanager.setup_nodes(putevent=self.queue.put) if self.config.option.dist == "each": self.nodemanager.wait_nodesready(5.0) def teardown(self): """ teardown any resources after a test run. """ self.nodemanager.teardown_nodes()