pytest-2.3.2: some fixes and more traceback-printing speed =========================================================================== pytest-2.3.2 is another stabilization release: - issue 205: fixes a regression with conftest detection - issue 208/29: fixes traceback-printing speed in some bad cases - fix teardown-ordering for parametrized setups - fix unittest and trial compat behaviour with respect to runTest() methods - issue 206 and others: some improvements to packaging - fix issue127 and others: improve some docs See for general information. To install or upgrade pytest: pip install -U pytest # or easy_install -U pytest best, holger krekel Changes between 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 ----------------------------------- - fix issue208 and fix issue29 use new py version to avoid long pauses when printing tracebacks in long modules - fix issue205 - conftests in subdirs customizing pytest_pycollect_makemodule and pytest_pycollect_makeitem now work properly - fix teardown-ordering for parametrized setups - fix issue127 - better documentation for pytest_addoption and related objects. - fix unittest behaviour: TestCase.runtest only called if there are test methods defined - improve trial support: don't collect its empty unittest.TestCase.runTest() method - "python test" now works with pytest itself - fix/improve internal/packaging related bits: - exception message check of now passes on python33 as well - issue206 - fix to work when a global PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 is present - add tox.ini to pytest distribution so that ignore-dirs and others config bits are properly distributed for maintainers who run pytest-own tests